Showing Posts For Taggund.8936:

Scoring Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Addressing Stagnation (and potentially in a way snowballing):

My most enjoyable aspect of WvW initially was always reset night. Not knowing the opponent, and knowing you’re trying to gain an advantage on the map, was enjoyable and challenging. Lately, the same matchups over and over have led to dullness, even for reset.

A recent thought I had was on not necessarily using the Servers in the matchup as the means of avoiding the stagnation, but some modifications on play and maps being reset.

Examples of thoughts in this direction:

Randomize the Map Objectives at Reset. (Avoids some stagnation even though matchup remains the same. Reset not predictable. )
1) The team that owns an objective is randomized at reset. It could be the keeps/towers could already start as owned by an opposing team or the Home BL team at map reset. (I would exclude the home BL diamond (northern towers/Garrison), and EBG keep and inner towers).
2) Randomize Upgrade Level at reset. A tower could randomly already have upgrades at reset, including waypoint and fortified walls.

Provide a means to trigger a map reset, but the weekly matchup remains the same.
1) Capturing a Fully Upgraded Stonemist results in a reset of the EBG map at next PPT or some other point in time in future (countdown or such). SM could remain in possession to those who captured it at reset.
2) Capturing a Fully Upgrade Garrison resets the BL map.
3) Capturing and holding (maybe require an upgrade or set amount of time) all 3 Garrisons provides a full WvW map reset.

Adding Cross-Borderland Impacts to Objective Capturing
1) Team does not own Home BL Garrison, a damage reduction buff exists on towers/keeps for that team in the BL of the team that does own it.
2) Team does not own southern keep/tower on one side, then a damage reduction buff exists on towers/keeps for that team in the BL of the team for that side. (I.e., Green does not own southern Blue Tower/Keep on the Green BL, then if Green attacks Blue BL, they have a percentage damage reduction against the Blue BL towers/keeps. Percentage could be based on each objective, and it would encourage focusing on recapturing objectives on own BL or those on the opposing teams to reduce their threat on your BL.)

Just some thoughts to add variety to the matchups, even if the severs within the matchups remain the same due to the slowness of the glicko to change.

Scoring Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I don’t really believe scaling PPT per population, either across all of WvW or within a map, to be an approach that would not lead to issues – either harassing of players to get out, or discouraging play by those in non-prime time. However, I have thought of changing PPT to level of upgrades as an alternative to promote upgrading and defending more.

In general, something along the lines of:

Resource Camps:
T0: 5 PPT
T1: 10 PPT Fully Upgraded

T0: 5 PPT
T1: 10 PPT Reinforced Walls/Gate
T2: 15 PPT Fully Fortified

T0: 5 PPT
T1: 10 PPT Reinforced Walls/Gates
T2: 20 PPT Reinforced Walls/Gates and Waypoint
T3: 30 PPT Fully Fortified

Stonemist Castle:
T0: 5 PPT
T1: 10 PPT Reinforced Walls/Gates
T2: 25 PPT Reinforced Walls/Gates and Waypoint
T3: 40 PPT Fully Fortified

Additional modifications to PPT:
Open Wall/Gate – minus 1 level for PPT ; so a fully upgraded T3 keep would only count as a T2 if under attack. PPT could also be reduced for each wall/gate breached – outer and inner – so a T3 fully upgraded keep could be T1 PPT while under full attack and inner breached. Seal the outer or inner behind them, then it is up to T2 again. Repel fully and repair, back to T3.

Sentries could also add 1 PPT.

Account bound WXP

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Add yet another disappointed customer (and gem buyer). The total lack of any communication for what most of the player base actually wants in WvW is what is amazing.

Cant enter wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Getting this error message happened to me last night and someone recommended going to EOTM and then to the BL. That worked for me.

Supplies hypothetical change

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


My general thought has been, what if when you zoned into WvW or switched maps, your supply went to zero. Would make for an interesting reset, and no longer would you be supplying a zerg by using seigerazor on other maps. Camps would be a much more strategic target to upgrade and defend.

Why Alt Unfreindley ?

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Play how you want, but this is not an alt friendly system.

And it should not be either, imho. WvW is an individual toon progressions system (other than overall WvW achievements). But hey, given all the whining from many here, I have no doubt that ANet will cave and cater to the minority, that’s right, the MINORITY, rather than the majority who simply accept the current WvW exp and rank system for what it is…per individual toon.

I’m sorry, but it is the MINORITY that want it Character Bound. The MAJORITY want it ACCOUNT bound. I cannot recall anyone saying otherwise as we’ve discussed this. We accept it as is currently, but it only hurts ANET to keep it as is, as any incentive to buy additional character slots for a WvW player is reduced by keeping it as is.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Taggund.8936


1) Build Diversity/Ability to save several trait setups for swapping roles
2) Ability to reset WXP spent

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Taggund.8936


1) Server Population and Coverage Balance
2) Account Bound WXP
3) WvW Rewards vs PVE (gold/equipment)
4) Scout/Defender Rewards vs Zerg PVD
5) Commander/Squad functionality

Q, Trebbers WxP on Towers

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


My experience is same as the OP. You only get credit for the capture if you by chance killed a guard. Otherwise, it is just the wall wxp. I know I’m not alone in this experience, as it is something that has been discussed on team chat and mumble.

Do I HAVE TO Pve to get a decent backpack ?

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


getting the exotic backpack is not as easy as running to orr – orr in my server is a dead place …no one goes there anymore since anet – ‘improved it?’ – you have to do the temple event – which can’t be done solo…….and if I hear find a guild one more time!! Arg – i’m was in 5 and each of them was like 5 out of 500 are on and the few that are on farm jormag- many of them transferred to other servers – so just running to orr will get you nothing but frustrated. The logistics are flawed and saying there is a quick and simple solution is just as bad as hearing ‘the check is in the mail’

Blue dot = open temple.

Currently open on Blackgate.

And what this highlights is that 95% of the time, you’ll only see Lyssa (Magi) and Dwayna (Rabid) open on any servers. The next most common is Balthazar (Cavalier), and it is pretty rare. When I log in I generally check as I’ve been looking for Melandru and Grenth to be open somewhere, and it’s been weeks that I’ve checked at the time I play and I’ve yet to see them open.

It was an easy means to obtain exotic armor, but it no longer is a reliable one. My general go to link for outfitting an 80 with karma has been here:

As far as backpacks, as a WvW player with no dungeon/fractal interest at all, it is something I accepted as not having beyond Rare, and definitely not at Ascended. The problem will come as more and more Ascended items come into the game.

New to thief - gearing up

in Thief

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Here is the link I generally follow with gear.

I’m not a dungeon/fractals player, so I usually start with Karma armor when a character hits 80, and generally mix and match the PVT (Soldier) option. Can only do 5 of 6 pieces, and I fill in the last with Invader. Karma trinkets are also an option from the temples as mentioned.

After that, as I have the gold, I move to TP or WvW armor vendor for the other sets. Runes/Sigils are areas I have the most trouble deciding on. Too bad you cannot just recover these so you can play around with various setups without new sets of armor/weapons.

As to crafting, if you’re already 80, use the experience gain/leveling benefit on an Alt. However, I personally don’t find the cost/benefit time wise to choose crafting versus the TP, even with having characters presently maxed in each craft.

WvW Vs Alts

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I agree, though I know it will not do any good to complain at this point.

Lets talk money

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I spent money to get 3 additional character slots to have one of each class. The introduction of WXP made that a bad decision on my part. 4 level 80s and 4 from 20-40 that will see minimal time played now.

I’ve spent money for gem to gold conversions in the past, but would not again. I can’t think of anything they could add at this point that would entice me. The Salvage item was close, but once learned it was at a basic salvage kit level, lost all interest.

Overall, a lot of the reason as to why I did the gem/gold conversion was because as a WvW player, I did not earn gold (better now than then), and since I have no interest in dungeons/fractals, I know my gold earning potential will not change. I accept that I’ll be under-geared in some ways, however, at this point I am concerned what Ascended weapons/armor will do to WvW and the associated cost of the items (a further limitation to alts, and driving a further need for gold that is just not obtainable in WvW).

WvW ability points

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


True, although any time the company makes a major change they should be re set for free. The company should not expect the customer to pay for the company’s mistake. And making major changes such as a new line is a mistake if they do not offer a free reset.

They are holding to the concept that WvW masteries can always be achieved by playing more which is true.

The problem is WxP even with this change can take weeks to max out one line and years to do several… on one toon. I don’t think they understand their player base very well sometimes. Until they alter their perspective I am affraid we are stuck with no resets and soul bound WxP. I hope that isn’t the case though.

Exactly. I earn maybe 1 rank per night with 3-4 hours played. I doubt it will be much more than that with the new changes since I tend to scout/defend more than anything. If you want to WvW and not just ZvZ, then WXP is a terrible progression, and especially such since it is limited to a single character.

WvW ability points

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


There is NO good reason not to allow for the resetting of skill points. If I can reset my main skills for 3 silver, I should be able to reset my WvW points for the same amount.

Absolutely agree. No good reason there is not a reset, and no good reason it would cost a lot even in badges if there was one.

OMG help me choose!

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


My main class is ‘Alt’. Sadly it no longer has a place in WvW.

I have an 80 Warrior, Guardian, Ele, and Thief. Each can have a different play style in WvW solely by how you gear/spec them. Guardian ( hammer/staff support) and Ele (staff) have been my “mains”, but right now I’m experimenting with the thief spec’d for conditions (yes, i’m broke again after another set of exotic gear).

So I say play them all till you find the role you want to fill. And as you play, you’ll learn what is important to you and which class/spec best suits it. (If it’s WXP that’s important, pick one character and stick with it, otherwise, you’ll be disappointed.)

World Ranks Account Wide

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


It’s nice to see some people are still dreaming!

Yep. I’m still dreaming for account bound and ability to reset.

Zenith skin preview shows account bound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I see that after reading another forum section. The withdraw section is there in the achievement panel. And sorry, forgive me for not going through every detail of the release notes.

Zenith skin preview shows account bound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taggund.8936


While previewing the Zenith skin to select I saw the item showed account bound. As such, I figured it would be OK to select an item I would use on another character. After selecting, I see the item is Soulbound in inventory, preventing the transfer. So either the skins need to be made Account bound until used (obviously my preference) or the Preview screen needs to correctly show the item to be Soulbound.

what to do with PVP skins ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I tried it, but the PvP mystic forge did not accept any of the PvP skins. I don’t care for medium/heavy armors or weapons I don’t use, but I would like the chance to get different light armor pieces for PvP use, if just for stuff like Sanctum sprint.

I don’t PvP, but it does seem odd that they do not match a soulbound item to the armor type of the character that opens the bag. I’ve only received Medium armor from the bags opened with my guardian.

WvW Abilities.....

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Agree with this as well. There needs to be the ability to reset like traits.

Eventually all the little annoying aspects of the game will add up to enough for players to find other games.

Leave living world out of WVW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Why do they punish WvW players by “forcing” us to do PvE?

This exactly.

Staff Ele gear for WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I only run staff, and I took a generalist approach. I use Knights armor and Divinity Runes (was using Emerald orbs until I could afford each rune). Backpiece is Cavalier, and amulet/rings Ascended Celestial with Precise and Vital WvW infusions. Accessory I use Exotic Berserkers, and will not go to ascended due to cost and being a broke WvW player (and need to gear up 3 other 80 alts too).

Here is the link to current setup:|6.1g.h2||1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j.1n.71j|211.d14.211.d14.311.d17.1g.67.1g.67.1i.64|0.a1.0.u56c.u58b|2e.7|0.1v.1r.1u.28|e

At 80, my first exotic gear was the Balthazar armor. I used that till deciding on Knights. I’m also in process of working up a exotic karma set of PVT gear (mix and match between the temples and then Invader legs), and then will follow that up with a full Berserker set at some point.

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Yes please, account bound, with the ability to allocate points differently on each character. No reason to have such limitations, it’s not 2002 anymore. Reaching max rank takes a lot of time anyways.

I had similar thoughts. If accumulating points was account based, does not mean that spending the points could not be character based.

March 26th patch broke WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I knew it was bad when people actually stopped to fight the veteran wurm, and then seeing it actually gave WXP. I’m hoping this madness settles down.

Commander chat suppression

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


The problem is there are no benefits to being in a squad, and only a negative. The desired option is changing the suppression settings for when a commander has his icon turned on and is in a BL. Of course, having a real reason to be in a squad would be desired too.

Outmanned Buff shouldn't give stats

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


You guys do know the outmanned buff does absolutely nothing for the player unless ur a low level doing camp raiding lol. To QQ about karma/exp buffs is INSANE.

This exactly. The outmanned buff in it’s present form is pointless to actually being outmanned in WvW.

The other thing is AoNs syle of play is different than most in WvW. It helps to have these type of groups running around, as it provides a disruption. However, they would definitely be against anything that makes an opponent stronger. Whereas if you’re focused on the keeps/towers, you’d be focused on being able to withstand the onslaught while outnumbered.

Personally, I’d like to see:
1) a separate set of buffs based on whether it’s the server homeland or the opponents BL.
2) On the homeland, I’d actually like to see the buffs applied to keeps/towers too, to make the PVdoor more of a challenge. For NA servers with opponents with big Oceanic/Asian presence, it could possibly at least delay the inevitable reset of all upgraded keeps/towers each night.

Commander squad not working?

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


The simplest change I’d like to see is different colored icons. This would allow some designation of who’s doing what when multiple icons are on the map.

Apart from that, something similar to the Warhammer system was what I expected form a squad, but at this point joining one really has no purpose.

Not getting any Badges of Honor

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


second: yes you should have a level 80 fully exoticed out before attempting wvw, especially if your going to take up valuable in game slots and leave people in queue on a reset night! WvW is END GAME CONTENT, it is the only END GAME CONTENT that ANet has seen fit to give us with and is already extreemly casual friendly and hardcore player unfriendly compared to other games. getting a new character to level 80 from level 0 and getting full exotics should take you 2-3 weeks tops if your striving to play this END GAME CONTENT.

You may think of WvW as end game content, but for many (myself included) it is the ONLY CONTENT of interest.

Not getting any Badges of Honor

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


As zondarus pointed out, a support build is going to have issues with getting badges. I have a Guardian, Staff Elementalist, and Thief. The Thief does better than the other two for badges. I rarely see any on my Guardian (staff/hammer), and it is the one with the exotic gear.

The other issue is that WvW is not just about fighting groups/zergs. If you’re working to siege a tower/keep, or scout or keep watch, then you’re not doing anything to gain badges, but are helping the WvW objective.

Remove/Rotate WvW req. from monthlies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taggund.8936


I’m only interested in WvW so I’ll never do fractals, and so I’ll never complete a monthly. It works both ways.

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Taggund.8936


Only a WvW player would login to the forum just to bump this thread in hopes ANet reads it all.

Only a WvW support player knows that farming badges is running the jumping puzzle.