Showing Posts For Taiver.4395:

Price Rebalancing for Certain Gem-Store Items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Taiver.4395


i think you misunderstand me behellagh, i dont even mention the conversion rates for gold to gems.
My concern is the extortionate prices the few items like boosters etc have turned out to be now gem value is so high in gold
All they need to do is make the boosters around 30-40 gems each and the 1 time use items 10 gems each.
Its really not that hard and it would give them alot more use and actually be worth buying.

Price Rebalancing for Certain Gem-Store Items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Taiver.4395


They should take both into consideration.
Especially considering that gems can be converted at 9g per 100 into cash so you need to question why someone would want to buy 800 gems and get 5 hours of +50% exp rather than sell them for 45g and just craft 2-3 professions to 400 and get a ton of extra exp that way
Unless we assume that Anet preys on those who simply dont know any better…or wants to profit from people who are new to the game and dont understand what terrible investments those items are

Price Rebalancing for Certain Gem-Store Items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Hi, first off i want to just quickly say that this isnt a post about the prices of gems, they are what they are and its fine.
This is about the value of certain gemstore items such as EXP boosters and trading post express items etc etc

While at the beginning of the game the prices were fine for these, they have become almost rediculous to consider buying to use outside of recieving them from a black lion chest.
Currently the prices are as follows for some of the items

EXP booster (50% exp for 1 hour) 17 gold and 40 silver
DYE packs – currently around 25 gold for 7 random dyes
Instant 1 time use bank/merchant/repair items – 4 gold each

The list goes on and on….however, while alot of items are priced with the gem value in mind. These were priced at the beginning of the game and since the value of gems has altered SO much, they should be re-addressed and made to be cost effective comparitively with the current gem price.

As a general rule, i think all the boosters should be lowered ALOT, currently 17 gold for 1 hour of 50% extra exp is silly and i cant imagine why anyone would spend such a large amount of cash or gold for a very limited use item.
4 gold to have a 1 time use of bank or merchant as well seems excessive.
The prices should be changed to reflect the current prices of gems and keep to a rough number…
I think more people would use the items should this be done, you would probably see more gem sales from the increased use of the items and it would be more convieniant for players.

TL:DR version…
boosters 17g each…1 time use items 4-5g each.. way too high value for items with small use. Dye packs costing more than almost any dyes with little to no chance of getting any valuable dye
Make prices dynamic to the current gem to gold value.
IE Boosters 5g each in gem prices and 1 time use things 1-2g each in gem prices.

Recipe: Sharpen stone station. Single use?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Seeen this in game, looks like the recipe costs 30-40g or so…
It says consumable so is this single use for 40g? Seems somewhat overpriced to the max if it is single use.
Anyone able to help? If a GM can help that would be even better

(edited by Taiver.4395)

Overflow as main servers for event maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Just an idea, been trying to get the tower achievements finished lately, been slacking a bit, however I find the servers to be empty a lot of the time, making the overflow as main would mean that any time of day and any server will have access to a server with people on it to join in rather than a few on each servers main.
I know at some times of the day there are a few servers that might have higher amounts of people on but it can be a pain to randomly guess which server and if you get it wrong twice you are stuck for another day

Hopefully something like this could be implemented for events such as this in future, it would deffinatly allow people who don’t do it right away a greater chance of finding people to do the harder stuff (group events to progress past the walls blocking upwards progression in the tower of nightmare is a good example)

Fractal Level Checker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taiver.4395


add a /fractal command
type /fractal and it comes up with your person level
That would be a good solution

Tequatl Re-revamp ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taiver.4395


So solutions…while there is a lot of problems that make this fight unaccessible to most or impossible to kill for a lot of people due to the misunderstandings or just blatant ignorance of the many who just come to afk or think they can stand anywhere and faceroll this challenge, there are things that can make it more manageable

for a start it needs to scale better, while maybe its HP doesn’t need to change a lot, maybe have its armoured scales stack slower if there is fewer people there so the bone wall is easier to manage.
Less poison on the floor for fewer people
Less other enemies spawning on the mid phases if he numbers aren’t high enough (point in case, sometimes a lot of people go to just the laser and ignore the west/east batteries)
While this wouldn’t make it much easier, it would allow people with a 40-60 player group a chance of doing it as they will die less and be able to focus their attentions on dps.

This is a pain in the backside, I cannot tell you how many times ive been on the turrets, turned to target a poison cloud then lose the target on the boss and trying to reaquire that target can cost valuable seconds as it moves around a lot
Make the 1 and 2 abilities auto target the boss, problem solved!

Losing 1 or 2 batteries means game over? No, it should mean the defend timer gets extended by an additional 30 seconds to allow the remaining batteries to charge it at a slower rate. it should only fully fail if all 3 batteries die or the main laser dies.

Melee attacking distance should be similar to the shadow behemoth
Make it so we can stand further back a bit and move around more to allow us to be viable in the fight more, would make avoiding the poison possible!

With the midphases defence, there should be something that alerts the group when there is more needed to 1 of the batteries, for most people it is probably difficult to tell if all points have enough people at and having an alert come up “more to the west!”
it could help.

Hopfully something will be done to correct this painful fight, while I enjoy a well thought out and creative challenge like with liadri, this is just a mess, and while I like the idea of bringing the whole server together to fight a large scale boss in an open world format, if 90% of the server don’t want to do it/ know that its even happening then the huge scaled fight will rarely die.
If you want to revamp bosses just take into consideration that when you make a fight uncontrolled with who joins, you need to allow for the unskilled that can ruin the game and if people who don’t know what they are doing insist on taking the turrets and doing nothing except wasting time, then it will cause nothing but a headache for those wishing to get the kill but being denied.

Hopefully this and anything else others mention will help sort this out and become a great fight with a kill rate of atleast 10% on ALL servers with people wanting to take on this dragon.

Tequatl Re-revamp ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taiver.4395


For a start ill list my observations of problems and then possible solutions, feel free to add anything valid you think could be suitable.

The problems with this encounter are quite serious, for a start you need ALOT of people, while getting a large group together isn’t too difficult, getting a large group and then getting them to be organized and do certain tasks is VERY hard to accomplish.
With over 40 attempts I have killed him once, this 1 kill was very close as well and it took me a lot of time afking in sparkfly waiting for he boss to spawn so I wouldn’t be thrown on the overflow.
A lot of people have no critical thinking skills, so when a poison puddle appears, people on the turrets are too much tunnel vision of 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 etc to notice and I have seen people not even cleanse the floor when poison clouds appear right under them! Stupid really considering keeping yourself alive should be priority number 1 to ensure the boss doesn’t pop up his wall and no time is wasted ressing you etc.
Melee is very dangerous. While I can do range, I feel a lot more comfortable with melee on my guardian and do more dps, being a game which is marketed at “play your own way” I assume the fact that being ranged has a massive advantage over melee is an oversight.
In melee distance, you have very little time, if any, to avoid the waves. Another problem is limited spawn to hit the boss, the general stacking point is off to the left of the boss as we look at him and the hit box is fairly small so you cant move from poison/waves and keep attacking.
The mid-phases can be quite broken, there are certain enemies and attacks which they use that can cause massive damage to the batteries or the main laser pretty fast, this is a huge issue and should be sorted by either making them use the abilities less or removing those from its rotations.
1 battery dead? Game over! No this shouldn’t be the case, solutions coming.
Over flows!
Nothing is worse than finding out a server where a guild or a big group is going and you cannot get in to join them because you get stuck on an overflow, thus missing out.
While I understand the server stresses and there is ultimately a limit on how many people can be there, I think the problem could be sorted by better scaling (once again, idea coming)

Way too hard!

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Taiver.4395


This is what too many people keep saying and its annoying.
If you want a guide and someone to hold your hand through everything in the entire game and within 1 hour of new content coming out, before trying it more than a few times you feel that its impossible to complete, maybe you should try something else

By no means am I complaining, I had plenty of fails when I did it but after 90 mins to 2 hours I did it with my guild and then we did it again after reset in 40 mins.

If you truly keep having problems and feel the need to complain publicly about the difficulty of content ask yourself these questions.
1) Have I considered checking group composition, do we have a good setup of classes etc or are we all full berserker, all dying, and wondering why?
2)Are we all using food buffs and ALSO weapon buffs AKA sharpening stones or weapon coatings etc etc from weaponcrafting skills or buy off TP
3) Have we strategized and thought about the fight in depth or am I doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results?
4) Is this content for me? – If you cant do it and it makes you SO mad, angry or whatever that you need to rage, maybe just ignore it and carry on doing what you were doing, after all there will be something new in 2 weeks which might be more acceptable.

Generally speaking, if you cant do something for hours and get mad, and others have already done it several times, chances are its not too hard at all and you are simply doing something wrong.

TA's more mechanical challenge than most Arah

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Taiver.4395


the reward is based on time, arah mostly takes atleast an hour per path if not a lot more and the bosses are quite nasty, this new dungeon I completed in 90 minutes with my first guild group and then we did it again after midnight in like 40 mins, its pretty quick when you know what you are doing in there.
2g isn’t too bad, especially when things like cof path 3 or a few other pretty tricky ones give only 1g

Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Wondering if you are able to transmute an exotic stats onto an ascended weapons and if you can will the exotic stats become ascended stats.

I ask because the stats I want on my shield/mace are going to make them look quite bland compared to some of the other stats visualisations, my choice, left paw, makes them quite dark and green and they don’t stand out.
I want them to be one of the more vibrant colour variations and if I made these, could I then take an exotic with the stat combo I want and put those stats on the weapon. the last thing I would want is an ascended with exotic stats but equally I wouldn’t want to use weapons that I don’t like the look of.

Tough choices so help is appreciated!

W1Z3 bugged acid waterfall shop in TB mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Taiver.4395


There is something blocking me, ive tried different camera angles and when I jump towards the door behind there, I hit some invisible block, I can even stand on it!
no idea what this is but its blocking my entrance

W1Z3 bugged acid waterfall shop in TB mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Taiver.4395


ive trid that many times, not sure what they were thinking with this, 80 deaths now lol

W1Z3 bugged acid waterfall shop in TB mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Taiver.4395


So ive died around 40 times trying to get into the shop here for tough customer world 1, bugged?
Tried every angle, standing back, forward dodge jumping etc etc
Ive completed all tribulation mode im just finishing the sub achievements off so I wanna know whats up with this.
Any help appreaciated

Constant "Serious error has occured"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Ahh probablt from the fresh install, was happening when i had the up to date one but thanks, i will reinstall the current one

Constant "Serious error has occured"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taiver.4395


—> Stack <—
3B1DFC64 0f485720 10417830 3b1dfd58 00000001 WH.0xA.X..;….
3B1DFC74 ff911302 3b1dfcd0 0066f59e 3b1dfc90 …….;..f….;
3B1DFC84 00000007 00000008 3b1dfcfc 00000000 ………..;….
3B1DFC94 00000000 42500000 42500000 c10aaaab ……PB..PB….
3B1DFCA4 c10aaaab 4272aaab 4272aaab 00000000 ……rB..rB….
3B1DFCB4 00000000 42500000 42500000 c10aaaab ……PB..PB….
3B1DFCC4 c10aaaab 4272aaab 4272aaab 3b1dfce8 ……rB..rB…;
3B1DFCD4 0066f8b0 3b1dfd58 0e2e12a0 0e2e12ac ..f.X..;……..
3B1DFCE4 3b1dfd58 3b1dfd14 00b57d82 00000000 X..;…;.}……
3B1DFCF4 00000008 0f485720 00000167 00000008 …. WH.g…….
3B1DFD04 0e2e12a4 00000130 80000000 00000000 ….0………..
3B1DFD14 3b1dfd38 00b57e04 0e2e12a0 00000008 8..;.~……….
3B1DFD24 3b1dfd58 00000000 00000167 0f485720 X..;….g… WH.
3B1DFD34 0f485674 3b1dfdb0 00b5271c 00000008 tVH….;.‘……
3B1DFD44 3b1dfd58 00000000 03dd8ff0 0f4856ac X..;………VH.
3B1DFD54 0f485674 42500000 42500000 00000000 tVH…PB..PB….
3B1DFD64 00000000 42500000 42500000 00000000 ……PB..PB….
3B1DFD74 00000000 00000000 016e9c60 00000000 ……..`.n…..
3B1DFD84 00000000 42500000 42500000 00000000 ……PB..PB….
3B1DFD94 44036000 41b00000 42500000 42500000 .`.D…A..PB..PB
3B1DFDA4 42500000 42500000 42500000 3b1dfdc8 ..PB..PB..PB…;
3B1DFDB4 00b52840 416a6000 46c00000 05665e04 (...`jA...F.^f. 3B1DFDC4 03dd9000 3b1dfddc 00b49bed 416a6000 .......;.....`jA 3B1DFDD4 46c00000 03dd9000 3b1dfe14 004164a4 ...F.......;.dA. 3B1DFDE4 416a6000 46c00000 00000000 00000010 .`jA...F........ 3B1DFDF4 0be62040 00000008 03dd8ff0 040f44c8 @ ...........D.. 3B1DFE04 0072401e 00000010 416a6000 46c00000 .r……`jA…F
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3B1DFE24 3b1dfe74 0000000c 3c83126f 3c83126f t..;….o..<o..<
3B1DFE34 3c83126f 3b1dfe80 00416ccf 3c83126f o..<…;.lA.o..<
3B1DFE44 00b45ecf 03ddd888 03ddd460 00000001 .^……`…….
3B1DFE54 00000002 00000002 00000008 3b1dfe7c …………|..;
3B1DFE64 03ddd888 00000001 03ddd784 00000000 …………….
3B1DFE74 065c567c 03ddd4ad 00000000 3b1dfeec |V\…………;
3B1DFE84 00b422cf 03ddd460 03ddd4b4 065c5670 ."..`…….pV\.
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3B1DFFE4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….

—> Error Logs <—
VerifyAccess failed or denied access with 0×80070716 – 1
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1686601382244680345’
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: -1, Position: (-27592.500000, 19909.099609, -2135.774902), Completion: 0.000000

—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×1002
DeviceId = 0×6758
Version = 8.17.0010.1191
Description = AMD Radeon HD 6670
Compat = 0×00000000
VidMem = 2798 MB

Constant "Serious error has occured"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taiver.4395


—> Thread registers <—
eax=0000000b ebx=00000000 ecx=0c5c6794 edx=0b8b5670 esi=00000001 edi=10417830
eip=0066ea68 esp=3b1dfc64 ebp=3b1dfc78
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246

ecx-32 0C5C6774 0c4517a8 00000010 0c5c6768 00000000
ecx-16 0C5C6784 0c4feb38 00000050 0c5c6778 013c0d80
ecx 0 0C5C6794 0000000b 078f48f0 001de000 00000015
16 0C5C67A4 0c47c390 00000000 00000000 00000001
ecx+32 0C5C67B4 0000000c 078f48f0 0005e000 51c46e9d
ecx+48 0C5C67C4 0c47c390 00000001 40f00000 41000000
edx-32 0B8B5650 00000000 00000000 0b595076 bb62c431
edx-16 0B8B5660 0b594bba b6b9f1a1 0b59508e 98ef666c
edx 0 0B8B5670 00000026 0b8b5960 0b8b5960 18fec393
16 0B8B5680 4da7dce1 cae01b81 74597a09 0000364e
edx+32 0B8B5690 0000463d 0000000a 00000007 00039bf7
edx+48 0B8B56A0 06100006 0b8b56c0 00000003 08bd052e
edi-32 10417810 0817b0b2 80000000 3e2aaaab 00000005
edi-16 10417820 11100f50 00000000 00000060 104177b8
edi 0 10417830 0134a3c8 01327fc8 00000167 0f4233a8
16 10417840 0134a3b8 00000000 00000000 00000060
edi+32 10417850 00000005 ff0d0d0d ff0d0d0d 3f800000
edi+48 10417860 3f800000 00000000 00000000 0b8b5670

—> Code <—
0066EA48 000000eb 120fb6d8 83cb40c1 eb06eb07 ……….@…..
0066EA58 8b75f885 f6742bf7 471c0020 0000d9ee .u…t+.G.. ….
0066EA68 d95d0c74 05d9e8d9 5d0cd945 0c8b5510 .].t….]..E..U.
0066EA78 8b470851 d91c2452 53508b45 08e8c6e8 .G.Q..$RSP.E….
0066EA88 ffff5f5e 5b8be55d c20c00cc cccccccc .._^[..]……..
0066EA98 cccccccc cccccccc 558bec81 ec500100 ……..U….P..

Constant "Serious error has occured"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Taiver.4395


This is the crash report, its been happening more and more frequently lately and now im unable to finish tribulation mode because of it, stuck on W2Z3 as i get maybe 10-15 mins online before im kicked and then it resets -.-

I have JUST reinstalled windows and done a complete computer reset etc today to try and fix this thinking the problem could be something like that but it seems its just something to do with guild wars hating my PC, only started recently, 3 weeksish ago

—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 0000000c could not be written
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3672
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 23159
When: 2013-09-07T05:13:10Z 2013-09-06T22:13:10-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:04:13
Flags: 0

—> System <—
Processors: 4 [AuthenticAMD:15:4:3]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)

—> System Memory <—
Physical: 9208MB/12286MB 74%
Paged: 20932MB/24570MB 85%
Virtual: 2679MB/ 4095MB 65%
Load: 25%
CommitTotal: 3638MB
CommitLimit: 24570MB
CommitPeak: 4249MB
SystemCache: 9418MB
HandleCount: 21359
ProcessCount: 48
ThreadCount: 890

—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1151MB
WorkingSet: 794MB
PeakWorkingSet: 798MB
PageFaults: 594683

—> Game Context <—
MapId: 895
Flags: 0×241
ElapsedTime: 00:03:25

—> World State <—
<WorldState BufferCapacity=“33456128” BufferUsed=“5500688” DrawCalls=“301” Fps=“63” EffectLights=“0” Lights=“54” Materials=“107” Particles=“210” Submodels=“299” TextureLoadsPending=“0” TextureMemory=“265557988” Triangles=“92792” VerticesSoftwareTransformed=“0” VideoMemoryTotal=“58438732” CameraPos=“-24535.1, 19763.5, -2811.74” CameraFwd=“-0.00511736, 0.367435, 0.930035” MapName=“SgQ1k.R2P7b” MapNamespace=“homnU” MapSector=“TrooP.4wJdA” MapType=“Instance” MapFloor=“22” MapId=“895” MapTimeOfDay=“1.000000” PlayerFacing=“-0.00493178, 0.367543, 0.929993” PlayerPos=“-24537.8, 19951.3, -2202.34” PlayerVelocity=“-3.71094, 275.684, -381.543” />

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]

—> Thread 0×1218 <—

—> Trace <—
Pc:0066ea68 Fr:3b1dfc78 Rt:0066f59e Arg:3b1dfc90 00000007 00000008 3b1dfcfc
Pc:0066f59e Fr:3b1dfcd0 Rt:0066f8b0 Arg:3b1dfd58 0e2e12a0 0e2e12ac 3b1dfd58
Pc:0066f8b0 Fr:3b1dfce8 Rt:00b57d82 Arg:00000000 00000008 0f485720 00000167
Pc:00b57d82 Fr:3b1dfd14 Rt:00b57e04 Arg:0e2e12a0 00000008 3b1dfd58 00000000
Pc:00b57e04 Fr:3b1dfd38 Rt:00b5271c Arg:00000008 3b1dfd58 00000000 03dd8ff0
Pc:00b5271c Fr:3b1dfdb0 Rt:00b52840 Arg:416a6000 46c00000 05665e04 03dd9000
Pc:00b52840 Fr:3b1dfdc8 Rt:00b49bed Arg:416a6000 46c00000 03dd9000 3b1dfe14
Pc:00b49bed Fr:3b1dfddc Rt:004164a4 Arg:416a6000 46c00000 00000000 00000010
Pc:004164a4 Fr:3b1dfe14 Rt:00413519 Arg:3c83126f 065c567c 3b1dfe74 0000000c
Pc:00413519 Fr:3b1dfe38 Rt:00416ccf Arg:3c83126f 00b45ecf 03ddd888 03ddd460
Pc:00416ccf Fr:3b1dfe80 Rt:00b422cf Arg:03ddd460 03ddd4b4 065c5670 00000008
Pc:00b422cf Fr:3b1dfeec Rt:00b42629 Arg:55269f23 00000001 001d1c98 036d6040
Pc:00b42629 Fr:3b1dff24 Rt:00b426ff Arg:00000000 03fe1340 006dae6f 00000000
Pc:00b426ff Fr:3b1dff44 Rt:00946bdd Arg:03fe1340 55269f7b 00000000 036d6040
Pc:00946bdd Fr:3b1dff7c Rt:00946c85 Arg:00000000 3b1dff94 760033ca 036d6040
Pc:00946c85 Fr:3b1dff88 Rt:760033ca Arg:036d6040 3b1dffd4 77519ed2 036d6040
Pc:760033ca Fr:3b1dff94 Rt:77519ed2 Arg:036d6040 4c5ae3ee 00000000 00000000
Pc:77519ed2 Fr:3b1dffd4 Rt:77519ea5 Arg:00946c03 036d6040 00000000 00000000
Pc:77519ea5 Fr:3b1dffec Rt:00000000 Arg:00946c03 036d6040 00000000 00000000

SAB - Timed Runs and leaderboard

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Something me and a few friends who have completed tribulation mode have been talking about.
A timed run, when anyone enters normal or tribulation mode a timer begins and counts until the boss in the level is killed.
Could be good to make doing more runs enjoyable, something to aim for and a leaderboard to give something to try and beat.

Following on from that, could even add achievements for certain times.
World 1 zone 1 tribulation mode copper time 40 mins, silver 30 mins gold 20 mins or something like that.
Could deffinatly open up a lot of possibilities with the game without changing it.

Candidate Trials Tier 4 Solo Guide-With Video

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Taiver.4395


ooh update, maybe fixing it! im gonna go do it again to check. Not doing much else for 50 mins till reset

Candidate Trials Tier 4 Solo Guide-With Video

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Im surprised this hasn’t been fixed so groups of 5 can actually complete it.

Candidate Trials Tier 4 Solo Guide-With Video

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Thanks guys for the relys, im glad this is helping.
I think they should do open beta testing of upcoming content so these prioblems would be less likely to occur,

Candidate Trials Tier 4 Solo Guide-With Video

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Taiver.4395


yea, at the time it was like 5am, I was falling asleep but wanted to finish this thing. Deffinatly not my best effort but even though I lacked a lot, I still did it which shows just how effective this method is

Candidate Trials Tier 4 Solo Guide-With Video

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Taiver.4395


Anyone made use of this yet?

Candidate Trials Tier 4 Solo Guide-With Video

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Taiver.4395


A quick guide showing the full tier 4 fight, I show how I did it and what tricks I used to be able to survive it alone.

I hope this will answer many peoples questions and help stop a lot of questions being asked on here about it being too hard or how to do it
Good luck!

(recorded at 5am, excuse the poor performance, im tired!)