Showing Posts For Talset.1456:

Does dps-only pve limit gear, trait, or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: Talset.1456


My reason for asking is not necessarily about trying to force a play style into PvE but to get information to decide if I want to persue playing as a Guardian in PvE and to a lesser extent if I want to persue PvE. I am pleased to read that there are a variety of weapon options.

Does dps-only pve limit gear, trait, or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: Talset.1456


Hello, I am currently leveling a guardian. I have formerly primarily played pvp so it was unexpeted to read when opening up to PvE that it was dps-only. This raised the question for me, what does this apply to? Am I limited in gear or also my traits? Thank you.

Is impale too weak?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Talset.1456


Whenever I use a dagger I feel crippled and get impatient by its low damage and slow attack speed of impale. When is it beneficial to use it?

How to enable map completion arrow

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talset.1456


Hello, I once saw a compass which pointed which locations I was requird to go to for map completion. I do not see that any more for some reason or another. How do I enable it again? Thanks!

Glyph of Elementals Duration Timer Is Not Fun

in Elementalist

Posted by: Talset.1456


I am starting to level an elementalist after having played primarily a necromancer for the longest time. Having compared it to necromancer minions I am discovering that the duration timer on the lesser elementals makes them considerably less fun than the minions. I have not received the elite elemental yet, though.

I feel like removing the duration limit would make the glyph of elemental more fun. Would there be any drawbacks to doing so?

How do I do local multiplayer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talset.1456


Hi, we have two people and one computer. How do we play guild wars 2 together locally? Thanks!

axe necromancer needs love

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


Axe 1 dps relies on minions and other allies, doing more that other weapons with them and doing less without them.
Axe 3 can give players consistant retaliation against groups of enemies and you can do a passive 450 damage to an enemy every time that enemy hits you. Yes, that means if another necromancer was attacking you with an axe, do nothing and you will defeat him. It also cripples and has a large radius for perks.
Axe 2 is the filler that gives life force.

The weapon seems balanced. If you look at the dps of other weapons you should see that it is not that different. The Axe scales with the same amount of power and crit as everything else so it probably does not need a buff. Axe also has the best trait of all weapons increasing both damage and cooldown reduction.

I would agree that maybe a change is needed such as moving Axe Training trait to Master to be accessible to more builds that want to use axe.

(edited by Talset.1456)

sPvP-sheer number imbalances and afk

in PvP

Posted by: Talset.1456


Maybe the afk timer needs to be shortened?

It does. Being kicked from going afk is no big deal because matches are short and can quickly be joined anyway.15 second timeout would be preferable.

I kinda feel sorry for warriors

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


You talk about kiting warriors with that build but where is the part about defeating it?

Health regen suggestions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


DS reduces damage taken. Reducing incoming damage taken is no different from having a more effective heal because the point of both is to more easily recover from damage received. Apparently the Gluttony trait does nothing which hinders effective regeneration of lifeforce, but an increase in healing seems to be the least effective solution to your problem, assuming that it is a problem.

So How do you guys Use Plague?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


I use it to AOE blind thieves that are cap-blocking WvW nodes; their permasteath is sustained by successfully hitting an enemy every 5 seconds or so. If you stand away from the group while in this form the thief will be attracted to you too.

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Actually, you only need to press 2 once because it auto-attack the last skills you pressed. I am not sure if the UI communicates this to us or not.

This is why Necromancers are struggling

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


The Necromancer community welcomes ArenaNet to purge these type of degenerate threads from existence.

[WvW] Chillomancer with Power

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


Tried chillomancer. It was a good idea until I came to find that opponents spamming weapon 1 skill is what it takes to defeat you. At least they move slowly most of the time.

spvp. Rely too much on utility for damage

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


The above three comments are off topic. Ignore them please.

spvp. Rely too much on utility for damage

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


I find that the most effective spvp builds require utility for damage. In fact it seems that the most effective spells seem to be in this order

1. Condition(Most damage)
2. Minion Mancer
I have experimented and found that condition and minons often lead to comments about necromancers being overpowered and my team winning during times where minions worked.

3. Wells
Wells put me on-par with other profession burst builds but I felt like I was using utility with high cooldowns for damage and they use weapons with low cooldowns for damage.

4. Spectral
5. Signet(one of the least damage)
Spectral and signet offered fun gimmicks but did not win the fight.

Granted, stat choices are limited and there may be better options of more gear was available but at the current moment I feel like there is too much reliance on losing utility slots for damage instead of… utility.

How much more damage is superior siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Talset.1456


How much damage does superior siege do compared to regular? Considering that they require multiple blueprints with materials I would think that a 2-blueprint siege would likewise do twice the damage. I am not sure if that is the case, though.

Gear Treadmill is hurting WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Talset.1456


No queue is actually a better thing, not a worse thing. Additionally I do not think that there is something innately a problem with people grinding if that is what they want to do. Unfortunately what can be a problem is grinding PvE to have an edge in WvW.

I suggested sWvW a few days ago but unfortunately it had no responses.

Necro minions need some serious love.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


1. For balance I think the answer is having a more elegant way to sacrifice the non-sacrificial minions. Currently to destroy a minion players have to change the skill slot then change it back, potentially activating the new skill accidentally while at it.
2. I think that is the AI is the only major issue right now. Sometimes minions stand on ledges that I jumped off of, when I explode bone minions they often do so in a prairie off in the distance behind me, even though I haven’t been moving.
3. I would love being spoiled with skins though this will probably be a gem store feature if anything.

Another thing I would like to add is minion scaling for post-exotic gear.

Overall MM be incredibly powerful. So powerful, in fact, that I wonder if bad AI is used for balance because minions would be OP with more intelligent or controllable AI.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


Death Nova applies all 3 poisons on target
The the ninth tick is applied(5 seconds left)
Death Nova stops ticking.

sWvW please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talset.1456


I do not agree that PvP in Guild Wars 2 should be 100% limited to these 2-Team, short-duration, map-hopping, small mapped, arena-type matches. I would like to suggest adding a more casual pvp in the form of structured WvW. Thank you.

Only a 2% stat bonus? Its effects on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Talset.1456


After reading peoples responses, does anybody have a criticism which does not resort to mere personal refusal of belief, dismissal, or failure of understanding?

39% Stealth Damage Buff to Necromancers

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


I did not look at the numbers but I noticed feeling more powerful than my enemies all of a sudden.

Only a 2% stat bonus? Its effects on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Talset.1456


I also welcome responses from people who can comprehend this thread.

(edited by Talset.1456)

Only a 2% stat bonus? Its effects on WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Talset.1456


This is a hypothetical scenario and is not in reference to any new or formerly existing feature(s) of the game. I am wondering what the effectiveness of having 2% higher stats is in WvW.

Let us assume we had two sides in battle. If the stronger side dealt 2% more damage than the weaker side, given all else to be equal, that means that the stronger side would take 98%(1/1.02) of the time to defeat the weaker than it would take the weaker to defeat the stronger.

Let us assume that the stronger team also had 2% more health. The stronger would defeat the weaker in 96%((1/1.02/)1.02) of the time.

Let us continue:
add 2% crit chance(94%)
add 2% crit damage(92%)
add 2% damage mitigation(91%)
add 2% buff duration(89%)
add 2% debuff duration(87%)
add 2% health regeneration(85%)

Conclusion: The stronger side with a 2% stat increase is 18%(1/0.85) more difficult to defeat than a weaker side without any increase.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talset.1456


Linsey Murdock

players were ready to start on that path much sooner than we expected and were becoming frustrated with a lack of personal progression. Our desire is to create a game that is more inclusive for hardcore and casual players alike, but we don’t want to overlook the basic need for players to feel like they are progressing and growing even after hitting max level. Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later.

As a player, I feel that the problem stated is a problem that I never experienced or complained about. As a matter of fact my experience was not progressing to cap at max stats fast enough. Because of that I feel like this is a feature makes the problem I experience even worse.

My only concern is that I prefer gear-balanced in WvW. In wvw I feel like the progression of a single player translates to a global regression of all of the other players, including myself. If stat differences between exotics and legendaries are insignificant, would you give a feature that automatically buffs any given weapon to be legendary-equivalent for those who do not ask for a sense of progression?

GW2 PvP it is exactly what promised

in PvP

Posted by: Talset.1456


I think you are asking for Deathmatch, because the current maps are 100% pvp.

Lone Thieves Holding Supply Camps Indefinitely

in WvW

Posted by: Talset.1456


As already said, what you need to do is create a hiv mind with the other 79 people in the circle. Once you do that you control each one to not experience any sensations or acknowledgement of the external world. If their door rings or their child needs them, make them ignore it. Then you move them in a way so precise that it will require more coordination than top tier dungeon fights. Then you multibox the bait player to prevent the thief from being able to stop the capture, so remember to buy your extra copies of the game. After 15 minutes of that the thief’s mom would soon call him to dinner eventually forcing him to eat. Once that is taken care of and he logs off then you capture the point. Really people, learn how to deal with thieves and they are not a problem.

Necros need more source of fear

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


I am not trilled about fear and do not remember experiencing a non-necromancer causing fear before. It often helps enemies evade and escape at bad times. I generally use it as a response to being in a vulnerable state which I suspect a new fear spell would not cover. Fear feels situational, and it is often double-responded to with stealth and stability which is fine too, in my opinion.
Like a few others in here I do not ask necromancers to have more fear abilities.

What is workaround for minions not attacking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


I there are times where find myself attacking while my minions don’t attack or don’t move with me. I am talking about Shadow Fiend, Bone Fiend, Blood Fiend, and Bone Minions.

Is there a user-end behavior which promotes minions to idle that I could stop doing to fix this? Is there an action that could force them to attack when my own attacks fail to do so?

Death Shroud in pvp. One small issue...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Talset.1456


The state of my lifeforce is inconsistent before entering any given battle.

Aside from attacking npcs or coincidentally being near the death of others to raise it, and using DS to lower it, there seems to be little mobility over how much life force I am able to start with before a pvp encounter.

Are necromancers balanced around 0 life force before battle? If so maybe necromancers should be nerfed and have it be reduced to 0 outside of combat. Maybe nercomancers are balanced around full life force or maybe 50% life force before battle. I don’t know. What I do know is that I can afk outside of combat for 3 minutes until all my cooldowns are reset but my life force remains at its last value.