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SBI too dependent on pugs

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


I don’t see the point of this post…SBI is just smart. Obviously we’re not running around defending every supply camp, but we have eyes everywhere at our towers and our response time is generally quick if there’s a tower under attack, unless there’s something more important going on. There’s even pugs that go out of their way to do nothing but run dolys and scout on defense, or do nothing but run supplies to where it’s needed, instead of just attack for the sake of the rest the the people putting pressure on the other servers. Those people individually deserve as much credit for our success as our large guilds do, and any leader you talk to would undoubtedly say the same.

BG hate, and what can we do about it?

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


You can use turtles all you want…noone on SBI/JQ hates you for it, we respect that you developed a new tactic to fight against. You were a little kitteny coming into the match, but I think over the course of the week all the servers gained respect for each other. It’s not a problem anymore. Except for one thing. Don’t kitten complain about 2v1. You might not notice it, but it happens to everyone. T1 isn’t some kiddie fight where if you’re getting attacking by someone the other server is going to help you by attacking the other server. People will do whatever they feel benefits themselves the most, be it not attacking certain towers, or both attacking the same target, and it’s something SBI has just come to accept. Complaining about 2v1 will do NOTHING except make your server look like spoiled crybabies.

11/1 Preview: SBI/JQ/BG and SoS/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


So who thinks they’ll make it into T1 after next week? If SoS manages to dominate their bracket again they’ll force themselves into T1, maybe even leap-frogging most of the T1 bracket. Or maybe SoR can manage to beat SoS and CDS will have to fight SBI? Will T1 stay completely the same for the 3rd week in a row? Will IoJ wake up this week and not fall out of T2?

BG hate, and what can we do about it?

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Yea BG came in thinking they would stomp us, and then there was the silly orb hacking thing that was a really bad first impression. Over time though as BG gets more used to the fights in T1 and stops crying about 2v1 and things then it’ll cool down. JQ is a good example if anything, everyone hated then for JQQing about everything that didn’t go their way, then they got themselves together and managed to hold onto #1 for awhile.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


It’s still close, SBI has bad EU presence, BG has amazing EU presence. SBI has amazing asian presence, BG has bad asian presence. As much as people want to just crush BG or crush SBI its just not going to happen. Whoever wins is only going to win by 10k points or less.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


I still really don’t think SBI has any EU presence, it’s just that, especially over the last few weeks, our community as a whole has worked extra hard to hold onto our keeps during our weaker hours.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


If by SBI 2v1ing BG you mean “SBI is trashing JQ so hard every time they try to touch anything that’s blue they just give up and have nothing to attack that isn’t red” then yes, it seems you’d be correct. It’s not like SBI isn’t fighting JQ, every now and then JQ tries to send a force of like 20 people to ninja an SBI tower under our noses while we’re attacking BG, but we just send a force of 15 people back to wipe them out and move back to fighting BG. Maybe that just means BG is an easier target then SBI? Honestly, it’s seems like BG has been doing the same thing to JQ, but what do you want JQ to do?

I’m sick of these posts blaming SBI for 2v1. We don’t have anything to do with JQ, so why don’t you just go ask JQ why they “refuse to attack SBI”, I’d actually love to see the responses you’d get.

WvW Turtling - Intended or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Why does everyone act like turtling is unbeatable? Turtling is just a valid tactic that i think improves the WvW in general. All it does is require you to get a group together to counter the opponents group. Isn’t that the point of WvW? Whoever has the best the organization should win over whoever doesn’t. Turtling is just one such strategy that LETS guilds get together and defeat a zerg of 40 people with 20. Isn’t that a good thing? Plus an organized guild has multiple ways they can disassemble a turtling group, so if people start relying on only that then they will still lose to superior organization. Just use your imagination. Turtling depends on heals and staying together. How do you counter healing and split people up? Honestly how is WvW not working as intended? WvW is just evolving and people are complaining because they want to win without doing any work.

Live Match Score is UP again

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Yay! /cake

Blackgate - Jade Quarry - Stormbluff Isle - 10/26/2012

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


So how fast do you think we can get this thread locked? Really, idk how you’re supposed to how a cross-server chat without some people getting annoyed at other peoples perspectives.

Match has been cool though, seems pretty even overall.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Wow so much complaining here. You think people would know by now that if you kill the first orb carrier the orb disappears from the map. Plus so much complaining about stacking, none of us NA servers in T1 have ever seen it before so of course were going to get owned by it. I bet by the end of the week we’ll figure out some ways to counter it. The next person that cries “hacks and exploits” should feel bad.

So, i'm hearing things about SBI/BG Alliance, is this true? What REALLY happened to JQ?

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


SBI doesn’t have control over w/e other servers want to do. We don’t ask for people to transfer here, and we don’t ask for alliances from anyone. Other servers just seem to not like attacking us, or would rather focus/beat up on other servers. We just focus on defending what we own and taking whatever is easiest to take. If it’s not blue (we’re usually blue) it’s fair game, and if it’s red, it’s dead (unless it doesn’t drop badges).


in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Blackgate’s last 3 weeks
2 weeks ago: Gets server transfers from HoD midweek, still lost to SBI by 2x points, and couldn’t make up a small point gap IoJ held, got pushed to T3 bracket.
1 week ago: Beats up a current T3 server and T4 server, neither of which got any notable transfers from HoD/ET
This week: HoD/ET in same bracket, lol
Next week: Highly doubt they’ve gotten any better since 2 weeks ago? Last time we fought them they didn’t really show any organization at all and pretty much crumbled if you pressured them at all. I haven’t seen any kind of reason to believe they’ve changed either, but I’m still expecting/hoping they’ll put up a good fight like IoJ did.

On another topic though, where exactly DID JQ go these last 2 days? I did hear there was some arguing going on in JQ land between commanders, but did some big guilds actually leave? And to where? That’s really sad if they did, it was alot of fun fighting them both of the past 2 weeks, even if we were “losing” last week. As much as SBI dosn’t like JQ we wouldn’t want to see them fall apart like HoD and ET did.


in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


I’ve actually heard alot of people saying IoJ was purposely not attacking JQ the past 2 days or so just so JQ doesn’t get 1st. It’s defiantly gotten really silly, like yesterday afternoon when we came close to losing a lot of the keeps our late night crew managed to take an upgrade IoJ was running around the WvW map only killing yaks when they clearly had enough people that they might have been able to take their entire entire side of the map back and just didn’t. I wouldn’t really accuse SBI of 2v1ing or anything since we pretty much owned everything that was red and had no intention of giving it up even if they tried. I agree it’s kinda lame though, it’s alot like when ET refused to attack us to attack HoD and we just responded by managing to nearly fully upgrade every keep we owned then took all of red’s stuff since it was easier to hit.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


That’s not just “SBI waking up,” very specific guilds have been trying to coordinate during certain times which is why you will see one map do really good and several bad usually during prime time.

I know alot of the guils on the server are teaming up like always, I’m just saying we shouldn’t quit just because JQ is winning like every other server in every other tier complains about. The points mean something even if we’re not winning.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Kinda funny what happens when SBI actually wakes up and tries again JQ. I’m pretty happy we did though, whats the point in just giving up because JQ is going to win on points or even if they’re going to nightcap everything? We can still beat them during our peak times and its worth points in the rating system. People who want to tank just go get an easy fight in T2 are just as bad as the people who jump ship to the server that’s #1 imo. Keep fighting SBI!


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


JQ was never #1 until half of CD transferred to JQ, and I’m pretty sure that happened right before TA disbanded. But wow…I totally feel bad for all the players on JQ. People actually managing to be kitten enough to make every tier 1 server NOT want to win WvW and be #1 in NA.

Are we sure we cant just get everyone who transferred to JQ in the past 2 weeks just redirected to some bottom tier server? Can you even imagine how much more fun WvW would be if this happened? I think ANet could completely make up for having free server transfers if they just lock out all the players that rode the bandwagon to JQ and locked them on Devona’s Rest or something.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


If they just portaled in how do you know the mesmer wasn’t just hiding and didnt actually exploit it? Especially if you havnt actually held keeps for extended periods of time. Theres alot of things Mesmers can do to hide for hours without you seeing them.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


BG and IoJ haven’t attacked each other for almost 8 hours now in Blue map either, and i was in Green map for about 6 hours before that and BG and IoJ didn’t touch each other once when i was there either. I’m pretty sure they legitimately have an alliance at this point.

It’s just so….fun. Having to split up groups and beat them down at the same time is so much harder and more satisfying then just focusing 1 side all the way into their spawn. I hope our server can remember all these epic 1v2 holds for when we’re against JQ/HoD again, and remember that SBI does not just kitten give up our own territory even if we’re being teamed.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


So IoJ or anyone else is getting double teamed when we owned all 3 keeps on SBI borderlands while being under attack in both for like 3 hours with 0 BGvIoJ cross swords to the south? Or when BG is completely off the map in IoJ borderlands so SBI is being hit by them in spawn + IoJ.

Take a hint already.
(Hint: Just stop kitten complaining about double teams)

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


HoD won on points last week because of nightcapping even though ET had a deathwish on them. Is that a problem? Yes, but thats how WvW is structured right now so fine, HoD still won 1v2 fair and square. But still, SBI can and has beaten alot of HoD pushes alone without ET. Just because ET decided to focus fire HoD doesn’t mean HoD didn’t get wiped over and over by SBI’s forces.

The fact is SBI has a lower WvW population then last week, and that’s why we’re doing worse. Does that mean we were worse then HoD last week? No. Does it mean we’re going to fall to a lower bracket this week? Probably. Does it mean we deserve to stay in the top bracket? We’ll see 2-3 weeks from now. Just stop whining about losing last week and assuming that winning this week makes up for it. Last week is already over, this week is a completely different week.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Last week SBI had full queues until Monday morning, this morning all of our borderlands had the out-manned buff since like midnight PST. There’s nothing to really say about it, win or lose I don’t think it’s worth complaining.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Just adjust the outmanned buff to actually balance out server strength when another server have more numbers then you. Just start with a small adjustment and improve it as you get more data about it. It’s ALL that needs to be done and although it would take time to get it right, it would be simple to get it started.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


You do realize that if they fix catapults aoe from going through doors, they will also have to fix mesmer’s time warp to not work with flame rams. Plus flame rams would become OP since they’re super cheap. You know 3 flame rams on a reinforced door with 3-4 mesmers takes it down in less then a minute without a catapult behind your door right?

As a HoD player

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Im not gonna lie, if you want to move to a diff server from HoD, it would be really interesting if a guild or something moved to Crystal Desert or Dragonbrand. How interesting would it be to get a 5th server up to competing to actually beat JQ/ET in points level. Plus it would make the 2nd bracket of servers less of a joke. I cant imagine JQ/ET have much fun rotating the 4th place slot back and forth right now.

Who's Ready? JQ vS SBI vS HoD?

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Seriously JQ, have you seen 1 ET person on forums all week complain about SBI + HoD teaming on them? You’re just making up the whole SBI+HoD thing because you were bad.

Or at least were bad, next week is a new week if JQ does indeed pass ET in ranking. Looking forward to see if JQ matured as a server at all, considering I’ve seen posts that say they’ve been trying to get more organized. Should be fun.

Rotating WvW Population Caps

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


I see some flaws to the idea, but its still a good start either way. Just reduce the current cap to 100 per world or so, only have extra people be able to enter if each server has people in queue.

In all honesty though you realize just fixing the outmanned buff to be useful and be scaled toward the amount of people you’re outmanned by would fix the nightcapping problem easier, and probably be more effective.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Just to be quick…

1. HoD is not the 5th or 6th best server during prime time, they are easily just as good as SBI, with JQ and ET very close behind.

2. Obviously SBI/JQ/ET all have a very strong night presence…but that doesn’t mean HoD doesn’t still have 600 people on at night while the other servers have 400 or so.

3. There’s definitely less people playing in general now in WvW during the night solely because they cant match HoD’s numbers/skill during the early morning hours.

4. When HoD owns 8-9 fully upgraded keeps when people start logging in at 4pm its kinda hard to take them back.

5. Just fix the stupid outmanned buff so fights are actually fair at night.

6. ET/SBI/JQ fight pls.

Golem Army Counter Strategy

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


It takes about 3 minutes to properly react to an attack on a tower/keep. Mostly because it normally takes about 2 minutes just to run from spawn to a keep. Golems, if mesmer portals are used, can down a fully upgraded keep in less then 3 minutes. This is extremely broken and needs to be nerfed.

Sure you can counter it by scouting out the golems early, like in your video you run your golems through like 25 ET before you even get to their keep. This is beside the point though, if you already have 15 or so people inside your keep manning siege before the golem attack hits you’ll be fine. The problem is golem SURPRISE attacks. At this point you actually HAVE to keep 10-15 people inside a keep doing nothing at all times just to defend against potential golem sneak attacks. This is just not practical when 80% of the people on the map either just want to kill things or are zerg, so then your other 20% would be tied up being not useful instead of say capping enemy supplies or defending supplies.

Honestly I think most of this problem is with golems being able to use mesmer portals and also use mesmers aoe invis. Golems move pretty slow in general, then can move at least twice as fast with portals, and you know, you should at least be able to see them slowly walking to your keep before they shred it in less time it takes to run from spawn to the inner walls.

my sub acct was in SBI for a day and in their wvw chat

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


There was alot of don’t attack ET because we don’t want to overextend so we can max upgrade all of our keeps/towers so once ET stopped ramming bodies into HoD’s behind neither of them would be able to break any SBI owned stuff. We rarely actually attacked HoD stuff if they didnt attack us (besides the zerglings), especially on sunday where ET actually had a point lead and we wanted to ninja ET stuff more, but defense is always #1 priority for Steelbluff.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


ET will finish last, no fault to them and the amazing effort they put up during the weekend, but they simply don’t have a nightcap team to be heard of. SBI still has a shot at 1st if we can regain leads over HoD during peak hours…but idk.

I hate to say scores only matter in the first few nights, because they’re easily skewed over a smaller amount of time, (for example, ET having a deathwish on Hod, JQ bashing on SBI, orbs being an entire other discussion completely), but everyone knew HoD was going to have the advantage on the weekday nights. Personally I’ve kind of given up on scores as a reliable way to judge servers, it’s fun to go by scores the first few days the scores reset, after that its just kind of fun in general.

I’d hate to see people stop doing WvW just because HoD masses score during morning hours. If anything, just go keep track of the score yourself on weekdays during peak hours and use that as an “official score” if it bothers you that much.

(edited by Talesslaser.7813)

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Mesmers are pretty tanky though, and most people don’t actually turn their heads to see whats behind them. Running back with a portal is pretty much kitten once you’ve already made it past the zerg with invis.

Golems shouldn't be able to use Mesmer portals

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Does this really need an explanation? Chain 2-3 Mesmer portals to instantly teleport 5+ golems to gates → impossible response time. Ok fine, you can kill the mesmers, but they also have mass invis to create portals where you can’t see them. Plus they can do this to teleport golems inside keeps/SM behind defenses. Does this need to be explained more?

Idk why anyone hasn’t complained about this too much yet, but they will. It’s a completely valid strategy and it only gets caught if either:
A. You happened to already have a defense at said keep/tower.
B. You caught the golems in transit far in advance.
C. Server crash

Really, at some point when money isn’t an obstacle every server will just run 10+ golems around towers and keeps all day just breaking them as they please over fully guarded mesmer teleport lines. As fun as it sounds, shouldn’t we just fix this problem before it really starts getting out of control?

So if SBI loses....

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


No idea where this whining comes from…I’ve been to multiple different borderlands and EB with different commanders on SBI now while helping them coordinate on teamspeak…

All of them are nice people, even though some might seem a bit demanding on all chat they have to be, thats their job. None of them ive seen are even very strict either, we do countless things just to try to make it easier on new players, or players that just want to mindlessly zerg things. We find ways to make these things work as smoothly as possible with minimum arguments. It’s honestly more like asking people to help with things then demanding, and in general, everyone on SBI still wants SBI to win. Common goal. Plus since we have teamspeak we’ve highly encouraged everyone to join it and possibly even be part of the strategy making, and we’re willing to explain everything that dosnt make sense.

Basically what I’m trying to say is you just seem like someone that takes things way too seriously, noones forcing you to do anything, including staying on SBI server.

lol @ Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


Suck it up and play better.

You mean like you did last week? Oh wait.

lol @ Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


You dont even hold more points then DB/CD combined which every other server matchup below the top 3 was before. Plus you’re supposed to have the biggest skill advantage being all 1900 vs 2 1700’s. Idk how you want people to believe you’re actually a good server. The only actual reason JQ even gives for assuming its a top server is because it won matches in the first 2 weeks against everyone but HoD. Since then every other server got better and JQ still cant do anything but zerg. Now even the 5th and 6th ranked guilds caught up with them. Poor JQ, maybe they’ll learn before they drop even further.

(edited by Talesslaser.7813)

lol @ Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


So JQ isnt even winning against DB/CD and they still think they’re a top 3 server…?