SO I end up alt+f4 in the games because I lost 10 times ( yes you heard that right) in a row on when my team scores 400s , and sometime I even get on the top 2 or 3 on the score but I CAN NOT GET OUT OF THE LOSING STREAK
If you CAP a point, keep it up. If it’s contested, prevent the CAP.
If you CAP point and run in circle, you will lose all your matches.
If your soloq guyz act like you, you will get that kind of result.
To carry matches, you need 2 points to win, keep them up.
Usually, it’s not the top 1, 2 or 3 glory point guyz that carried your match to victory. It’s the none selfish guy, holding a point that make you win games.
I am well aware of these, its just the frusatration of me being in a team that does not know it, i am not trying to be on top 3, usually dont care, I am a team player and not really good 1 vs 1 combat but still carry good points i think
Cool. It’s your game.
BTW, since you answer me… I will give you some tips. Leaving a match and not coming back will give you dishonor points that fade with time, but they have a big impact on your MMR.
" Dishonor[edit]
Dishonor is one of the methods used to encourage good sportsmanship. Behavior is tracked in the medium to long range through stacks. Each stack represents a duration that decays over time. Every time you receive dishonor you also receive a timeout. The length of a timeout increases exponentially based on how many stacks you currently have. In other words, your first offense may yield a short timeout, while your 20th may keep you from playing for a much longer amount of time.While in timeout, you may not participate in ranked or unranked arena, but you can still play in custom arenas.
Dishonor also impacts matchmaking by preferring to place you with other players that also have dishonor. This isn’t a separate queue, but merely a suggestion to the matchmaking system.
It’s possible to have stacks of dishonor without having an active timeout because dishonor decays at a much slower rate.
<Dishonor disabled=“1” stack-duration=“15m” timeout-duration=“30s” timeout-exponent=“1.5” timeout-rounding=“1m”>
<Penalty reason=“Abandon” stacks=“10”/>
<Penalty reason=“QueueDodge” stacks=“3”/>
<Penalty reason=“Banned” stacks=“1000000”/>
</Dishonor> "This affect MMR way more than losing from 100 pts. If you dc, you will get MMR for losing for X points more thna if you don’t + having a counter to accumulated your bad behavior.
So, rage quitting on short term, will soloq random in baddest team than the one you just did flush the drain.
BTW, when you got report for boting or verbal abuse, admin that address those cases will give you Dishonor point too. Usually they will not affect your queue because their timeout-duration is done, but will keep their stack-duration on. Yeah, the effect of dishonor and the STATS of dishonor don’t decay at the same rate.
I have done it once, but I gave up many games in game when they hit 300 and my team is like 50, sometimes other players are just way way better and no need to waste time really