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This move does not make sense to me. The art team of ArenaNet has incredible talent, I think we can all agree on that. It seems a little far fetched that they couldn’t design a new armor.
This seems like a decision solely made by the marketing team with the effects added by an outsourcer or a sole employee that is not necessarily connected to the art team.
Also, what is the point of having a “cultural” armor if it is available to anyone and everyone? The logical fix or make-up move here seems to be limiting the armor to humans, at least. It’ll still undermine the effort of people having gone through the trouble of farming the (arguably less cool looking) set, but that is personally fine with me.
They have to make money, so if one has the choice between farming it and giving money, I think that’s fine as long as it is for cosmetics. ANet has been oddly silent though, not a good sign… Then again, they haven’t deleted the thread and they’ve even merged it, so perhaps they will address the issue.
Wait and see.
If it actually turns out that Scarlet is behind the waking of Zhaitan and the other Elder Dragons, I have to say I will be disappointed.
I did not play GW1, but when I got into GW2 I looked up a lot of things about the lore and read the wiki, and I found it all very cool. Scarlet doesn’t really hold up to villains like Zhaitan (as disappointing as the fight against him is, he’s still a really cool villain).
I’m still hoping she is being manipulated by an Elder Dragon, and not trying to wake them or anything that would go the other way around.
40% off of Guild Wars 2 at the moment (Will definitely go up to at least 60% off later), and advertisements like this popping up left and right. I think that tells us what the population of Guild Wars 2 is like.
My goodness, that was hard to watch though.
I think it’s completely irrelevant. Advertisement is advertisement. They’ve done sales before, and other advertisement campaigns.
This is like saying WoW going partial F2P with a starter edition is a desperate move. It’s merely to try to get people more to try out the game and get them hooked.
One can consider that a game is not doing well when it goes F2P when it originally was B2P, P2P or what have you (say for example Tera, Rift, Aion, etc.).
At the moment, it’s not about the amount of players in the game that they want. It’s money. What logical reason would they have for making the game 40% off and then advertising with this? If they were doing well, they would keep the game at 60 dollars and keep advertising. But nope, they drop it to 40% off and advertise to bring in more players so they will have more money.
And as much as I like WoW, that was a desperate move on their part to offer a starter edition. Their idea was to offer it in the hopes that people would come and see how great the game is, but most people play the starter edition and once they hit level 20, they delete the game.
I respectfully disagree. My example stands, as it is in no way a sign of desperation on Blizzard’s end, rather their own attempt at trying to cater to the massive crowd of players who are too cheap to actually pay for a game (or simply can’t afford it). The same crowd that is indulged by the horribly flawed F2P model. Blizzard does not do F2P, although they are starting to get into it, about 5 years later, with Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm.
WoW has 7 million subscribers after nearly 9 years, that alone is absolutely impressive and they have nothing to feel desperate about. And no, I do not play WoW and I in fact find the game very boring.
And I still don’t believe GW2 is doing poorly in term of money. Having a sale on the game is perfectly normal, it happens all the time and considering the sheer competitive nature of the MMO market, I don’t see it as an anomaly or a sign of bad financial shape. I mean, what do you expect? That they just keep the game at $60 throughout the whole year, without ever advertising it? A game which doesn’t offer any discount nor any advertisement is doomed to die, it’s as simple as that. As disgusting as advertisement can get, it is a sad necessity and one can’t expect their game to grow (understand: actually grow, not survive) without it.
I think it’s mostly meant as a goofy advertisement, I’m sure they don’t expect anyone to actually take the pledge. I mean, anyone who would do it would be doing it not so much for the free game but simply to be part of the fun.
I agree there are better ways to advertise the honestly amazing game that is GW2 though. I simply don’t take that particular ad seriously.
40% off of Guild Wars 2 at the moment (Will definitely go up to at least 60% off later), and advertisements like this popping up left and right. I think that tells us what the population of Guild Wars 2 is like.
My goodness, that was hard to watch though.
I think it’s completely irrelevant. Advertisement is advertisement. They’ve done sales before, and other advertisement campaigns.
This is like saying WoW going partial F2P with a starter edition is a desperate move. It’s merely to try to get people more to try out the game and get them hooked.
One can consider that a game is not doing well when it goes F2P when it originally was B2P, P2P or what have you (say for example Tera, Rift, Aion, etc.).
I think raising the level cap will pretty much only cause problems gears wise. I mean, even at 80, getting an extra level is quite easy and seriously doesn’t take that long. Let’s say they add another 5 or 10 levels, one week and you’re there, if you play a couple of hours a day. Two weeks at the very most.
If they raise the level cap and add new gears, well.. Leveling will be super easy, getting the gear will probably be much harder and might compromise the relevance of the existing 80 gear. If they do raise it without making it much, much harder to level up past 80, it’ll only be an excuse to introduce more gear… Which, quite frankly, wouldn’t please me at all.
So, as far as gears are concerned, I hope they are not in any way connected to levels past 80, at least for the first year or so after they do increase the level cap. Since they’ve said it’s part of their plan, I’m hoping they will add something else, i.e earning a new skill or trait requires you to reach level 85 or 90, and other new things perhaps, but not gear. At least not right away, it would suck so very hard.
I find it passing odd that two out of three founders left the company. We’re not talking about higher management here, or game directors or what have you, but founders. These are the people who, if they don’t like the direction of the game and the company in general, can actually change it however they wish (well, in theory anyway).
This makes me think that whatever the reason why those two founders left, it’s very likely tied to a decision made or forced upon ArenaNet by NCSoft. That’s always a factor that seems to be neglected by players here, but NCSoft most likely has a say in whatever happens, and while ANet employees have posted several times ensuring us that NCSoft gives tons of freedom, the fact that two founders left leads me to think otherwise.
If you think there is no storytelling in DE’s, I’m afraid you haven’t been paying much attention.
Some DEs are pretty straight forward and don’t have any lore background, it’s true. Sometimes, it’s just a random attack on a city, like in Harathi Hinterlands for example. However, in most cases, DEs and most specifically chains of DEs have a little background story. In Frostgorge Sound I think, or one of the other snowy northern zones, there are events that feature the influence of Jormag, its minions spreading its corruption and the player stopping it by killing a veteran or a boss. The story is related through the dialogue, which you should pay attention to.
In pretty much every single DE, there is at least a small piece of dialogue. Granted, it’s no genuine scenario but it is present and it definitely tells a story – the “thickness” of that story varies depending on DEs, but the concept exists nonetheless and is widely featured in almost every zone.
What I wish would have happened is for LS to have more of an impact on the DEs of the existing zones. For example, a unique reaction to Scarlet’s invasions from each DE of each zone involved, instead of DEs overlapping as if nothing was happening. It feels out of place, and I think it would greatly improve LS and its impact, although I love Scarlet’s invasions.
Well, it’s arguable. There are more events in Queensdale, although there is Fire Elemental in Metrica. On Jade Quarry, whenever I go to Metrica, there’s always people there.
I guess it’s a matter of server.
Leave it to you to take a fun side-game and somehow paint it as yet another problem of GW2.
You people need to stop looking for flaws. If you don’t enjoy the game, stop playing. Nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to log. If you ask me, GW2 is a fine fine game albeit with a number of flaws and shortcomings, but your attitude is the real problem when it comes to enjoying the whole experience.
I think you missed the point of this thread.
I don’t think so. OP says there is a problem with the game because people are excited about a mini-game… I mean, how anticlimactic is that? This is just an incredibly negative approach to just about everything.
Instead of going “Oh, look, they’re bringing that really fun mini-game back, I’ll play again and check out what else is happening” the OP is taking the “Oh look, people are coming back for the mini-game and nothing else because the game blows in every aspect.”
Let’s be real here, there is maybe 2-3% of the people who will be coming back for the SAB who are going to be playing exclusively that without even touching the rest of the game. It’s just so negative to think otherwise, and a huge killjoy. I don’t understand why anyone with that sort of world view would bother playing games at all, it’s only a matter of time before they spoil it for themselves.
Leave it to you to take a fun side-game and somehow paint it as yet another problem of GW2.
You people need to stop looking for flaws. If you don’t enjoy the game, stop playing. Nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to log. If you ask me, GW2 is a fine fine game albeit with a number of flaws and shortcomings, but your attitude is the real problem when it comes to enjoying the whole experience.
It does sound a little propagandish. Smart advertising is convincing the customer to buy without them realizing it.
I’m actually in favor of sharing such figures, as it is good information for both the community and outsiders, but I think the “comparisons” are overkill.
It’s okay though, ANet is still learning and hopefully they either cut out or tune down this sort of PR stuff. More figures, less similes.
I like Living Story. I think it’s a great way of adding content and keeping the player base interested while waiting for something bigger, but as several people said, it can’t match a full expansion.
Let’s be realistic, there is no way ANet could actually bypass releasing an expansion to focus on Living Story. Again, I like Living Story and while I consider it to be just beyond its infancy state right now, I think it has monster potential. I really do. But say, there no is possible way that ANet could introduce a new Elder Dragon with Living Story. And if they chose to do it, it would have to be temporary, which in my opinion would be bad, unless done in a very special and very, very well executed manner.
To put it simply, on a realistic point of view, ANet can’t expect to add major content to the game with only the Living Story. Zhaitan was only the first Elder Dragon to awaken, there are multiple signs of the others becoming more and more active throughout several zones of the game, and one can’t expect to add any content featuring an Elder Dragon with a temporary patch/storyline. And there is absolutely no way that no other Elder Dragons are going to be introduced, that would be completely ludicrous.
Therefore, I’m convinced there will be an expansion, only perhaps not for another year or so.
I just wanted to post my little experience about Guild Wars 2 as well as my opinion on the game.
First, a little about me: I’m a pretty hardcore gamer (or at least I used to be, when I had way more free time) and I started GW2 about 4 months after its release. I was honestly blown away by the quality of the game. I’m not exactly a MMO player and I mostly play RTS, old school RPGs (yes, the “real” kitten and other RPGs from 2000, or as I like to call it the golden age. Anyway…), so genuinely loving a MMO was a first for me.
I played GW2 for several hours every day for about two months or so, then I sort of started playing less and less and eventually stopped. I don’t really know why, I still thought the game was great, I just wasn’t passionate anymore somehow. I think the game was just failing to grasp my full interest after I was done leveling and exploring the whole map, and I kind of need to feel really hooked to keep on playing on a regular basis. What happened after that is I would pretty much log once a week or so, do a JP and log off.
Recently, I started playing on a daily basis again, and I have to say I’m impressed with the amount of stuff that has been going on. I paid attention to the events and the Living Story stuff on Facebook and checked the website once in a while when I was inactive, so I could tell a fair amount of content was being added, but still didn’t play. So now, I’m playing every day and doing the Scarlet events mostly, although I haven’t tried the Gauntlet thingy yet.
I’d merely like to say that I’m truly enjoying myself again and that I find Living Story very entertaining. I think it’s what a MMO needs – content which is delivered on a regular basis without having to wait for expansions or big patches, content which keeps evolving, “lives” and keeps the game fresh. Granted, Living Story does have quite a few flaws, the story is a bit lackluster and it can get messy, but I find that overall it is satisfying and that it’s a step in the right direction. I do hope ANet keeps going that way and manages to improve on the plots (a little rework of the story mode couldn’t hurt either, by the way), but for now I’d like to say thank you ANet for the work you’re delivering on Guild Wars 2 and keep it up!
PS: I still don’t like what you did with Trahearne, but I forgive you.
Don’t like it? Stfu, and Gtfo!
You guys complain too much. If you think GW2 isn’t worth playing then stop playing it.
Most people don’t complain about changes to a game on its official forums if they intend to quit playing that game anyways. They complain about the game in an effort to get the developers to listen to their perspective so that they don’t have to quit the game.
The only ones who do complain and then quit anyways are those who are demanding attention, and they merit precisely as much attention as they typically get: not all that much.
What is the problem with people on this forum and their refusal to listen to any complaints? The things most often complained about are often perfectly valid, real problems with the game that should honestly be addressed, and yet this forum has an entire faction of people dedicated to ignoring any and all complaints about the game. It’s one thing to ignore silly complaints, it’s quite another to ignore a glaring flaw in the game (like the lack of reliable grouping tools).
Same as Hound here, I support and encourage constructive criticism. However most of the posts in this topic are “omg such garbage”.
You guys complain too much. If you think GW2 isn’t worth playing then stop playing it.
As far as Flame & Frost is concerned, it is true that the implementation of it has been a bit slow (although I think we technically got two parts in one month? So perhaps not slow, but underwhelming)
Now, maybe that was intended to build up the whole living story (which, let us be reminded, is in its infant stage…) and the real deal will come now, two to three weeks later I believe?
Then again, it’s a living story, meaning that as in real life : things don’t change over night. I think there’s great potential and that this could be a great way to introduce new content without having our locations changed drastically after patch day. Things change bit by bit, and then more stuff happens.
First we had the refugees being driven away by a threat, then we learned of that threat, helped the refugees and started fighting the scouting forces of that Dredge/Charr army, and now we’re going head to head against it.
I like the concept a lot, just might need a little tweaking not to feel underwhelming and go less unnoticed.
I disagree.
So far the first two steps of Flame & Frost have featured some light content, appropriately building up for the next ones (such as this one which seems a little bigger). I think it’s great they are implementing a side storyline for everyone to do, regardless of how far you are in the “main” one.
Also, something troubles me greatly : the whole concept of a MMO is to farm and “grind” as you say to get better gear to kick kitten and/or for personal achievement. Seriously, literally. So why does everyone keep complaining that this game is too “grindy” when in fact it’s not? And when it facts it offers so many more possibilities and allows you to play the game in so many different ways?
There’s grind, definitely. But it’s smart grind and it’s really much more pleasant than in WoW. So please, stop making up stuff, all of you who say the same.
My first thought when the story started revolving around Trahearne was that he pretty much is a non-charismatic Ned Stark. He’s the tactician of the war, calls most of the shots and comes up with the big plan to take down Zhaitan.
For those who read those books, um, try a different comparison. :P
Meaning? :P
I realise Trahearne doesn’t hold a candle against good old Ned of course.
My first thought when the story started revolving around Trahearne was that he pretty much is a non-charismatic Ned Stark. He’s the tactician of the war, calls most of the shots and comes up with the big plan to take down Zhaitan.
The fact that he does that, I have no problem with. I think being the one big kitten hero who kills everyone in one blow is very overrated and just bad. However I do feel like Trahearne was not developped enough in his story. He pretty much arrives out of nowhere (for non-Sylvari players anyway) and takes commands after your mentor dies, and he rushes into power and leadership.
I feel like the story would have been much better if Trahearne struggled with his fate or something. Like say, a couple of missions where he is really reluctant to accept his task as a leader and you have to beat some sense into him. You would at least see him shaping into a leader. That would have satisfied me a lot more.
Also to be honest, his voice-acting doesn’t fit much. It’s not passionate, it lacks emotions. It’s too neutral. As is the character sadly, he’s just not deep enough.
I do like the story and the lore however, it’s mostly quite nice. It just has a few slacker moments which is a shame, but this is a video game, not a novel.