Showing Posts For TempestMoon.5403:

Happy Anniversary @ 28 August

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Birthday? That was 3 days ago =)

Only for those who had early access. 8/28 was the official release, I believe. It’s all good!

Yes I’m aware. Was just a joke. Hence the smiley

Happy Anniversary @ 28 August

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Birthday? That was 3 days ago =)

Best race for gear looks?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I like the Asura for Necromancers because
1) a lot of the opening Asura stuff involve infusing Necromancy in one form or another to existing technology.
2) Demon Masque! It looks different on each class but lord do I love how it wears on an Asura!

Thief Race?

in Thief

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I’m quite happy with my F/Human. Armor looked good and body seemed to be a good match for the athleticism aspect.

Beastmode's Green Aura Has Got To Go!

in Ranger

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I just wonder which will win out in the visual que if you use Beastmode and “Strength of the Pack!” together, lol

Why are you excited for soulbeast?

in Ranger

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Viva la Shortbow!

Scourge and Shaman Gear

in Necromancer

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Shaman seems like it would be a good set to start with, maybe even keep, but outside of the new ‘Griever’ set we don’t know what other new kinds of stat sets may be available.

Silly hats. Do you want them?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Take it or leave it. I’m also a big supporter of being aesthetically proper so I wouldn’t buy them myself but even if these items weren’t in the game people would find some other way of looking ridiculous. To be honest the battle is already lost with the stupid names some people use anyway.

Pure Speculation: 5th Anniversary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


We know with 99% certainty it will be a a level boost and a title. Beyond that its anyone’s guess.

Leaked? Warrior elite and such

in Warrior

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Considering where we’re going with the expansion I honestly expect the Spellbreaker to be like a Paragon 2.0 — skewed toward support with some offensive capabilities.

Caudecus - Had to walk away for an hour.

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


The last room was a pain but certainly not impossible. Not knowing what to expect I certainly didn’t go in prepared for that so I went down quite a few times. Luckily the NPCs didn’t seem to have a problem picking me up. Like narcx said, the fight was meant to be difficult. It certainly could have been designed a little better but you’re fighting Caudecus on his turf when he’s all jacked up on bloodstone steroids. There’s supposed to be a sense of futility about it.

Season 3 Episode 6 Release Date?

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


As with everyone else, mid/late July – early August is a decent projection. The timing on Flashpoint is off though as they had to push it back a bit.

Personally though, with all the hype they built around Flashpoint, with all the questions left and the expansion to follow, I’d be perfectly fine if they pushed it back to late August just to make sure they get it right. What happens in Ep. 6 could influence people to get the next expansion so they’ll want to set this as a benchmark for what’s to come.

When will you fix the Shatterer Achievement ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


There’s a guild that does organized Shatterer runs (among other bosses) every weeknight for NA. They organize about 8:20-8:30 pm EST for the 9pm pop. They actively aim for the Smash the Dragon achievement so you’re practically guaranteed at least 2 ticks toward No-Fly Zone.

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Great additions. I personally would like to add writs and tomes of experience but can do without.

Favorite Miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Favorite Miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


My favorite is probably still the Undead Orrian Chicken from the HoM rewards.

Outlaw Outfit Appreciation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I’m very happy with this outfit! People can say what they want about “too many trenchcoats” but they don’t all wear the same or are as aesthetically pleasing depending on your race/class/gender. For me though, this one works. That’s not to say there aren’t a couple drawbacks such as the balding effect or the high sheen level, but seeing as how I typically hide helms/hats that’s not an issue and the glare doesn’t detract much from the overall look. While I did mainly buy this to have something nice for my Ranger to wear, if the rumored new elite specs stay true my F/Hu. Thief will be quite the looker rocking this with a Predator in her hands and a cute little outlaw pup by her side!

New Infinity Tools Op

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


And yet, with the new expansion there will be some some other form of resource to gather and ANet will dish out another set of Infinite Tools for that resource and the unbound ones will become obsolete too. Perhaps a year from now nobody will have any reason to own these ones and the argument will start all over again.

Nothing changes. This is still an MMO and you can still farm what you need. It’s an extra convenience sure but at some point you’ll have more unbound magic than you can use.

Event completer daily - scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I see this as a multi-faceted issue. First I believe ANet should change it to being a regional reward rather than map specific. If they can find a way to scale the rewards for completing on higher level maps that’d be even better.

On the player side, if people are going to call events they need to learn how to do it properly. But at the same time, I realize players have real life commitments and other things to do but rather than get frustrated over chasing events, learn the maps and camp out areas for your own events. Half the time I can get my four events before those who go chasing ghosts.

(edited by TempestMoon.5403)

Menzies's Agony weapon - a hint?

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


i’d be curious as to why they introduced it so soon

See my previous comment (“Edit”).

If that’s the case then none of us should be holding our breath for anything special in the next episode. ANet has a history of not easily caving to the fanbase if at all. At this point ANet would have to be confident that they can ride out the storm and the season finale will be great and connect the dots to make ‘Flashpoint’ more sensible or that those who felt slighted enough to walk away can be won back with the expansion. I’m fairly confident the skin has no connection to the story but I won’t rule out the possibility. What does seem reasonable is that they did this intentionally to generate this exact kind of discussion and we all just fell in their trap.

Organic Leveling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


The free gear you get from leveling does fine. You might not be the most powerful or the prettiest but so long as you don’t Leroy yourself in to a mob above your current level you shouldn’t have any problem getting to 80 without going down.

An engine of existing character names in Gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Very rarely do I ever have a problem with names. In all my time with GW I can only recall one instance where I didn’t get a name I wanted and even then I ended up with something probably a bit better than the original idea. As long as you have a little creativity and stay away from fictional comic/book/movie/tv names already in existence it really isn’t that difficult.

Menzies's Agony weapon - a hint?

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Could be a tie-in clue but if it is i’d be curious as to why they introduced it so soon and/or how it correlates to the other gods who may be in the same situation.

Next Elite Specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I’m still wondering about the timing of the next expansion. Because they said they want to release it in a slightly longer yet comparative window to a LW update, would it be unreasonable to think that, with all the testing and tweaking they’ll want to with the classes, they could formally announce the expansion prior to the season 3 finale? Given how they trickled out the specs last time and had testing periods, if they waited until after the LW finale ended it could seem rushed by comparison.

(Spoilers) So long Living story credability

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I wouldn’t go so far as to say the LW lost credibility. If anything I’d say it was just misrepresented. Going back to the initial announcement Flashpoint was billed as this penultimate episode where all the major questions will be answered. It may have answered the biggest question regarding Lazarus but, for me, I walked away with even more questions than I had going in. Its perfectly understandable that every episode is going to have cliffhangers and if they were going to have Flashpoint be the setup for the epic season finale that’d be great but it wasn’t billed as such. Now don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the episode (though I wasn’t quite as blown away by the final battle as most everyone else seems to be).

We still don’t know who else is involved beyond Balthazar. We don’t have a clear motive as to the why. We still don’t know what’s happening on the other front with Jormag and/or Braham. We don’t fully know what Kasmeer was doing in her absence. Rytlock’s powers are still a mystery, as is his forced return to the Citadel. Are the Druid’s going to play a bigger role moving forward? How will the Humans cope with their God’s betrayal?

Episode 5: Flashpoint trailer

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Looks like we’ll finally get to see what Rata Novus was hiding.

Hopefully Taimi used this time to make good on her Scruffy 2.0 plans: “Weapons! Lots of weapons!”

Honetly I won’t be surprised if we have to wait until the 2nd expansion to see it. We have seen little sign that she has actually been building Scruffy 2.0 beyond “I am still working on it” saying.

Though it would be interesting if Scruffy 2.0 reveal was actually Engineer 2nd Elite Spec reveal.

I could see that. I just feel like they wouldn’t have Lazarus attack RN without giving Taimi a means of defense. Asura don’t like having their experiments tampered with! =)

How many episodes will there be in LS3?

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


pe-nul-ti-mate (adjective)

last but one in a series of things; second to the last.

At least we finally have confirmation on the rumor that this season was only going to be 6 episodes instead of the normal 8.

Episode 5: Flashpoint trailer

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Looks like we’ll finally get to see what Rata Novus was hiding.

Hopefully Taimi used this time to make good on her Scruffy 2.0 plans: “Weapons! Lots of weapons!”

Kill Braham, Marjory off in story

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I wouldn’t mind that if that means 1) we can have more interesting replacements and 2) we will be seeing less of in-your-face PDA (nothing against lesbians, but the writer/s seem to have some lingering fetish over them, or is it to cater some fan demographics?).

I missed the first LW story so there’s that, but honestly, to me, none of the major characters has been interesting enough to care one bit.

Wow, I thought I was the only one that notice that… Hmmm, what if Brand had a crush on the commander and the commander was a guy? Or on some guy? Would it be the same? Would it affect the rating “teen” or story of the game? I really didn’t have the courage to say it in the forums because as I read never saw anyone point it out.

To tell you the truth notice all the Lebians but dint see gays guys at all… in all the game… none, even the hetero relationships seem a bit low too last time I check. Maybe you’re right, it may be a writer/s seem to have some lingering fetish over them, or it’s to cater some fan demographics… interesting, Im glad Im not the only one that notice it.

Technically there are “gay” characters in the game even if its not in the traditional sense. While Sylvari don’t necessarily express themselves in a sexual nature they bond with either sex like any other race. Perhaps the most known is Caithe and Faolain but if you’re a Sylvari and choose the Green Knight option for your character profile the first story has two males that are really close. While it may be locked behind a personal story choice and not quite as in your face as the Kasmeer/Marjory level of PDA it does exist.

Kill Braham, Marjory off in story

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I like the idea that Revenants could learn to summon Eir as their next specialization. That way Rytlock can channel Eir and give Braham the lashing he deserves.

Rev Elite Spec Idea: Marshal

in Revenant

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I lol’d.
Good job

Predictions for Rumored New Specializations

in Living World

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Some decent ideas all around, though if it holds up I’ll be rather disappointed they chose to ignore the bows (especially Short Bow) and really not offer much in the way of creativity (i.e. Scepter off-hand, Focus main hand type stuff).

Also I doubt Palawa Joko would be the new Revenant channel as he’s still aliv— uhm.. undead and kicking around outside the mists. If the new expansion goes back to the theme of “ascending” I look of someone like Turrai Ossa, especially since it would fit the theme of the region and if we have to fight Joko would be great story wise to rekindle their history.

is anyone else tired of using the Greatsword?

in Warrior

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I’m probably in the minority here but I’d like a buff to maces. They’re my personal favorite weapon in the Warrior’s kitten nal but they don’t seem to have a place. Of course you’re going to have the trade off in power for CC capability but even that is average compared to other professions.

[NA][PvE] The Cry of Winter [ICE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Looks like everything I’ve been looking for in a guild. Filling out the application now!


Sylvari Aesthetics in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I don’t mind the Sylvari as they are now. I just wish the face designs were done better, or there were more of them. When I make a Sylvari male there’s only 2 faces I would even consider, and only 1 on the females.

LF PvX guild on Sanctum of Rall

in Looking for...

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Looking for an active, moderately sized PvX guild on Sanctum of Rall. All the better if an application for recruitment is required.

Knights of the Rose [KoR] PvX-Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Hi there! In the market for a new guild and you largely fit the profile of what I’m looking for. I’ll spare some of the finer details for a proper introduction a later time should you have me. For now I’ll just put that I am a veteran GW and GW2 player who currently resides on SoR. I’m mainly PvE focused but will do some WvW if the mood strikes me, and as such, am open to the idea of changing servers. I will try to establish contact in game and on website at my earliest convenience!


(edited by TempestMoon.5403)

Enough with the random invasion maps already

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


anyone know of a way to afk to not get booted? I’ll just camp my character at Fields of Ruin to get it over with.

I just leave my game running in the character select screen. When it gets close to the top of the hour I log in and walk away for a couple minutes. If I come back and its not the map I need I log back out to the character select and wait until the next hour.

List of maps you have beaten for invasion

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Still need Gendarran. I’ve checked pretty much every hour for the last 2 days and the ones that keep popping up over and over again are Iron Marches and Timberline Falls. It’s getting a little frustrating.

List of completed maps

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Just use a pencil and paper. It’s not that complicated. Does a game really need to keep track of everything for you?

Dragon ball afkers

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Just call it what it is: lazy

I’ve always been pro ANet up to this point but enough is enough. Their competitive balance on mini games like this just plain sucks. As much as I hate the afk’s I can’t fault them too much in what is just a plain broken system. The rest of the game is fine but I almost dread these holiday events with mini games because they’re always broken.

Iron Marches: Hellion Forest Task, Defeat Bria Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


There’s really no excuse for this. This heart and event have been bugged since release and they still have never been fixed to 100%. You’ve had almost 6 months to “investigate” this issue and patience is wearing thin.

Festive Hat Maker Reintroduction

in Suggestions

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I feel we need a new Festive Hat Maker NPC in GW2. I like the free celebration hats we’ve gotten so far but I really have no place to put them, especially if I have multiples. Bring back Ludor!

Dailies did NOT need Changing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


People are always afraid of change. No matter how popular a game is or how well something is done the player base always QQs when changes happen.

Couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t have a problem with change—at all. It’s the direction that matters, i.e., is it a positive change or a negative change. When you see uproar like this it isn’t because they’ve implemented change, it’s what they have implemented that causes the uproar.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve paid attention to too many game communities. You can have the most positive change ever and people are still going to complain because it changes what they are used to. Humans are fickle with varying tastes and abilities. Any threat to that, even beneficial will cause a stir. Usually the cause is because now they have to go back and put in more work instead of just plowing through as they had been.

The change of the dailies is only a portion of the update and its not even fully instituted yet. So what we have here is a small vocal minority focusing on one portion of the update and judging it before its even completely instituted.

Dailies did NOT need Changing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


People are always afraid of change. No matter how popular a game is or how well something is done the player base always QQs when changes happen.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


15% Speed Boost (Trait)


Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


It’s extremely difficult due to camera troubles and other people just being in the way. Making it solo would actually solve most problems people are having.

Exactly. The puzzle itself isn’t too daunting its just compounded a hundred times over by the amount of people there. I could maybe even tolerate the amount of people if everyone was made the same size or if the camera didn’t zoom in because of the person standing right in front of me. make it instanced or at least reduce the amount of people in a room at a given time.

Gold Sellers Getting Smarter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I logged in this morning and saw I had a message in my mail. Figured it had to be yet another in a long line of gold seller mail because that seems to be the norm every time I log in anymore. Sure enough it was. So I proceeded to follow the routine of reporting them and then deleting the piece of junk except…I couldn’t delete it. Enclosed in the mail was 1c. I know its only 1c but I certainly don’t want to accept it and I don’t want that ugly thing sitting in my box either. So where do I go form here?

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


I feel like in some capacity Trahearne will end up being a villain in an expansion.

Explorer-Achievement question - What am I missing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TempestMoon.5403


Mine got fixed last night in the patch 175/175 for Ascalon