Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Showing Posts For TheNerdlyKnight.7035:
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Firstly, thank you for all the work you’ve done on the updates and trying to improve the game. It’s greatly appreciated even if the community sometimes has issues showing that appreciation. With every update so far there have been people for and against. This announcement in particular is concerning for the Role Play community and while we aren’t the target audience despite this being described as a Massively multiplayer online role-playing game, we are very loyal customers.
As such I am starting this thread with the hope of allowing the roleplay community a place to voice their concerns and possibly get some answers. For those responding, please remember to abide by the forum rules and especially remember to reference the “How to give feedback” thread.
My Questions
1. How will this affect the people I’ve blocked? Will they be shuffled to another map unless someone in my guild has them unblocked?2. How much of a change in population are we bound to see for major cities and the world?
As role players we’ve had to deal with trolling issues in other games where people stand on your character to break immersion, activate abilities, dance on you, spam emotes and basically do anything they can to actively disrupt the role play experience for no reason aside from this is the internet and lawlwhynot. Those actions, aside from the emote spamming, are technically not reportable offenses as is. If massively blocked players are going to be weeded out then this /may/ solve the problem. If this is not the case, then there remains a strong fear that you are essentially removing or discouraging the role play portion of the game by adding this feature and eliminating the point of “unofficial” rp servers.
100x this. As an RPer these are all of my fears and concerns wrapped up more elegantly than I have put together so far. Can we please get a Dev response on this?
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
I’d love to hear a response to this from a developer. These are very real concerns and fears for the community that I know I share.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
RP an exodus to a lower tier.
Why? Why should the RPers be made to suffer? We’ve built a wonderful community and server. Hell Tarnished Coast is consistently also one of the best WvW servers as well.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Both Piken Square (EU) and Tarnished Coast (NA) are almost the unoffical RP hubs of GW2. Every RP guild basically resides on these two communities and the fear now resides in the fact that suddenly we can be getting grouped with people form other servers (not just our friends and guilds)to balance out these news maps in the name of megaservers. That’s scary because as RPers we have stuck essentially to these few servers in the EU and NA in order to assure we have tight nit communities and no trolling to deal with. Now we’re looking at the very real risk of RP harassment and trolling suddenly.
I understand why ANet is making this change and I’d support it, IF capital cities were excluded.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
GHOSTS: You could be anyone, ranging from initiates who have yet to have officially been initiated to an allied informant who only appears when needed. Ghosts could be considered the lowest rank, but it isn’t really a rank at all. It is merely a term used to refer to people who aren’t officially members of the guild – at least, not in-character.
TRAINEES: Trainees are those who have been freshly initiated into Rogue. You believe in our cause. …well, you seem too. Or maybe you just need a steady job. A trainee isn’t always referred to as a trainee because of their skill. The trainee position was created with two intentions: for those to which Rogue is an unfamiliar concept, its purpose is to familiarize the subject with its philosophies. For those who are foreign to combat or need a little bit of work, trainees will shadow guild members in low-level mercenary investigations where they will learn the ropes first hand. For the most part, trainees are not trainees for long.
After at least a week as a Trainee, their guild mates may nominate them for a field position as a Scholar, a Fighter or a Scout. These individual bands take on individual assignments, though most of them are taken together. They are most often led by Masters of those concentrations – those who have either had years of experience in the applicable field or an immense amount of skill in it.
SCHOLARS: The Rogue Scholars are those who concentrate on discovering and analyzing the lore of Tyria. When exploring on their own, they often visit ancient grounds in search of artifacts and documents on behalf of Loremasters. The Scholar will work in an environment similar to that of a lab or University. They learn under the Loremasters. Scholars usually consist of Elementalists and Necromancers, but exceptions can be made. Concerning missions of higher importance, those which will require members of all of the advanced positions, there may be times when Scholars may have to get their hands dirty. It is important for them to find the necessary balance between curiosity and the need to hone their combat skill.
[color=#764f13]FIGHTERS[/color]: Fighters are the muscle. Fighters do the dirty work. Their responsibilities may range from taking care of their communities; retrieving cats from trees or helping a little girl find her lost doll, to the more important – assisting a village with the sudden spawn of the undead, and more importantly finding out why and eliminating the source of the threat. The work environment of a Fighter is similar to that of a soldier in the military. They answer to Warmasters directly.
SCOUTS: The duties of scouts are often stealthy in nature. They must double as infiltrators and explorers, scouts and spies. One day, they may be scouting an area to make sure that it’s alright for the Scholars to study and explore safely. The next, they may go undercover as a noble at a gathering where there may be a villain who is suspect in a long-term investigation. Scouts must wear many masks, but the most important value in a scout is in their cleverness. Enrollment as a Scout is partial to Rangers, Mesmers, and Thieves. Only in special cases are other professions considered. They answer to Fieldmasters.
WARMASTERS, LOREMASTERS, AND FIELDMASTERS: Masters command their respective divisions of Rogue, with Warmasters commanding Fighters, Loremasters commanding Scholars, and Fieldmasters commanding Scouts. They are specialists in their field, contracting and managing investigations and answer directly to the Council. Not all members of Rogue graduate to becoming Masters. To the lower ranks of Rogue, Masters come off as professors and captains.
OVERSEERS Overseers…oversee! They are one of the highest ranks in Rogue, acting as Commanders in the organization. They make sure everything is in line, take care of assigning contracts and finding work.
THE COUNCIL: The tasks of The Council usually pertain to matters of public relations and recruitment. They are the closest rank to The Keepers only because they serve as advisors, taking charge of the guild when The Keepers are away. Their job is to maintain the integrity of Rogue and to make sure that the guild becomes, or continues to be, a thriving Tyrian force.[/spoiler]
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Our RP History
Fifty years ago, around the time of the Elonian Exodus into Tyria, a skilled and determined gypsy Elonian Mesmer – Saroj Patil – founded Rogue with one goal: to take back Elona. For years, Saroj trained fighters and studied with scholars to discover the secrets of the dragons under the philosophy that taking back Elona could only be done when valuing both physical skill and the study of lore equally. But as time went on and Elonians settled into Tyria and grew distracted by other dangers and the issues of other cultures and races, Elona was forced to broaden its horizons. Rogue transformed from a band of unorganized and angry gypsy rebels into a clan of enlightened fighters and powerful scholars whose resources and wealth of information spanned the globe.
The increase in size and talent did, unfortunately, come at a great cost. Rogue quickly withdrew from their initial focus, realizing that there were issues beyond Elona that were much more immediate than the taking of Elona that would take ages. And with no focus, Rogue transformed into a guild of haphazard heroes and mercenaries who cared more about the penny than the people. It didn’t take long for Rogue to fade into the shadows of Tyria. In 1302 AE, Rogue disbanded entirely. While the details of Rogue’s falling out are lost in history, it is common knowledge that Saroj has not been heard from since. And with Saroj’s disappearance went the brief legend of Rogue.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
(edited by TheNerdlyKnight.7035)
We are not shadow. We are wind.
TYPE: Adventure / Military / Research
SITE: Click!
OFFICERS: Gael.7590, TheNerdlyKnight.7035, Oneshotnokill.2351, Masaknight.5730, morglostick.4132, Dappy.5390
STATUS: Recruiting!
Rogue, after two generations of silence, has emerged seemingly out of nowhere. With rumors of what Rogue once was now practically nonexistent, the guild has a fresh start. Elona will take time. What is imminent, however, are the secrets that the available world has to offer; the damage that The Elder Dragons have already caused; the evils of enemies within Tyria’s walls. And in discovering these secrets, correcting this damage, and fighting these evils, the perfect army can be formed. Eventually, Elona will be restored. And when that time comes, Rogue will be ready. Until then, they must start from scratch.
Rogue is a living, breathing guild. It will thrive on the characters that make it up, the evolving lore of the game, and its relationships with other guilds of Tarnished Coast. It consists of a careful balance of military, mercenary, and adventure-based roleplay. Of course, in character, Rogue will start off as a Bounty Hunters Company / Mercenary Operation. No in character ties to humans or the Elonian culture are necessary to be a part of the guild. There will be many goings on “behind the scenes,” though. That being said, almost any character who loves to play is welcome to dip their toes in and test the water! It’s warm, I promise. Of course, if you’re a fan of cold water, it can be that too! If corruption is your thing, feel free to volunteer your time! Of course, we’re looking for people who are willing to consider Rogue being their new (or first!) guild home, but there are roles for those who wander from guild to guild and don’t want to commit themselves fully. But for those who do choose to make Rogue your home, the roleplay limits are practically endless!
*Make contact, ooc or ic, with a member of Rogue. Let them know that you would like to be invited to the guild and intend on putting an application on file.
*Fill out and submit a completed application for recruitment.
*Attend an interview with two officers and then receive an offer of temporary employment (your trial period)
And it’s as simple as that! Altogether, it shouldn’t take longer than a few days. Technically, you can join the guild in one simple step, but in order to be a part of the grand scheme of things (which is where all the fun is) an application is necessary. Hope to hear from you soon!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Our History
Founded over 216 years ago by the human twin brothers Sir Malcolm and Randolph Sandovian following a prophetic dream, the Union of Midnight was created and made up of four heros and their followers. Over time the guild which became known for taking their own views, and positions that sometimes went against the general populace but were always the morally right for Tyria grew over time in both numbers and strength. The name eventually shifted to the Midnight Alliance around the year 1167 under the grandson of Sir Randolph Sandovian and soon a village known as Revelmore begins to form around the great tower of the guild. In return for supplies and support the guild offers it’s protection to Revelmore.
A little over a 140 years later the small village of Revelmore has grown into a sprawling town, and the Midnight Alliance has become known as the Midnight Reveries as Sylvari, Norn, and Asura have all joined the ranks of it’s members. However soon later the rise of Zhaitan and it’s forces wipe away the town of Revelmore and nearly all of the Reveries as the fall protecting the people of Revelmore and the people of Tyria falling prey to the Elder Dragons attack. In the year 1326 however the guild reopens it’s ranks under the last known Sandovian, Lord Thadrius Sandovian.
The guild begins to rebuild it’s members and soon heroes once more flock to the Midnight Reveries in dedication and service to protect Tyria and her people from all who would threaten her. They held no allegiance to any country, race, order, only to the people of Tyria who needed them. Together they succeed in their mission over the year until Thadrius left on an unexpected journey for an urgent search and handed the guild over to his trusted friend and right hand, Vulknot Doomhammer. The guild continued to prosper and serve Tyria, Commander Doomhammer and his right hand Captain Xary Adonis leading the guild on many adventures throughout the next year until their greatest challenge came.
When a forgotten relic of the Sandovian past emerged with power to possibly threaten the lands of Tyria, Thadrius reached out to his former comrades seeking their help to find this lost relic and recover it. Paranoia and fear however complicated these searches threatening to tear the guild apart until a last minute deal was offered by Captain Ciaran Paine II. Captain Paine II offered to take those willing aboard his ship, the Sea Devil and together they could serve on land or sea carrying out the original purpose that the Sandovians envisioned, “To serve the people of Tyria under whatever means necessary while holding no allegiance to any man, order, or crown. The innocents and lands of Tyria came first, no matter what.” Thus the Midnight Tide was born.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
The Midnight Tide
About Us
The Midnight Tide was formed in the year 1327 by Captain Ciaran Paine II and the remnants of the Midnight Reveries. Serving aboard the Sea Devil, a galleon that calls Lion’s Arch home and with crew that also works on land across Tyria the Tide focuses on serving the people of Tyria by whatever means necessary while holding no allegiance to any man, order, or crown, only each other. The innocents and lands of Tyria come first, no matter what. The Midnight Tide is a branch of the Midnight Reveries, an online gaming community going on 7 years strong this September. We are the Guild Wars 2 branch of the organization and offer a fun, friendly, and mature community for our members to role play and hang out.
What We Offer
We are primarily a morally grey, heavy RP guild with a swashbuckling flare that provides players the chance to be apart of a robin hoodesque group on land or sea. We offer story lines that deal with unique, well planned out events for the guild or sometimes even cross guild or server wide, as well as plots that intermingle with ever day life as a privateer serving to better the less fortunate of Tyria. Our members are like family and we offer camaraderie, protection, and a bond that can never be broken.
For guilds we offer an exciting opportunity to interact with an exciting and engaging group of players in random RP, collaborated stories, or community events. We’re the robin hoods of the sea and land and our members come from every walk of life with their own goals and dreams meaning the RP experiences you can encounter with us is endless. Whether you need cargo shipped by sea or think we can help you in other ways, we want you to reach out to us as an affiliate and ally or even foe!
What We Seek
We’re looking for mature, active role players, who can commit their character to representing the Midnight Tide 100% of the time with an 80% activity rate with us. This means if your character joins on with the Tide that one character cannot duel rep other guilds. We are not limiting you having other characters in other guilds but do require a high activity rate to maintain ranks and to stay on the roster. We are a very active community and we can only give back as much as our members are willing to give to us. Our members help lead things like our lore nights, come up with server events, and participate in engaging RP. Your character can come from any walk of life, any race, as long as they are lore friendly and you are friendly too.
Contact Us
Website: The Midnight Reveries Gaming Community
Guild Application: Apply OOCly Here
Officers: Ciarain Paine II (Xary.9364), Raamii Flux (jedimhuman.6278), Nemeni (Jess.5892), & Kourosh Santagar (thenerdlyknight.7035)
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Guild Timeline
1111 Founded By the human twin brothers Sir Malcolm and Randolph Sandovian following a prophetic dream. The ‘Union of Midnight’ is created and made up of four heroes and their assorted entourage. The Union of Midnight refuses to join the fight against the charr.
1148-Sir Randolph Sandovian dies of illness leaving Malcolm the ‘Union of Midnight’ now composed of twelve members. Sir Malcolm hands over leadership to his more able son Lord Tymian Sandovian. Tymian introduces a hierarchy system and appoints two members to act Officers at his side.
1150 Construction of a massive watchtower is begun to serve the guild’s growing interests. Sir Malcolm passes away of natural causes this same year.
1167 Refugee Norn from their new capital, Hoelbrak, are welcomed into the Guild. The renamed ‘Midnight Cabal’ now includes seventeen total heroes.
1170 Sir Andrew Sandovian inherits the Midnight Cabal upon his father, Lord Tymian’s, passing. A walled keep to surround the tower begins construction. A rude village begins to take shape surrounding the keep’s construction site. Sir Andrew changes the name to the ‘Midnight Alliance’.
1183 Construction on the keep is completed. The village of Revelmore receives official sanction and protection from the guild in exchange for supplies and support. A mayor is chosen, and monthly celebrations become the norm. The guild now shepherds a village, and includes twenty five heroes. The ‘officer’ positions are given the official rank of Warden of the Tower.
1199 Sir Andrew becomes overtaken by sickness of the mind and the leadership is passed to his daughter Lady Annyse Sandovian until his son Rork comes of age. The Midnight Alliance includes twenty-nine heroes in total, including three Wardens of the Tower. Being the first woman to lead, Lady Annyse changes the guild leader title from Lord Commander to Warden Commander.
1207 Lord Rork Sandovian is turned over leadership upon his twenty-first birthday, keeping his sister as his advisor. The guild leader title becomes interchangeable between Lord and Warden Commander. Sir Andrew succumbs to his disease that same year.
1214 Ex Warden Commander Annyse Sandovian is slain on the battlefield.
1241 Lord Richard Sandovian inherits the Midnight Alliance upon his father’s death. Upgrades to the tower, the walls, and Revelmore alike are begun to accommodate the growing population.
1273 Lord Syril Sandovian inherits the Midnight Alliance upon his father’s death. Members stand at thirty-one members.
1308 The Sylvari heroic trio known as the “Three and one” are welcomed into the guild; the first members of their fledgling race to be honored so. The rechristened “Midnights Coterie” now boast thirty four total heroes.
1310 The Asura are welcomed into the guild with the diplomatic help of Lady Megan Sandovian, the Lord Commander’s wife. Their arcane architecture improves the tower and nearby settlement. Revelmore grows and achieves Township, now supporting outlying farms, a crafting hall, several inns, a bustling marketplace, and a public amphitheater for the performing arts. The guild is renamed as the “Midnight Reveries” and stands strong with forty four heroes.
1312 Lord Phillip Sandovian inherits the Midnight Reveries upon his father’s death. The Charr hero “Ultim Strangeclaw” is welcomed into the guild as the first of his race to join. Charr siege weapons are added to the tower and keep. The title Warden of the Tower is changed to Warden. The guild now plays host to sixty three total heroes including four Wardens.
1321 The “Guild of the Midnight Reveries” is laid low by a combination of a magically induced hurricane and simultaneous assault by the undead legions of The Dragon Zhaitan. The tower, castle keep, and town of Revelmore are reduced to sodden ruin by storm damage, unnatural balefire, and siege. The guild is reduced to ten known living members. Casualties in the decimated village of Revelmore estimated at 90%. Lord Commander Phillip was amongst the fallen; his son Lord Thadrius Sandovian inherits the Midnight Reveries and begins to pick up the pieces of the legacy.
1326 The Midnight Reveries open their roster for the first time in fifteen years. New Heroes are sought to bolster their decimated ranks, rebuild their sundered glories, and seek righteous vengeance on the dragon Zhaitan. Lord Commander Thadrius hands the reigns to his most trusted officer Vulknot Doomhammer to take a must needed break.
1327(Current Year) With the dragons no longer the threat they once were, the Midnight Reveries seek the general safety of Tyria and look to destroy whatever force threatens it under Vulknot’s command.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Guild History
The Guild of the Midnight Reveries was once the envy of much of Tyria. A powerful and influential guild whose exploits approached legend as their ranks were swelled with the heroes of the age. As puissant and powerful as they were exclusive and obfuscant, the guild kept its lore and ritual close. Jealously guarding their secrets, they admitted only those most worthy into their closed rank. As their ambition swelled, the guild constructed a prophesied and mighty Tower. With their fortification, a community established. What once were camp followers and entourage became the village of Revelmore, celebrating and supporting the heroes that gave them succor and protection from the evils of the world. In time, as other races swelled their rank further with their best and brightest, a walled keep grew around the tower.
As the guild’s fortification swelled, so too Revelmore.
Now a true Township, the largesse and patronage of the heroes of Midnight enabled their expansion. No more, the rude muddy street and thatched roof. Now, Revelmore sported cobbled passages, beer gardens, smithies and glaziers. Even an outdoor theater with marble columns and vined trellises to soothe the spirit of the weary hero while entertaining him with acted out tales of his bold and clever fellows. At the height of their power and sublime standard, the Midnight Reveries had but one place left to go.
The siege came without warning. The assault masked by howling storm wind and massive thunders. As Revelmore and the Tower battened their windows, and made secure their loved ones against the great storm, evil stirred in once noble Orr. The great and terrible Zhaitan, called the “End of Glory” by the guild’s soothsayers, had taken notice of their glory. As the hurricane lashed their walls, the lurching horde came to infest Revelmore and the keep. Great coral-encrusted boulders were launched from dripping siege engines to batter the Tower. Corroded iron cannon fired rusted grape to splinter and smash through wooden walls. And over all, the hollow, echoing war cry of Zhaitan’s drowned minions mingled with the wailing winds as the townsfolk were put to jagged sword and the stinking embrace of salted flesh and jagged teeth.
As the storm howled its fury and unnatural lightnings danced in the swirling vortex above, the guild’s mightiest spent their lives in vainglorious droves against the tireless undead assault. Few escaped that dreadful night intact. Scarred and broken in flesh or spirit they fled to take shelter where they could. At the grisly vapid dawn the guild was broken. Revelmore was destroyed, it’s proud streets walked by abomination and nightmare. Only the Tower still stands, its glory betrayed by the gaping holes and silent battlement. The ruins brood quietly, waiting for reclamation and the promise of redemption from the salted fields and ruined walls of the keep below.
Survived and championed by the heirs of the former Lord of the Tower, the guild heals, and begins to rebuild. New heroes are called to wear the colors and crest. Fresh blood and sharp minds to make anew the legend lost to the End of Glory. Commander Vulknot Doomhammer, Captain Xary Adonis and the Wardens seeks brave new heroes to stand with them. The tale of the Midnight Reveries now begins a new chapter. To resurrect their past glory, to seek greater adventure, and in the end to protect Tyria and her people from all foes, dragons or not! Stand with the Reveries, and write your name in the immutable pages of myth and legend.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Recruitment posters can be found in any major city and can be used as an ice-breaker to inquire about the guild.
~Commander Vulknot Doomhammer (Vulknot), Captain Xary Adonis (or Ciaran Paine), Warden Diachyr Coryul, Warden Isri Seventh, Warden Elect Kourosh Santagar.
We offer weekly events as well as major server-wide events. If you caught the Festival of Lyssa last month and enjoyed it, then you’ll be excited to know the planned for the upcoming Festival of Balthazar in August is underway! Thanks Warden Kourosh for heading this up!
The Midnight Reveries is a gaming community with many members in other games. As a community we operate under one Code of Conduct. Please read and ensure you are able to adhere to these rules prior to applying. The Midnight Reveries offers a safe, friendly environment. We are family.
Interested in applying? Please read the Code Of Conduct before proceeding to application. A leader will contact you via in-game mail within a week or less. Thank you for your interest!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
(edited by TheNerdlyKnight.7035)
This is a very unique and interesting build. It obviously looks great for dungeons and such, but how would you stack it up for regular PvE solo play or WvWvW? I’m curious…
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
A friendly reminder that the event is tonight staring at 6pm PST/ 8pm CST/ 9pm EST
Hope to see everyone there!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Uh…. will there be meat? You know…. for our kind? The Charr? Or are we not welcome in this festival? That better not be it, unless you’re planning on this festival of yours to turn into a battleground!
Oh wait, that’s right! We killed out gods. Can we still come for the meat?
Absolutely, all races are welcome! We’ll have a food and drink vendor and an alcohol vendor there as well! I’m sure they will be serving all kinds of wonderful things.
I know all of that. What I meant was, what else can mesmers be expected to generally do from a RP standpoint? Can we conjure other kinds of illusions besides ones of ourselves? Can we read minds or block thoughts? That’s mainly what I meant. A lot of people go about RPing the more general/not in game aspects of a professions lore or attributes their own way. I was wondering if there was a widely accepted guideline to that in terms of mesmers specifically. I just don’t want to assume one thing, then be wrong later at the event itself.
Oh, sorry for the confusion! Mesmer’s from an RP perspective can do a lot of things, it depends on what you want to do! I’ve met Mesmers who read fortunes and are heavy into mysticism through their illusive skills, I’ve seen others who as you suggested are more adapt at mind reading and hypnosis, and others like Kourosh who turn out to be expert duelists thanks to the use of their clones and phantasms; using them as feints, tricks, and weapons in combat or duelist shows.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Mesmers are masters of illusion and control, subverting the enemy’s Energy for their own use, and that of their allies. -Guild Wars Wiki
Mesmers are masters of mirage. They weave mental magic that confounds, controls, or evokes emotion in their enemies. With a wave of the hand, they can shatter their own illusions to produce even greater special effects. -Guild Wars 2 Wiki
Lyssa is the dual-faced goddess of beauty, water, and illusion. She is the patron Goddess of Mesmers and Assassins, and is also associated with the Energy Storage techniques of Elementalists. -GW2 and GW Wiki
So to answer your question, Mesmers (mostly Human ones) see Lyssa as the Goddess who has given them their abilities. It’s like a Guardian who specializes in healing praying to Dwayna since she is the Goddess of healing and life, or a Necromancer worshiping Grenth. Feel free to whisper me in game or I’d any of the mesmers on the list, they’re all devotees of Lyssa as you can tell. But read over the wiki, and if you play a Human or not just look at the in game things that talk about Lyssa, etc (the shrine, so on, so forth.) If you have questions, ask as well!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Reserved for Poetry Contest Entrants/Volunteer list
Zara – Priestess of Lyssa, Opening and Closing Ceremony
“Tyria Merchant Company” (The Midnight Covenant) – Food and drink vendors
Night Brew Company – Alcoholic Drink Vendors
Kyler Murtugh – Kissing Booth (Male)
Saville Labonne – Kissing Booth (Female)
Kate (Gunnr) Soulguard – Kissing Booth (Female)
Lanz – Class on Mesmerism
Kurtosis (Moral Hazard) – Mesmer Show
Neris Ta’Lorn – Mesmer Show
Daughter of Stars – Water Show
Okamaru – Water Show
Poetry Contest Entrants
Eilir Eirasdottir
Alice Hyun
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
The Festival Of Lyssa
The Festival
OOC: The Midnight Reveries, and specifically Kourosh Santagar of the Reveries is proud to present the Festival of Lyssa, an rp festival open to all TC players! This promises to be the first of many festivals we would like to hold that will honor the Six Gods and each will take place throughout the year in varying locations based on the God. This Festival with it’s ties to the Festival of Lyss and the Elonian culture will take place in the Ossan Quarter of Divinty’s Reach. We are still in need of volunteers for certain things which will be marked in the post, feel free to pm me on the forum here or whisper me in game if you’d like to volunteer or sign up for the poetry contest.
IC: The Festival Of Lyssa is in honor of the old Elonian festival that was held every year in Vabbi to honor Lyss. Lyssa is the Goddess of illusion and beauty, and also water, energy storage (magical), duality, and some say chaos. The Festival is to honor the first of the three while also providing some Elonian cultural to be showcased as well.
DATE/TIME – June 14th from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Server Time. (8:00 – 11:00 pm CST / 9:00 pm 12:00 am EST)
Location – Ossan Quarter, Divnity’s Reach
The Events/Fare:
1) A kissing both – Lyssa is the goddess of beauty and people turn to her for matters of love. This would be a light hearted, fun item.
2) Food and drink – every good festival needs food and drink for its guests.
3) Blessings of Lyssa – an opening and closing ceremony item where IC a priest of Lyssa would offer a prayer to her and then blessings to the crowd.
4) Mesmer Show – a combination of rp and skills to put on a show highlighting the beauty and powers of illusions in honor of Lyssa. Need: a few mesmer volunteers.
5) Water Show – a combination of rp and skills to put on a show highlighting that beauty and power of water magic in honor of Lyssa. Need: A few elementalist volunteers.
6) Poetry Contest – entrants will share their best original poem written in honor of Lyssa. Need: prize and judges.
- A) Opening/Closing Ceremonies, Blessings
- B) Performance Area for shows, poetry contest
- C) Vendor Area for kissing booth, food, drinks.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
ANet this is almost gamebreaking for the class, please get with it and fix it!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
I am actually pretty disappointed in this action. I really think instanced “story” areas like Salma should be open for players as they are not only fun to explore but offer a huge immersion for players that do prefer to Roleplay. I would hope ANet would reconsider this.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Here’s my Mesmer’s current look. Lot’s of earth toned colors to match his personal likes since I play him as having Elonian heritage.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
My mesmer is a Human male named Karoush Santagar. An Istani decedent, he can trace his family history back to the Elonian merchants of the Santagar Trading Co. (If you haven’t caught on, I RP my mesmer).
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Thanks for reporting this, it was extremely annoying last night trying to complete my daily aquatic slayer achievement.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Yo’ momma’s IQ is so low I told her PI R Squared and she replied, no Pi Is Round.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Let me just thank you for this guide. I’ve fallen in love playing with a Necromancer after trying almost every class since BWE’s and your guide has really helped me nail down a groove for the class. I truly enjoy it, thank’s so much!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
(edited by TheNerdlyKnight.7035)
100% can confirm this issue, it’s making Sylvari Tower a no go for me and my friends.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
I hate to rez an old topic but I really have to agree here that Humans deserve more beard options. Please ANet, let us have our beards!
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
borrow a friends graphics card and test it.
I can play BF3 and Skyrim just fine on my pc, I know it’s not a graphics card issue.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Sounds like the right situation, right place, right time thing to me.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
SO a while back after launch I had the infamous black screen issue and the game seemed to be crashing my gfx card as I could not even ctrl alt del or alt tab out of the game once crashed, even running in windowed mode. So I uninstalled all of my gfx drivers and did a fresh install with the latest drivers and boom no more issues.
However since the game patch on the 7th I have been getting crashes non stop lately, to the point of driving me either to tears or anger out of the frustration. I had to redo one single storyline quest 8 times because it kept crashing in it. I’m looking for some help here. I’ve gone through everything, from ensuring AA is set to application controlled, taking my pc off it’s wireless connection and going to a straight wired connection, turning the graphics settings down in game, and more.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
I’ve been having this issue but to a different extent since the update as well. The black screen is occurring randomly during npc dialogue screens and game play rather than at launch. It’s really frustrating at the moment.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
My Charr Guardian belongs to the Iron Legion because he believes in the gears of war and the superiority of Charr technology even if he’s not the best tinkerer, just a wielder. Like many others have pointed out I see the loyalty and faith he places in his race, his legion, his warband, and most importantly, himself the source of his powers. Charr don’t need any stinking gods to give them powers.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Could you be seeing more players where your at? I’m not seeing any decrease in FPS while in or around the Plains of Ascalon. Your best bet regardless would be to open up a support ticket.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
Here’s Rragar Gearslash sporting his Iron Legion armor set that’s used for RP.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian
The Game Crashes during Character Creation; Radeon HD 5770
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TheNerdlyKnight.7035
I’ve been having this issue as well with my NVIDIA GTS 240. Support told me to do a clean install of the recent beta driver and no help. Then they tell me to go disable a bunch of start up apps. Boom, still crashing. This is getting really old.
I mean I can run WoW, SWTOR, BF3,Skyrim, and a few other games atnmed to high settings with no crashes but not GW2.
Roereker Wolfspear, Norn Guardian