Showing Posts For Spyder.9713:
I believe you just need more practice, I run s/d 2/0/0/6/6 in wvw and rarely have problems with anyone 1v1, you have a lot more condi cleanse than u realize, take sig of agility + inf strike, and shadow step, use inf strike to remove the more painful condi… learn to evade properly as a lot of condi skills still need to hit you in order to apply said condis… the only time I really have trouble on this build is if im outnumbered. I only have one stealth skill with the build and that is cloak and dagger so when I have more than one focusing on me it tends to get a bit trickey lol
lol, u don’t need s/p to solo camps… ive done it on every weapon set thief has available. the key to capping em is u start off by mugging the first scout and immediately hitting em wit ur burst for ur weapon set… as soon as u do that then u immediately hit dagger storm and that will be enuff to kill first scout and put the other down to a couple of auto attacks, so kill the second scout next… then I take out the guard followed by the quartermaster and claimer… eazy peezy
Awesome, keep up the good work bro!!
this one time I c&d a rabbit and it died in one shot…. OP!!
take what u like, I use sig of agility and instead of another sig I use scorpion wire in wvw, love that skill, still wish they would put an upper-cut when they get pulled to you, and have the mortal combat guy pop up and say excellent
looks like you need to work on your cloak and dagger skillz other than that pretty solid play
wish I had the ability to force my opponent to press tab every 3 seconds to even try get a single hit,
if you get off of making people miserable and mad then its the class for you
lol you don’t have to keep hitting tab if your a melee, just have him in your normal swing radius, if your ranged then ya I feel bad for u bro, range u should learn to keep your distance and then you wont be tabbing as much, except for d/p thieves who have an on demand stealth, I wont state my opinion on them lol…
ya that sucks, it was awesome running around stealth with fireworks trolling, it is worth the death just for the laughs
Its a blast for thieves. I luv it except for the fact that everywhere I go I withdraw off a cliff and say ahhhhhh!!! alot
Im tired of being cheese, why cant I be lettuce, tomato, or even a pickle??
I have a solution to this, change dd to uppercut that knocks your enemy back and then they need to fix scorpion wire bug and make your toon say GET OVER HERE!! when it hits
Can you please fix Scorpion wire, it has been bugged forever now… and on a side note please change dagger skill 4 to uppercut that knocks your enemy back!!
I kinda like the s/p set myself, the reason I don’t use it so much is because when u face a player that has any skill they are usually smart enuff to just move/ evade out pw, usually resulting in only getting 2-3 hits with it and it annoys me being rooted knowing they gonna evade or move out of it and I cant follow for additional hits, thinking about trying to throw devourer venom in somewhere to see if that helps
Warriors op…. Nerf thief pls
try s/d I roll d/p thieves all the time with that build… just trait the trickery spec wait for the blinding power and daze the heart seeker, they blow the init and panic lol
d/d and s/d are 2 of my favorites… I tell my buddies d/p is for noob thieves that cant land cloak and dagger lol!
Server A has 30+ people willing to do the night shift.
Server B has no one willing to do the night shift.
Server B gets night capped by Server A.
Whose fault is it?
Server C’s fault
I’m a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricate, oh so intricate
Nope, d/p is the superior weapon set. The only thing d/d does better (and not by much either) is burst damage, but for everything else d/p is simply better.
Lucky for me I like burst. For some reason I’ve never liked d/p :P
Because d/p is for kittens.
When I see the words “balancing patch” from anet I already know what it is, nerf ele/thief… look up balancing patch in anet’s dictionary and that is the literal meaning…
what confuses me is the ranger should be the sniper class and they give the sniper skill to the warrior?? lol good old anet
look at the video i posted…. yes, we snipe, and when we spec for sniping, the AA alone is doing close to killshot damage.
yes I watched ur video as soon as I seen it, and it still is not doing the damage a kill shot does, it is pretty nice though but I just wanna see a ranger one shot ppl on long bow so we can have more qq
what confuses me is the ranger should be the sniper class and they give the sniper skill to the warrior?? lol good old anet
I’m better than you, nana nana boo boo stick your head in dodo, to bad tosh doesn’t play a ranger…
I solo bosses and towers in wvw
bosses in wvw are pretty simple
ya I didn’t mean just bosses in wvw, I solo bosses in pve and s/tpvp
I solo bosses and towers in wvw
and yes I get 15k consistently on my thief running 10/30/30/0/0 and I cant remember the last time I died in a dungeon run and I am always in the top of the damage charts, don’t get me wrong I agree with u that bad thieves give us a bad name not just in grp settings but period, it is because its the glimmer class that any noob thinks they can just roll and dominate with till they realize it requires a lot more tactics and thinking they bargained for, I have always played assassin/ thief since paper d&d and yes im that old lol, my reason is because I find them one of the more difficult classes to play, most of the time as an assassin u are alone that is the life of an assassin, unlike other classes where u are almost always in a party unless u are asking to die lol so that being said as a thief u have to use ur brain because if u screw up u usually don’t have the buddies to come running to ur rescue… I just saying that it isn’t builds that ruin us, its the person sitting in front of the monitor, d/d works fine in dungeons if you know how to play, yes it isn’t ideal for every situation but that is why they have weapon swaps, some areas yes I switch to my short bow to aoe support the grp but I do just as much damage when im hitting 5-6k on cluster bombs on multiple target and not to mention the aoe poison/weakness if u know how to use combo fields…
(edited by Spyder.9713)
I wish they would just nerf every class to auto attack, would b so much fun :p
lol love it u can only back stab a boss for 6k?? hahaha I get 15 on full valk gear and no stacks of blood lust
you are right I agree nerf my short bow all u want, but then let my steal insta kill anyone
another place where anet messed up, armor… armor types should affect endurance after all that is why a thief wears leather armor so they can b more mobile?? yet a heavy armor class can have just as much mobility (if not more), dodginess and still benefit from the protection heavy armor provides, they need to make it more costly for heavies to dodge/move around
I almost always win against them, there was a few skilled ones that gave me a run for my money, but it still usually ends with me telling them PU
Simple solution, quit real life and play gw 24/7, problem solved
I just want the /rude emote from gw1 back, so I can flip ppl off
I love how noobs complain about thieves being op then anet caters to them and nerfs us into oblivion… and yet buff every other class every “balancing patch” Oo the thief hits to hard lol I have a buddy that ran a burst mes build that hit for over 20k in 2 hits, there is a video of a zerker warrior running axe that was hitting guardians for 16k with one hit, and then Oo perma stealth is op, again same Mesmer buddy was able to out stealth me running d/d, unless I would fight a noob that didn’t know how to dodge cloak and dagger, and on top of that every time he goes invis he gets a clone to burst for almost 10k damage, now shadow step is op, hahaha the thief is one of the slowest classes in the game now cause warriors run there little greatsword leaps and dashes, rangers use greatsword leaps, mes just blink and go invis, most classes can almost if not get perma swiftness, thieves on the other had rarely get it, unless u steal from a mes, or trait in acrobatics for a whopping 2 secs on dodge, the only way I ever caught a warrior is if I sacrifice my survivability and get long reach on the trickery line, and even then he still has a good chance to escape… funny thing about guildwars is any class can be anything they want… squishy can b a tank if u spec em right, tanks can be op damage if u spec em right, you have to sacrifice one thing for the other… play the way u like, take ur loses and deal with it, everyone dies… I will admit I pulled off some amazing things on my thief but the ppl I just killed don’t realize is before I some how managed to wreck 5 of them I just died 10 times b4 that fight lol… you have ur goods and ur bads it happens… Its funny I never heard of anyone complaining about op classes till the wow kiddy boomers came around, in daoc assassin had perma stealth and could one shot a lot of ppl, rangers had perma stealth and a skill call critical shot they did from stealth that could one shot ppl and no one ever complained, they understood that was what that class did, an assassin is just that u pick a target and assassinate them, now do you go for the most heavily armored target no you go for the squishy that u can put down fast and get away, I realize in gw this isn’t always the case because like a said any class here can b tanky, but in traditional mmo’s the assassins job was to take out the enemy healers/caster to help the grp they was with… sorry for the rant but it gets so old hearing about kids that have trouble in school with basic math complain about classes being op cause they don’t knw how to properly counter them
(edited by Spyder.9713)
yes it ignores defiant but who uses balisk venom on a npc?? lawl, and yes its sharable but us thieves usually run solo, I never use share traits cause my job is to kill quickly not buff partys
I think that something needs done with balisk venom… you cannot use any sigils or runes to increase its duration because it turns your victim to “stone” if this is the case then stun breakers shouldn’t work on it either… You need to let us increase duration or remove stun breakers from this skill it only last 1 1/2 sec anyway and is an elite skill
lol they don’t need to add health or defenses to get rid of down state… in a lot of the mmorpgs u can get one shot by an assassin or ranger and your dead unless you are a tank or buffed out the wahzoo… I don’t need more defense or health I do just fine even if they get rid of the down state
Another complaint… why does it seam that fleet shadow isn’t working properly?? I know you move slower with it in combat but why is when out of combat even a toon with only a 25% movement increase is able to keep up with me and no they don’t have swiftness boon either and its only 33 anyway and they move faster than me??
I agree… after all isn’t this game rated nc 17?? if not It should be lol
I have a couple suggestions. How about we get to name weapons, and maybe we should introduce spying in wvw… u could have it where a toon gets a certain chance to hear what enemy is saying maybe in a certain range of the enemy… idk how u would handle the mechanics but I threw it out there
I was wondering if meld with shadows was intended not to work with shadow refuge or stealth comb fields such as black powder shot/heartseeker combo? if not is anyone looking into this cause its been around since release… Thank you!
Can you pls give us an update on this issue? Im really starting to get agitate… This bug should be top priority, as it affects game play of several players, I think enuff time has past that you should have the problem isolated and fix
You ppl are kitten for this… u do releize that stealth exsist in almost all morpgs?? U all think its bad on here then dont every play daoc or wow, prob just rage quit lol… the thiefs job in pvp, wvw, whatever is the same as any other game… they are there to thin the herd, just like a lion, do u think he goes after the biggest strongest wildabeast in the herd no he goes after the weak sickly one… that is the thief, shame on u ppl!
even if they make it that u cant stealth in battle but get more duration that would work… thats how almost all mmorpg handle the stealth class
ya i know it stacks the most i have gotten was 10 secs.. which was nice the thing is the role of a stealther in grps battles is they are to thin out the squishies and then usually get mob crushed… they are the ones who need to be able to sneak into enemy lines for them to truely shine… one on one they are good but still wit the constant kiten its hard to get ur backstab off which is the stealthers openning strike to balance out there squishyness
How bout increase in the duration of stealth… after all thats what theifs are suppost to do, hit and run, right now it is hard to even get a back stab off cause the see u there b4 u go stealth and start dancing around… u need more of an element of surprise
How bout making the stealthing abillity of thieves longer… the duration makes it hard to even get a back stab off in pvp because there is no real suprise since the enemies know ur coming, how bout given it enuff time that u can stealth out of view of enemies and truly sneak up on them?