Showing Posts For Tankvieh.5796:
in general i agree, as a 80% WvW Player myself i always found the rewards really bad.
However one problem i see is where would you give out these rewards?
Some nights there are next to no fights to be had, other nights you get rolled over all the time, and another night you kill their whole zerg multiple times.
So if you give the item reward based on player kills it will never be fair compared to the hours put into the mode.
If you however put the rewards into other pve events it will either not be used or abused.
They could however up the Quest rewards for defending attacking etc. substantially.
some of the arguments here remind me a lot of what you see with stock market crashes.
“I lost 90% of the worth of my stock when the course crashed, if i sell the stock now all these loses will be real so i am going to hold on to it and hope that it will go back up”
cutting the loses is a viable thing and should usually be done. However i feel that even reverting back to old BL wont revive wvw.
There were just a lot of old wvw players waiting for some good overhaul, the new map was the last straw for them so they left when it did not deliver. Rolling back wont get these people back. because there have been no good changes to wvw i can remember in the last 2 years, and things have just gotten worse with autoupgrades and instant Waypoints.
Also a lot of wvw ers who left have by now probably found some new game to play.
I feel like the powercreep of the new professions is a much stronger turnoff than the new map for proper wvw. Some (revenant, guardian, necro) get buffed super hard, while my main ele gets a kick in the nuts again.
Time for some stupid math!
Lets asume we take a rev and a ele with 4000 power.
They have no traits ( only the ele has pyro training).
We asume all possible hits to hit something.We look now at the tool tip dmg.
2052 low hit x5
2873 mid hit x5
3694 high hit x5this is 43095 tool tip dmg.
Lets look at Ele Meteor Shower:
2347 tool tip dmg x 24 meteors each hits 3 targets.
this is : 168984 dmg
Meteor Shower ist better right?
But is has a 20 sek cd!Lets look on the dmg per cooldown second.
CoR = 43095 / 2 = 21547 dmg
MS =168984/20 = 8449 dmg
Icebow=51048 dmg/20 = 2552 dmgI think something is wrong here….
that aside in wvw its all about the burst, not pve damage to grind down a 2 million hp mob.
so if you are facing someone with 16k hp who is running around constantly, you start channeling ms on ele, he sees the red circle and can dodge out of it or maybe gets hit 1 times before running out
= ~ 3-5k dmg based on crit
now we have revenant, he always crits because of some trait he runs around with ~ 90% crit rate
he can shoot out his skill every 2 seconds so the possibility to hit something is very hight, also he doesnt have to root himself in counterrange like the ele as he can use cor on the run on max range as it does most damage on max range anyway, and a missed skill is not a big deal as the cd is only 2 seconds.
he does 9k+ damage to his target.
now like i said doing 9k damage to 1 player is much better than doing 3k damage to 3 as you win by killing people and its better to spike down someone 1 than to push back 3 which will regen anyway. (also helps rallying your allies)
Also retaliation is much less of a thing with hard hitting abilites which hit less often.
so yeah skill is pretty broken, i tried out rev and just ran with zerker in our backline hitting 8-15k crits every 2-5 seconds.
not much fun to play against though.
I quit about a week ago when i realized that i got no enjoyment out of the game anymore and i was just logging in for the daily log in reward (could not even be bothered doing the normal dailies anymore).
I spend around 3k hours in wvw and did some pve on the side (dungeons, farming, fractals, guildmissions etc) to get enought money to outfit my wvw characters with new builds etc.
probs is, i got my chars outfitted for a while now, the only upgrade would be a legendary, but in my 3 Years playing i never dropped anything worth more than 10 Gold and the money needed for one would be about even what i earned in all my time playing gw toghether, so for me this is no motivation cause i don´t see myself ever getting one.
There seems to be a bit absence of any kind of moderate goals in the game for me once you got all chars to 80 and exotics on them.
raids = you need a regular group commit to a certain time, gear up in ascended = absolutely no interest (i have not even tried them once)
metaevents = 2 hours on a map wide event which fails due to idiots not being able to follow the most simple tasks = no thanks i wont spend my 2 hours of playtime like this
dungeons = no longer proper gold, skins are unlooked anyway
fractals = apparently nerved rewards as well, never really enjoyed them that much anyway
My private life changed a lot in the last year and i am no longer able / dont want to sink 6-12 hours each day into this game, and just look that i can play something enjoyable in 1-2 hours and proceed a bit with my characters.
so what is left for me is log into the game, check WvW, see no queques on primetime, check the Teamspeak channel, see only about 10 Users on EB and no one anywhere else and log off again because i know there wont be any point playing as i loved the big fights when you fought over bay for 2 hours straight.
I really tried it for a couple of times over the last weeks but had to log out after 10-20 minutes because it was just too boring (pvd)
If that is no longer wanted by the devs, fair enough I am out. Its not my task to stick with the game and endure a couple of months/years of sucking to keep it alive in the hope that stuff will get better.
I did that in the past for another game and at one point you only keep playing cause it became a habit, and not because you actually enjoy it.
i forgot to add that roflestomped by dragonhunter or revenant hitting my celest ele for 13k+ with some stray covalescence of ruins get old very fast too.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
i dont really get these overhaul and truthfully find them a huge waste of ressources.
i liked the old Lions arch much more than the new one so all the work that went into the overhaul is wasted on me.
why can they not just simply create a new city somewhere if they want to design something, like a 2nd groove which has been hinted at in the sylvari personal story
your kitten last patched killed something fix it please. i am having regular crashes now even when using 64 bit client, never had any issues before.
i have a 1.6k€ gaming pc and ran hot bevore without any issues, now even on minimal details it crashes (win 7)
it seems to occure most of the time when there is a huge load like a laser shooting from the sky or a boss using a special attack or whatever.
i am sad the skill feels very unsatisfying now.
crashed several times yesterday evening after applying the new patch, never had issues before.
i am running win 7 and the new 64 bit client.
i main ele for years have about 5 full itemsets for him and have never run a build including DS, that should tell you how competetive and strong it is.
In general you next to never see an ele running it, so apparently its not so great after all.
look around, trap dhs, chronomancers and revenants everywhere. If you want to know where the strong points currently are just look at what ppl are playing
Xiao is a pretty common name afaik so not that surprising to have multiple people with it
@Tankvieh, it seems like I never recorded the longer tower fight I had! :/ So you will have t make do with this shorter fight I also had, here I tho messed up early on and the zergling lost interest on me:
Anyway it still shows the idea of you don’t have to kill people to support the zerg, I remove several enemies from the fight, by luring them away from what they actually should be doingAnd the build can do this sort of stuff quite well! It Also seems the build Calculator is still down for me!
thank you very much for the video, you have indeed a very nice sustain.
the only problems i had with this build was when i suddenly get multiple 5-9k crits out of nowhere. active migation cant do much in these moments and you have no chaos armor active usually as you are saving it for infight.
the people you fought in the video hit a lot but i did not see a lot of big numbers flying around.
same when i suddendly have 6+ condis dropped on me, its hard to remove them as you are usually interrupted when you try.
one must i always take in the build though is WoP
just such a great teamsupport and defensive skill
that would be great, i see most problems especially in stand offs or choke fights where there is back and forth for 15+ minutes, without gs i feel like i am just standing there and waiting.
hey thank you very much for the build.
i am running it for 2 days in wvw now and thought i should also give some feedback how it works so far.
just for context, i am usually running with pugs securing their flanks, scouting and disrupting in teamfights.
for the build when i was running around solo and getting jumped it worked very well. i died when i was jumped by 4+ ppl but there is not much you can do in these moments.
What i found that it was lacking very much in the damage department in teamfights. te problem is that when you put down your wells you are pretty much just a sitting duck for 50+ seconds while waiting for the cooldowns to come up.
Staff and shield both dont have good phantasms for tagging or bursting people. I adapted the build a bit on the fly by using a greatsword instead of the staff and my usefulness in zerg fights jumped through the roof.
the only problem i have with it is that i feel like a lot of traits and the runeset are kinda wasted if i dont have staff as i have no proper way for chaos armor application.
Well to be honest i finally see some light at the end of the tunnel after a couple of weeks of death wvw and finally some queque on t1 EU again.
but leaving all the other issues like autoupdating, oasis event, missing guildbuffs etc aside:
the fact that we have a 50+ queque on EB and at the same time 0 people running any of the borderlands makes things pretty clear.
i feel like the biggest issues about the new map is spacing and ports.
there is just no fun in attacking structures if you cannot deny a teleport point. Lets face it everything in the BL was about the keeps because they gave you control
- further reach into the BL, quicker movement around the map etc.
- you upgrade the walls to prevent enemies to destroy ports
- you upgrade and siege towers cause they threaten or protect your keep further.
right now keeps dont matter, you got autoteleport, but they are so near your spawn anyway that it doesnt even matter. And you cannot deny the enemy at all.
Furthermore the Keeps dont serve any purpose without the port points
and the towers feel out of place, like they dont even matter.
exotic celestial & Zerker Trinket with runes of strenght staff /cantrip build, works very well in the new content.
i also tried slotting tempest and it worked fine too although i had some healing issues.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tankvieh.5796
so fazit after the first weekend, i pretty much blocked it for HoT cause i was excited about the expansion. i played around 20 hours and planned to unlock the tempest for my main and maybe start working on either scrapper or chronomancer.
boy was i wrong. I am now at mastery lvl 5 with gliding I,II, shroom jumping and exalted I. I cant continue the story until i grind out another mastery but was only able to get about 1/3 lvl in 2 hours in the new maps cause i was not able to find any populated events.
For heropoints i managed to unlock only the first 4-5 skills of tempest even though i focused mainly on the hero challenges and sought out any one i could find on the first 3 maps.
Well, tbh this sucks this week i will maybe have ~8 hours of time i can play this game, but i dont really feel like it because this will get me nowwhere.
On top of that i am enjoying wvw the most and that is a ghosttown with everyone grinding pve for the specs.
The new wvw map is a fail too because its just too big and twisted. it might be fun with with 150+ people from every side on it but thats just not gonna happen with the current population.
i am running full celestial wvw setup with staff and have 0 problems with anything so far (except champion hero challenges).
drop lightning field and meteor shoer on yourself done
the rest just drop aoes spamm dodges and water fiels and sometimes drop in a cantrip if you eat to many ccs
vs range frogs i either flame retreat away or use magnetic aura to reflect stuff back to them.
Stealth doesnt matter to aoes too.
but i am mainly a wvw players, so I treat the maps like a zerk fight and it works fine.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tankvieh.5796
ok so here are my 2 cents
i used to play a lot of gw for around 2-3 years and got around 1.5k hours logged. I stopped playing around a year a got and just started again 2 weeks ago because of the expansion.
In comparison to back then i now have a fulltime job where i spend 50-60 hours each week. Leaving me with about 1-2 hours playtime a day during the week and sometimes 5-6 hours on the weekend.
my mains are a warrior which i used for map completion and dungeons, a mesmer which i used for arah, Ta and fractals and my ele which i use for wvw where i am 90% if my time.
furthermore i got a engineer, necro and guard for which i would like to try the new specs as well.
now my problem with this expansion.
i bought it mainly to breath some new live into this game for me the points most interesting are :
new specs, new wvw map, new pve map
so i would like to spec my ele and go into wvw to play. now my problem is my ele got 17 hero points (cause i did map completion on my warrior), i played him in the magnum zone for around 6 hours yesterday evening and have now 44 hero points and 2 mastery points unlooked.
So if it continues like this i will be able to use the tempest spec in around 3 Months (and i am not even that existed about the tempest), i would like to unlook the chronomancer most but i dont like to explore on my mesmer and i only got 28 hero points on him so i dont feel like even starting unlooking him.
My warrior got some nice 190 heropoints but i am not interested in his spec.
So to make it short, i am interested to play the new area 1 time on one character, i dont have the time to grind 3 months to try a spec i might not even like.
I want to spend the few time i have when i can play this game with stuff i enjoy (wvw, exploring contend once, trying out different builds and characters)
So far i am already bored with the new map after one evening, when i was only able to unlook a tiny part of it. The thought that i need to repeat that multiple time including the old tyria doesnt feel like fun to me. on top of that the new zone feels really empty, most of the time i only see 2-3 people completing events with me (and that on launch day), i tried to solo a champion shroom hero and had him to around 85% hp after 5 minutes of kiting, everytime he hit me he dropped 50% of my hp. Finally after 5 minutes i missed a dodge and died. Completing these events without a team seems impossible and when there are already no people there on patch day…
So far i am very dissapointed.
Till now GW2 for me was “do whatever you want”.
Some dungeons when i want some gold or exotic,
some fractals when i want some accessories,
some guild missions for some other accessoiress
some WvW when i want to fight
some exploration when i want to see a new area
some World bosses when i want money
some cursed shore farming when i want money
now for the new expanision i am kinda forced to grind the new jungle because otherwise unlooking the one new thing for me (specialistations) will take even longer than 3 months if i do other things which i would like to do.
I actually found it was the opposite for me, I played elementalist for a while in the early days got tired of being as squishy as a wet paper bag so I tried around and found warrior. Love it for a good 6 months as I learned the ins and out of this game and found myself getting bored… so 1 day I when back to my first toon and suddenly I saw elementalist in a whole new light after experience the world. sure were squishy but thats fixable. very fixable.
I suddenly found I have selection in the way I could fight from 1 battle to the next. having skills that provide multiple levels of healing in short times became a blessing to me. Hell I never leave water if it didn’t do weak dps. Now when I play other toons it feels so…fixed and stiff.
same here, i started playing an ele when i got the game (~ 2 months ago) then switched to warrior when he was around 40, i still play the warrior a lot and its also fun, but i usually level an alt as well (got 80 mesmer + necro as well).
i just decided to drop some money into the ele and leveled him to 80 with some crafting, dungeon end boss swapping and orr champ train.
Then got him a full knight set and some mixed trinkets and went to wvw tonight.
boy did i have a blast, playing ele has such a bold playstyle.
Usually on my warrior i jump into the midst of things in zergfight, but on ele i feel so secure i can go wherever i want and feel like i can run or engage at leisure.
Really lot of fun, you cant really measure this class before you got it full equiped at 80 and also got some game experience on top (dodging, comboing, reading the flow of enemy movement, smart utility skill usage).
If you dont have these chances are high you will get steamrolled in seconds and i can understand that thats not fun, especially the correct use of mist form, blink etc are so important for not getting killed, which is really different from other classes where you get defensive either through passive hp,thoughness or automatically triggered defensive skills.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
just my 2 cent
when doing a dungeon i dont know yet i look for group who have not “experienced” “rush” etc written in the title, and say “its my first time are you ok with that?”
i was never told that its not ok and no one complained ever when i died then, usually i even get some nice explanations on the way on what to avoid.
If i would get told that its a problem i rather leave and find another group in 3 minutes instead of running with that group and getting complained at.
on the other hand around, when doing dungeons which i have already run dozen times and which i know really well i usually either join a random group which is already up, and if we have someone in there who says he is new i advise him on everything and would only think of kicking him if he repeatably fails encounters by not following advise (like killing oozes in TA path even when we explain 3x for 5 minutes how it works)or dying on every trash mob 3 times
when i search for my own group i usually type stuff like “p1 rush experiemented 80s pls” and i get really annoyed when i then see some 400 ap player joining who when asked will tell you its his first time, or lie about it and run out of spider melee range suddendly etc.
same with then asking “what path is this?” “what path 1? but i need path3”
I think its common courtesy to read the description and join a group which is fitting .
so to sum it up, if you are joining an experienced group without beeing experienced your simply in the wrong place
“3. Because so many dungeons can be run without hitting a single mob other than a boss (try SE path 1 some time), that is how they end up being run (surprised?). This leaves anyone that dies and needs to run back unable to, because of the sheer volume of trash mobs, leaving the main group waiting endlessly to finish although it was clearly the groups fault to begin with, so I’m not sad at all about that. Just sad I waited 10 minutes longer to kill the end boss and get my 2G. (I get the irony!)”
yeah its clearly the groups fault if you dont have the necessary skill to run a skip part without dying, the whole group should just kill every mob out of the way so you dont have to learn how to skip.
seriously how egocentric can one be, i cant count how often i ported back multiple times in ta to force feed some guardian through a skip part
after pulling 1 group out of his way
skipping him 2nd with veil
then mass invisibility
then him getting owned 5 times in row by last group because he just doesnt pop stabililty or uses dodges…. there is only so much you can do to carry bad players
its really easy, i want to do my 2 ac runs a day as fast as possible as the dungeon is just annyoing to me after doing it so often.
as such i choose a group which
1) has a high chance of finishing the dungeon at all
2)has a high chance of finishing it quickly
when i see a lvl 40 char that usually means he is a 40 main, because if it was an alt in 90% of the time the owner would use his main and ask for swap at the end.
a lvl 40 main usually has 0 experience running in a dungeon, that combined with lower healt means he will wipe on every boss 3-6 times, maybee run out of stacked spider kill resulting in party wipe and more.
this is a risk i dont want to take, sure there are some 40s who are decent, and a lot of 80s who suck, but still the probability to get an experienced player when you got an 80 with 5k achievement points is higher than a 40 with 500 points.
it might be unfair for the decent 40, but I play this game to have fun myself, and not to be fair to every random i run accross.
If he is experienced he should be able to open his own group and play however he wants
i dont really enjoy doing hearts on my alts as i have not even full world completion on my main, and feel like i should rather finish that first before doing hearts on alt.
so when leveling up an alt i usuall just pick easy hearts + events in the starting zones till level 10-15
then i craft 6 profession (everything except weaponsmith + huntsman because they are so expensive) for 42 level, so i am ~ lvl 62-67then
i then start asking on my 2 daily ac runs if i can swithc to alt on the last boss which nets me 1 1/2 easy levels a day
on top i usually complete the easy daily stuff on my alt such as daily collector etc which nets me around another 40% levelup.
that way you can have an alt to 80 in ~1 week without to much hassle,
i usually take a bit more time because sometimes your group is not good enought to finish the boss with 4 ppl or i just cant be bothered with dungeons on that day
after level 70 you can also speed it up a bit by exploring some high level areas where you need waypoints anyway, you can get some easy 1-2 levels that way too.
if you got no interest in wvw it doesnt matter which world you are on, you can always just guest another one and the lfg tool (top left corner 2nd option) finds you people for dungeons etc across all servers
I get what your saying about the process to becoming a veteran in WvW, but you can’t make those kinds of assumptions about what he’s saying.
I’m not sure which assumptions do you mean. Care to elaborate?
The responses seem typical so far, i’m wrong because of insert some subjective reasoning here. All the while no one seems to have a serious response, criticism or suggestion to my initial post. Pretty disappointing, but I guess this is to be expected.
It would help if you’d explain what is subjective and why exactly you are dismissing comments coming from WvWers and calling them not serious.
Why are you getting so defensive?
how about you answer his question, i would really like to see a rational reasoning on why our arguments are “silly”
He is not getting devensive he is just asking you to explain your reasoning, which is something you are expecting of everyone else, but so far do no provide yourself.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
You say I don’t listen to reason, but none of the nay sayers in this thread have actually explained the process by which they arrive at there conclusion. Simply yelling troll or telling people to get better is not an arguement. Make a valid point or concede that many valid points have been made by the OP. Know when yo admit your wrong, do not let your ego best you just because you think you know more than others.
I was giving you the benefit of a doubt before, but now i think your are really just trolling,
the process how we arrive at the conclusion is called Logical thinking, we make our arguments and i belive they are better than the OPs.
Lets list the problems the OP sees:
- people are just now joining wvw and struggeling keeping up with players who have been playing the content for several months
now my question is, how are these players different from the ones who start out new in wvw every day? actually its easier now for new joines as the opponent servers also have much more "new players with them, so the chances to confron only veteran players are much slimmer currently
- the players get downed quickly and cant participate in fights any longer
well after getting killed several times fast and seeing alot of other characters running around just fine i would guess its me after all who is not up for the challenge and ask/read/watch what wvw veterans have to say, maybee switch out that zerker gear for PVT, maybee get some defensive utility spells, maybee dont stand in the way of a 30 man zerg while yours is moving to the side.
Giving them a survivability boost would just make it so they survive 4 seconds longer while playing badly, while on the other hand resulting in them never beeing able to kill anyone, as their opponents will get the buff as well.
i really dont understand what is the problem with telling someone to get better, this is done everywhere in life as well as in this game,
do you ask for some additional players on the field or a smaller goal because your team is getting defeated every week in soccer?
or do you try to improve your stamina (equip) or teamplay (tactics) or position in order to win?
its unfair for new soccer players as well when they have to play against people with more experience and better stamina,
so what, do you want to put weights on better players so the new player has it easier?
wtf seriously i just dont get your point and think the whole discussion is ridicoulous
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
these suggestions are terrible,
tell you what, when you run arah or fractals for the first few times in pve you gonna get your kitten kicked hard and shoutet at from your party for beeing a noob,
only once you got some experience it will become manageable and finally “easy”.
In comparison when you join wvw for the first time you maybee get your kitten kicked (not if your running with the bigger zerg), and you usually dont get shoutet at for playing poorly .
once you got the experience where to position and tweaked your build + equip it becomes easier.
Why would you want to take away the learning curve from new players and give them some kind of idiot buttons?
When i am joining something new i expect to be bad at it and try to improve.
the people who are not willing to invest energy into improving their play are simply in the wrong place in wvw (as well as in any one of the harder dungeons / instances) and should stay with doing the other stuff anet provides (living world, world exploration, easy dungeons, events, jumping puzzles whatever).
Its the same everywhere, I also expect my pug in COF to learn the basic dungeon mechanics and not die on every mob 2 times.
I dont have any “attitude” toward new players and am happy to explain wvw to any one who asks and am happy for any new joines who wants to play it, but i dont want to cater the game towards some zerker who expects to rampage through wvw the same as in pve and crys for buffs once he gets outplayed.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
from what i am seeing the abbadon blob is pretty much the same size if not smaller than the desolation or gandara one.
i dont think running big blobs is a unique Abbadon feature.
Myself i am pretty fed up with wvw this week, i really enjoy playing wvw usually but the long queques combined with terrible lag kind of kill the fun for me.
I play this game for enjoyment so if i am unable to use any skills in combat i am not enjoying it and just go pve
I hope this gets better when the achievment farmers are done in 1-2 weeks
i will just leave this here, like always in this game its about player ability
you got mistform, earth armor and blink all all great survivability skills, together with high mobility = high survivability
every class goes down fast when focused and not using defensive skills.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
i feel with you, i am from fissures of war and we have the same issue in green.
one week we fight vabbi + wsr and win by a wide margin, next week we are facing arborstone, dzagonur or similar and get crushed terribel (1 day after reset now 36k vs 12k vs 7k).
Well my server loyalty is not very high so i will join one of the middle servers
i really hate this dungeon path,
after a few halfhearty attemtps over the last week which alwasy ended at the ooze labyrinth and people quiting after 20 min, i made up my mind to complete it finally and searched for a group (took me 4 groups to fine one which didnt consist of quiters and noobs), then finally oze took us around 40 mins with swapping out 3 people in the process (the kind of people where you explain ooze for 5 min then they run in and hundred blade the ooze down),
when that was finally done we trial and errored our way through the dungeon with around 4-6 wipes on every boss and puzzle.
then after 2 hours of pure frustration we finally arrived at the end boss where you need to detonate 8 reactors with holographs, needless to say we wiped 4 times again, then when we wanted to try for the 5th time there were simply no more holos spawning and we were unable to reset the quest in any way.
so frustrating, i dont feel like doing this dungon path ever again.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
Ok i guess i will just open the threat as this will be a hot topic this week
With the current server transfer i want to switch to a server which has a bit more competitive wvw. (was very dissapointed with my server choice once i went to wvw the first time, had already lvl 50 thought and didnt want to start over again).
I am currently on FOW and we always switch between the same 3 enemy servers it seems (WSR, VABI,BT), with us crushing WSR + VABI and getting crushed by everyone else.
We also dont seem to have any propler wvw guilds, i am in one of the few ones which actually do wvw but there is not much group plays involved, we just mindlessly run after objectives and crash unorganised into enemy zergs without any tactic or order.
Dont get me wrong i am having fun but i would also like to experience proper Guild zergs which are able to take on bigger zergs with good teamplay.
I dont like to have queques in wvw so a server without would be good and T1 not really an option,
I am currently eyeballing Abbadons mounth or kodash (i am german), which do you think offers the best wvw experience currently?
Rif/GS for with a 0/0/30/30/10 build in WVW, and i never ever, ever die 1v1 ,1v2 or 1v3, the reason is the GS escapes with the Rif control, my fav thing to do and play scared by having a small group chase me up top a high cliff, run to the edge, stop swap from my GS to Rif then BAM, watch 3 or more fall to there death lol.
Not sure if worst build ever. (For the weaponset)
I been running that and i agree that its completely unviable. Gs has nothing to offer outside of spamming 1 and 3, or simply running away, rifle has volley and thats about it. I hope one day its will be as good as spear+harpoon gun..
what? i agree that its not necesarrly the best setup but i run it regularly with good success.
You might not win 1vs1 vs a good thief but if you are having issues anytime you can usually disengage with GS and riffle is great to burst people down before they even realice what is up.
also great for catching up with runners, GS 5+3+4 then bullscharge + HB then switch to riffle and nuke to death.
very nice in long drawn out defense or offense zerg fights because you can punish and missplacement by someone bursting him from 100-0 in 4 seconds, also good for killing defenders on the wall
since 3 days i am running a standard hammer / s+wh pvt build which also works very well. But miss a bit the ability to contribute anything during the siege phase.
i tried knight gear with soldier runes, for survivability first but ended up with full zerker as you want to burn down oppenents as fast as possible and i didnt have much survivability issues.
For me this build is a lot of fun, i am highly mobile with GS often roaming in the areas around my zerg and tagging + bursting down stranglers, you can also burst down easily defenders + attackers both on the field as well as on the wall.
with full adrenaline i usually autoattack a target 2 times for bleed (10% increased dmg), then set up a kill shot followed by a salve, the result if all hits look something like this.
1k, 1k, 12-17k , 3k , 4k, 5k, 7k, 9k usually that is enought to burst anybody down, feel free to charge in with bulls rush though and finish it off with gs in melee
Gs for defensive and offensive mobility together with bull rush + mobile strikes (movement skills break immobilise) i usually can disengage on a leisure.
the only shortfall of this is if you are jumped by a very good thief when alone as this build does not really excell in infighting and the stealth makes it hard to create distance and deal ranged damage.
A well timed bullrush + HB can can kill an overconfident thief though.
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)
hard to say without seeing you play, your stats look ok,
not sure about your runechoice.
with my warrior i run either a riffle – axe/shield for running with small groups, riffle for insta death from range, axe+shield for melee thiefs etc. Greatsword if there are big zerk fights and i need to be able to disengage quickly.
GS – axe/shield also worked well for me
In general i am having more success with high damage builds relying on dodge skills etc for defense.
i dont really like your weapon choice to be honest there are better offensive options as well as defensive ones and you totally lack CC, if you want to kill thiefs you need high burst and some sort of lockdown.
Hey Osicat,
thank you for your work providing us such well made and comprehensive builds,
i am currently levelling my Mesmer as an alternative to my riffle warrior ( burst/survival spec with 5-17k crit shots on his dmg skills) and will reach 80 soon, so i am trying to decide on a build and exotics to use right now, the one thing which annoys me about the warrior is his lack of infighting capabilities, I usually don’t die very often, but when I do its when jumped by thiefs / 2-3 chain cc players when I move around alone, so I want to use my mesmer mainly for roaming and smaller zergs and I want to have a spec where I feel absolute confidence that I can fight and survive vs any class.
when sifting through your builds I am currently gravitating towards your heavy 3.0 spec as it also brings something to the table when I join up with smaller zergs, seems to have nice survivability but also offensive qualties.
Some questions still bug me thought:
1) I really feel like my Mesmer is terrible immobile traveling around, especially compared to my warrior with near perma swiftness and 2 mobility skills on GS, so I was planning to pick up rune of the traveller to combat this, how much does this limit my fighting capabilities as obviously it doesn’t help me to run faster if it means I have to run every fight because of being outmatched.
i read that travellers dont stack with switfness, so centaur would also be an option i guess.
I understand that you use hoelbreak for the -20% condition duration as we have the condition meta right now, however I am playing on fissures of woe, i don’t know if that is a trademark of the low level wvw servers, but I have yet to see any number of condition stackers vs me, some hammer warriors running around but I usually have no problems dodging their skills anyway.
2) Bountiful interruption (5 sec might on interrupt) seems like an underwhelming choice to me compared with Chaos V or X why did you choose to take it?
3) You use a mix of armor + trinkets on the build, I usually go with specialising on certain stats and max them, I guess you do that to have a well-rounded spec being able to survive burst but still doing decent dmg yourself? How much of a difference do you experience vs a full zerker set in terms of survivability?
4) How good is the spec in pve, especially in dungeons? Viable or do I need to reskill traits and get some more zerker armor pieces
5) i see a lot of builds / advises to run a condition spec with perplexity runes, is that currently the creme de la creme for wvw fighting, do you think they are going to nerf the rune soon? I usually like to be a playmaker when travelling with a zerg and aggressivly jump badly placed placed stranglers as well as catching lonely travelers a lot of them try to run away so i feel like perplexity is a subpar choice as it looks like more of a passive defensive spec for drawn out fights, what are your thoughts here?
sorry for the wall of text, i hope you can help me
(edited by Tankvieh.5796)