Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here is the footage from our latest GvG against the guild TEST of IoJ. Big shoutout to them, and thanks for letting us practice on them! We’re really growing as a guild, but we still need you! We’re specifically looking for a couple good Guardians and a Mesmer who can raid during weeknights. Please PM if you are interested.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
The real fact of the matter is FA has balls of steel. The core of this server has been here since long before AoE had a cap. We’ve dealt with bandwagon after bandwagon, outnumbered fights in all timezones, guilds coming for greener pastures and leaving when they realized our pastures have been burned by the fires of persistent war, and then returning because they realize the quality of your time in WvW isn’t about the score or the PPT: it’s about the person running next to you. FA is just that, quality. We have some of the most eclectic players in the game, ppt-savvy but vicious openfielders.
I’m SOOOOO excited to see us get our chance to take back our place as the gatekeeper of tier2 after leagues. We have the experience and organization to do it, what we need is you! We have amazing guilds, amazing fighters, and amazing leadership. Join us if you want to be amazing too :p
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here is the GvG footage from our match with VGN of BP. They called it after two rounds. Bomb won 2-0
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
This is our first rally after Tyrion got hacked again (long story :P), we are very pleased with the progress of our backline in that time.
We are currently seeking Warriors and Guardians for our GvG and guild raids. They must be willing to change their builds, and learn the rotations of our specs for maximum HoD farming capabilities
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Our first day back. There were many HoD tears
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
After a hiatus, Tyrion is back, and so is Bomb! If you’re looking for strong, coordinated group to run with in Euro through Early NA, please give us a shot.
Our new focus is on GvG and openfield coordination, so please be willing to improve your skill set and assimilate to our team!
We are recruiting Heavies right now, and skilled Eles!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
From FA:
-Fallen Deaf Ears, when you want a commander who laughs when he finally goes down
-Delune, when you want a commander who will hit on you as well as the enemy
-(Past) Brutus, when you wanted a commander with good theme music
-(Past) Novus Y, when you felt like having a commander who broke his desk after failed golem rushes
But first in my mind and heart is my god-king-master Tyrion Delos Bravos. I pray for his return to the game
Oh yeah, and the one time Protector Catty ran the friday Karma Train, that was pretty great
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
The community.
I’ve been playing WvW since the first Beta Weekend, and the only thing that remains truly engaging and dynamic in this game is the players. WvW is special in this way because you make relationships with so many different players and guilds, just by running alongside and cooperating with them everyday.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
KPOP is getting our first GvG practice underway tonight. If you’re looking for an outfit in Silver League, please consider checking us out.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
KPOP had an amazing reset last night! Come join us for a weekend long push to crush these Silver League baddies :P
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
I don’t know if he’s decided yet. I believe he’ll be taking a break from Gw2 for the time being, though
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
He wanted Gold Leagues :/
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Hello fellow Fort Aspenwoodians,
I am here to introduce you to [KPOP] Karamel Popcorn, the newest WvW guild here on FA. Our core is made up of all former members of [BOMB], and we are committed to finding new ways to continue helping our server.
As Tyrion, our old driver, moves away from the game, we want to continue his legacy of quality and effective WvW play for Fort Aspenwood.
What we are about
-Growth and Improvement
First, and foremost, our goal is to rebuild our ranks after breaking off from our mother guild. We focused on finding our new core of players, fermenting our playstyle and improving together. Silver Leagues provide an excellent opportunity to rebuild the guild into a force, and be ready for GvG scene once Silver League ends.
-Competitive Fighting
Bomb was a recent entry to the t2 GvG in the weeks leading up to Silver League. We had a 1-0-1 Record before kitten hit the fan due to the onset of leagues and the transition of Bomb into this guild, however, we are still hungry to prove ourselves against other great guilds, and hone our open field prowess. This means on top of bolstering our numbers wholesale, we are seeking competitively-minded players who want to win fights, and improve their skills.
One of the core tenants this new guild was formed around was to have a good time. This means no raging in Ts3, no angry PMS for random rallies, and no dramatic rants in MotD or Guild Chat. The best way to improve as a guild is to enjoy doing so. We troll. We yolo. We always fight hard.
General Information
-Drivers: Whinny the Pooh, Starseed, Lion Among Men, Arkvir
-Currently our rallies occur every day at 3 server time. Our main rallies will be on Friday for reset, Saturday, and Wednesday.
-We have mandatory rep during these raid times.
-We have a friendly policy towards those of a PvE mindset. If you are looking to get into WvW, but still wanna farm those lodestones in the offtime (do people still even do that?), consider checking us out. As long as you make rallies, you are free to do whatever you want. Also, we plan to have Fractal and Dungeon nights in our weekly schedule to help scrubs like me make some much needed gold so they (me) can stop begging for sharpening stones from people (Arkvir).
-I will have tPvP and GvG practice nights once we have enough people and interest.
What we are currently seeking:
Anybody with a sense of humor and interest in WvW. We are open recruitment right now.
In your interested in getting into a GvG outfit, we currently need to refill our frontline. All Guardians and Warriors are welcome! You should be at least familiar with traditional Shout support specs for these classes, and have a willingness and readiness to change your gear/build as we develop our comp.
Anyways, I think that’s about it. If you have any questions, or are interested in joining please contact me on these forums, or PM our officers in game
WvW Leaders:
Whinny The Pooh.
Account Name: frankie angelopoulos.4078
Lion Among Men.
Account Name: TheFiendishFiend.4057
PvE Leader:
Account Name: The Haught Ranger. 8049
Account Name: Chowtime.3275
Account Name: Venge.8417
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Eh, if there was interference that nullified some of our wins, then there was no true best of 7; hence why I said we drew. If you count this as 7-0, that’s your call. However, if you’re wanting to cry about this, we had a rematch last night. Bomb won 5-2.
Grats on win. See you sometime soon.
@ Rooster. ty for clarification but no worries.
I in no wish to belittle or offend your guild, Luvpie. We have mad respect for you guys, and are grateful for giving our guild its first two GvGs. I look forward to future matches! :P
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Eh, if there was interference that nullified some of our wins, then there was no true best of 7; hence why I said we drew. If you count this as 7-0, that’s your call. However, if you’re wanting to cry about this, we had a rematch last night. Bomb won 5-2.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here is the footage of our second GvG against Fang. We tied the first, and one this one 5-2.
We are currently seeking two skilled and dedicated Eles, willing to GvG and raid on a nightly basis. We are also seeking an additional Mesmer. Please contact me with interest!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
These guys are legit, thanks so much for the GvGs the past couple weeks!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Some great rumbles from last tonight. Thanks to STUN for the constant fights!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Protip for any Warrior above level 30:
If a friendly keep is contested, and you aren’t doing anything terribly important at the time, equip a greatsword and sword/warhorn, and high tail it to that keep. You’re the fastest class in the game, and you have the ability to provide intel, or stay alive long enough to banner the keep lord if the worst happens. Make sure to use any arrow carts or trebs to try and destroy their rams if you can. It is your duty as young, healthy, overpowered warrior to either buy enough time to save the keep, or die with the circle up and your banner on recharge.
Protip 2.0
For best results in this endeavor, wait until the inner gate is down, hide in the back of the lord’s room until he dies. Make sure you’ve equip Dolyak Signet, Endure Pain, and Berserker Stance. Use them in reverse order, with your stability being popped as you cast banner to avoid rupts. Die laughing as your zerg shows up, wipes the interlopers, and rezzes you to many bags (it should be implied you used gs 3 to get in the middle of the circle, simultaneously tagging everyone and avoiding damages,) or waypoint with solumn joy, knowing you caused the enemy blob a few seconds of trouble.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bomb had another awesome reset night.
We are now seeking additional necromancers and skilled theifs to play during NA rallies. Feel free to contact me with interest.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Tyrion is indeed still going strong. He’s founded the guild BOMB on FA, and now his group doesn’t wipe in the first thirty seconds :P
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here’s Bomb’s latest reset, after taking a weeklong siesta because of a karma-train matchup.
We are still seeking skilled mesmers who will play during euro through early NA during the week. Please contact me if you have any interest.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here are some fun fights we had in YB garrison on reset last night.
We are still seeking skilled mesmers who will play during euro through early NA during the week. Please contact me if you have any interest.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here is a video of us fighting some awesome guild groups from TC and SoS, with our newest commanders in training, Akram and Bloodhound!
We are currently seeking skilled Eles and Mesmer who will play during our weeknight raids. Please contact me if you’re interested!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
(edited by TheFiendishFiend.4057)
I meant no amount of disrespect to you, Ark, (no chest-thumping,) merely stating that last night we had multiple tangles with your guild. You guys have an amazing guild, and it’s always educational when we face you.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
(edited by TheFiendishFiend.4057)
Here is some footage from our fights last night with Ark.
We are currently seeking another skilled mesmer to help complete our proffered group comp. Please contact me if you are interested!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
BOMB is back from our holiday hiatus, and we’re going strong!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bomb had an amazing reset last night. We wiped zerg after zerg, even with out Ts3 server DDOSing half way into the night.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here is Bomb’s condensed reset video from EBG. We had some awesome three-way fights all night, so props to TC and SoS. We held SMC for the entire night, we managed t3 walls and a waypoint :P
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bomb is temporarily going exclusively hardcore NA timezone. Here is the video from our first mandatory Wednesday night raid.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
This video is of Bomb’s first two nights out of leagues, facing some of the best north american guilds in existence. That threeway fight in the nw camp in the middle of the video was the best I’ve ever been a part of.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
I’m originally from the guild No Dice, which some SBI old timers may remember, we launched on SBI and helped her during the t1 glory days. We made the decision to leave in January because our hard-core guys didn’t want to suffer a painful tumble down the tiers.
And yet you still call them “hardcore”…
Yes, I do. We stayed for nearly a month after SBI was depleted by bandwagoners to SoS.
I (our guild’s primary WvW decision maker) was not going to make our players, who had fighting for SBI since launch against consistently greater numbers (HoD, SoS, JQ) have to endure a miserable time in WvW as SBI continued to fall apart around us. It was a decision made for the health of the guild, and for the continued enjoyment of our core players in the game mode they loved. I didn’t like having to leave, but I’m not a masochist, and if that somehow makes me not hardcore, or my former guildmates not hardcore than we have different opinions of how this ought to be played.
I find it interesting that the one thing you managed to pick out of a compliment towards the resilience of your server was a passive insult towards me.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Now that this match is pretty much over, and most people are in a good enough mood to read objectively (mostly— it is the forum lolz,) I want to say how impressed by SBI I am.
I’m originally from the guild No Dice, which some SBI old timers may remember, we launched on SBI and helped her during the t1 glory days. We made the decision to leave in January because our hard-core guys didn’t want to suffer a painful tumble down the tiers.
Now, almost a year later, you guys are a force again. Seeing a recovery like that makes me happy to see, and I hope you can maintain your numbers after leagues dissipate. You have some really talented guilds, that were an awesome challenge this week, and you guys should be nothing but proud of your league performance.
Keep up the great work, and I hope the next time we fight, both servers are much stronger and coordinated (you woke some people up last weekend when you kicked us in the teeth on reset and Saturday— double-team op :P)
Anyway, that’s all. Have another great reset everybody
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Trying to find a decent group with highly skilled, highly friendly and highly awesome before leagues end? Want to stop being a pug? PM ME!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
I approve of this idea.
I do not approve of a commander tag on a Ranger :P
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Some people play for PPT, others play for fights, yet others dislike big zergs and prefer roaming or running in havoc squads. What do you play for in WvW?
Seriously, who actually plays WvW for PPT?
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Bull’s Charge exists for one reason in WvW, getting around. Have it equipped with GS and S/W, turn off autotargeting in Options, and equip the trait that removes immob on movement skill (if you already have 20 in Disc) and nobody (NOBODY) can catch you. Great for scouting, getting back to commander after waypointing, escaping doomed fights (who does that? lol,) but its combat utility is limited
Other than that, Bull’s doesn’t have enough utility to rank among the Warrior’s best CCs.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Here’s an awesome video of BOMB beating back a brutal doubleteam this reset and Saturday. Tyrion commanded for 30 hours following reset. This guy is an animal, and he can make you one too.
Join today!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
You should be using your Leg Specialist procs mostly on the Hammer #3 for an AoE snare in zergs
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
It’s a good weapon set on Mesmer. Very block/dodge based combat style.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Hello Wheelsoff,
Here is a link to the recruitment index on the FA server forums. I would recommend taking a gander through these to find a possible fit. Most of those listed will be WvW only guilds, but the bigger PvX do have info on there.
I know of SDS and Obey offhand as large, active PvX groups
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
I can’t really tell you much about EU servers, unfortunately.
My main advice would be to find a server with a guild you identify with, first and foremost, and secondly has a strong WvW presence if that’s something you really want to get into (i,e: decent server ts3 channel for WvW, minimal drama) because you can do the rest of the game (sPvP and PvE) guested on a more active server if necessary, but if the server sucks at WvW, then you’ll be miserable and most likely have to transfer for an exuberant amount of gems if you’re anything like me.
Good luck
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
What kind of community are you looking for? WvW, sPvP, PvE, rp…etc? Also, I assume you’re looking for a North American server.
For instance, Tarnished Coast is the unofficial NA roleplaying server and they also have a pretty strong WvW presence. Whereas, Blackgate is generally considered the most established server both in terms of WvW and PvE, but they are such a monster that you would risk being overwhelmed/neglected without a decent guild.
Trying to narrow your focus in terms of gameplay, and then take a gander at the prominent guilds on your preferred server would be my advice.
Hope that helps
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
We ran a naked zerg last night with everyone’s commander tags popped. If this sort of thing interests you, please contact me. If this sorta thing does not interest, please continue being lame.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
(edited by TheFiendishFiend.4057)
Bomb had a great reset last night, come join the fun!
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
Again, keeping this very easy to spot for those who need it.
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer
If you want to part of a brand new, and dynamic guild with complete focus on success in combat, check this one out. Whether you’re brand new to WvW, or a longtime vet, Tyrion can turn anyone into a deadly weapon.
So the question begs to be asked:
Do you want to be The Bomb?
Bearer of Tyrion’s Personal Banner, and[BOMB] GvG Officer