Thanks for all your intelligent replies-I will practice on them more when I get back online. It seems what is killing me is “braving them” too much at close range. Will see what happens next time.
Was just playing again with my Guardian. Now I know there are myriads of ways to reflect and null projectiles in the game. Was wondering, however, if it’s possible to cheat them by attacking from behind. I’ve done it in the past, but I tried it again, and once the first projectile hits, it seems you cannot attack them from behind as you’ll keep being hit (it keeps aiming at you without fail no matter where you go.)
I tried online, but all google searches are false, directing to other games I don’t care about, or just mention the monster, but not any counters to their attacks. Reason I ask is because one is not supposed to reflect missiles with an 100% up-time, so there must be a way to deal with high tier bristlebacks in the game I am not aware about.
Thanks in advance for any helpful replies you may have. (If someone else have had this question in the past, or it appears “too simple”, my apologies-please do not reply in a hostile manner.)
The expansion has been pretty successful.
Can you link us up with the data to back up that feeling. Thanks.
I am afraid that, were such “data” available, you would still not care because your opinion is strongly different. In which case, why bother with such “requests”? Just respect that person to dissent, rather than attacking him/her due to having an “unpopular” opinion, as far as these forums are concerned.
As a counter-argument, you could be asked the very same question you posed. “Data” does not matter when your mind is already made up about something.
I am not anti pre-HoT GW1-I still find the old maps great, and don’t “need” gliding at all-, but I most surely wish they don’t stop offering us these type of more challenging maps, where your build choices matter more and it keeps you engaged with the theoretical “active combat.”
I do hate with a passion calling people you don’t know names, whether it’s scrubs, filthy casuals (as idiotic a pejorative term as it comes), PHYWs, etc. The game is not really “hardcore” even post HoT, so I find the elitism in those few players quite laughable-why do people like to feel superior by putting “less skilled” players down, or belittling them? It’s a very childish sense of “superiority” no one really cares about. You can enjoy HoT without resorting to insulting those you think it wasn’t designed for, as if somehow they weren’t able to have fun in it or as if the game was any so-called hardcore, and only for “pros.”
In short, I find both old and new content fun, but especially love that you can experiment with PvE builds in a way more engaging manner now. On that token, I also believe the game is NOT truly “hardcore” at all and quite enjoyable at most playing levels, though admittedly some players will benefit from cooperating with each other, which is a design choice I agree with and wouldn’t want to be changed.
I am not anti pre-HoT GW1-I still find the old maps great, and don’t “need” gliding at all-, but I most surely wish they don’t stop offering us these type of more challenging maps, where your build choices matter more and it keeps you engaged with the theoretical “active combat.”
I do hate with passion calling people you don’t know names, whether it’s scrubs, filthy casuals (as idiotic a pejorative term as it comes), PHYWs, etc. The game is not really “hardcore” even post HoT, so I find the elitism in those few players quite laughable-why do people like to feel superior by putting “less skilled” players down, or belittling them? It’s a very childish sense of “superiority” no one really cares about. You can enjoy HoT without resorting to insulting those you think it wasn’t designed for, as if somehow they weren’t able to have fun in it or as if the game was any so-called hardcore, and only for “pros.”
In short, I find both old and new content fun, but especially love that you can experiment with PvE builds in a way more engaging manner now. On that token, I also believe the game is NOT truly “hardcore” at all and quite enjoyable at most playing levels, though admittedly some players will benefit from cooperating with each other, which is a design choice I agree with and wouldn’t want to be changed.
Besides prettiness, I honestly am not convinced Black Desert has anything special to it-along with many possible cons I am very wary of. “Sandboxes” have appeal, but GW2 does definitely looks like the more complete game universe (no offense intended, it’s fine to like different things.) In fact, GW2 probably has no peers for what it does-that I know of-for better or worse.
I have never met someone that tries to push the 100% out of their character and refuse to craft the best gear available.
I always assume that people who refuse to craft ascended don’t really know how to min/max (and so far i stand confirmed in every encounter i had).
In general , you shouldn’t be raiding if you are refusing to play your best.
This comment isn’t based on reality, but on personal bias. A false dichotomy indeed, and I do not mean to insult you or your intelligence. Essentially, “playing your best” isn’t tied to gear as much as you think it must-not really at all for every player out there. That’s only how you see it, not how it is, or even “should be.”
Since “best gear” is also subjective-raid role, different Professions, group synergy, other whathaveyous-by this opinion you are indeed judging people by your own preferences rather than any actual skill they may or not have. Further, there are many valid reasons a “good player” that “plays at his/her best” may not necessarily have Ascended gear.
(No insulting remarks from anyone, please. Either post intelligently or just move on and ignore my post.)
With all due respect, Sir/Ms., your sincere disappointment isn’t shared by many, even if valid from your particular point of view.
This has to be the most patronizing thing I’ve read in ages, and you accuse the other guy of being disrespectful when he rightfully calls you out for presuming to speak for others? Give me a break.
Insteaf of being a “kitten” towards people you don’t know anything about, just agree to disagree-or else, point out when I spoke for others. His attack wasn’t “righteous” one bit, and you lot are just being antagonistic towards those who do not share your views; intolerance, the same old human story. Despise the game/ANet, whatever-is your right, whatever I think of it, which you shouldn’t care or mind about as much as seemingly you do based on the above.
Do everyone share your views? And did I ever claim that everybody shares mine? Be spokespeople for yourselves, not the community at large.
Great response, I agree. We have a right to express our opinion in the forum as long as our posts are within the rules.
I am in a very small guild of friends who used to play regularly. We all had different schedules but every now and then our schedules aligned and we enjoyed playing GW2 together. As HoT approached, Anet started neglecting the game. No new stuff or even replay of old Festivals until the expansion came out. After a while, my friends and I started playing less and less. Finally, Halloween and then the Expansion. We come back only to discover that Anet has decided that our Guild doesn’t count. Since 3 of us are hardly on at one time, and we only party up about half the time as we are often working on different stuff, our Guild is dead. So much for playing as I enjoy.
And the same goes for Mastery Points. It isn’t a question of whether I can find a way to do them. It is a question of whether it will be fun.
With all due respect, Sir/Ms., your sincere disappointment isn’t shared by many, even if valid from your particular point of view.
Really? You polled all the players in the game? Can I see the data?
Are you serious? Did you read at all (even the small sentence you are quoting)? And was I disrespectful to you in any way or fashion as you are being to me there?
How am I being disrespectful? I asked a question. You state that my disappointment isn’t shared by many. How could you know that if you hadn’t received opinions from them?
The question is obviously disrespectful, trolling, quite the childish mockery, and an insult to anyone’s intelligence. Read your very own reply, and find your own answer therein-failing that, re-read the whole thread.
You couldn’t be serious or otherwise are just trolling to provoke. If that’s true, don’t waste our time please. I never insulted you for being “disappointed”, nor even invalidated your right to feel as you wish-don’t attack me for feeling very differently than you do.
Great response, I agree. We have a right to express our opinion in the forum as long as our posts are within the rules.
I am in a very small guild of friends who used to play regularly. We all had different schedules but every now and then our schedules aligned and we enjoyed playing GW2 together. As HoT approached, Anet started neglecting the game. No new stuff or even replay of old Festivals until the expansion came out. After a while, my friends and I started playing less and less. Finally, Halloween and then the Expansion. We come back only to discover that Anet has decided that our Guild doesn’t count. Since 3 of us are hardly on at one time, and we only party up about half the time as we are often working on different stuff, our Guild is dead. So much for playing as I enjoy.
And the same goes for Mastery Points. It isn’t a question of whether I can find a way to do them. It is a question of whether it will be fun.
With all due respect, Sir/Ms., your sincere disappointment isn’t shared by many, even if valid from your particular point of view.
Really? You polled all the players in the game? Can I see the data?
Are you serious? Did you read at all (even the small sentence you are quoting)? And was I disrespectful to you in any way or fashion as you are being to me there?
It takes literally a few minutes to redo the Karka Queen. Most jumping puzzles can be portaled with mesmers, and there are often mesmers portaling them. I’m not sure why it’s so hard to get more points for you, but many of them aren’t that hard.
By contrast the story achievement rewards are considered hard y a lot of people
You know, I have done all jumping puzzles but the one in Silverwastes. And yes, Karka Queen is no problem. But that is 2 points, when to be able to craft one of the new legendaries I would need 12 points. At the end of the day the question is – is this game fun for me, and do I want to keep spending my time in it? If something is not fun, and impacting my enjoyment seriously enough, I will try and let the devs know about it. Which I am doing here. And that has nothing whatsoever to do with how much (or not) you enjoy the game, nor will you trying to dismiss my experience as invalid help matters in the slightest.
Great response, I agree. We have a right to express our opinion in the forum as long as our posts are within the rules.
I am in a very small guild of friends who used to play regularly. We all had different schedules but every now and then our schedules aligned and we enjoyed playing GW2 together. As HoT approached, Anet started neglecting the game. No new stuff or even replay of old Festivals until the expansion came out. After a while, my friends and I started playing less and less. Finally, Halloween and then the Expansion. We come back only to discover that Anet has decided that our Guild doesn’t count. Since 3 of us are hardly on at one time, and we only party up about half the time as we are often working on different stuff, our Guild is dead. So much for playing as I enjoy.
And the same goes for Mastery Points. It isn’t a question of whether I can find a way to do them. It is a question of whether it will be fun.
With all due respect, Sir/Ms., your sincere disappointment isn’t shared by many, even if valid from your particular point of view.
Further, I imagine many ANet employees disagree with: “as HoT approached, ANet started neglecting the game.” You then proceed to state things that have nothing to do with authentic neglect-a more precise wording would have been “ANet started to focus less on the things I (or my friends) like”, which at least is a factual statement.
It’s annoying, if only because any random reader may take your words at full value and actually think the developers do not care for their own game, which seems VERY far from the truth from the most neutral standpoint.
I also am part of a small Guild (and an even smaller before that), and do not share your views-people just like what they like, and it’s highly unlikely that ANet can just satisfy these immense number of likes in the community. People change , get busy, life moves on; and while I agree it’s a bummer to not be able to share these “family-like” moments anymore, in my case I really can’t fault the game for my old friends’ lack of interest.
It takes literally a few minutes to redo the Karka Queen. Most jumping puzzles can be portaled with mesmers, and there are often mesmers portaling them. I’m not sure why it’s so hard to get more points for you, but many of them aren’t that hard.
By contrast the story achievement rewards are considered hard y a lot of people
You know, I have done all jumping puzzles but the one in Silverwastes. And yes, Karka Queen is no problem. But that is 2 points, when to be able to craft one of the new legendaries I would need 12 points. At the end of the day the question is – is this game fun for me, and do I want to keep spending my time in it? If something is not fun, and impacting my enjoyment seriously enough, I will try and let the devs know about it. Which I am doing here. And that has nothing whatsoever to do with how much (or not) you enjoy the game, nor will you trying to dismiss my experience as invalid help matters in the slightest.
Great response, I agree. We have a right to express our opinion in the forum as long as our posts are within the rules.
I am in a very small guild of friends who used to play regularly. We all had different schedules but every now and then our schedules aligned and we enjoyed playing GW2 together. As HoT approached, Anet started neglecting the game. No new stuff or even replay of old Festivals until the expansion came out. After a while, my friends and I started playing less and less. Finally, Halloween and then the Expansion. We come back only to discover that Anet has decided that our Guild doesn’t count. Since 3 of us are hardly on at one time, and we only party up about half the time as we are often working on different stuff, our Guild is dead. So much for playing as I enjoy.
And the same goes for Mastery Points. It isn’t a question of whether I can find a way to do them. It is a question of whether it will be fun.
With all due respect, Sir/Ms., your sincere disappointment isn’t shared by many, even if valid from your particular point of view.
Further, I imagine many ANet employees disagree with: “as HoT approached, ANet started neglecting the game.” You then proceed to state things that have nothing to do with authentic neglect-a more precise wording would have been “ANet started to focus less on the things I (or my friends) like”, which at least is a factual statement.
It’s annoying, if only because any random reader may take your words at full value and actually think the developers do not care for their own game, which seems VERY far from the truth from the most neutral standpoint.
I also am part of a small Guild (and an even smaller before that), and do not share your views-people just like what they like, and it’s highly unlikely that ANet can just satisfy these immense number of likes in the community. People change , get busy, life moves on; and while I agree it’s a bummer to not be able to share these “family-like” moments anymore, in my case I really can’t fault the game for my old friends’ lack of interest.
The whole “group events” for Hero Challenges sounds like a mistake. HC’s are “one-and-done” content, unlike repeatable content fueled by random desirable drops or incremental rewards. Once the initial burst of players have their HC’s done, what happens to the late adopters, the people working on their 3rd alt, and those who took their time for whatever reason? One-and-done content that gates mechanics needs to be accessible throughout its lifespan.
I’ll tell you: they devised a new system where re-doing event hero points grants loot, XP, and Karma. I ALWAYS offer to help on the coztic Itzel champion on VB (for instance) even when I no longer need that HP. Same with other “once per game” events-I love re-doing them for fun and to help random players, so avoid judging every player by such a measure.
I still feel that these maps aren’t too hard for casual play, and that they positively encourage team play, which doesn’t even need you being close friends with people you team up with in map (I am a strong introvert, so I do relate with solo and “loner” players.)
I hope Anet doesn’t nerf raid; this is the most fun I’ve had. After having spent the past week raiding, every other aspect of the game seems easy as anything.
Raid difficulty is awesome, Anet please don’t nerf. Giving difficulty level means literally nobody will be doing the hard setting.
And why are you trying to make this game into WoW? IF you like WoW so much, play WoW, not GW2.
While I do not agree raids should be necessarily nerfed, the difficulty thing is easily addressed by offering nerfed rewards to “easy” settings, so as to make that easier version undesirable (a similar thing happened on GW1-the “normal” modes were fun, but often not that much worth running , rewards-wise.)
I do agree that the OP is a bit over eager in his/her opinions, both when he/she was pro HoT, and now when against. This is indeed not WoW, nor should the latter be necessarily be seen as the excellence standard of MMO-ing, regardless success (there are many ways the less popular GW2 is objectively better for a substantial number of players.)
I quite honestly believe that ANet doesn’t believe in max DPS supremacy (regardless current “enrage” timers) and that future Raids will demonstrate that philosophy even better. And even now, there’s a lot of hearsay and speculation about “optimal” group compositions-in the end, I doubt you must have what the random “pro”
players ask for you. Total group synergy and practice seems to be more important than having the precise, “perfect” gear stat combo for it-and I think that’s the right idea as well.
I think the difficulty is ok once you get used to it. The only problem I have is that if I want to play a decent HoT map I have to spend 10-20 minutes in the LFG.
This must be a megaserver issue, and I strongly recommend ANet revises them for HoT ASAP. One should NOT require taxi-ing to find a populated map-only extremely organized ones. The megaserver was designed so that should NOT happen as a rule, but most people can only get to “good maps” only thorugh taxi-ing, and that’s not only a shame, but bad for the game’s image.
… Eye of the North, which blows Heart of Thorns out of the water….
Let’s compare, with real numbers!
Someone already did it, from’s talk exploration:
Map Exploration
EotN adds 4 new regions which include 13 towns/outpots, 33 landmarks, 18 dungeon entrances and 11 mission entrances for a total of 75 items to explore/find.
HoT adds the following on maps:
VB: 7 Waypoints, 26 Points of Interest, 11 Hero Challenges, 5 Vistas
AB: 7 Waypoints, 22 Points of Interest, 11 Hero Challenges, 6 Vistas
TD: 7 Waypoints, 20 Points of Interest, 11 Hero Challenges, 6 Vistas
DS: 11 Waypoints, 24 Points of Interest, 7 Hero Challenges, 7 Vistas
Total: 195, just the Points of Interest alone (92) are more than what you can find in the entire EotN.
Also, there are 15 Strongboxes to find, 2 Dive Master achievements, 23 Mastery Insights and 3 Jumping Puzzles (at least I know of 3 there might be more) for a total of 43 more things to do while exploring HoT. There are also other achievements to do but I will keep those for another point of comparison.
So the difference in exploration is staggering… HoT is much better for explorers than EotN, many more things to find and do there, although it has less zones in number.
You want to add the 18 dungeons of EotN in the list? Still HoT has way more to explore, that’s objectively proven.
Let’s talk about skills:
EotN added 150 new skills (100 profession skills and 50 pve-only skills)
Before counting skills in GW2, I must say that they work in a different way than skills in GW1. There are no “chain” skills that take different slots, but they are grouped in actual chains, this means chain skills will have to be counted twice (or more), there are also no long lasting buffs, instead we get Traits, so traits can easily count as GW1 “skills”. Because some of you might be weird I give two versions, one counts only unique buttons, the other counts all skills in the game.
Berserker: 18 / 30
Chronomancer: 9 / 23
Daredevil: 11 / 33
Dragonhunter: 14 / 26
Druid: 17 / 36 /
Reaper: 17 / 35
Scrapper: 12 / 38
Tempest: 18 / 30
Revenant: 62 / 155
Ranger pets: 4 / 12 (8 new pet skills, not F2 skills)
Total: 182 / 418
Just the Revenant alone gives more skills than the Entire EotN, but if you want only unique button presses (which is horribly wrong) HoT provides 182 skills compared to 150 EotN skills.
There are also 36 Mastery points which can change your gameplay and provide new skill-like abilities or other benefits.
So in terms of skills and character customization HoT provides loads of more options than EotN that it’s not even funny to compare the two in that regard.
Let’s talk about skins:
There are 3 weights, light/medium/heavy, 3 racial versions, Human/Sylvari/Norn, Asura and Charr for a total of 9 varieties of each armor set.
Bladed, Leystone, Guild have all the above requirements for 27 armor sets
Mistward has only heavy version for 3 new armor sets
Total armors = 30, multiply multiply by 6 for the different pieces = 180 total unique armor pieces
back pieces:
6 Scribe back skins, Bough of Melandru, Auric Backplate, Luminate’s Backplate, 3×3=9 Order back items, 4 Legendary backpiece skins, 2 achievement backpieces
Total: 24
Also, 9 Elite Spec skins
16 Auric Weapons, 16 Chak Weapons, 16 Reclaimed Weapons, 16 Plated Weapons, 16 Machined Weapons, 16 Shimmering Weapons, 16 Tenebrus Weapons, 19 Gold Fractal Weapons, 18 Elite spec weapons, 21 unique weapons
Total: 170
There are 20 Legendary Weapons + 3 upcoming new ones = 23, 3*Precursor Skins per Legendary Weapon (excluding Eternity), for a total of 69 new skins, plus the 3 new Legendary Weapons = 72 Legendary Precursors + Weapons
Although we haven’t seen it yet, it has been announced that we will get Legendary Armor, that’s 3 (weight) x 3 (racial) = 9 different sets 6 = 54 unique armor pieces. Another 54 for the Precursors for a total of 108 skins from Legendary armor
Total skins: 563 unique pieces of weapon/back/armor skins
EotN added 416=246 unique armor pieces
There are also 157 Unique weapons although lots of them are using old skins but I will add them to the list because I’m too lazy to count how many. Total of 403. I bet the unique gloves are less than the re-skinned weapons so it’s a good count.
Exploration: HoT: 238, EotN: 98
Skills: HoT: 418, EotN: 150
Skins: HoT: 563, EotN: 403
Want more?
i am against all this gw1, gw2 comparison, but seriously if you’re gonna do, get it right.So no, when talking with numbers, instead anecdotal evidence, EoTN does not blow HoT out of the water.
I also agree that, while EotN added many great new mechanics, both Factions and Nightfall were better (being standalone and all), and that indeed HoT IS a worthy expansion rather than just a glorified LS3, as I was fearing it would be at first. I prefer Factions (Cantha was my favorite continent, and who doesn’t love exploding miasma afflicted creatures?)>Nightfall (I loved the Paragon)>EotN, but each game introduced a lot of great things to the old game
The difficulty in HoT is nice-not too difficult, not too brutal, and suggests playing more cooperatively even as a solo map roamer, which is a great thing, IMHO.
Yes, raids will DEFINITELY destroy gw2. I just hate it, they make every single player in the game go do raids thus destroying the whole game for everyone. This is just another WoW clone now bleh this used to be a safehaven now anet went back on there word : (
how exactly do they make you do raids? the rewards are entirely cosmetic.
Was likely being sarcastic.
It is more important than ever that we group with like-minded fellows. The hateful, sheep masses that think know what they are doing will fingerpoint each other to failure. Really avoid all of this by playing with a coordinated effort that shares much of the same philosophy-there ARE many ways to skin this difficult cat, regardless mythical hearsay.
I hope i never get some of you in a raid. There is literally no reason for a druid to run nomad’s or clerics. Their DPS DOES help and if every other kitten class can run a glass build including condi ranger there’s no excuses for a druid to not do the same.
Running zealot’s in no way affects your ability to heal or give party buffs. You also contribute far far more by doing some dps while you heal.
As for alternatives, there aren’t any that are good. Everything else is just subpar. run cleric’s until you can get zealots and never touch nomad’s.
No offense, but so they could say of you, by sticking to dead-old ideas that personal DPS is what matters for every person in the Raid. ANet never intended the game to be so DPS-centric, therefore the multiple stat combos. If anything, DPS remains as important as ever-and grace of the land helps on this regard-but at least other options are given a place, however small; why is this so wrong, so as to warrant the belittling attitude, especially since some of these players have completed the Raid with a “bad” healing power gear Druid?
Not that Zealot’s must be bad, but it’s none of your business if they prefer Cleric’s, especially since players are doing well with this supposed “sub-optimal” gear (in your eyes.) I wish that people stopped proclaiming that maximum, PERSONAL DPS is what matters in GW2 for EVERY player if they are “any good” (or else they are being “carried”.) Was never true-only practical for speed-runners. And while I like the idea behind Zealot’s, can’t argue with it being too expensive for the ultimate group benefit provided.
And here I am in a TD map at 2 am EST that came decently close to beating the chak gerent (my point being that there are enough people). I was in this map for about 6 hours (4 chak gerent events) and the map always reached t4, many optional events were done, and people were helping out with hero points. Surely this is an anomaly. No it isn’t, try playing the game.
I definitely do not doubt you, but that adds more ammunition to my belief that megaservers are either a)not working normally, at least for some accounts, or b)prioritizing instances inappropriately for the kind of maps these are. Neither you or the players that claim maps are “dead” are technically wrong, but just getting a skewed viewpoint from the current megaserver treatment
I have never been able to find a populated Dragon’s Stand map, though I’ve had similar experiences to yours regarding TD at about the same time (very early AM hours, Eastern time.) Taxi-ing, IMHO, should not be the one way to populate maps, but rather to fill the last player gaps or meta optimization-megaserver should be an “auto-taxi” of sorts.
I don’t know if the megaserver problem they were having with HoT maps was fixed, but I still think they can be improved-better to be in a populated, non-organized map than feeling like the only player on the map. This applies to TD, but in my case, also DS. It makes the game appear “dead”, even when I highly doubt that’s the case (and is very unlikely “everyone” is doing Raids.) I’d suggest that the megaserver would somehow prioritize map populations vs any other of its criteria concerns-taxi-ing should be reserved for organizing maps, not just to populate them, which is what the megaserver, IMO, ought to do.
if people were having fun, they wouldn’t bother coming to the forums, they come because they hope their input will make a change. Little do they know, anet doesn’t care, they think only apathetic people complain. [backwards anet logic as usual]
What many of you should realize is that most of these purportedly “loud” messages do nothing because they likely do not follow forum etiquette and are largely ignored. The only “input for change” that can be respected is one that’s given in respect. I myself would ignore most of these posts were I in their feet, and if you are honest, so would you.
Rage gets nothing, really. Post intelligently before considering even being considered (not aimed at you, but to everyone in general.) You could make a genuine, intelligent game complaint without sounding like a ranting jerk like many tend to do (“passion” for the game “you love” will probably get you zero results.)
Not everyone will resort to such pseudo-knowledge of the game. Ignore, and find a better group, as that one had already pre-disposed itself to failure and had found themselves the necessary scapegoat. Needless to say, not the most appropriate comment nor one to blindly believe in.
I do hate the childish finger-pointing in this game-and in real life for that matter-that humans tend to resort to when things don’t go as well as desired. They must always find a sort of “weak link”-in OTHERS, at that-rather than seeing through other possibilities.
@Star Ace
Define viable…
Fits a good players/good group’s composition that is able to eventually beat Raids with lots of practice as a whole team effort, just like any other Profession, but in different ways-as expected.
Thieves are not Engineers (or insert any other “better” Profession there), nor should they play like them-that doesn’t mean they are “not viable.”
Would I be in favor of boosts, especially regarding party wide support? Likely, but they are nevertheless viable even now.
Though “viable” has often been used inappropriately as “optimal”, the fact is no one can prove to you Thieves are NOT viable for Raids. I have seen different group compositions out there, and I am sure you could argue forever which is the most “optimal”-however, a Thief-less group must not necessarily be “sub-optimal” for a particular group that plays well together, and knows what each is doing and when.
(As far as ANet is concerned, what “people” think is “viable” is relevant as it relates to “Profession-perception”-players should feel like playing Thief/Daredevil in raids is effective and fun. Even though also, perfect Profession balance is more an ideal than a perfectly attainable goal, and one has to ultimately stick to whatever is enjoyable to play the most.)
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
While I respect the right to feel hopeless about Thief, it does reinforce the non-factual idea that it is “not viable”, which I doubt even ANet agrees about (whatever you may think about the Profession yourselves.) Some ideas have been expressed above already. Raids are about an organized team effort and practice, and there’s not one right, true way to beat them as far as team composition is concerned-be “disappointed”, but don’t spread the idea that Thief is NOT viable based on “pugging” experience, as the sheep masses have rately been right in the past as far as Profession “viability” is concerned, and they likely know even less now on this issue, especially concerning Raids.
Nothing against Engineers-I like my own-but Thief is very different, effective, and a highly enjoyable way to experience content. Only refuse to play it when it’s not fun anymore for you, for whatever reasons.
(If someone disagrees, please do so intelligently or else just ignore my post and agree to disagree.)
Don’t see why run to this Guild’s “rescue”, as even one of their members strongly disagreed with that stuff. They are no saints to the community-as recognized by ANet themselves-and there are much worthy “leaders” elsewhere. No one should be deemed indispensable or “god-like” to be allowed to do as they wish without impunity, especially in this situation.
Sorry to all of those who were affected by this that had no strict control about what transpired.
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
I’m completely fine with Berserker being needed, and Sinister being needed.
I’m not fine with needing to step down from my Herald Zerker, when my group needs condition damage, because Sinister Revenant isn’t viable, compared to Sinister Engineer.
I am fine with zerker.
I am fine with sinister.I am not fine with 80% of your team must be zerker or sinister. As it is an absolute MUST.
Naturally it’s a must. 80% of your team is there to smack the bosses’ kitten, one’s there to keep everyone alive, and one’s there to mitigate the damage from the boss.
I’m not okay with the fact that your team isn’t necessarily able to actually make it, even WITH zerker/condi gear, simply because some classes are miles behind others.
I like needing to deal the max amount of damage possible, to beat the enrage timer. Hybrid survivability builds should generally be discouraged – which they are. They serve as training wheels, allowing for sloppy play, with a sloppy outcome.
Raids shouldn’t allow for sloppy play.
Sloppy play isn’t tied to gear-the most common false dichotomy and lie spread out throughout the community. Nowhere has ever officially stated that “passive stats” are meant to train you for “pro gear”, as there’s none in the game, unless Viper’s/Berserker’s makes you feel better about yourself, which is fine but no reason to belittle the “lesser” stat combos (in your mind.)
No, it hasn’t been stated, but it’s what makes sense for PvE.
PvE in this game is all about active defense and preventing to take or at least damage by whatever means you have at your disposal with said active defense. I mean why do you think this is an Action-MMO?
Besides, pretty much every content up to now was clearable in any kind of gear, with any kind of traits. It might’ve taken longer, sure, but it was doable.
Raids are meant to be hardcore content, having strict environments and not leaving much space for error while optimizing your efficiency in every way possible – among it, who would’ve thought, dps, along with support and control, because this is the trinity in this game, not dps heal tank. Guess what, support and control work just as nicely in glass-gear.
This isn’t a failure on ANets part, this is a failure on your part recognizing the fact that this is how raids are supposed to be, not a snoozefest where you can sleep your way through.Personal attack, as expected, along with assumptions. Just disagree if you are going to do that, and move on.
I’m sorry, where do you see a personal attack and assumptions? Please don’t tell me that last part insulted you. lol
Personal attack, as expected, along with assumptions. Just disagree if you are going to do that, and move on. In addition, any post with “lol” is not to be taken seriously in any case. You know what was wrong with the post, and which assumptions were made.
I’m completely fine with Berserker being needed, and Sinister being needed.
I’m not fine with needing to step down from my Herald Zerker, when my group needs condition damage, because Sinister Revenant isn’t viable, compared to Sinister Engineer.
I am fine with zerker.
I am fine with sinister.I am not fine with 80% of your team must be zerker or sinister. As it is an absolute MUST.
Naturally it’s a must. 80% of your team is there to smack the bosses’ kitten, one’s there to keep everyone alive, and one’s there to mitigate the damage from the boss.
I’m not okay with the fact that your team isn’t necessarily able to actually make it, even WITH zerker/condi gear, simply because some classes are miles behind others.
I like needing to deal the max amount of damage possible, to beat the enrage timer. Hybrid survivability builds should generally be discouraged – which they are. They serve as training wheels, allowing for sloppy play, with a sloppy outcome.
Raids shouldn’t allow for sloppy play.
Sloppy play isn’t tied to gear-the most common false dichotomy and lie spread out throughout the community. Nowhere has ever officially stated that “passive stats” are meant to train you for “pro gear”, as there’s none in the game, unless Viper’s/Berserker’s makes you feel better about yourself, which is fine but no reason to belittle the “lesser” stat combos (in your mind.)
No, it hasn’t been stated, but it’s what makes sense for PvE.
PvE in this game is all about active defense and preventing to take or at least damage by whatever means you have at your disposal with said active defense. I mean why do you think this is an Action-MMO?
Besides, pretty much every content up to now was clearable in any kind of gear, with any kind of traits. It might’ve taken longer, sure, but it was doable.
Raids are meant to be hardcore content, having strict environments and not leaving much space for error while optimizing your efficiency in every way possible – among it, who would’ve thought, dps, along with support and control, because this is the trinity in this game, not dps heal tank. Guess what, support and control work just as nicely in glass-gear.
This isn’t a failure on ANets part, this is a failure on your part recognizing the fact that this is how raids are supposed to be, not a snoozefest where you can sleep your way through.
Personal attack, as expected, along with assumptions. Just disagree if you are going to do that, and move on.
I’m completely fine with Berserker being needed, and Sinister being needed.
I’m not fine with needing to step down from my Herald Zerker, when my group needs condition damage, because Sinister Revenant isn’t viable, compared to Sinister Engineer.
I am fine with zerker.
I am fine with sinister.I am not fine with 80% of your team must be zerker or sinister. As it is an absolute MUST.
Naturally it’s a must. 80% of your team is there to smack the bosses’ kitten, one’s there to keep everyone alive, and one’s there to mitigate the damage from the boss.
I’m not okay with the fact that your team isn’t necessarily able to actually make it, even WITH zerker/condi gear, simply because some classes are miles behind others.
I like needing to deal the max amount of damage possible, to beat the enrage timer. Hybrid survivability builds should generally be discouraged – which they are. They serve as training wheels, allowing for sloppy play, with a sloppy outcome.
Raids shouldn’t allow for sloppy play.
Sloppy play isn’t tied to gear-the most common false dichotomy and lie spread out throughout the community. Nowhere has ever officially stated that “passive stats” are meant to train you for “pro gear”, as there’s none in the game, unless Viper’s/Berserker’s makes you feel better about yourself, which is fine but no reason to belittle the “lesser” stat combos (in your mind.)
I am fine with zerker.
I am fine with sinister.I am not fine with 80% of your team must be zerker or sinister. As it is an absolute MUST.
Let me put it for you in simpler terms.
- Anet made raids targeting specific hardcore playerbase.
- You want Raids to fit your playstyle preferences.
- Raids do not fit your playstyle preference.
- Raids are not for you, you are not the target playerbase.
- Go play something that does fit your playstyle.Or, adapt your playstyle and complete Raids how ANet actually made them.
I doubt ANet shares this view-in fact, I bet they would say otherwise, but they can’t share their thoughts as freely as the community can.
In short, I doubt ANet wants every player on squishy DPS gear, because that’s automatically assumed to be “pro”/“hardcore” mode. Their quotes refute this, and so do the ample gear choice available in-game. Player skills have never had anything to do with gear choice anyway, but intended to match any partucular player purpose in the game.
Stop reinforcing the idea that ANet wants DPS gear for raids to prove player “pro-ness”-it’s really based on what used to be, and no doubt they will change these Raids if your playing preference/personal bias-develoling DPS meters and all-ends up being more or less enforced.
If replying ad hominem, please just ignore and feel free to disagree. Enjoy the raids the way you think they are meant to be, anyway.
“waaaaaah we have to full glass and actually try to survive instead of slowly wittling down bosses over the course of 30min waaaah”
This is an action based MMO, enforcing mostly full glass specs is the right thing to do in PvE, ANet knows that.
ANet has distinctly stated they do not want that. Enforcing “glass” specs for everyone was never their intention, regardlesd of what you think is “right.”
Switch from zerker armor to PVT. Most people will probably say it’s stupid but I tell you, just try it out. You will gain a huge amount of vitality and toughness but your primary attribute, power, will still remain pretty high. What you lose on precision and ferocity you’ll compensate by using maintenance oil (adds precision based on toughness and vitality which you’ll have plenty with PVT) and ruby orbs or some offensive runes like Scholar. Additionally use “For Great Justice”, Signet of Fury (adds to precision), Signet of Might (adds to power) and Signet of Rage (useful for swiftness and fury). Always trait for “Warrior’s sprint” and use a greatsword which will allow you to escape mobs which use immobilize and do huge damage with traits from the Strength line.
In any case just try it. PVT will greatly increase your survivability while still allowing you to trait for great damage. You can also consider Knight’s armor which works even greater with maintenance oil however PVT is actually a better choice imho for HoT soloing on warrior.
That also literally makes you a worse player. It may make it more enjoyable in the shortrun, but next time you come up against a challenge, like in raids, you may very well fail because of the PVT decision.
False dichotomy, unfortunately all too common in this community: “Soldier’s means you have no skill and don’t know how to dodge.”. Dodging is not exclusive to squisby specs, nor is a player necessarily bad for using other options.
i can not understand what is wrong with a part (a PART not all meanwhile) of the ranger community
i just started reading here 10min ago and already read suggestions to buff CA#1/2, making the avatar form almost permanent and that the druid is “useless”
Its mental, the druid is one of the most overpowered specs in pvp
And thats not just my opinion, its the opinion of a lot of high class pvp players
U need atleast 2 players and a long amount of time to kill a decent druid, while our pets can do a good amount of crits (5K pet crit in a defensive healer build is just too strong)
The druid will be nerfed, thats for sure, maybe less healing for the druid itself and more for the alliesThe problem with your reasoning is that you are only thinking in the aspect of pvp (even though you’re right in that aspect). In pvp yea, druid is strong. OP, no, but it is strong.
In PvE, on the other hand, its not that great. We are still in a zerker meta (imo), and druid healing seems basically pointless. Heals are hard to land, ppl die faster than you can sustain them, AF is so slow to generate to continually sustain allies, and more. So in a sense of PvE, the druid needs some work. But in PvP its great. The hard part here is finding a balance where the druid works and is balanced throughout all aspects of the game.
I just hope raids fix this or make these issues more obvious to the devs.
Overall, Druids are in a good spot, but they can still be improved (not made stronger just cleaned up). My BIGGEST issue is that the druid overshadows the ranger, and now I feel like I HAVE to use the druid. So the standard ranger needs more fixing than the druid.
Judging from your own comments, it’s people that need to adapt rather than the Druid needing “fixes.” Healing was never that pointless, and is more important now-the “meta” has to adapt to “new” GW2, not the Druid to whatever people think is “meta”.
(Not accusing you of anything, or meaning any offense, though. ANet will probably keep balancing Druid in any case, hopefully not for the worst or making Healing Power stats less impactful.)
I would indeed suggest that healing should be made easier for “healers”-it still can be done amazingly well, but it’s harder than just DPS “roles” due to the inherent limitations of the current ally targeting system. Stats-wise, the heals heal for a lot (people sometimes die fast, yes, but sometimes it’s their fault, not the Druid’s lack of healing prowess), but it’s just not the easiest job to do, at least as currently constituted.
Even after Druids, I still think most of the surviving responsibilities are tied to each individual player-one should not depend on an Astral Form ready Druid to help them 100% of the time. The Staff on its own can provide smaller heals in any case, and every bit of HP helps.
It wouldn’t be out of place however. Just gives you an incentive to avoid getting downed in the first place, so you can keep working on your Druidic labors for longer, so to speak. To me, it makes sense, though I wouldn’t complain if that was changed (it’s probably worse if you don’t use a Staff.)
I’m not sure what you did to the Druid, but you made the Ranger 100% worse.
Why do you hate Ranged classes so much? Can’t we have something nice just once?
If it’s objectively worse, why are there so many people enjoying it? Must they like pain?
(And this is the very definition of a non-constructive thread, BTW.)
(Must add, you are not “playing it wrong” if you aren’t using Berserker’s, as some may have hinted above. There’s no right or wrong gear, it all depends on what you aim to do with it.)
Provide proof that Ranger is “100%” on a “bad course”-valid reasons of how is it"doubly bad."
Maintain evidence that ANet “hates” ranged characters. Most Professions have a decent long-ranged weapon. Did you mean Rangers? For their name isn’t related to “Ranged Professions”, which is another classic RPG discussion altogether (my Druid currently uses Staff/Greatsword; not even LB, however good it is.) If anything, Rangers (not “Ranged”) have received lots of good changes, INCLUDING Druid abilities and traits.
What was the “nice thing” what was “given once” and is no longer there? Please explain, as first post only gives non-constructive criticism (and isn’t factual, by the evidence we have). Offering a valid complaint is much better than venting online-there’s nothing much ANet can do for the latter, save for closing the thread if it goes way out of hand.
And no, I am not telling you “learn how to play”, as I know nothing of your skill, nor am I calling you a “roleplayer”, as if the latter were bad at this game. But the Druid is working really great for me (and being quite fun at that), so at least gives us actual reasons of why it isn’t working for you, so this discussion could be more constructive to all.
question, do you run full zerker gear?
I run full zerker and haven’t really had issues with mobs killing me – the problem here is that mobs that “evade” or are invulnerable for long periods of time ( like smokescales) are not fun to play against.
It’s the laziest way to make a fight more dangerous/take longer – make the thing you’re fighting periodically invulnerable.
Even QTE would be a better way out.
In my opinion it is not a lazy way to make fights longer, it is a way to make you realize that this is your defencive phase of the fight. It forces you to plan your moves and not just go all out zerker on your enemies. People complained before that most of GW2 content was just 111111, but now you have to use other skills during these phases to get away, block, evade or dodge.
I run Knights with my Scrapper and I kill a veteran smokescale in less than 30seconds, CC it and keep it out of its smoke circle, the only time when it is realy invurnable is when he does the shiro skill but two timed dodges and you go pretty much out un-harmed.
It’s not about what skills you use – it’s simply adding an “unfair” mechanic – no matter how skilled you are an invulnerable enemy is still invulnerable.
I have no issue killing them or staying alive – it’s just that I find the mechanic of making them last artificially longer through invulnerability to be a “cheap” way to add challenge.
It’s fine-mobs don’t complain about similar player evasive tactics. Having mobs have these “unfair” tactics evens up the tables, if ever so slightly. It’s not giving you any trouble anyway-perhaps being just a minor inconvenience-as far as you are telling us, and they do give some players a bit of grief, which is a good thing.
Mobs in GW1, for instance (and not that it must be like GW1) still were more “unfair,” and most abilities were identical to player characters, sometimes super-scaled, even. Think PvPing against AI-and even then, as you know, they are not THAT hard.
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
(I’m kidding by the way. Seriously needs to be fixed or seriously downplayed as a mechanic though.)
Well, considering how things works around these parts, that would most likely mean:
- Ranger pets gets their damage nerfed by 50%
- Ranger damage buffed by 3%
Also, there are lots of pve rangers running around with the pet they think look nice, and couldn’t care less about their efficiency. Many never changes pet, because they are roleplaying.
Why would that be wrong, IF RP was the reason? Though I am sure many RPers don’t do this to “validate” RP; one needs not stick to one pet as a roleplayer. If they like their pets regardless efficiency, it’s none of your business, quite frankly-this thread only concerns players that care about numbers, which is likely not that many of them. In short, that shot against RPers was uncalled for and irrelevant towards this particular discussion.
He never took a “shot” at RPers.
The “many never change pets” comment is an insult to the roleplayer’s intelligence-not to mention it shouldn’t matter to him or anyone who cares about efficicency what a roleplayer chooses to do, making the comment irrelevant to the discussion.
It’s not an insult, its an observation. And an accurate one at that. If you take it as an insult, its because you yourself personally do this and you think it is wrong yourself. Not that it is, I mean in PvE I camp Jaguar and Jungle Stalker because they look cool, deal mad damage and have good F2 skills. Not ashamed to say it, I don’t find that comment insulting.
It wasn’t an insult, please stop being overly sensitive.
You telling me I am being overly sensitive is an insult as well.
There’s nothing “wrong” with taking this or that pet, especially from a RP stance. Discuss efficiency when it matters. RP has no bearing on this issue, nor should it be mentioned. It’s not a factual “observation” by any means.
The point stands, and let’s just agree to disagree.
No, that is not an insult either. An insult is to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. Asking someone to stop being overly sensitive when they are creating drama, in their own mind, where none exists, is neither disrespectful nor abusive. Only someone that is being overly sensitive would think that it was.
My point is that he was not being insulting either. Just because you feel that it was, doesn’t mean it is, its just your incorrect interpretation of what he said.
It is a factual observation, shall we make a poll to see how many Rangers notice other Rangers that always use the same pets? Want to make a wager that the Brown Bear is the most popular pet? Why?
You are correct though, from an RP stance, there is nothing wrong with taking whatever pet you like. Let’s be honest, it really does not matter what pet you use for open world if you are RPing because mobs die before the pet even gets there half the time. Where it does matter, is if someone decides to do group content, then they should at least attempt to be as efficient as they can, for the sake of the other members of the group.
Where this runs into issue is RPing Rangers that are using a Brown Bear on aggressive and camping LB go into group content, never say a word and are generally just bad. Hence this game’s massive Ranger hate.
Was an insult, but that’s enough of that, as we’ll never agree (no reason to even mentioning RPers to make his point).
You may be a roleplayer, but stating what pet roleplayers “like” to use without switching it “ever” is not really an argument. Rangers may use pigs, ravens, jungle stalkers, murellows, reef drakes and whatnot as favored pets. I even doubt these “RPers” you seem to disdain for giving the Ranger a “bad name” are actually roleplayers, and more randoms who are used to Ranger archers with bears from other games.
I can’t factually prove that to be true for all “bearbow” players, but so can’t you, so why ascribe that behavior universally to RPers? If that doesn’t sound belittling, you are just biased in your point of view-and I mean no offense, but just hoping you can envision how supposedly “bad playing” must be a roleplayer’s thing sounds terrible.
I feel bad for brown bears, for even mechanically it IS a good pet. But D&D Rangers (to cite a common RPG system) are not supposed to tame bears exclusively, much like many players strangely think that Rangers are named as such because of ranged weapons. :P I personally favor the Greatsword “Aragon” melee type, if anything. What’s funny is that I’ve rarely used the great old bear over 3 years, and that has nothing to do with group meta considerations-according to you-or at least so it seems-I am supposed to “camp” with a longbow and my hearty Brown Bear.
In short, roleplaying =/= bad pet management/Ranger play.
Tried posting on reddit got down voted to the 3rd page in 1 minute stupid white knights there drive me crazy! This is a real problem and we can’t get any acknowledgment, i mean how the heck do you miss something this critical in testing?
Did you post it in the tone above? You don’t have to be a “white knight” to find it problematic. A normal post the likes of “I possibly was the victim of a bad bug” wouldn’t have probably been “white knighted”.
Ask support; it may very well be a valid problem, but no need to be so antagonistic (it won’t help you “be heard”.)
Scout Acan, the bardic Tree Frog.
HoT is just beautiful and feels expansive, though I would recommend not to use too many guides so it feels more like a discovery.
It also indirectly affected Central Tyria, as there are many players exploring it now due to both HP and MP, plus some collections’ items.
I love how the supposed “bad stats” of the game are more useful than ever, CC has a purpose, etc. In short, the “meta shake-up” that ANet is trying to suggest, and will probably be better realized as we move forwards. The design behind the Druid, which I love, is part of this.
So far, what I’ve hated the most is the “Prized Possessions” story part, forcing you to guess a puzzle or get insta-death. Wasn’t that much fun to play, at least for a first time.
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
I can’t know the OP’s mind for sure, but I think he’s suggesting (quite reasonably and without ranting or complaining) that what is or isn’t important depends on one’s perspective. Or whatever.
This is obviously what the OP was saying.
It may seem obvious to you and me, but it wasn’t so to the poster I was replying to, who seems to have deleted their post and now mine looks out of context.
It’s fine-it was probably removed by moderators, because it was rather inappropriate. Someone else most have reported it. Don’t want to repeat its content, of course. Your post is still relevant to the thread.
I don’t think it matters how others choose to master their masteries; that said, they do bear no “prestige” (for the few that cares about numbers attached to stars), since it’s no secret a shortcut is being used in the community. This is the only “problem” I have (which doesn’t apply to me and many others, because I don’t care about e-prestige) the farm devalued them as “desirable”, other than for their practical benefits. Hopefully no one ever uses the “I have more masteries than you!” as a valid comeback for any sort of argument, but my faith in human-kind tends to be low.
In short, having 2 or 45 masteries makes no difference whatsoever between players, save for the perks (which should be common knowledge, of course, but humans tend to be egocentric.)
Edited to add: quitting over how others choose to play is an emotional choice-I am not one to mock “emotions” as the more rational-driven folks tend to, but think it through-is it worth to stop enjoying the game because some partake in in-game activities you wouldn’t? Should I have quit long ago because I dislike JPs, the job-like approach to the game that many have, the Queensdale champ train, etc.? Let others enjoy or work through the game however they want-if you want to earn your masteries over time, why not? It’s not stupid to play the game “normally”, so to speak. That others farm the XP doesn’t make your slower progress a silly option (and anyone who tries to peer-pressure you into going into this farm IS being silly, as there’s no reason most people MUST have all of these in a day.)
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
Anything is good, just like before-you just gotta be more careful with whatever you use.
Though this is not aimed at OP, I find it a bit unnecessary trying to “prove” ANet wrong about the “Berseker meta” (which is really a non-“passive” stats meta, which are seen by some as somehow bad or for “beginners”). ANet has never stated that Berserker’s gear would be a bad idea moving forwards-their idea is to validate gear other than DPS-oriented ones, rather than require everybody using Soldier’s and the like.
Lastly, for HoT, since there are no raids yet, the “meta” is whatever works for the Fractals. I’ve never seen the term “meta” applied that successfully to the overworld map as far as GW2 is concerned, even though HoT is harder.
If a player “has no problem with HoT” completing everything in Berserker’s/Sinister’s, he/she is probably good/experienced-or exaggerating-but it doesn’t mean that the other stat combos are useless. Healing and toughness/vitality have a place in the game, and they are more relevant now, even without raids. As a said, things are “the same” (EVERYTHING has always worked for the maps, and to be fair, for everything else where efficiency is not a concern), but at least now the supposedly “bad” stats are more evidently good than they used to.
Though I myself never used Nomad’s, I never understood the need to belittle players for using that or any other gear that ANet themselves put into the game. It’s not my business to criticize others for the way they choose to play. The developers are just working on making “passive” stats more desirable for players, and it’s doing fine in this regard-that never meant you were not necessarily going to be able to use Berserker’s stats in HoT maps.
It bugged for me last week, but as many did, was able to solve it by logging out and in again.
It’s a pity, because he’s my favorite minor NPC in the game now, and he’ll probably have his reputation tarnished moving forwards. I think Scout Acan was a superb addition to the game-minus the mission bug of course.
BTW, did not need to re-glide-I re-logged while near him.
And to be fair, it’s rather balanced. It’s not that difficult (I do not consider myself a “pro”, like some more competitive players would); keep playing, test new strategies and builds, get better, enjoy the game. It’s challenging without being absurd-just don’t expect to be able to solo-smash everything on your path, which at times seemed all-too-easy pre HoT.
IMHO, it’s still a VERY casual friendly game. You don’t need to achieve everything even in a month, and some things are quite frankly for completionists, and not strictly needed. Take your time and enjoy the adventure.
I think what the OP is suggesting is that GW2 used to be something wonderful – a game full of exploration, party-on-the-fly-with-others to over come challenges and wondering what lies over the horizon.
Now, it’s just another, “Grind X-number of hours for +1 Charisma” game.
Masteries, Legendaries and <<chortle, chortle>> “Elite Traits” are only fractionally better than Exotics, that you can buy on the TP for next to nothing. A good player needs nothing more than Exotics.
All else is Vanity (….or Delusion).
I think what you are doing is hijacking his/her thread to complain about a game you don’t enjoy to play as much anymore, and have many qualms against.
I don’t agree with the last paragraph (though I imagine it was stated more or less jokingly), but do share the sentiment that “grind” is more of a player perception-a glass half-empty kind of outlook on a game that’s not really grindy at all.
I agree that a player needs nothing more than exotics, but can’t see how it relates to the thread.
There’s no reason you can’t currently enjoy GW2 as a " game full of exploration, party-on-the-fly-with-others to over come challenges and wondering what lies over the horizon", unless you just don’t like it that much, which is fine, but not an universal complaint. I still enjoy the game in the manner you describe, which you seemingly believe it’s not “possible” anymore-even after HoT.
And to the poster who complained about Laokoko’s English, would you just take your racist attitude out of these international forums? You can still understand what the OP was stating-otherwise ask for clarification, but these immature insults are uncalled for, and contribute nothing to the thread.
Orr is easy to wander solo and so is HoT. I just want one map where everything is a champ so grouping and cooperation are necessary. Everything else can stay as it is.
It would be kind of a cross between fractals and raids, which are instanced, current meta events, which are scripted and locked into locations, and open world PvE, which has more random encounters based on proximity aggro.
Oh, and while everyone is sickened by the idea of a death map, make sure there are no rewards for low participation like tag and run events or zerging but make the champ loot and xp great.
Initially, I thought you were being sarcastic.
Quite honestly, some people are finding the current maps difficult, so any “champ only” map should be very, very optional-and I think that just won’t happen. Also, I really doubt you would like that very much, as no matter how “pro” you are, that will be very difficult for any playing skill standard (think of the champs that are difficult on their own-now imagine a mob of them.)
Anyway, IMHO, the new maps do encourage player cooperation, even if it’s not the case for your particular skill level. They should not nerf them by any means, but you don’t necessarily need to make them tougher.
Stick with it-it’s not that hard. If anything, these obstacles will help improve your GW2 skills, at least if you pay attention to what’s downing you and how can you build to counteract said things.
That said, grouping up is recommended (and more fun, IMHO), but I disagree you need a “zerg” to proceed or have fun in these maps. Even two people will have a better time than one (not suggesting solo is impossible, because it really isn’t with few exceptions.)
It’s worth mentioning that soloing Champions is usually tagged as “group content”, so you shouldn’t be surprised if they are “too hard”-there are still many Champs that are not easy to solo in “Central Tyria”.
Why not just populate HoT with L99 mobs and force players to group? This PvE is still too easy.
What am I supposed to think being able to solo champs?
Make the AI more responsive to player attacks and strategy, please.
I do agree that PvE here in HoT is easy, but look at the alternative…we could have another Orr, with CC spamming adds everywhere. That’s actually the only reason why I consider Orr the hardest place in the game, even now…THE kitten ED CC SPAM!
You got to be kidding… Orr is a snooze fest, even though I love playing there with the good old zombies (remember; “death… good!”) In fact the main “bad” (IMHO) precedent ANet has for nerfing an area is Orr, and I hope by the Six Gods, the Eternal Alchemy, etc. that they don’t nerf HoT at all. It’s just fine as it is, not too difficult, nor mind-numbingly easy (and BTW, some of these new enemies do have a lot of CC, way better than the Orrian horde.)
I meant no offense, so of course feel free to disagree. Orr is just way easier, IME (or I’ve been doing it too long.)
To be honest, I thought I might get just another “living season” type of content for the expansion (and worse, you had to pay for this one), but feel the opposite-as if they outdid themselves.
The few maps argument is easily debated by the following-they are the most in-depth maps in the game. MUCH better than all of their living season maps (I never enjoyed Silverwastes/Dry Top, as much as people love farming there.)
Finally, in order for them to open up more maps-that I really assume are under construction-they have to focus on the other dragons, and this was all about Mordremoth. There’s big WAYS to go to cover all the continent, and I wonder if GW2 will survive for the many years of development time we would theoretically need to cover these (perhaps a GW3 comes first?)
I think of it the other way-think how lesser an expansion this would have been if they had limited themselves to provide us more of the same Living Season 2 kind of content (I mean no disrespect to ANet, but I personally didn’t enjoy it that much.) This has much more depth than just adding a few more recipes (along with required new mats), and achievements every few months, with a few minor trait updates.
Not a “fanboi” or anything (not a fan of how very small guilds appear not to be as relevant in their big game picture), but I don’t think we were “shortchanged” or given just more “Living Season” type of updates.
10 for me-I expected way, way less for the money, and got Scout Acan instead. May they give whoever thought of and worked on him a raise.
(His bugged quest was annoying-the character, though is amazing and big fun. I like to literally “hang” with him on that treetop.)
Seriously great expansion, though it has a bit too many “collectibles” for my taste (which is fine, as many players and AP hunters love that.)
The Hero Point thing was fine even at 400-a new sort of leveling, and something to works toward for. Didn’t expect 400, but also did not expect for the new specializations to be immediately handed over.