Former NSP, now on GOM!
Showing Posts For TheLaughingMan.7951:
Former NSP, now on GOM!
The method in which Anet functions baffles me. I understand that there are different groups that do different tasks, but bug fixes should be a high priority. The only group that I would say consistently does a decent job is the art department.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
It definitely is a trolling fix. It was a shoddy addition to stop a perma stealth build that A-net doesn’t know how to fix. As it is, I will still use it, as I setup my BM build to have the extra utility to be able to slow sic’em (though it is fairly useless as a skill, as the pet has innate flaws landing attacks most of the time).
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Wow thanks, I was not aware of that, which is ironic considering how much I have played.
A lunge attack would solve the problem.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I was running BM last night with sic’em. I caused more than a few thieves deaths. It was a lot of fun screwing with the scrub d/p thieves who think they are good by going 100% glass cannon and relying only on stealth.
Good thieves know how to survive still, bad ones die instantly.
1v1 it isn’t very handy, as the pet can’t really land any attacks on a thief anyways, and the thief can’t kill my ranger, as I am WAY too tanky.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I just don’t get the F2 animations and cast times. When I hit a button, I expect an action. Sometimes they don’t do it still. It should be an instant action.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Given that the range at which they run and attack is much smaller, can they be given a speed increase so that they can actually hit people that are running occasionally. It doesn’t make a lot of sense that they are as slow as they are.
I know they can be traited for the move speed increase, but the tree placement for all our skills is horrid. I think it was picked by a blind person and a dart board.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Concentration training should apply at all times, not just in combat. The AOE range on many of the pets buffs is relatively short.
As many of said, the boon duration on many of the tooltips does not match what is given (is it really that hard to code this number??).
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I want to see actual game content. Not this temporary, grind until you get acheivement points content. A new dungeon, a new area, updated skills??
I’d rather they slow down on temporary content to once a month, and re-purpose those teams into actually improving the regular world.
I’m in the same boat lately as the OP, I log on to do my dailies. All I really want to do now is find a guild that actually does wvw, spvp, and dungeons (but since the rewards for those suck, people don’t do them).
Former NSP, now on GOM!
If you suck at normal mode, there is infantile mode for ya
Vol, I beat World 2. It isn’t for me that I am writing this, though I didn’t find it fun at all.
There is very little in this game I “suck” at. WvW, SPvP, PVE I can hang with the best of them, on multiple characters.
I think you need to learn to read before you comment.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Will school uniforms be coming to Gem Store?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TheLaughingMan.7951
Rainbow unicorns and now this. Am I playing a fantasy MMO or a dress up game?
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I was thinking of quitting as well, since now I have to get ascended weapons for 4 level 80’s with 3 full sets of gear each, and try to do all the annoying SAB achievements.
I changed my mind. I don’t care about achievement points anymore. I am simply going to do what I feel is fun (dungeons, wvw, and spvp) and screw the rest.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Points that need to be made clear to devs
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TheLaughingMan.7951
They completely missed the mark and destroyed the overall theme of SAB going from World 1 to World 2.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Super Backpack Cover SHOULDN'T Return.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TheLaughingMan.7951
I had 2 of them, and overwrote one. They aren’t that special looking anyways.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I am not sure entirely what A-Net was thinking. World 1 was unique, fun, and just about anyone could make it through. Obtaining every achievement was of course a bit harder, and a little time consuming, but it was what I classify as excellent content that a wide range of players could enjoy.
It paid homage to old school NES games, which were designed for fun and entertainment.
World 2 is a lesson in trial by death. My wife and I play this game, she enjoyed parts of World 1, she saw me doing world 2, and I guarantee she won’t even bother. You have basically excluded the casual players, or people that don’t have the memory or motor skills.
I have a decent number of achievement points (nearly 8,500) and have completed almost all the living story events, fun or not, including liandri. I can tell you right now, that after going through 50 lives last night, I will not be going back into SAB. It was NOT FUN. World 1 was fun, world 2 is just annoying. Insta-kill mechanics don’t increase difficulty, they increase frustration.
I would think you would want as many people as possible to enjoy this content, but I feel like you will be alienating way to many people with the buggy rapids, annoying death traps, and trial by death.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
If your job is downed body cleave, wouldn’t an engineer still be better overall? The AOE pressure from a relatively safe position, in combination with more team support would provide an overall better level than the warrior.
I respect the fact that you are trying to use the warrior in spvp at higher levels, but they still don’t bring enough to the table.
When you dueled my friend and I in 1v1’s, you said that your role was roamer and lane aggression, but his thief solidly beat you, and at no point would you have effected him getting to a point. Against me, as a test, you didn’t put out enough dps to even make me move as my bunker ranger (not the spirit build), effectively making the build you were running unable to cap a point, or knock off a defender. Now, I will admit a 1v1 doesn’t measure much, but it still can shed light on some points.
I am not saying you personally don’t have the skills, as you may be one of the better warriors I have dueled, but that warriors still lack, and that even at 100%, you still are only roughly equivalent to another class at 70% who is better suited for the role. I commend your teams patience and your perseverance on attempting to make it work, but warriors still don’t have a well fitted role yet.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
(edited by TheLaughingMan.7951)
Hey Noodica, in both cases you had guards….and you didn’t win btw. None of us ever had to respawn at point. Your necro buddy got stomped the first time, the second time you did.
Your memory must be fuzzy. I even told my group that we should kill the guards first since they did way more damage than you or your buddy.
I guess it must be embarrassing dying to 2 non dps warriors just outside your gates, with the help of all your guards. If only you stood up enough to make it inside the gates…..but you didn’t.
So enough whining, you don’t like dying, get better. Next time I see you, I’ll turn fraps on just so there isn’t any “memory” issues. I didn’t feel it was worth it, as you weren’t really a challenge.
Hell, when we laughed at you, it was because you followed us into an obvious trap. We walked into the camp, waited just inside the door, and you strolled right on in. It was pretty obvious what we were doing. We didnt even tag the camp yet.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
(edited by TheLaughingMan.7951)
Hey Noodica, cry more please.
It was 2 warriors, not 2 guardians. You also weren’t alone. You wouldn’t fight without being right at your gate. So I guess you aren’t counting the 6 gate guards we tanked while killing you?
Then you spammed join our party just to wah wah. Was hoping you would hang around more so I could cry on your corpse.
Oh well, glad it irked you enough to post.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Footage from my POV. 0/0/30/20/20.
This is game 1, game 2 was just me sitting on middle point with the warriors avoiding me, so I didn’t make it a video.
All the other rounds can be seen on the SOAC shoutcast.
I used the Owl and Eagle. Although the damage is certainly down on the pets, it did seem that the birds were landing their attacks more reliably.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I don’t really have any complaints, but I do have a few questions I would like asked.
1. Do they have any plans to introduce new pet types or pet skins (that maybe share traits with other pets).
2. Can they correct the path of scars so that it more reliably lands its pull against targets that may be slightly elevated or on a different height than the caster.
3. The condition removal signet either doesn’t always work, or has a maximum range between the caster and the pet. There are times where I use it when the pet is alive, and it doesn’t remove a single condition.
4. With the reduction of range on shortbow, can the bleed condition of being behind or beside the target removed? We are the only class that has this requirement on a ranged weapon. Warriors and thieves both can apply their bleeds from any position on a target.
5. Although longbow can be traited for 1500 range, there are numerous PVE encounters where mobs will go invulnerable, rendering this range useless because the ranger is out of range of the mob (even with other targets in range). Harpy fractal is notorious for this. This “feature” renders this trait fairly useless.
6. I still feel longbow needs a slight damage increase on shorter range attacks. Tested last night in full berzerker with 114% crit damage and 3200 attack damage, longbow crit attacks at max range were critting between 2k-4k, and rapid fire wakittenting around 12k – 15k. While I do agree that melee damage should be higher, we are still a good deal off the 40k hundred blades burst I have seen. I would think given comparable gear, at least half the burst of a warrior would be fair.
7. Directly following point 6, the GS damage should be returned back to a state similar to how it was in BETA. Since ROA and SPvP crit damage was toned down, the OP that was the melee ranger in beta was effectively nerfed without needing to adjust the GS scaling. As with the warrior, being in melee should offer some damage benefits, at the cost of increased exposure. Being able to hit for 5k on GS #2 is very nice, but the AA chain could use a 15% damage buff.
That is all I could think of, any of these could be valid questions. I don’t feel the ranger is in THAT bad of a place right now. Pets are still more a liability than an asset in many cases, and the new dungeon just exacerbates the problem.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Anthrage, judging by the stream, we didn’t have too many fans rooting for us. The shout-casters did a decent job, although calling us new players may be slightly inaccurate.
We definitely could have played that thief game 2 a bit better. This tournament did give me hope that BM/Bunker didn’t really get nerfed that badly, if at all.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
BM bunker didn’t really get nerfed that hard either.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Maybe you are confused with how regen works. Rangers don’t regen anymore than anyone else that has the regenerative boon. Rangers can trait to have it up for a VERY long duration, and a number of ways to apply the boon (from burning for example).
If you are playing a bunker guardian that is applying a pathetic burn every so often, you are basically healing the ranger as opposed to hurting them. The ranger has to trait for this.
It is possible you mistook Troll Ungent as a source of regeneration, when in fact that is one of our heals. This can tick for 1000 a pop. Where the ranger doesn’t hold up is the fact that we have very minimal ways to counter burst. Small sustained damage won’t kill us, but heavy burst will tear us up. Guardian on the other hand has excellent methods of countering large burst, as well as better CC.
We also have a signet that gives a marginal amount of regen. In total, from the signet and regeneration, you are looking at around a max of 400 health/sec regen (this is probably around the max we can get). Combined with troll ungent, it could get up to 1400, but troll ungent is a heal and shouldn’t be counted.
I don’t know many classes that can’t sustain 400dps, so I don’t really see a problem.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Koroshi is kitten good with his chain CC’s. Was a fun, albeit frustrating final having to decide whether to hold the point and sit in the AOE’s, or give up the point and go for the kill at range.
I was hoping we were going to pull out that 4th game, because the 5th would have gone to the map that has larger capture points, and would have been on hell of a final, but I didn’t have too much hope going into it vs. engineers.
In truth, I don’t think engineers need nerfs, because this game type just suits them. Small capture points in combination with the AOE pressure and blast finisher healing makes it almost impossible to knock an engineer off a point.
What spvp needs are more game types, such as deathmatch and CTF.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I should have my POV from the first game up tonight. I didn’t capture sound. They were some fun games.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
My kittens after that pounding from the engineers. They are too tough on those small capture points.
It was a fun as hell tournament! Great teammates and coach.
I’ll compile my footage from the first warrior/ranger game and post it. All the other footage from game 2 was pointless as I saw very little action.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
If only the axes auto attacks hit a bit harder.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
As I said before, IOJ is the prison B of servers. They hold the pocket of whomever they can buddy up to (or assume they can).
I’ve seen the strategies from the NSP perspective, and unlike Gavin’s post, it would be abundantly clear to almost everyone that DH would absolutely wipe the floor with IOJ if it was 1v1.
I just want this match up to be over, because fighting against IOJ feels akin to picking on a special education student.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
(edited by TheLaughingMan.7951)
I’ll be on around 7pm EST tonight for those that want to practice.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Fun fights vs that IOJ thief yesterday at NSP BL windmill. Can’t remember your name, but you are the first solo roamer I have seen from IOJ that didn’t immediately run.
Still haven’t seen those GRIM people, so it appears we play at completely different times.
Had fun on my warrior yesterday zerg vs zerg. Sooooo many badges. I think we defended SM with about 20, to what seemed like 100 DH. We had a running competition in my party of 3 who would be the last of us alive in SM. I think I was the final one to die, but our guardian got the most badges sitting on a ballista in lords room (50+).
I keep forgetting to turn fraps on…
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Furajir, you do realize there are other viable builds even before the changes.
For example, you can run a purely offensive ranger with protect me and traited signet of stone which gives the ranger 12 seconds of damage immunity.
Something like 30/25/15/0/0 would have very high damage, with 12 seconds of immunity every 64 seconds and a TON of vigor.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Has a coach been determined yet?
Former NSP, now on GOM!
IOJ reminds me of a prison B. They can’t do anything on their own, they need to play in the shadow of another server. Don’t drop that soap IOJ, or you may have to prepare that A.
Here is the mentality difference of an NSP player. I know before this recent double team, this is how our group made decisions.
“Should we go into the DH or IOJ BL?” Score showed DH clearly in the lead, so our answer was, “We want to fight number 1, forget IOJ” so off to the DH BL our 5 man went, and took 2 towers and nearly the keep (Tuesday of this week I believe, the days all flow together).
Granted, when I run around solo, I don’t really care about the score, or pvdoor, or who is winning and losing. I want to kill enemies, and I don’t care who. This matchup ends tonight shortly after I get home from work, otherwise I’d get some footage and post a video up of the skill I am witnessing from DH and IOJ.
Hey, as Agrippa argued, maybe all small group and solo roamers just don’t play when I do, so I am not getting a good benchmark of quality.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Yo Agrippa, I was on 8pm EST to 1am EST. I went to Orb arena and windmill. I also heard from my friend Crit that he wooped up on you guys pretty good when he was on. He doesn’t rep it much in WvW, but he is also a TROL.
I was on when I said I would be, and when I didn’t see any GRIM guild members (I even asked in mapchat if ANYONE had seen any of you), I ended up fighting a bunch of clowns from abyss who were less than impressive.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I did say EST primetime is when I play. Sorry but I am at work now.
See, I remember the guild names of decent players, such as PAXA and the former KING guild from SF. None come to mind from DH or IOJ right now.
I don’t recall seeing any GRIM of note, but I’d be happy to fight you. My warrior is specced for group play (and has been absolutely pummeling your zergs to the tune of 50+ badges a night in about 2 hours), and I just got that guy to 80 a few days ago. I’m not really good enough on the warrior to make it worth fighting in any serious duel, as it is just setup to stunlock and survive.
I’ll bring my ranger or my thief, it really doesn’t matter. I’ll be on tonight from 7pm EST to around 11pm EST, send me a whisper. Maybe you guys have some actual talent and can make me eat my words, but I HIGHLY doubt it.
Oh and TROL has been out with 2-3 people every night this week, killing a LOT more than dying.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
(edited by TheLaughingMan.7951)
People are way too friendly.
I’ll flat out say that DH and IOJ have shown the least amount of individual skill out of every matchup I have seen so far.
You have absolutely no individual or small party people roaming, and your zergs during EST prime time have zero situation awareness. In IOJ’s favor, at least they try to fight outside of camps when they only “slightly” outnumber me, or the small party I run with.
DH on the other hand, holy hell you guys hide even when it is 2 to 1 odds, while I was solo on a warrior of all things. In our guild mumble, I don’t even call you DH anymore. On my thief (stealthless build btw), I now just call you free loot bags if I see you running around solo or in a small party.
Hopefully we get matched up with BP or GOM again, so that there are some guilds that know how to fight. I’m convinced that DH would be bottom of tier8 if they didn’t have a sea of stupid to throw at walls and doors.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Name: Zrun
Account Name: TheLaughingMan.7951
Rank: Under 20 (around 16 to 19)
Recording: May Fraps it, and put it on youtube later,
Former NSP, now on GOM!
HGH engineers. They are in a good place right now.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
This build is loads of fun, but completely different than other play styles. Next video will be it vs. more zerg action, less 1v1.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
- Actually got a few fun fights roaming around last night. I hate having to fish solo people out of DR and GoM zergs though.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Fun fight with the NoQQ thief last night in NSP borderlands who I managed to fish out of your 40 man zerg DR. Unfortunately, once he realized he stood 0 chance of winning, he decided to run as fast as he could instead of finishing the fight.
I’ll be sure to put the fight in my newest video, because I was actually enjoying that one.
Oh and Btsy, you guys don’t know Baltimore style at all!
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Ranger builds using bunker (apothecary gear) and trap/ranger. Switch to my thief for last part. My first wvw video, with more on the way.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
When I ran trap/condition build, I had around 22k health and 1600ish buffed condition damage.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Man, it seems like every guild on SF is just a giant zerg guild now. Even Unified Kingdom calls in help when your two elementalists can’t beat a single ranger.
Whatever, enjoy the next tier up. I can’t solo roam much until you people leave.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Hey KING Arthur, I enjoy fighting you guys. A few days ago I had the oppurtunity to 1v1 a guardian norn from your guild who was rocking a beard on his character model. I wanted to ask what his build was (fellow guardian in the guild I’m in was curious). It was a decently long fight, but his healing was very hard to overcome so I lost due to attrition.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Holy hell, the drama. Ran into Selene last night. Thought it was a bit odd, but she was honest that she came over from HOD. Said something along the lines of trolling their zergs. To be honest, you claim to have trained their commanders, yet you dropped 3 trebs in a tower [TROL] took with 4 people, without looking at the supply present or considering the numbers around. I can see why you drop 100g per week on siege if you waste them like that.
If you were going to consider NSP home, you should do your research before rocking a commander tag to realize what guild tags mean what, and what you can expect. TROL only rolls 4 strong in WvW, and we pretty much only take towers/camps while dodging zergs.
XOXO is a solid guild, and I respect the tag as they have some serious individual skill. If you are going to dragonbrand or wherever, then best of luck.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Thanks Seven for the duels. I lost pretty bad, but it was still fun. Not sure how I will beat a good mesmer with my build, may have to go back to the drawing board.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Not sure what time he plays, but I’m going hunting for members of the [KING] guild. I’ll be rocking it solo most likely, so let’s see if I can get anyone.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
Hey Seven, I’m a big fan of your videos. Now that we are in the same tier, with any luck I’ll run into you running around solo. I want to see some of the skills in person.
I already ran into a few of your guild members.
Former NSP, now on GOM!
I can solo the battleground fractal on any level sub 10. I also was able to solo AC story mode (lovers was HARD). The trick there is axe and proper pet usage.
I’m pretty sure the water fractal is also completely soloable (but that jellyfish fight would make me cry with how long it takes).
I 2-manned honor of the waves story with a guardian friend. Haven’t tried any of the other dungeons yet.
Things I still want to attempt to solo: cliffside fractal (started it, beat first boss, but was tired), and a lot of AC explorer modes.
Things that I know are impossible to solo are CoF explorer path 1, Arah Story Mode, Grawl Fractal, and that is just off the top of my head.
Former NSP, now on GOM!