Showing Posts For Steven.9803:

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


“I think in the grand scheme of things, given all the other projects, we have going on, sitting, as important as it is, is not something we’re currently working on.”

I have to side with Colin (yes I know) new projects are infinitely more interesting to me than sitting or eating or drinking.

I dont think it would be too hard to add, both mugs and Belchers Bluff are already in the game! Just set it so that when a player double clicks on a drinking item, it changes to the mug in hand that you would get from the guild kegs. For the mini game, have it like costume brawl, where you press a hotkey showing you are available to be challenged by other players. Can’t be more work than maybe an hour or two tops.

How many people realistically do you think are going to do this? I’m not against it (just rather see other things)

At least one I hope. This is just a forum after all, but at least it might give the devs some ideas

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


“I think in the grand scheme of things, given all the other projects, we have going on, sitting, as important as it is, is not something we’re currently working on.”

I have to side with Colin (yes I know) new projects are infinitely more interesting to me than sitting or eating or drinking.

I dont think it would be too hard to add, both mugs and Belchers Bluff are already in the game! Just set it so that when a player double clicks on a drinking item, it changes to the mug in hand that you would get from the guild kegs. For the mini game, have it like costume brawl, where you press a hotkey showing you are available to be challenged by other players. Can’t be more work than maybe an hour or two tops.

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I sincerely hope it wont be a gem store item. Arenanet arn’t that desperate are they?

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Eeew, gem store items? xP

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Its just a fun little quality of life improvment to the game that would promote player created media content and social interactions. I may not know a lot about code, but I cant imagine this being too difficult to implement, as it is technically already in the game

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I was a bit disappointed when game launched that there was no eating or drinking animation’s, as one of the first comics I read about Guild Wars 2 on their website was the ability of a character to pick up a mug of ale and being able sip it, chug it or throw it, as an example of players interacting with the environment. But I recently discovered that in guild halls, we have the ability to interact with a keg and take out a mug of ale and even have an animation for drinking it, though we still dont have the option to sip it or chug it. :/

But I wonder, with the animation in game, could arenanet set it so that everytime we wanted to drink something alcoholic(or otherwise) we would equip it and then drink it? I think it would be great for immersion and RPing, and also for machinima makers. Also, wouldnt it be cool to be able to challange other players to belchers bluff while in a bar? xD

What do you guys think?

Duels, Inspections and Vehicals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Right because im WvW Im really gonna go out of my way to imspect someones gear so I can asure my dominance >.< you argument is hollow, they scale you up in WvW so you can fight level 80’s as a level 10. Inspection would make absolutlt no differance in pvp!

Duels, Inspections and Vehicals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I agree jerks are everywhere, but again in all my years of mmo gammg, I have never herd of using inspection as an advantage in pvp, or even herd mention of it on any forums, save this one for sone reason

Duels, Inspections and Vehicals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Ummm, there are a lot of mmo’s out there with player inspection, and none of them use it for greifing. Also I played Aion up till patch 3.2, and “inspection griefing” was never an issue in pvp or otherwise

Duels, Inspections and Vehicals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Okay, how bout some new costume brawl weapons then? And not having inspections doesnt make any sense, why is it so bad to have it? Also vehicals are awesome!

Duels, Inspections and Vehicals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I would love to see these added in game! I used to love outside city dueling in Wildstar and WoW, and I think it would be really benificial in bringing the community more together. Sure we do have costume brawls, which are a lot of fun, but idk maybe add some more costume weapons like the two-handed axe?

Inspections would be really useful because a lot of times I see someone with some amazing gear and I think “Ooh what is that”, but usually when I whipser them to ask they ignore me :/ Inspections please!

We have a magic carpet, we have a broom, can we have a char themed motor bike, or an asura hoverboard? Let me know what you guys think!(Also, keep your “go play wow” statements to yourself, cause wow isnt the only mmo with these features you kittens)

How I think dungeon skipping can be fixed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Steven.9803


Why not make the average elite mob in a dungeon drop at least one random green upon killing it?

That’s really the only reason why people skip dungeon mobs in game, since there really is really no reason to waste effort working for a grey item and a little XP. Maybe this doesn’t need to get added in regular dungeon mode, but at least explorable mode!

Let me know what you guys think!

Suggestion for a new way of earning new gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803



Let me just say, I love the fact that Arenanet is putting such an effort to make really awesome looking gear in the gem store/black lion weapons trader. But after grinding away for a black lion key and chest for a black lion ticket to acquire said gear, I concluded the whole experience of making a new character and getting him to level 10 just to get a key felt very dull and made me a bit sour.

Here’s a suggestion for a new means to acquire new gear every month:

The way I think they should distribute new gear in the game, including new weapon skins, is that you have to combine dungeon tokens that your earn from dungeons in the game to make a single universal token that you can use to get weapon skins and armor skins; one token for one piece of new gear. So lets say a new themed skin/armor set comes out every month for example, you go over it with mouse and see that it costs one universal token. This universal token would require you to combine 4 stacks of say 300 tokens using the mystic forge, from four different dungeons every month, rotating of course with each different gear/weapon set.

Let me know what you guys think!

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Lol its rational because 1: The concept art is based on the game 2: If they throw in things in concept art that art even there (features like mounts) then why the hell even bother and 3: Do some bloody reaserch on Guild Wars 2 and mounts and the big debates and discussions about em. Then tell me that this argument is silly. But again, I really dont care anymore; I voiced my concern about something to do in game and arenanet laughed at me, whoopdie freeking doo.Also, if you continue to argue about this specific post, Im not even going bother wasting my energy with you, so what ever you write is going only there to satisfy your own eggo. Cheers

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803



Concept is not necessary = real
It is just a possible product/work ideas that are possible to be real.

Clearly you don’t understand what concept is and definitely you haven’t ever involved in any works that need designs, e.g. game, art, architecture, etc.

Concept and schematic designs can be very different from the final product in some points.

PS. You may think and are serious too much??? I see the banner and I haven’t even think about ‘hey! that is a mount!’. You may just heard a rumour and think about that by yourself when you see things.

Lol, you dont think I know that? No need to go out and insult me just because you think my definition of a concept art is wrong(this is definition from dictionary).
However by your definition of a concept art we should just like the art for what it is and in no way make any connections to the actual game itself with it. Hell by your definition, the new Elderscrolls game could use this as a concept art, and people would think its from elder scroll and not guild wars. My point is, you clearly don’t care how this art connects to the game, which beggs the question why do you even care to post?

Also please re-frase what you said, as it sounds like you cant speak English XP(no offence)

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Also dont you guys think its silly that there not even staying faithful to the art since launch? I mean come on, at this point they might as well rip off images from google earth , cause if they only care “that is looks cool” then why should we care that its there in the first place?

Btw: The purpose of a concept art is, by definition, a concept of a thing(or in our case game) illustrated in a picture or object.

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803



OP, if you show someone that picture and they think it’s a in game shot you have some special friends. It is just a picture showing off the massive exodus of refugees from a disaster, nothing more nothing less. Like Regina said it is to convey a mood for this update.

Let me guess ask you something. Do get mad at CGI trailers? Were you disappointed when SWTOR showed epic lightsaber duels, and in game was nothing like it? How about WoW when they had Ozzy and Mr T in their ads? Did you make a post demanding a Night Elf Mohawk?

Bano, stay on topic this isnt about lightsabber duels or Moahawks. This is about the fact that the community has ranted on and on about mounts, and now that areananet is for some reason updating there patches with pictures of people riding things when they arnt in game in the first place. And why is this more important than Moahawks or Lightsabbers? Because Arenanet said not to long ago that there would be no mounts added in game, yet they keep dishing out concept art featuring mounts. I mean come on, would it be more or just as dramatic/epic if the people on horses and dolyacks would just be standing there? And if you say no, then theres a justifiable reason for mounts for ya.

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


And here we have a demonstration for why people want mounts in the game. It goes beyond “mounts aren’t necessary because WP” and “blah blah game reason” (for which there are plenty of good counter arguments).

Simply put, mounts are intrinsic to most of human history, and part and parcel with heroic fantasy fiction. Not having them feels weird. It’d be like this game having no swords of any kind, or no cities (people often complained about Rift feeling weird because the cities were more like large forts).

Any fantasy artist is going to imagine mounts because of this, and many players are going to want them. Imagine the concept artists being restricted to not rendering any sort of fire in all of their art. It would be difficult because it is so much a part of thousands of years of human experience. They would have to make a conscious effort to do so.

Any decent fantasy writer will tell you that if you are going to create a world without something as basic as mounts, you’re going to have a very clear reason for doing so, or your audience is going to be left feeling like it was simply left out.

Charging false advertising, however, is a bit of a stretch. Those images don’t make me thing “player character”, so the leap to “they’re going to add mounts” is a long one.

Plus 1 to you sir!

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


As our artists have also said in interviews that one of the purposes of concept art is that it is a way to convey mood to a viewer and to serve as inspiration for designers. Concept art is not necessarily a blueprint to follow by rote. There is stuff in the game that looks like the concept art, but just because something is depicted in the concept art doesn’t necessarily follow that it will make it into the game.

Please take your tinfoil hats off and be reasonable.

Regina Buenaobra, I am being perfectly reasonable. I just don’t understand your choice of advertisement. So basically your saying that your artists find the idea of a man riding on something before an epic background to be cool. It is cool, but given the circumstances of the situation regarding the addition of mounts to be added to this game, it’s just starting unnecessary fires. There are websites upon websites of people ranting for and against mounts(if you didnt notice) and almost every week, there is someone who suggests mounts on the forums.By having mounts in concept art form, you having players and people think that this is a representation of what is be to be game. If I show your pictures to a stranger(whether they play guild wars or not) they will say, “Oh cool, so we can ride horses and stuff”. Even if it looks cool, your displaying false advertisement to the public, which I find confusing and not very nice.

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I didn’t really read the whole post but I wanted to answer your thread title question.

The answer is: No Clue

Lol does anyone?

Mounts? What on earth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


What the heck is going on?! Mounts have been discussed and debated about since before the first beta with little to no feedback from your guy’s opinion on the subject, then come Halloween you give us a broomstick; call it what you want, it is by definition a mount. Then a few months later you release flame and frost with this image to represent your patch. Many people anticipated mounts, but the only thing we got was that you stated you would not be releasing mounts for Flame and Frost and another broomstick. Now your relasing yet ANOTHER concept art of a person riding on a dolyack with a spear in his hand as a representation of the next part of the patch?! Arenanet please tell me why are you doing this? You said that there will be no mounts for these patches, yet here they are in concept form, and as I recall from an interview during the early development of this game “we are really basing what you see in the concept art, to what you’ll see in-game”. Are you just teasing the many people who would love to see mounts in game with the false hope that they will actually get to ride mounts? Or have you completely lost control over what gets drawn and posted?

Either way, its not funny and you should either redraw or remove those concept pieces no matter how good they are and either add mounts to the game or abolish the idea forever, cause your just making people mad by doing this.

(edited by Steven.9803)

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


While we’re on the subject of waypoints, does anyone know why when there’s a DE that the waypoint becomes contested? I would think being able to waypoint in and join the fun would be a better idea…

I have to agree with you Lady, kinda like the way they have planet side 2 set up eh?

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I don’t think you really dislike Waypoints, you just want mounts; and you figure if you complain about Waypoints you’ll have a better leg to stand on. There is nothing wrong with Waypoints. They’re a good way to travel for a low cost, anyone who complains about the cost needs to game better. My first 3 characters I never sold anything in the Trading Post, I just NPC’d all my crap, and I would always hit level 80 with around 5 Gold, even after buying swords here and there through the Trading Post.

Okay, the reason why Im inducing mounts is because their another means of transportation that I can think of that would be an alternitive to waypoints. If they were to remove a few waypoints, to make the world a bit more open and less zippy, people would complain the zones are too big, or it takes to long to get to places. Mounts would compensate for that, hence why I suggested them as an alternative.

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


DaiBish why did u post twice? XP

I didn’t…totally your imagination…


But yeah, can’t be bothered to wander on virtural feet is a whole new level of lazy

Its not that Im lazy, it just feels silly to me to just walk from point A to point B, or “run into battle” or just zip from one dragon on timer to the next, or to a part of a zone that’s like 5 feet from where you are xP

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


DaiBish why did u post twice? XP

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I dont really fancy the idea of just wandering on my feet to be honest. Dont get me down, I love to explore on my feet, but traveling to a specific place just seems so, pointless…especially when we have some perfectly good charr vehicals, dolyacks and horses. Broom sticks are fun, but soooo expensive XP

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I really dont like way point system. Sure its nice to zip from one place to another with ease, but honestly for immersion sake, I would rather ride through a zone to get to the amazing dragon or what ever, then just appering when he spanws and killing him for the sake of loot. It really takes away the epic feeling you get from slaying a beast as large as a dragon.

What would I like to see? Less waypoints, more mounts; at least mounts with a temporary speed boost, with a moderate cool down so zone size wouldn’t shrink.

Enemies respawn too fast in my personal opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Bear’s….Bear’s in that area by CoE(cant remember name) they spawn like every 20-30 seconds

An idea to fix story and exp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steven.9803


I was thinking(specifically story dungeons and exp dungeons) why not simply increase the drop rate for green, yellow and exotic items in dungeons depending on your current level inside the dungeon, and have it so that after you compete story(only if you’ve already done it) you are rewarded silver, karma and a chance of either 20 cytoplasm, 5 jugs of karma or a random exotic. Now Im not saying that every trash mob should drop an exotic, Im saying that the higher level you are in a dungeon(or in general) the higher the drop chance to loot higher item types. This system alone would make higher level players want to do story mode more often, because for legendary’s they can work on story, and for amazing dungeon items you would do exp. Personally I think Arenanet should really look into this idea.

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Well…I guess I should stop arguing for mounts, until arenanet actually adds them, IF they add them *sigh I was really looking forward to them…XC

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Well at least we get a broomstick hops on WEEEEEEEEEE- oh wait, no speed boost

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Hello, I’m here to crush your dreams.

There will be no mounts coming with the Flame and Frost story arc.

Also, to address further speculation we’ve seen about the concept art for Flame and Frost (and what it may portend): there will be no Cantha and no dragons coming with the Flame and Frost story arc, either.

Thank you.

But you haven’t ruled out unicorns.


Lol! XD But in all seriousness, could you please confrim that mounts will come to Guild Wars 2 eventually or not? Cause people have been askin for it for ages, and if you still here with the dream crusher hammer, then I think you should just end it now, spare people some pain XP

Edit: If its against your policy, could you give us another picture on your input on this question?

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Hello, I’m here to crush your dreams.

There will be no mounts coming with the Flame and Frost story arc.

Also, to address further speculation we’ve seen about the concept art for Flame and Frost (and what it may portend): there will be no Cantha and no dragons coming with the Flame and Frost story arc, either.

Thank you.

Thank you Regina for taking the time to respond to this situation that could of snowballed into much worse “false hopes”. I fully support no mounts! Thanks again!

Of course, she didn’t say they won’t add mounts later on. Dreams resurrected! Hah!

Okay good, I was afraid they would never implement them, that would make me really sad

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Hello, I’m here to crush your dreams.

There will be no mounts coming with the Flame and Frost story arc.

Also, to address further speculation we’ve seen about the concept art for Flame and Frost (and what it may portend): there will be no Cantha and no dragons coming with the Flame and Frost story arc, either.

Thank you.

But you haven’t ruled out unicorns.


…unicorns are mounts

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I know there arnt any mounts to come for this patch, but are you saying there wont be any mounts implemented ever??

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Or maybe they’ll com in and tell you guys to stop being so baised with the idea of mounts. If arenanet did not support this idea, why on this good earth would they have a norn on a horse as the main picture for facebook and this website. AND WHERE have they ever said mounts wont be implemented hmmm??And dont give me some bullkitten lore crap, casue thats been proven wrong again and again XD

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I have to say I hope they do mounts properly ex/

Teir1: Easy to buy cosmetic mounts

Teir2: Speed mounts, ahrder to buy

Teir3: Combat Mounts(mainly for WvW)

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Lol Pirlipat, I know right? XD Especially when its right in there face XD Also, the reason why i said anet supports this is becasue they made that image that I linked there FB profile pic!

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


You should change your title. People think you are talking about mounts.

(He was talking about a lore discussion wondering if horse actually do exist in Tyria.)

To be honest.. wanted that the pro-mount people have something more to say and go crazy: P

IM GOING CRAZY RIGHT NOW!!! twitch And no, he’s not standing next to the horse, he’s riding on it! That red is part of his clothing! Also it would look really stuipid if they said “Oh ya we have horses, but becasue we dont wana break the lore we wont ride them!” kitten XD

In all seriouseness, I think mounts would be amazing and non-lore breaking(as the lore was designed to do so) and I think they should have 3 teirs of em to make everyone happy

Teir1: Only cosmetic

Teir2: Speedy

Teir3: Combat

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


I gatta say, i think waypoints take away from actaully doing events around the world. With mounts, your given more incentive to actually go from point A to B and find cool stuff along the way with out simply zipping from point A to B XP

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Lol I love how after I said the lore thing, no one is denying what I said XD

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


That’s just artwork.

Everyone one knows humans brought horses and had them for some time, but then charr ate all horses, and the rest died because… eh…. uh… some made up illness that affects horses in Tyria or something… let’s call it “Tyrian colic”.
So when people say “Centaurs are half man/half horse” it’s as if you said “half dinosaur” on Earth.

GW1 and GW2 both have mounts ALREADY.

But in the GW games, mounts are not something you get to own and use anywhere, and definitely not something you use to run around and to show off. They are something you mount to get a different skill set for a purpose.
War mounts.
For now, there’s only the Siege Golems and the Asuran Power Suit, but that doesn’t mean that sooner or later there won’t be an event in which you can mount a chopper to fight a flying boss within certain limits (getting strong winds and being pushed back if you fly too high or too far) or extremely expensive deployable siege devourers you can use in WvW, moving them from place to place in exchange for supplies as ‘fuel’.

Lol, I heard it was centures XD, see what I mean? the lore changes so much it honestly doesnt matter XD(and please for all of our sakes dont bullkitten me)

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


Lol you guys. How many times do I have to say this, the guild wars lore was designed so that things like mounts could be added in with ease that would not damage the lore in anyway. Its the reason why the lore is on a wikipedia where anything can change, ANYTHING!. Also, show me the forum post where arenanet posted this, casue I have been looking into mounts for ages and they always say either “we dont know” or “not at this time”. Also, Im hoping they instead of just one specific feature for mounts(ex, no speed, speed, combat etc) why not have them all??Cosmetic mounts would be easy to buy, speed mounts require a few gold, and combat mounts need gems.

Confirmed: Horses exists!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steven.9803


SO with the new patch coming out, I decided to point out something that will make every mount hater cringe. Areananet supports the idea of mounts, and it is already given in lore, and this is evidence of this concept art:

Should be interesting to see how they work when implemented


Nerf Chat Suppression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steven.9803


Have to fully agree with this one

New look for engineer class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steven.9803


Ah cool! Kinda like what they did with the draenie shamans from WoW eh?

Story Bugs: Source of Orr

in Personal Story

Posted by: Steven.9803


Ya but then why would they keep the voice combat sounds? It just sounds messy xP

Story Bugs: Source of Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Steven.9803


The bugs seems to be that just after the fight with the eye of zhiatan, the sound effects for weapons die out, theres a weird graphics glitch or bug where the largos lady has a close of herself hovering just above her, and Trahearn keeps tee-baging the ground as he talks XP

Story Bugs: Source of Orr

in Personal Story

Posted by: Steven.9803


The bugs seems to be that just after the fight with the eye of zhiatan, the sound effects for weapons die out, theres a weird graphics glitch or bug where the largos lady has a clone of herself hovering just above her, and Trahearn keeps tee-baging the ground as he talks XP

(edited by Steven.9803)

Why does Zhiatan have a mouth?

in Lore

Posted by: Steven.9803


Now I dont mean Zhiatan himself, I mean the actaul “Mouth of Zhiatan” minion that eats relics to give him magical strength. My question is, why doesn’t Zhiatan just eat the relics himself? Is it because he cant handle them or something? And if, how can he not handle the power of a relic yet create a minion that can do it for him?

I understand “The Eye of Zhiatan”, I just dont get the purpose of that fat mouth! XD