(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
Unload has an activation time of 1.75 seconds. Multiplied by 4 is 7 seconds. Haste then makes that 3.5 seconds. With traits thieves have 15 initiative. Opportunist grants a 20% chance to regain 1 initiative with a 1 second cool down. 3 unloads by itself is 24 shots so in 3 seconds your going to get 3 of the 5 more initiative you need for the 4th unload. You naturally regenerate initiative at 1 per 1.33 seconds. so all you need is 2.66 seconds to get 2 more for the final unload burst. Since were talking about 4 seconds of haste we have to work with it sure is easy to get that 5 more initiative for the 4th unload.
You’re starting with the false assumption that activation time = the amount of time it takes to fully use an Unload before you can use another one, which is not accurate. Activation time is only loosely related to how long it takes to use an ability, as easy demonstrated by the fact that you cannot use Dancing Dagger 4 times a second, do an entire Pistol Whip in less than a second, or get off two auto attacks a second. Part of the reason that Unload has mediocre DPS is that it actually takes longer than the stated activation time to fully utilize the ability.
Go try it for yourself. This isn’t some guess on my part I have been doing this for months. The only real counter is someone hyped up on mountain dew just itching to push all of their defensive abilities. Which is why it works well in WvW and not in sPvP.
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
I’m sorry but Anet’s proposed fix will ruin my make believe rules in my make believe game which will make my make believe feelbads tingle.
Why not just come back and see for yourself? It’s not like you have to pay to check.
As for population the full high medium and low means nothing. I would like numbers of current logged in players but games just don’t like giving that info out. Since one week if population is down people will rage that the game is dying when it could just be due to any number of reasons.
Even if and when the game starts to die you will still see most servers listed as “high” or “full” so false perception of popularity still exists.
I just want 1st person view to make manual aiming easier for hitting targets that normally wouldn’t or couldn’t be hit due to range or line of sight
All of the damage quotes i’ve stated involve spamming of the ability. Never did i say one use of an ability would do 30k damage. Also 4 uses of unload with haste is only 3.5 seconds. Even if you screw up the whole combo will easily be done in under 5 seconds which is the duration of the might stacks.
And one dodge roll will avoid at 1-2 full unloads if not more while the thief has quickness. You are trying to argue with numbers used in a vacuum (theoretical values) which is great, but doesn’t really apply 99% of the time. My argument was (and I excluded quickness for a very good reason, all classes with access to quickness are op when it’s used) not trying to deny that several unloads can do 30k damage. It was saying that it’s not practical to use this comparison to claim a class is OP. Once again, EVERY class can do a bucket of damage over 7 seconds given their target isn’t moving (let’s face it, unload looses a lot of it’s damage against a live target). Find me a build usable by Thiefs that will force its target to each the full 4 unloads (or most of it) and I’ll leave you be (either 3-4 second stun, or 5+ second imobilize).
Example i don’t think this build would work at all in spvp, and not just for the damage, but also because players are always on their toes and expecting to stun break, dodge, etc…. But in WvW (which i’ve stated this is what all my talk is regarding) It’s so easy to catch people off guard. Or find someone who is waiting for cooldowns on stun breaks.
Yes all this talk depends on circumstances and what if’s but so does every arguement people talk about whether it be 100 blades, backstab, or heartseeker. Everyone says the same thing, dodge, L2P stun break. Funny thing is if that was so easy to do then thieves and other classes with OP damage wouldn’t be a problem. I’m assuming it’s not that easy since the problems and complaints still happen and are not slowing down.
It doesn’t matter if it’s easy or hard though, people will complain no matter what. A lot of people will get a bruised ego when they lose. You can see it in any game that has competitive to any extent. Some folks will always try to blame someone other them themselves and that lends to people coming to places like this and complaining rather then adapting and trying to improve.
Well if that is the case then wouldn’t they be complaining about every class rather then just a select few?
All of the damage quotes i’ve stated involve spamming of the ability. Never did i say one use of an ability would do 30k damage. Also 4 uses of unload with haste is only 3.5 seconds. Even if you screw up the whole combo will easily be done in under 5 seconds which is the duration of the might stacks.
And one dodge roll will avoid at 1-2 full unloads if not more while the thief has quickness. You are trying to argue with numbers used in a vacuum (theoretical values) which is great, but doesn’t really apply 99% of the time. My argument was (and I excluded quickness for a very good reason, all classes with access to quickness are op when it’s used) not trying to deny that several unloads can do 30k damage. It was saying that it’s not practical to use this comparison to claim a class is OP. Once again, EVERY class can do a bucket of damage over 7 seconds given their target isn’t moving (let’s face it, unload looses a lot of it’s damage against a live target). Find me a build usable by Thiefs that will force its target to each the full 4 unloads (or most of it) and I’ll leave you be (either 3-4 second stun, or 5+ second imobilize).
Example i don’t think this build would work at all in spvp, and not just for the damage, but also because players are always on their toes and expecting to stun break, dodge, etc…. But in WvW (which i’ve stated this is what all my talk is regarding) It’s so easy to catch people off guard. Or find someone who is waiting for cooldowns on stun breaks.
Yes all this talk depends on circumstances and what if’s but so does every arguement people talk about whether it be 100 blades, backstab, or heartseeker. Everyone says the same thing, dodge, L2P stun break. Funny thing is if that was so easy to do then thieves and other classes with OP damage wouldn’t be a problem. I’m assuming it’s not that easy since the problems and complaints still happen and are not slowing down.
All of the damage quotes i’ve stated involve spamming of the ability. Never did i say one use of an ability would do 30k damage. Also 4 uses of unload with haste is only 3.5 seconds. Even if you screw up the whole combo will easily be done in under 5 seconds which is the duration of the might stacks.
4 uses of Unload = 20 initiative used in 3.5s. Care to explain how this is even possible?
Unload has an activation time of 1.75 seconds. Multiplied by 4 is 7 seconds. Haste then makes that 3.5 seconds. With traits thieves have 15 initiative. Opportunist grants a 20% chance to regain 1 initiative with a 1 second cool down. 3 unloads by itself is 24 shots so in 3 seconds your going to get 3 of the 5 more initiative you need for the 4th unload. You naturally regenerate initiative at 1 per 1.33 seconds. so all you need is 2.66 seconds to get 2 more for the final unload burst. Since were talking about 4 seconds of haste we have to work with it sure is easy to get that 5 more initiative for the 4th unload.
Yes but now we go into even more in depth and repeated arguements that should thief be able to do this kind of damage and retain excellent escape/mobility? Should they be able to do this at long range or only up close? etc… etc… etc… Which I was not getting into just like none of the things ive talked about involve steath or backstab as that has been drama’d up enough.
I’ll say it again…. My main is a thief, i love the thief, and in my opinion I think the thief is overpowered in the ability to not only retain a very high damage output but also not really have to give up that much in return.
If they don’t wanna nerf anything and end up buffing P/P GREAT! WOOHOO! MORE KILLS FOR ME! While they’re at it I hope shortbow gets a buff too, hell they should just make it 1200 range and make clusterbombs fly faster.
People keep saying well if they’re glass cannon they will just die fast and it balances it out. So when people get good and don’t die in this build then what? We all just say thats fine, or its ok WvW is suppose to be unbalanced and Anet will never fix it. That just leads to everyone rerolling to be in the winning group. Or refusing to play rather then join in…
15 year’s of MMO’s and all go through the same thing. These conversations are the same just a different game, different name.
All of the damage quotes i’ve stated involve spamming of the ability. Never did i say one use of an ability would do 30k damage. Also 4 uses of unload with haste is only 3.5 seconds. Even if you screw up the whole combo will easily be done in under 5 seconds which is the duration of the might stacks.
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
Sigh…. Opportunist works very well with unload…. also add in 1 initiative every 1.33 seconds. Add that up and by the time the 3rd unload has gone off you have 5 initiative again for the 4th.
Also 8k is average for a might stacked unload. I have easily done 12k to squishies under 50% life.
Pet fixes are great and thank you, but I’d really like to see a way to “perma” stow my pets and give myself an uptick in DPS by doing so. Some situations I just do not want my pet out. Also, if we can make it so the pet doesn’t pop out on damage, fall or otherwise, that would be fantastic. Thanks for the attention Jon.
Yeap thats what l would like, but l don’t think there’s much chance of anything happening anytime ever.
I would like to see the same option if nothing else it gives rangers a new build option/play style that would more represent a pure archer.
As I said in an earlier post, if you want to do any of these high damage combo’s in a few seconds just add haste.
Do I really need to give other examples of thief skills that can do over 30k damage in a few seconds? Really? Lets see…. Unload and cluster bomb comes to mind.
This quote needs immediate proof or you have lost all credibility instantly. Unload…30k. I’m seriously tearing up from laughing here. A skill that John himself has openly stated needs a damage boost. I’ve never seen numbers like that and I run P/P SB on SoS
Seriously all the changes that are needed for a thief without massive overcorrection is to A) fix cloak and dagger so it can’t be chained with steal.
Longer cooldown on C&D (the source of the false claims of perma stealth thieves..there is no such thing as ‘perma’ stealth) and C) A short cooldown on backstab (like 1s). See how that goes first. Glass cannon thieves would still kill fast..but at least it would give folks time to react.
Rest of it is definitely a L2P issue. If your running into thieves consistently in WvW maybe you should be using that 20% dmg trait that just screams “thief protection”. And perhaps you should drop one of your ‘l33t’ utilities to carry a pull/knockdown/knockback etc. Or hey if your running into thieves consistently maybe you shouldn’t be running glass cannon “drop at the sound of a fart” builds. The smart players can handle theives because they use those as soon as a thief stealths. It amazes me how folks still can’t even TRY to aoe a shadow refuge despite the fact it has a big ole graphic and you should know thieves have to stay in it for 4 seconds or are immediately revealed.
edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2rkN8jZBFA&feature=player_embedded#!
Perfect example of C&D being a cause. Look at how often the #5 skill is used. Do you think he pulls off this without constantly using C&D?
Really? Math is that hard huh? Lets see……with might stacks an average unload damage of 8k, times 4 unloads is well under 30k right? Oh wait….no thats even more then 30k :P my bad you know what? I was wrong it’s even higher…
You mean the PvP dummies for sPvP in the mists where the damage numbers aren’t even close to what you get in WvW ya….that makes sense.
You are aware that the game is not and likely never will be balanced around WvW, right? By its very nature it is completely unbalanced, simply because it allows gear from PvE.
sPvP by definition is a controlled environment striving for balanced pvp. WvWvW is pretty much anything goes.
So if you are here to complain about thief in WvWvW, I am afraid you are likely outta luck. Because the main imbalance from thieves in WvWvW is that they are allowed 100+ crit damage from their equipment and it has very little to do with actual the class balance.
Yes I know this but all the complaints and drama unfolding over thieves isn’t really sPvP based anymore since they have been working on that with nerfs that only effect sPvP. I also agree that crit dmg is the problem. but if you lower it for all classes it hurts the other classes more. Spammable abilities with crit damage is what causes the problem. No i don’t want them to rework the initiative system and no I don’t have an easy answer for solution but that still doesn’t change how powerful it is.
Also i’m not complaining about thieves in WvW lol it’s my main and the term “faceroll” doesn’t even begin to describe how easy thief is to play.
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
Now is the problem with the condition build the damage or the stealth? I think the damage is fine it’s the stealth that most people have the problem with. My posts are for the damage side of thieves not stealth. Stealth causes so many conversation of it’s own I just wanted to talk about the damage side. If a condition build thief never stealthed how much of a problem would they be?
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
Do I really need to give other examples of thief skills that can do over 30k damage in a few seconds? Really? Lets see…. Unload and cluster bomb comes to mind.
These are the comments I expected. Trying to prove anything in these forums is meaningless. People always have an excuse. I’m just giving my opinion on the class.
My main is a thief and I would be fine with nerfs, how many other thieves can say that and still be confident with playing the class?
It actually isn’t hard to prove something, go make a video of yourself doing 30 thousand damage in under 3 seconds on the PvP dummies while using heart seeker, if it’s as easy as you claim then you should be able to do it right? Ah, but it’s just an opinion now and you have no proof, which is fine but you shouldn’t be posting it phrased as a fact. It isn’t a fact, it’s your opinion and everyone has one.
/agree I would love to see this 30k damage in a few secs. We could use a nerf in some area but a 30% direct damage nerf is going to kill this class.
I will agree that this kind of nerf would kill defensive builds or any thief that isnt built for crit damage and of course this wouldn’t work by just straight reducing damage. I should have said if there was a way to reduce “crit builds” damage by 30% without negativily affecting someone who is specced power/tough/vit for example i would be fine with that.
Another example (sorry opinion i don’t want to offend anyone) is i do 3 times more damage on a crit then non crit. So 700 non crit 2100 crit. Now if 90% of my attacks are crits thats great! And sure for all classes this is fair and fine and doesn’t really seem like that much damage right? Now give me an ability that hits for 2k but crits for 6k and lets also give me the ability to hit with it 6 times in a row. While we’re at it lets make it so i can do this to multiple targets at once, oh and lets then add the fact that each use will heal me for up to 2k. (before the drama starts i might as well just say this now. With healing signet and omnomberry pie using clusterbomb on multiple targets and detonating early so get max number of hits to proc the omnomberry pie since it has no cooldown will nearly keep me full health for the entire combo while being attacked) To top it off i’ll finish with a daggerstorm, and by the time thats done have all my initiative back to again hit all targets around me 6 times for 2-6k. Now can thieves really say this is fair and balanced? Again this is only my opinion and none of this relates to sPvP.
And since this is only my opinion and i’m not providing proof I hope no one goes and uses this. :P
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
Do I really need to give other examples of thief skills that can do over 30k damage in a few seconds? Really? Lets see…. Unload and cluster bomb comes to mind.
30k with Clusterbomb in “a few seconds”?
By a “a few seconds” do you actually mean 7-10 attacks? (If so, that’s a long time.)
Or does “30k damage” actually mean “6k spread around to a bunch of different targets”? (If so, that’s not at all the same as “30k damage.”)
No as in 30k+ damage to 1 target, multiple targets, it doesnt matter. 15+ stacks of might, shadowstep onto the enemy and just shoot the ground. Getting the damage numbers is easy if you wanna do it in a few seconds add haste.
Shortbow is my favorite weapon for a thief. Out of all the nerf we might get the only one that would sadden me would be clusterbomb. Even though it’s needed. I know people say its bad because it travels slow or doesnt have 1200 range but that’s not where the ability’s strength lies.
You mean the PvP dummies for sPvP in the mists where the damage numbers aren’t even close to what you get in WvW ya….that makes sense….. here is a good example, grab a warrior. Go find those dummies and time yourself and see which kills faster, sword or axe. The results will say sword. Now goto WvW and see what the real damage numbers are and tell me that for damage numbers alone sword is better. I’m not talking about mobility/usefullness other then actual damage. Or better yet, have your own level 80’s fully geared and go see for yourself the damage numbers. None of the info i have provided has anything to do with sPvP.
As for proof? How many threads have been made come and gone that have tried to prove something in this game, how many are taken seriously? All anyone can do is give their opinion. Too bad when people do others just complain, whine, cry, oh lets not forget the drama. My case and point is this conversation.
In my opinion they could nerf thieves overall direct damage by 30% and thieves would still be above par compared to other direct damage classes.
You fail at game balancing and it’s fortunate that you aren’t charged of doing it for ArenaNet.
You know how a warrior dealt me 10k damage in a single Whirlwind Attack that somehow hit me 5 times for 2k damage each? It was nearly instantly too.
What build were you using? The damage numbers I quote are against 3500 armor with just using heartseeker, would you like me to go test whirlwind against the same armor and see if it’s 10k? Would that make you feel better?
Do I really need to give other examples of thief skills that can do over 30k damage in a few seconds? Really? Lets see…. Unload and cluster bomb comes to mind.
These are the comments I expected. Trying to prove anything in these forums is meaningless. People always have an excuse. I’m just giving my opinion on the class.
My main is a thief and I would be fine with nerfs, how many other thieves can say that and still be confident with playing the class?
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
I have played a thief as my main since launch. I also have an 80 warrior, and 80 ranger. With all 3 I have full exotic offensive and defensive sets and have played many many hours in WvW with all 3 so I have a good idea of damage capability and defensive/survival capability with all 3.
All I can say is to all of the people saying “if you nerf thief the class will be unplayable” all need to just mellow and chill and stop being overdramatic.
I never use backstab or heartseeker builds because it just feels cruel to do that to people. It EXPLODES anyone without toughness and even against a target with 3700 armor heartseeker spam in it’s current state can do over 30k damage in a few seconds. (if you don’t believe me you don’t know thieves very well)
Now i’m sure some people here will call me a liar or L2P or whatever lame childish excuse people give. The point is I have played both types, I know for a fact what thieves are capable of and they are the most over powered direct damage dealing class, and it has nothing to do with stealth.
In my opinion they could nerf thieves overall direct damage by 30% and thieves would still be above par compared to other direct damage classes. Notice i’m only saying direct damage. Condition damage builds are fine as there are already plenty of ways to counter any condition damage build for any class. (again if you don’t know play more)
I welcome any nerfs for thieves they give us.
(edited by Thadren Calder.1397)
@Siad.3608 Hey don’t take anything I say personal, every post I make here in the forums has the hidden intention to make someone laugh. Ask anyone from Kain or DR who was in EB last when a certain shirtless sexy Norn was the ONLY defender in Langor when the gate came down. Also having the numbers (which we do) it’s very hard to not run to an objective that’s being contested and not “become” part of a zerg. If you’d like I’ll roll into Ferg or Kains BL tonight and try and solo cap towers. I’ll wear my bright red Beaver shirt this time so you can see me coming from a distance. Keep in mind too that large group (and it was large) of Kains that took the 2 lowland towers vanished soon afterwards, if you ask me they employed the same tactic of BL jumping.
Oh you’ve made it personal now. You have just been issued a character deletion duel.
If you’re serious all I have to say is LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. My virtual stick is bigger and better then your virtual stick!
You can get 5/6 armor pieces with karma from the temples in Orr. Backpack from guild vendor and necklace, rings can be purchased from the trading post.
I’m just not sure if its the person who casts it healing value or the person it’s affecting. I’ll be able to tell tonight. Ill just throw down a banner and look at all the regeneration ticks on a WvW zerg and see if they vary and by how much.
Banners shouldn’t scoot across the battlefield like walking Disney broomsticks. Im fine with having to carry them but I agree I wish they looked better. Also give us an F1 ability for them! Better stats to offset losing weapon stats would be nice also and would make it worth carrying and using as an actual viable weapon choice.
I thought the regeneration amount was based off of the persons healing it was affecting.
If they buff axe 5 then sure.
I prefer banners for large number WvW and shouts for dungeons and small group pvp skirmishes.
I feel terrible for everyone who can’t seem to see any difference between GW2 and WoW, I really do. I mean what if I too were naive and blind?
No there is a difference. GW2 isn’t quite WoW yet but give it time! It’s trying so hard!
I’m sorry but axe 5 is sad when i can do more damage to multiple mobs using auto attack with axe main hand in the same amount of time.
I agree with all of the complaints I have read. If i wanted to grind gear there are much better games that do this much better. I like the “concept” of GW2 for what it was supposed to be and because it was not like other MMO’s. Sure they say “oh you dont need the new gear and oh its not THAT much better” but this is just the beginning. Of course now that it has started it will continue and if this happened just a few months after release, I can only imagine what it will be like in a year.
And i’m sorry Robert but yes the other dungeons are now obsolete unless you change the loot tables which then just reinforces and increases the need to grind. Lets be honest if you change the loot table i highly dout you will make it the exact same loot as Fractals because if you did and loot was the same then people would just run the easiest of the dungeons for a better chance at loot. So to fix that you will have to add different and/or better loot to “encourage” people to run these newly updated dungeons. Is any of this starting to sound familiar to anyone? It should…. It’s the same cookie cutter setup that every MMO to date has adopted.
That would suggest ArenaNet communicates with its player base….
5000 posts and no reply from ArenaNet makes me sad.
They’re probably having a pow-wow with their spin doctors to see what bull crap they can feed us to make us feel ok with them selling their souls.
My thoughts exactly. If the gear treadmill was just a bad rumor they would come on and squash that buy saying the rumors are wrong to help ease the player base. I think we all know what silence means.
To the SoS group camping the EB Jumping Puzzle:
My guess would be the same reason that I’ve seen PRO do it.
by the way, the famous blog post where they will explain “all” to calm the community is still missing ?
That’s because the PR department is trying to figure out a way to spin this as not to cause more rage.
I’m going to have to agree with others in the regard that if this “better” gear is usable in WvW and creates an imbalance in any way I’ll have to quit since once a game starts the gear grind it won’t stop. If they do this once there is no reason to think it wont just keep happening and i’ll have to grind and grind and grind just to have the same experience in WvW as I have now with everyone having access to the same level of gear.
This is why i have a warrior alt in preparation for the thief nerfs. Same if not better burst capability and 8k more health and 600 more defense wearing the same gear? Yes please.
Yeah warrior ranged is totally bad, total lack of dmg etc.
On a more serious note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ru_rXq2LYg0
Yes hes getting some big 21k crits on underleveld… still 21k this translates to 12-16k on avarage glass 80?
Not sure exactly how it works but my level 52 warrior has 3600 defense and 30k health in WvW. Unless there is a damage bonus for attacking lower level people i’d say level has no effect on damage. Just gear.
I’d be fine paying for a recustomization option.
Yes, yes, and yes.
So is this their way of saying they can’t stop the hacking?
I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397
11 seconds? More like 6 seconds, it is simply pointless at low level.
Pretty hard to argue with that, care to change your statement Mr. Developer?
I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.
in Necromancer
Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397
But lets all remember what the real problem is………It’s not that GW2 necro’s are the worst pet class i’ve seen in a MMO, its that the pets dont aggro “correctly”….riiiiiiight……..suuuuuure……..uh huh………
Yes it will stack
I’ve worn and fought in full steel plate head to toe. Sure you can try rolling if you want to and i don’t think it would break any bones due to the padding you wear with it and how its designed but good luck getting up fast and doing it again. :P
Still broken? How long can it take to fix….
Hopefully it’s fixed before the event ends
Please tell us if there is some kind of reward so we can also decide what character to bring. Unless its account bound.
I’m curious as well. Anyone willing to try?