Showing Posts For Sully.9453:

Glint facet bug?

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Anyone elses facets turning off in WvW?

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Mistward Insignia's

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Does anyone know where the vendor is for the coat, legguards and pauldrons insignia’s for the mistward armor collections?

I talked to all 3 of the vendors in Verdant Brink of the 3 races and it wasn’t appearing on the vendor list at the bottom like the one I bought in dry top (and yes I have the masteries to talk to all the vendors unlocked)

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Milling Basins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


Can we get the Milling Basins added to the material storage section of banks like the pigments etc that were added recently?

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Guild Mission bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sully.9453


Is there an eta on this fix. I just ran my guilds event for both hard and medium rushes because I made it pve only for the week and we completed both within the time limit and it failed on us. There wasn’t even the token chest at the end for people to loot anymore.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Underwater Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Yes, I would also like this underwater. Only having shiro and mallyx underwater is sub optimal for most builds. And if you change the legend when underwater it changes the legend for on land as well, so can’t just have mallyx equipped instead of glint so have usable abilities on 2 legends underwater.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Druid question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


The only things from the expansion you can play without buying heart of thorns is the new borderlands map in wvw and the new spvp map stronghold. You can get access to guild halls only when people in your guild that have HoT claim it. Specialisations, the revenant and new zones are locked for people that do not have HoT

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Buying HoT and Elite Specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


Oh no. I bought this game called guild wars and my new character started at level 1 instead of 80.

Really guys. You’ve paid for the expansion of a game to get even more of a great game. If you think that having to play the game to get content unlocked is unfair i read that they deva have bucket to collect your tears.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Hero points for first build

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


With 80 you can skill everything except Glint.
You have to skill all lines to unlock Glint.

Awesome. Means that when i go into the jungle i’ll be working on glint straight away.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Hero points for first build

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


OK, so I was planning on using Glint for my revenant builds in both pve and WvW. After finding out that I need to now grind more hero points for this to happen I had a thought. When I use my tomes of knowledge to reach level 80, will that give me enough hero points to make a Shiro/Jalis build with 3 full trait lines (leaving the other 2 base trait lines till I get more points with hero challenges)?

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Is the glider dyeable?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


Even in the beta weekends that we’ve had we haven’t even been able to see what the Heart of Thorns glider skin looked like for those that bought the Deluxe or Ultimate editions. The fact that it’s called a skin gives me some hope that we will be able to dye the different skins like how they added a separate dye section for the outfits.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

I'm ready and hyped for chef and jeweler 500!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


there is already enough methods to get ascended accessories in game. Jeweller isn’t really required to be 500. I would like to see cooking go to 500 with some new food types available to make use of cooking materials that don’t get as much use

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Salvaging Kit for Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


i would say it would just take normal fractal relics to purchase the salvage kits. They might make multiple ways of obtaining them though. They haven’t really elaborated much on this

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Don't know what armor to give my rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


I’m also going full Asuran tier 3 cultural armor as well. Already unlocked the skins on my account even though I don’t have any other characters that are Asuran heavy armor wearers on my account until the expansion.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Name your Revenant!

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Because i’m planning on maining my rev i was planning using a name change contract on my warrior and taking it’s name Hoctar for my rev. That way i’d be like Rytlock changing from a war to rev. Just have to decide on a new name for my warrior now lol

Ouch I ran into that once, need to buy 3 name change contracts for that. Ended up deleting my character, changing name of other, and just redid the first character with tomes.

Remember $60 is a lot, your better off buying one, and spending $20 on gems convert to gold and buy the gear you lost. Bank anything ascended first. Unless you have $60 to toss away lol. Just what I did hopefully help for you.

I’m not going to delete a character that’s 3 years old. Think of the birthday rewards man. Don’t know why you would have needed 3 name change contracts. All i’m going to do is change the name of warrior before i create my rev. After changing the name i’ll have 24 hours to claim the name back for my account. I’m actually planning on doing this before the expansion so i can create a placeholder toon on my revs character slot and delete it right before rolling my toon

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Are you a Revenant "Prepper"?

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Got a lvl 30 scroll and tomes to get to 80. Got the mats to make ascended armor a weapons and already have a set of zerker and soldiers i can use on my guard and war. Saving armor chests from fractals for potential condi set.
Have ascended weapons and legendary bolt
Have all my bags and bag slot tokens
Make over kits
Collection of runes and sigils if i decide to change current runes in gear from strength
Will be transferring account bound items including bank access, gathering tools, salvage-omatic, home portal stone, karmic converter etc from current main

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

[Suggestion] Second ranged weapon

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


I have to admit that i doubt we’ll be seeing any more weapons added to the rev this close to the release of HoT

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Name your Revenant!

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Because i’m planning on maining my rev i was planning using a name change contract on my warrior and taking it’s name Hoctar for my rev. That way i’d be like Rytlock changing from a war to rev. Just have to decide on a new name for my warrior now lol

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Saved progress of fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sully.9453


If only I knew that before. Hindsight you evil kitten

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Saved progress of fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sully.9453


I had a guild group doing fractals. An hour and 20 minutes in whilst loading into the final boss fight everyone in the group had an error loading into the map and we all got booted out back to character select and all of our progress was lost. This needs to be fixed cause you just wasted a massive chunk of my afternoon with your bug!!!!

And yes i do know that this will probably be half fixed when HoT drops, but it needs to be fixed even if it’s only 1 island. Imagine getting to the end boss of Cliffside and having everyone crash. FIT IT! storms out of room

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Elder dragons only in Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


You need to do what the devs do and watch Wooden Potatoes. He actually did a lore episode recently explaining why all the elder dragons have settled in Tyria instead of other parts of world like Elona.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

To many veterans

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


I tried doing the event to save nebo terrace:

Its HARD. ~5 of us just failed so hard cause of all the high hp punching bags running us down with hard cc spam. Its ridiculous. Thankfully, apparently, according to wiki page the event will award a daily chest. I see a reddit link for helpful tips too.

If you actually did some research Nebo Terrace defense event has been broken for some time.

In regards to the actual topic, I found that the difficulty of the mobs in the beta was fine. Challenging enough to not be boring, not too hard that people would toss the new zones in the ‘too hard basket’

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

New solo content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


Did you play in the beta weekend? Those smokescales are no joke!

Imagine taking on a Champion smokescale in solo content “shudders”

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Sad Trinity is Sad

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


The day implements holy trinity is the day I quit this game !

I doubt that Anet would ever put trinity into GW2. If they did they would lose a lot of their main player base that enjoy their current style.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Give me a Legendary Mawdrey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


Or they might even have it that you have to visit certain places in the fractal instances to obtain certain items similar to how you had to explore to make Mawdrey. That would encourage people to choose fractal levels that have certain items they need. Would be a good way to get people to actually run island such as Cliffside which some people don’t like.
If they also just made a legendary back piece for general PVE that would reduce the incentive for people to obtain their back pieces through fractals and SPVP.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Absolutely Insane Lag Spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sully.9453


I’m even getting the lag issues on my battleping account I use to play from country Victoria in Australia. Normally my battleping sits around 185-190 and it’s pinging around 600 now.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

[Feedback] BWE2 Druid Impressions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


Cause sarcasm will totally encourage anet to completely change the class to suit your needs.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

[Feedback] BWE2 Druid Impressions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


You do realise that you were just playing ranger normally and that druid specialisation hasn’t even been announced yet…

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Overshooting with Axe #4

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


I was having the same problem with axe 4 too

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Double Spear ?????

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Also means you can have different stats on each spear (one for damage and one with soldiers for more survivability in tight situations)

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Please modify the Facet ground effect!

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


I didn’t mind the animation but i agree the icon at 12 o’clock is hard to see behind your character. I also found it annoying going uo stairs in keeps in wvw because it blurs really badly due to the animation been projected onto the surface your running over

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Legend swap needs to be faster

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


You can use skills instantly after leg swap before skills load on bar.

Except impossible odds. I’ve found it won’t activate till a couple seconds after swap even though i’ve got the 50% energy

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Bank/Wallet Reset for BWE2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


I would like to know this as well. I’ve got some new ascended gear ready on my account since BWE1 that I would like to test out for my future revenant. I’m going to put all the gear in the bank just in case it’s reset anyway.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Permanent Upgrade Extractor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


With the price of runes it’s easier just to overwrite the runes and take the loss than buying an extractor with gold to gem conversion. Due to this i’ve never to this day bought one because if i wanted to switch runes on gear i’d have to buy six of them for the full set. They can still keep the single use one on the gem store. My point was peoples suggestions for runes in other threads just changed the way runes would work and are probably unlikely for anet to do. Even if they reduced the price of the single use extractors they would probably find more people would buy them (and increase their profita)

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Permanent Upgrade Extractor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


With the announcement of legendary armor there have been a lot of threads made with suggestions in regards to switching runes/sigils like having the option to add runes to the gear and having the choice of switching them at will like the stats.
My suggestion for this would be to make a new version of the upgrade extractor currently on the gem store to one that has unlimited charges in lieu of single use. I know if there was a permanent version on the gem store I would buy it (and it would be easy for the devs to make because they already have the single use one to base it on)

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


They should have just called it a free trial of the game. New players will have to devote a lot of time leveling their characters to 60 to even experience world vs world. I’m guessing they’re hoping by the time people get to level 60 they will just buy the game.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

so random fractal questions?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sully.9453


You can smash out personal reward levels as much as you want to progress quickly. But you will only get the end rewards once per day. If you’re on personal reward level 10 for example you could run a 10 and then run an 11-19 right after because you will be on the next tier with your personal reward level. A good way to progress is to get enough AR to run the next tier above what your personal reward level is. If you get to 25 AR you will be able to run 20’s over and over until your personal reward level catches up to the levels your running.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

What stat set / build?

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


I’ve already got a full ascended zerker set of armor on my warrior that i will switch to my rev. Will most likely be using shiro/glint in pve and have been running fractals to get the last two armor chests to finish a set of soldiers gear for more wvw zerg play to survive on the front lines easier. Planning on after completing soldiers gear to start working on a condi set of gear (maybe rabid or sinister, haven’t decided yet) that i can use my sinister accessories with

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Describe the Herald in 3 Words

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Hype hype hype
Enough said

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Ascended Drops: What's worth the time spent?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sully.9453


I only buy runs for fractals when i don’t have the time to run it normally.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Fractal ascended salvage kits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sully.9453


Will the new fractal ascended salvage kits coming in Heart of Thorns have a chance to extract the current infusions on them?

I have a number of ascended rings that have WvW infusions and lower levels of agony resistance that I could reuse on other rings that I have started using due to their stat selection, so getting infusions back from the rings would save me a lot of laurels, badges of honor and gold.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Rev Underwater Combat

in Revenant

Posted by: Sully.9453


Going to ask the question that not many people have mentioned on the forums (as far as I’ve seen, may already be a post on this).
Is Revenant going to have a specific legend for underwater combat or will it just be channeling Jarlis etc? Will the existing legends then have different utility skills underwater?
With the introduction of weapon swapping, are there plans to have both ranged and melee focus underwater weapons?

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Miyani Mystic Forge Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sully.9453


Can we have the purchasing of Siege Masters Guide’s from Miyani reverted back to how it was before the patch without the prompt “Are you sure you want to purchase this item” coming up every time?

When I upgrade siege for my guild I tend to upgrade siege in bulk and having to click yes on the prompt every time instead of just spamming the buy button is frustrating.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Mark of Evasion - please fix

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sully.9453


I totally agree. This trait needs to be a part of major traits instead of a minor trait and something else put into the minor trait in it’s place

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

About the Portal to Maguuma's Heart

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sully.9453


Personally I believe the “Portal to the Heart of Maguuma” as a slap in the face. I’ve spent over 24 hours since the drops began in both the silverwastes and dry top and still have nothing to say for my efforts. Whereas a guild member came into the silverwastes the other day and got a portal in the first 5 minutes. I know a lot of people are in the same boat as me. It’s incredibly frustrating spending so much time on something for no result.
Is there going to some extra benefit in the chance of getting into the beta for those actually interested and willing to put the effort in and having terrible luck with the RNG associated with the loot drops of the portals? Looks like I’m putting my hopes on been an active player and signed up for the newsletter for my chance at my invite.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

[Bugged] Devouring the Brand-Iron Marches

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sully.9453


New build released today and event still bugged. I’ve leveled my new guardian on the pretense of not buying traits, but actually doing the events and such to unlock them. This is preventing me from unlocking the trait that I want. Surely this could be fixed after been bugged for so long….

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

[NOC] Nocturnal [Blackgate][PvX] AU/NZ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sully.9453


Guild missions tonight! With a new tequatl the sunless kill in there for good measure

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Monthly Jumping Puzzle Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sully.9453


Yes it has the 12 unique jumping puzzles. However when i did griffinrook run yesterday with a guild mate we both didn’t get progress towards the monthly when we got to the chest at the end. Was only this puzzle that i found had the problem because i was able to finish it in other jumping puzzles

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Skill Lag - Official reply on the subject?

in WvW

Posted by: Sully.9453


It’s been around for more than a month. Try since beta. Large fights in stonemist are notorious for this.

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

Permanent kind of finishers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sully.9453


I would like to see finishers as rewards for certain achievements. For example completing all jumping puzzles

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate

WvW: Jumping Puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sully.9453


3 reasons why Anet will not change the puzzles
1. Jumping puzzle is in a pvp area. Been attacked by opposing players is the whole point
2. Chest rewards badges
3. Chest gives siege plans (it’s strategic to prevent the enemy from gaining and using this seige against you)
This has been said by numerous people since release and it’s still exactly the same

Keltina – Necromancer | Hoctar – Revenant
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate