Showing Posts For Super.2749:

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


every team will have double revenant anyways, I think you meant may the best revenants win. It was a short notice for the season final teams so even if they wanted they couldn’t have made it 5 class per team. but hopefully guild challanger league tournament will show everyone how 5 classes are more enjoyable than double cheese.

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


season finals will have 4 classes, We will see all the 4 top teams abusing double revenant. guild challanger qualifier will have 5 classes. we will actually see good balanced games here. They still didn’t decide on season 2, but they will see how terrible the season final will be with every team having 2 revenants.

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Well scrapper is definitely good, but dps rev are the new thiefs with more damage similar survivability as scrappers…

Scrapper New Meta

in Engineer

Posted by: Super.2749


^ seems like PvP is too hard for you ?

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


it will most likely be 1x class per team in next season so no double cheese.

Scrapper New Meta

in Engineer

Posted by: Super.2749


Sharing this video I made after the patch for scrapper.

We finally have some build diversity for scrapper, you can take different traitline, different elite depending on enemy team comp. Scrapper received a nerf but is still one of the powerful classes in the meta.


Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Sharing this video I made after the patch for scrapper.

We finally have some build diversity for scrapper, you can take different traitline, different elite depending on enemy team comp. Scrapper received a nerf but is still one of the powerful classes in the meta.


When will RANKED queues be activated?

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


yah right maybe next year :O

When will RANKED queues be activated?

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Anyone knows? if not can a dev confirm any estimate?

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


3 hour queue so much fun, hotm so much fun

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


most of the problems above can be solved by forcing players to queue INSIDE heart of the mist so all the pvers have to get inside HOTM, so they can see the builds they are playing, but once you are in queue you can leave HOTM this will solve the problem. as for loading screen dishonor problem, u can just make the accept timer longer.

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


It will be added eventually when they see the queue times in ranked matches when league comes out :S

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


now that the dishonor system is in place this needs to happen. Really hope they implement it before ranked queues are up as HIGH level players will have hard time finding queues

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


yah, nothing to do in hotm its really sad how a simple thing can get so many new players to pvp but they are not bothered to queue because they have to waste time in hotm

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


This is the main reason I stopped streaming. lets hope the Devs actually listen and let us do 1v1s/ other useful stuff when queuing

Pro League Open Qualifiers!

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Great news, thumbs up to the esl admins great job

Would have been even better to have top 8 double elim but at least we get double elim for top 32.

Pro league qualifier total confusion

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


I am not even sure if they will actually tell us on saturday :S

Pro league qualifier total confusion

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Admins really need to clarify more information about pro league qualifier.

We have 32 teams now

There are many points that admins need to make clear because most of us have real life and if you just tell us games will be played on saturday “1pm gmt”, sunday and monday we can’t make Real life plans.

Now we know that it will be single elimination “which is a big mistake for such huge tournament”

so to get top 8 which will be on monday that means teams need to win 2 matches only.

Does that mean teams will play 1 match on saturday and 1 match on sunday and top 8 on monday?

or will it be 2 games on saturday and none on sunday?

Also is top 8 single elimination also?
if it is than getting to pro league will mean 1 win in top 8.

will we have to play more games after we get into top 4 “which qualify the teams for pro league”?

and if the teams do have to play in the semi final will there be any prizes other than qualifying for pro league? or is it just for the viewers?

Pro League Open Qualifiers!

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


does the qualifier have loser bracket?

If the 2 best teams in the qualifier face each other before top 4, it will mean a random team who is not as good will qualify for pro league.

It will also mean good teams will have better chance to prove themselves if they have dc/play bad in 1 match

RiP burning DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Super.2749


yah its because many guards used to replace the traps since they had such low cooldown so when enemy arrive at the traps they can lay another 5 traps thats 10 traps in matter of seconds, but glad they increased the cooldown

RiP burning DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Super.2749


@ vikkela , yes this was before the traps nerf, they are still strong but they used to be rly op

RiP burning DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Super.2749


they did try with stronghold but they messed up by making it 5v5 instead of 8v8, gw1 gvg was the best miss the monthly tournament and the gold/silver/poop capes

RiP burning DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Super.2749


No more 5 trap burn guardians

DragonHunter Gameplay by [CC] Super

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


I never played turret engi actually as i didn’t play for over a year and turrets was useless back in the old days where hambows rekt everything

DragonHunter Gameplay by [CC] Super

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Back to GW2 after 1 year break.

Decided to mess around with dragonhunter and create a power/condi build

Result is above

Hard counter to it is maurader DH with a “brain”

Rest depends on skill.

I would say its pretty low skill cap build.

Will post this build and other DH builds as well as new scrapper builds on my twitch/youtube channel once I finalize the builds

(edited by Super.2749)

Show off your Spvp matches

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


So let’s have some fun,

Post your Games played / Spvp matches

I will start with mine

Why temple as my favorite map? not my choice, because of the old map bug 1 year ago or so , where 90% of matches was in temple, and yes 900 out of like 1000 matches i had to suffer in temple

I would have had over 7k game if i didn’t quit 1 year ago

GW2 -HOT- expansion closed beta 24th

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Just wanted to say to all the “GOOD” spvp players who got invited to the beta:
Make sure you give feedback about stronghold, don’t let the wvw kids who never play spvp give all the feedback.

I would do it if I was invited but I wasn’t

I am sure that if stronghold delivers and is in separate queue than many Spvp veterans will become active again.

All higher tier players

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Pretty sure it’s because of the terrible leaderboard system. Now you see people who was top 500 in the old leaderboard in the top 10. Meanwhile people like me who was top 1 in the old leaderboard can’t even get in the top 1000 of the new leaderboard
“I don’t play much ofc” but still few wins against good people should put you higher in the leaderboard but the current leaderboard just want you to play 24/7 even if you lose.

Stronghold and Expansion release date

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Hello all!

Did any of the devs announce or give hint on the release date of the expansion? like 2nd / 3rd / 4th quarter of 2015 or maybe even 2016? if not any hints from the devs would be appreciated

Also about Stronghold , I assume it will be 8v8 like the GvG in gw1? that was the best game mode in any game I played! if not 8v8 anyone knows the any numbers or can any devs give hint or is it not decided yet?

Helping Teams to get better!

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


No brigg, I quit wildstar long long time ago, the wildstar DEVS only care about pve, unlike gw2 devs, however I am still checking gw2 forums daily, gw2 doesn’t interest me atm because only 1 game even though it has best combat ever, 1 game mode does get boring after a while. Once a new game mode is out I will defo come back to gw2 and I will drag the rest of my minions with me back to gw2.

Helping Teams to get better!

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


liar he wanted 200 gold from me that greedy basta<3

Farewell Chap

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


I’ve played 3 new different mmos in the last 5 months that came out, and I have to say, the effort the devs in these 3 MMOS that was put in into PvP is not even 20% of the amount of effort GW2 devs put into PvP.

Hearing about Chap leaving is really sad, however we wish you the best of luck in your new job.

Hopefully this game will grow again once new game mode comes out, still waiting for these game modes before going hardcore GW2 again

"BLU is not an all-star"

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Blu definitely deserve to go. Voted for blu , zombify and phantaram for NA, these players deserve to go the most imo and i hope they all get in

International All-Stars Vote Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


North America needs a ranger and Ovi.5473 is one of the few rangers left that plays at a competitive level no matter what the meta calls for. He has played in the Soac tourney and has more tourney games won than most people have games played. As one of the best rangers to still be actively playing he deserves to have a spot on the ballet.

Totally agree, Ovi is a beast he should be on the list <3

They Just Announced a LAN

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


I assume there will be qualifiers like the pax tournament? or is this different?
Car Crash will be ready for qualifiers if there is any!

(edited by Super.2749)

Does the engineer belong in a team

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


well, solo queue is different to top 10 team queue. play against a good theif and mesmer and they will kill u in seconds together. Also what kind of kittened team let engineer stand on a node in team fight? face a good team and u will die in 3 second if you stand on a node in team fights lol. Engineer is the easiest target to kill, the only reason its good in solo q is because 99.9% of the players in solo queue have no idea what to target. ask any good players from good teams like TCG OR CM and they will tell you how useless engineer is.

Does the engineer belong in a team

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


engineer is totally useless in this meta. Can’t team fight, gets destroyed by condi warrior, have to play perfect to survive a hambow or a mesmer in 1v1, gets destroyed by necro 1v1 , really hard to beat eles also, only easy matchup is 1v1 vs thiefs but in 2v2s gets destroyed by thiefs lol.

Bunker comps

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


There are many EU teams who play with 2-3 Burst classes, these teams will just destroy any bunker comp because they can just 1v2 a guy get to the other side of the map instantly and 1v2 again, bunker comp is not even good in EU.

Thank you from Digital Professional Sports!

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


These guys were amazing, very helpful in the tournament and very polite to all players. ESL tournaments would be so much better if we had these guys as ESL admin.

sPvP Tutor Tag

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


It’s not smart to let top players pay to help low level players. Would probably be better for devs to decide on who have these tags instead of having random top 200 players giving bad advice to low level players.

Is it me or are engineers ruining the PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Engineer is the weakest class in team fights on a big node in this meta.

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Symbolic destroying helseth tage and danshee from the close point <3

(edited by Super.2749)

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Did you even read? I said Rom and tage are to me the best players in TCG. Helseth is def the best mesmer in game, I am just saying that there is literally 2-3 good mesmers in both NA and EU, rest of the mesmers are average.

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


Tage and Rom are definetly more skilled than helseth, but helseth is probably the best mesmer in game at the moment, it’s just that not many players play mesmer and most of the players who do are really bad.

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


LOL karsaib is mad!
There is only 1 person who can loss 1v1 ele vs ele with the other ele on 100% hp.
I wonder who that was?
Also I don’t know what you are bragging about, the first day [CC] came back after a 7 month break we beat you by over 200 points even though you guys play 8 hours+ a day, 7days a week. you can’t compare a team who didn’t play for 7 months to you.
After I heard that [TCG] RECKED [ELE] 500-60 in team queue I knew that TCG would just destroy any team in the semi final, and that is exactly what happened to [CC] AND [ELE].
TCG deserved to win the tournament and they are clearly way more skilled. Now stop whining please.

(edited by Super.2749)

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


lol you really didn’t get the sarcasm, i said that because sensotix quit mesmer and started thief, I already know that helseth is probably 5x better than misha and never really played with cutie so I can’t comment but he is probably the best mesmer in NA.

Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


out of the 4 teams that got to the semi final, [TCG] was the only team that deserved to win the tournament.
TCG has tage, without doubt the best guardian in game.
Sizer the best 1v1 thief in game
helseth second best mesmer in game after sensotix.
rom best islamic singer eu!
danshee because he plays ele!

the reason that the other 3 teams didn’t have a chance and didn’t deserve to win:
[ELE] they play 8 hours a day and they are still not on TCG level.
[CC] 3 of the players didn’t play since pax [7 months] we didn’t even deserve to be in the semi finals.
Destructive influence – they had frae, he is bad because he 1 shotted me.

Mesmer damage

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


30 minutes to tournament of legends and mesmer still not fixed " FACEPALM"

NPC DMG Test (smt is wrong)

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


All NPC in pvp are bugged, including ranger pet, mesmer clones/illusions , svanir and all the other npc in foefire. If it’s not fixed by tomorrow’s legend tournament than we can expect the best team that use these bugs usefully will win.

Why not form a team?

in PvP

Posted by: Super.2749


I can see many great ideas here, Maybe we can make it constructive and give some feedback so that Anet “MAYBE JUST MAYBE” listen and improve team queue or other stuff to allow more teams to form? The only reason I stopped hardcore gw2 is because the amount of “top” teams is so small you can count them with 1 hand

The only feedback I can give at the moment is make reward better and not give us random pve drops, make daily tournaments and monthly tournaments. Make the legend tournament monthly instead of once every 3-4 months or w/e have been planned.