Showing Posts For Taika.1347:

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taika.1347


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

That is reason i left GW2, and boy i enjoy to be tank again! U just dont get it, dont u? Btw, every time i was runnig fractals i was tank..

edit: I hate to dps, other games i can choose to be tank, healer or dps.

(edited by Taika.1347)

When do I get Ascended rings?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taika.1347


GW2 is not pve game! Anet dont understood anything about pve, if u want to good pve change to game.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Taika.1347


WTS useless crafting mats and masks!

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


And rest of u who left on our sever, never come back! We lost so many peeps cause of this stupid free server transfers. Well, good job Anet!

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Here u go then enjoy!
Dont have time to report all cheaters, i want to play and how said 1vs1`?
Yes u fight whit your orbs against empty server and at night! U earn it, gg!


(edited by Taika.1347)

Dear Aurora Glade...

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Xanti, your server is full of bots, i have pic of em.
You guys have 3 orbs and we dont get any fair fights, u need 3-5 more peeps to fight.
Give us fair fights and just dont run like to bots.
Next time when u come to cry about some 1 hacker, mayby should better check what your peeps are doing..
See u in there, pl dont run..

(edited by Taika.1347)

Guild Wars 2 will Fail if You are not gonna add more content!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taika.1347


Guild Wars 2 will Fail if You dont fix wvw.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


darkfall is nov 20th, get ready!

Heh, it only happend in your dreams, but that is better that nothing.
It will never come out in this year, just use to google and u will see.

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


“But… you didn’t kill them, that is why they are still fighting for their life. If you honestly believe that a downed player is anywehre near as effective as one that is standing”

U drink much? I hope u meet someday alone 4 guys and u kill couple of em and others are ressing while u fight whit to rest, then u know what i mean to. WvW is the best place to pretending that u are part of world pvp, cause there is no point to run zerg sieges.

“Your reward for upgrading a WvW keep is that the keep is now easier to defend and that makes it easier for you to kill attackers.”

I see many keeps that dont have any kinda upgrade, nobody want to do so, cause its waist of … time/money. So why there cant be some kinda carrot to peeps who want to help others? I want to upgrade keeps and etc, but its pretty expensive to do whitout any incomes if u have only 10g or so. Seems that im playing wrong game then.

Combat Rezzing Needs to Change

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Yeh, i really hate to this thing! If they dont change it, i will quit the game and never come back! Its ruining my wvwv pvp totally.

Things that are ruining my WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Why i have to kill same guy 2 times? Get rid of that “fight for your life” mode, if u die u stay down until somebody ress or u go to WP. Cant understood what is point of this I dont want to die today! And what about all those stupid warps/knocbacks/etc when u are down are just …. ! Its ok for pve but not for pvp.

Where is my reward when i build to fully upgraded keep alone and pay to all from my personal pocket? What is point to upgrade anything? Comon Anet wake up until its too late!

EU servers fail

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


Really spiritus? I was fighting to against u guys, i saw about 100peeps hammering to my castle.

Request for Guides: How to Play Guardian Against a ...

in Guardian

Posted by: Taika.1347


Go for “reflection” spec. I won almoust all 1vs1 and mostly i can kill 2-5 peeps alone. Dont ask build, if u are too lazy to figure out by yourself, u are not ready for it!

Ressing others!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taika.1347


Yes, im talking to about pvp.

Ressing others!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taika.1347


Nerf that ressing, give it 3min or so, until peeps can to ress others, i love to “kill” same guy 2 times! And when u are down, u should’t do any dps/warp/fear/etc.

Sorry for bad english.