Showing Posts For Stevefin.7251:

What are your favourite Story Segments?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


playing Sylvari order mission, the very last one where it would choose what order you joined than picking whispers idea, never been so high ever

warrior cant survive anything at lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


I read all that without taking a breathe, almost died

Daily: Dodger

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


So this daily sounds simple enough, get an evade by dodging attacks. But I have found a searing problem. How are high lag players meant to get this daily done?

I play from Australia where everything feels like it happens a second and a bit later to happen and such doing this daily just seem impossible. either you dodge too early through prediction, or dodge when Anet expected you to dodge at, get hit and dodge after.

If you are going to put more twitch based dailies/monthies in, We expect an Australian or even a South East Asian sever to make these possible

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Its over reacting, most of it anyway, but dailies will now be more random, and nothing no one would have not done around the map world anyway

In my view, the game is going in the wrong direction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


If you are into PvP-EvE.

Funny thing, EvE, is probably the most grindy game out there, but not at the faults of the game its self, but the community of elitist PvP and PvE players, who will not even look at you unless you have 20m skill points in most cases

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


One thing they could do is remove the 5 man cap and add a new type of system. based on damage % per number of people hit. by what I mean is this.

1-3 targets in aoe does 100% damage
3-7 does 70%
7-10 does 50%
10+ does 30%

Don’t hold me to the numbers though, they are just an example, but it would be a compromise satisfying both sides, AOE eles can still PvE, and to where I expect they have gotten most of their data. WvW ele’s can still area deny.

Oceanic Servers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


While yes it would be nice. we would only be able to fill one or two severs, which does not work for the WvW lot

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Deathdom. The reason why most jumped ship, was cause early this week IoJ lost all their main NA time zones and above till Australia prime time to other severs, leaving them with huge time zone gaps around prime time. where it truly matters most. Many of their guilds decided to jump ship than rather sink down and keep going down. said gaps was wittiness the past few days before the transfers where IoJ…just stopped, leading to the CD overtake of IoJ lands heavily, and having FA have CD’s undivided attention.

Any way to download the game online?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Is there any way to download the client online? I recently deleted and planning on re installing to see if that would fix the hourly crashes. only thing is the disk drive is no longer registering the games disk. I don’t have the money to replace one or the other so an answer as soon as possible would be great

Guild Wars? Where, I can't find? Wrong name?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Because Guild wars, was named after a major event that had happened many many years before the first one, That too did not have GvG, until faction wars expansion

Shocked by the forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Yes, also if all MMO’s spend all their time implanting EVERYTHING people say must be in an MMO on release day, including the big one, Years of endgame content. By the time it does hit the market, they will find almost half of what was mandatory than, is now either obsolete, or had a radical change long ago .

How do you all handle being so slow?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


We’ve become such an ADD culture that people can’t stand to play a profession simply because it travels slower than others…

Agreed.and its only 3 classes that have a perma 25% speed signet, not everyone and their mother

Level 20 warrior... Why GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


^ what Theamato said, and if you read the forums long enough, people thing perfect conditions happen 100% of the time, so they take the GS. I myself hated the GS and axe builds

Hourly crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Well I’m not sure why it included the specs, and that it is almost 10 pages long, most of it gibberish with numbers and letters along with true IP addresses and traces, which I will not include. but here is the resulted specs

  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 1623MB/ 3325MB 48%
    Paged: 3067MB/ 6651MB 46%
    Virtual: 763MB/ 2499MB 30%
    Load: 51%
    CommitTotal: 3583MB
    CommitLimit: 6651MB
    CommitPeak: 4896MB
    SystemCache: 78221MB
    HandleCount: 35430
    ProcessCount: 97
    ThreadCount: 1357
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 1052MB
    WorkingSet: 562MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 686MB
    PageFaults: 689505
  • Game Context <—*
    MapId: 23
    Flags: 0×241
    ElapsedTime: 00:00:07
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×1201
    Version = 9.18.0013.1070
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
    Compat = 0×00100800
    VidMem = 2385 MB

Hourly crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


So after playing for one hour, each time. I will get this crash. followed by asking to repair the problem, only that it keeps happening every hour

—> Crash <—
Assertion: A file was corrupted in the archive. Please run once with ‘-repair’!
File: ..\..\..\Game\Main\MainCli.cpp(591)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 6096
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 16419
When: 2013-01-07T09:12:55Z 2013-01-07T19:12:55+10:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:01:22
Flags: 0

It is much larger than this, but the rest is more specs and so forth of my machine

What GW2 lacks in: Endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


End game in all new MMO, sub or free. won’t be 100% there, you will see the skeleton there to create onto it for future updates months, or even years in advance. Look on any new MMO and you will see the same complaints, No ‘end game’ most of which you will hear first, and mostly from the hard core rush to level cap players, whom have probably played mmo’s with years of updates under their belts.

More end game content will come, but if you go into a new MMO expecting it to be gushing in it, got bad news for you

What class???

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Light armor in general looks strange on all males in game

What server to go to?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Jade Quarry, Storm Bluff , Sea of Sorrows good luck

Not exactly, while all three severs hold the top 3 WvWvW slots, the PvE/dungeon side is very very empty, which could very well explain why all three severs are good at the WvWvW as everyone is playing on the battlegrounds, least that is how it is on SBI

Which class is best suited for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


The ranger seems to be very effective at important strategic locations like sieges, Pop down the aoe arrow shot and you can both keep attackers at bay and make defenders rethink their wall positioning.

Once out on the field though. Can not say. My sever has only been attack this keep or defend that keep. everyone tries to avoid open combat

Australian Server: Sea of Sorrows?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Same with Stormbluff isle

Where is the balance of classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


Its still new and balance is only ever finished when a game dies out. Right now I hear, on my end, that melee and crits, along with ranger bow spam with crits, is very strong right now