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Path of Fire content milestone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Great, now just eleven more months until everything will be balanced


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


If it’s just pve, what does it matter? Why not just go with whatever works best?

Axe/Axe is the highest damage power DPS weapon for warrior and it barely does higher than 16k dps. See the problem there?

Then, condi literally does double that damage, but nobody wants to play with bows and torches on warrior while doing DoTs

No, I don’t see the problem.

I guess you don’t have eyes

Lol, more like I recognize the absurdity of a belief that it matters if power and condi do equivalent damage in pve.

I guess you don’t have eyes

Would you care to explain why it matters? Because, so far, it just seems like whining about nothing worth whining about.

I just edited my post XD
Also, why it matters depends on who you are.
You don’t think it matters so why do you care?

what does it matter if there are power builds that can perform as well as Condi?

What power build on warrior are you playing thats doing anywhere near condition builds?
. . .
I’m not sure why you keep responding though since you don’t even care.

So yea, I want to play Power PS.

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


I was in the middle of updating my build and saw this post, so I’m not really wasting time doing this

Dodge twice then open up with headbutt, berserk, decapitate, dual strike, switch to greatsword, hundred blades, arc divider, dodge. . . then continue rotation as normal.

Starting out with axe/axe is a dps increase.

(edited by TheSlothArmada.6709)


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


If it’s just pve, what does it matter? Why not just go with whatever works best?

Axe/Axe is the highest damage power DPS weapon for warrior and it barely does higher than 16k dps. See the problem there?

Then, condi literally does double that damage, but nobody wants to play with bows and torches on warrior while doing DoTs

No, I don’t see the problem.

I guess you don’t have eyes

Lol, more like I recognize the absurdity of a belief that it matters if power and condi do equivalent damage in pve.

I guess you don’t have eyes

Would you care to explain why it matters? Because, so far, it just seems like whining about nothing worth whining about.

I just edited my post XD
Also, why it matters depends on who you are.
You don’t think it matters so why do you care?


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


If it’s just pve, what does it matter? Why not just go with whatever works best?

Axe/Axe is the highest damage power DPS weapon for warrior and it barely does higher than 16k dps. See the problem there?

Then, condi literally does double that damage, but nobody wants to play with bows and torches on warrior while doing DoTs

No, I don’t see the problem.

I guess you don’t have eyes

Lol, more like I recognize the absurdity of a belief that it matters if power and condi do equivalent damage in pve.

I guess you don’t have eyes
. . .
Actually maybe I should say ears to make it more interesting.

If you don’t care about the damage in PvE then don’t post.

(edited by TheSlothArmada.6709)


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


If it’s just pve, what does it matter? Why not just go with whatever works best?

Axe/Axe is the highest damage power DPS weapon for warrior and it barely does higher than 16k dps. See the problem there?

Then, condi literally does double that damage, but nobody wants to play with bows and torches on warrior while doing DoTs

No, I don’t see the problem.

I guess you don’t have eyes


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Axe axe is like 24k. I have tested it. Still not good but way more than 15k

Are you using unrealistic buffs?
Because my opening burst on Axe/Axe only goes to 25k then sustain goes all the way down to 19-20k.

On realistic buffs my DPS hovers around 17k


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


If it’s just pve, what does it matter? Why not just go with whatever works best?

Axe/Axe is the highest damage power DPS weapon for warrior and it barely does higher than 16k dps. See the problem there?

Then, condi literally does double that damage, but nobody wants to play with bows and torches on warrior while doing DoTs


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Recent changes have actually hurt Axe/Axe, it feels sub-par right now.

The change to Axe Mastery was huge as it gave a Axe/Sh user the same offensive stats as a Axe/Axe user.

It used to be the other way around, the player who decided to dual wield had the 300 higher ferocity, which made sense, that player was giving up the huge defensive boon of the shield to gain more offense. This made Axe/Axe hit harder than Axe/Sh.

Not anymore.

Now you can have everything without trade offs, you can have a great defense combined with a strong offense. No reason at all now to even take Axe/Axe, the Gs – Axe/Sh meta has only further been encased in stone.

This isn’t about PvP
Why is this so hard to understand??

Power is a joke

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Did you even read the post?
There you see condi warrior at the top, and the power version is so bad it doesn’t even get a spot. He’s obviously not talking about all classes when he says power is a joke. . .Is it that hard to figure that out?


in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Is this about… pee vee eee?

He wants to be doing raid level dps in PvP

Compilation of Changes for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709



Important Changes:
-Fast Hands-(General Change)
Fast Hands is now baseline; Replaced by Sleight of Hand: Your next attack on weapon swap recharges 2 seconds faster (12 second ICD)
Reasoning: Fast hands really is so important to playing warrior in PvP, and trying to weapon swap on warrior in PvE feels so bad without it. Sleight of Hand is a trait that acts as a DPS increase in PvE, while in PvP it can reduce the cooldown of an important skill. I felt 2 seconds would make it strong without completely breaking it.

-Inspiring Battle Standard- (PvE Oriented Change)
Replace with Leg Specialist; Inspiring Battle Standard now increased the potency of banners by 20%
Reasoning: This trait really had no place in discipline. In its position in tactics, it would be competing with restorative strength, allow people who were having trouble maintaining might to keep it, while also giving people with no problem keeping up might to switch to a trait that improve their banners.

-Crack Shot- (PvE Oriented Change)
In addition to its previous effects, all harpoon and rifle shots pierce
Reasoning: Rifle is already bad enough. . .

-Destruction of the Empowered- (PvE Oriented Change)
In addition to its previous effects, deal additional damage for each stack of vulnerability (.25%)
Reasoning: Chances are, if you are fighting an enemy with boons, they already have protection. This makes this feat really only have a use in PvP, but who is going to choose this over condi clear on weapon swap? Changing it to increase damage for each stack of vulnerability contradicts the name (couldn’t think of a cooler one) but atleast it would have larger uses in PvE

Vengeful Return
. . .No Change
Reasoning: I couldn’t even find a reason to change this since you have to first choose it expected to be downed and in a location where you will have time to activate vengance. (which itself it already a pretty bad downed skill)

-Warrior’s Sprint-
Swap with Heightened Focus; Warrior’s Sprint now replaces your dodge with a sprint in which you move 100% faster, become immune to movement impairing conditions, and gain 80% resistance to all forms of incoming damage during it’s duration (Decays at 12 endurance a second)
Reasoning: The change I would make to this would mean it’d HAVE to be a grandmaster trait. Changing this to an actual sprint would probably solve all of warrior’s mobility problems (Probably would make them impossible to run away from unless you’re a thief with no cooldowns up.) and the 80% damage mitigation would make up for the inability to dodge. Also, dodging is for pansies, WARRIOR FACE TANK IT!!!!

(edited by TheSlothArmada.6709)

Compilation of Changes for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709



Important Changes:

Berserk Mode:
(Descriptions will include fatal frenzy changes)
You can now enter berserk at 10, 20, and 30 adrenaline. Gain bonuses associated with the level of adrenaline you had when entering berserk mode.
5 (s) Cooldown
10 Adrenaline: (Counts as a level 1 burst)
-10% Health as a Barrier
-Quickness (3s)
-Fury (3s)
-Swiftness (3s)
Attack speed increase: 5%(stacks with quickness)
20 Adrenaline: (Counts as a level 2 burst)
-25% Health as a Barrier
-Quickness (6s)
-Fury (6s)
-Swiftness (6s)
-Attack speed increase: 10%
30 Adrenaline: (Counts as a level 3 Burst)
50% Health as a barrier
-Quickness (10s)
-Fury (10s)
-Swiftness (10s)
-Might: 10 Stacks (10s)
-Attack speed increase: 15%
(All primal bursts count as a level 2 Burst)
(All values are halved in PvP; bonuses have a 15 second ICD)
(Barrier gain is 1/3 of total gain)
Reasoning: Capping berserk to 30 adrenaline while making its effects of a level 1 berserk seemed extremely strange to me, so instead I made it so that you could enter berserk mode at any stage, while gaining bonuses appropriate for the amount of adrenaline invested. Being being to go berserk at multiple levels of adrenaline give it much more flexibility in PvP. The additional barrier on berserk is mainly to help with the little amount of healing berserker gets in PvE. I wanted to greatly reduce the amount gained in PvP (getting 50% barrier would be REALLY annoying for enemies. . .) while also making sure berserkers weren’t going crazy with the quickness. Also, stacking the attack speed with quickness would give it extreme relevance in PvE, and likely PvP. And that is my poorly worded reasoning!

-Savage Instinct- (PvP Oriented)
Clear up to 3 conditions when activating berserk mode. Lose 1 additional condition every 3 seconds in berserk mode
Level 1 Clear: 1 condition
Level 2 Clear: 2 conditions
Reasoning: Warrior has very little condi clear, and its main source of condi management comes from a temporary immunity that can be stripped, and once it’s down the warrior has almost no way of dealing with condi. Do this and I swear to god everybody will take this for PvP in a heartbeat. Necro also has a feat like this for shroud, though there is no initial glob of condi clear.

-Always Angry- (PvE Oriented Change)
Gain up to 10% increased damage and condition damage when you enter berserk mode
Level 1: 3% Increase
Level 2: 6% Increase
Reasoning: A simple buff to power and condi (not that condi should get it. . . I jk condi no hate, for real)

-Fatal Frenzy-
Gain boons when activating berserk mode (Up to: 50% HP as barrier, 10 seconds of fury, quickness, swiftness and 10 stacks of might. All bonuses are halved in PvP)
(This was already included in berserk mode changes at the top)

-Eternal Champion-
Gain Stability when you enter berserk mode. (5 stacks for 8 seconds) Reduce incoming damage by up to 9% when entering berserk mode
Level 1: 3%
Level 2: 6%
Reasoning: This change both helps survivability in PvP and PvE. The incoming damage reduction may need to be relooked at, since combined with other traits it could provide warrior with basically perma protection.

(edited by TheSlothArmada.6709)

Compilation of Changes for Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


I’ve finally finished my list of changes I want for warrior/berserker. Here is the link:

I’ve also updated it to be able to comment on the document directly, so you don’t have to cycle between it and the forums.


Important changes: (For those who don’t want to click on the link)

-Restorative Strength- (PvE Oriented Change)
Swap places with Empowered (Located in tactics)
Reasoning: My changes in general were to make power warrior an optimal pure DPS class/profession, so seeing how empowered was in a support line even though it was a DPS focused trait, I decided to swap it out with restorative strength, which has more might stacking purposes. Power DPS warriors will now be able to take empowered without using tactics, though pPS will probably still be locked to strength due to forceful greatsword. Overall, it is a buff to Power DPS, while not really harming pPS since it will still be able to take Restorative Strength and Empowered.

-Body Blow- (PvP Oriented Change)
Becomes: Vicious Reaction: When struck, below 25% health, gain 10% health back and deal the health gain back as unmitigable damage 1 second after triggering
Reasoning: Body blow was a strange trait. . . it really had no places in builds for both PvP and PvE. Seeing how warriors are not doing too well in PvP (Can’t say the same for WvW. . .) i thought this change would be a small buff to survivability. Though I hate how it would have to be implemented as a passive, there would be no other way. . .

-Stick and Move- (General Change)
Gain a damage 10% damage bonus for 15 seconds after a dodge
Reasoning: Maintaining this bonus is an extreme pain, and is basically unusable with Might Makes Right. This change really needs to happen. . .

-Berserker’s Power- (PvE Oriented Change)
Becomes: Destroyer’s Power: Each successful strike increases your damage by 5% for 25 seconds (Stacks 6 times; only 3 in pvp. Each additional hits refreshes the duration
Reasoning: The reasoning is quite simple on this one: I wanted a DPS power warrior to have a way to reliable maintain a strong offensive buff. A 30% damage buff might seem big, but I feel like with how little damage is already being done, this change wouldn’t create too much of a power creep. I also didn’t want a 30% damage buff that can be easily stacked circulating in PvP, so I changed it to stack only 3 times.

-Might Makes Right- (PvE Oriented Change)
Heal (200) yourself and your allies every time you grant might to yourself or allies; (120 in PvP) Endurance gain is only for the warrior
Reasoning: The wording on this is a mess, but essentially when the warrior grants might to itself it will heal; the same goes for allies if the warrior applies might to them. Seeing how pPS will likely be taking this line, I made this change believing it would bring even greater support to pPS.

-Great Fortitude- (PvP Oriented Change)
(Swap: With Merciless Hammer)10% of your power and precision are converted to additional vitality. Additionally, gain 10% resistance to all forms of damage
Reasoning: This trait is almost never used anywhere in the game so I figured if I made this change this strong I’d have to make it a grandmaster trait, while also making the other grandmaster traits just as appealing. I think Might Makes Right would still be taken over it, but some people may find a use for it.

Non-Flashy Character Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


My charr guardian in sentinel’s armor. . .
Not very original but that’s what happens when you are poor in this game ;-;
Weapon is Cobalt.

That’s a bit flashy…

I wish the flaming parts weren’t there. . .
But it’s the best looking thing I have that really looks like heavy plate on charr. . .

Non-Flashy Character Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


My charr guardian in sentinel’s armor. . .
Not very original but that’s what happens when you are poor in this game ;-;
Weapon is Cobalt.


Looking good aesthetically?

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Charr only.
Human is only meant for a smug theif born into royalty

pof 21 what your most looking for

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


For power warr to actually do good damage. . .

Best legendary weapon for ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


The nevermore, and nothing more

lol souldbeast and holosmith

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


How so many people miss that Spellbreaker doesn’t have to be better than Berserker is beyond me – it has to completely outshine Power Berserker to be considered. Power PvE build is literally 66% the effectiveness of Condi or worse.

Exactly, berserker is a condi focused spec.

Berserker is actually power and condi, it’s just that condi is waaay stronger than power in almost every scenario. . .

lol souldbeast and holosmith

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


And for pve it’s most limited class. It’s either Condi or GTFO.

This is the case with most classes nowadays though.

Yeah, but at least other classes like ele, guard, and theif get a choice ;-;

I am a ranger, And I am glad that after 2 years I might actually be able to play a Power build once again.

You guys have not even played Spellbreaker in PvE, I would not be surprised that Boons might actually make an appearance on PvE mobs in PoF this would make spellbreaker even stronger than it already potentially is for PvE

Spellbreaker already has almost no potential for PvE. . .

lol souldbeast and holosmith

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


And for pve it’s most limited class. It’s either Condi or GTFO.

This is the case with most classes nowadays though.

Yeah, but at least other classes like ele, guard, and theif get a choice ;-;

I definitely want a Paladin Warrior ES

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Paladin Spec for Warrior? How does that make sense?
Guardian should be the one with a paladin spec

I prefer if Guardians went a different route and was more darker in theme, such as a Ritualist Knight or something.

Or they could go the paladin route without having to dump that trash on Warrior. I don’t know why you want magic on warrior. It’s theme is garbage enough with Ranger Berserker and Psuedo-Theif Spellbreaker

because Warriors could always use magic in the lore. in fact, they worshiped the same gods as some of the other classes which they channel for their magic. So not a reach at all. Dervish were said to be Holy Warriors. again Warriors always could use magic.

I don’t care about the lore. No magic on a no magic class.

define Magic? Because as I keep saying, Warriors also always had access to Magic. Same gods as every other class that channel energy from that god.

What magic are you using on warrior??


I don’t think you are getting the point. I’m not playing as a magic user, I’m playing WARRIOR. It doesn’t matter if any other warrior you mention using magic since the WARRIOR in THIS game DOESN’T use MAGIC. I don’t care what the lore is saying, the warrior I’m playing isn’t a magic using class!

I HOPE my use of CAPS makes my POINT much CLEARER

LA and new characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


love it every time I take a new toon to LA for the first time !!! I enjoy doing all the time .and never get tried or fed up at all with the cinema

I find it easy when I get placed in a new spot in la by this . as it helps me to unlock that are much more easy and faster too .

and I have no problems with load times with LA . or any other map with my s/s/d drive . load times for any map is give or take 10 seconds at the best or worst case .but I also keep my firewalls set to high blocking uneed traffic from the internet . also too I use guild wars 2 launch buddy . to get the most lowest server ping rates and faster loading time

Is what you speak of on mac as well?
I’m tired of having 30 seconds to 3 minute loading screens. . .

I definitely want a Paladin Warrior ES

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Paladin Spec for Warrior? How does that make sense?
Guardian should be the one with a paladin spec

I prefer if Guardians went a different route and was more darker in theme, such as a Ritualist Knight or something.

Or they could go the paladin route without having to dump that trash on Warrior. I don’t know why you want magic on warrior. It’s theme is garbage enough with Ranger Berserker and Psuedo-Theif Spellbreaker

because Warriors could always use magic in the lore. in fact, they worshiped the same gods as some of the other classes which they channel for their magic. So not a reach at all. Dervish were said to be Holy Warriors. again Warriors always could use magic.

I don’t care about the lore. No magic on a no magic class.

define Magic? Because as I keep saying, Warriors also always had access to Magic. Same gods as every other class that channel energy from that god.

What magic are you using on warrior??

I definitely want a Paladin Warrior ES

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Paladin Spec for Warrior? How does that make sense?
Guardian should be the one with a paladin spec

I prefer if Guardians went a different route and was more darker in theme, such as a Ritualist Knight or something.

Or they could go the paladin route without having to dump that trash on Warrior. I don’t know why you want magic on warrior. It’s theme is garbage enough with Ranger Berserker and Psuedo-Theif Spellbreaker

because Warriors could always use magic in the lore. in fact, they worshiped the same gods as some of the other classes which they channel for their magic. So not a reach at all. Dervish were said to be Holy Warriors. again Warriors always could use magic.

I don’t care about the lore. No magic on a no magic class.

Your biggest fails in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Leveling a Warrior then Necromancer thinking berserker gear was good.

I definitely want a Paladin Warrior ES

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Paladin Spec for Warrior? How does that make sense?
Guardian should be the one with a paladin spec

I prefer if Guardians went a different route and was more darker in theme, such as a Ritualist Knight or something.

Or they could go the paladin route without having to dump that trash on Warrior. I don’t know why you want magic on warrior. It’s theme is garbage enough with Ranger Berserker and Psuedo-Theif Spellbreaker

I definitely want a Paladin Warrior ES

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Paladin Spec for Warrior? How does that make sense?
Guardian should be the one with a paladin spec

Unsure of Next Class to Make

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Edit: Fixed some terrible grammar

A few days ago, I decided to start fresh on my account and deleted my level 80 Elementalist and Necromancer. I only kept my charr berserker as it is the only reason I started playing this game. My thought process was that I would try to create three characters based on fulfilling 3 main roles in a group with the fewest amount of characters: Tanking, DPS, and buffing. Come here I from Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter, so I chose each classes to reflect my characters in that game.

My Charr Berserker was meant to fulfill the DPS role, paralleling my Great Weapon Fighter Dragonborn In neverwinter. It is supposed to be a high damage class with no group buffs but damage so high that it was acceptable to not bring any buffs. The main thing that drew me to make a warrior was the berserk mode and the illusion of it being a high physical damage class. Instead, I got a DPS class based on DOTs to fulfill a damage role and heavy buffing. . .
So I walked away from berserker disappointed, though I can’t delete it since it’s my first character
[Video of How GWF functions in Neverwinter]

Next, My Charr Guadian was meant to be the tank, and though at this point in the game I was well aware that couldn’t work, I believed I could make a hybrid tank/DPS spec. It was once again, paralleling my Guardian Fighter Dragonborn in Neverwinter, with a shield mechanic that locked all other powers while it was up, but also mitigated 80% of all incoming damage. It dealt respectable damage and also provided a large movement and damage buff for the team.
However, guardian brought nowhere near half of what I expected of a class with GUARDIAN in its name. . . I tortured myself to get my guard to level 80 and was once again disappointed. I then found out that guardian was more of a warrior than warrior is. . . and mesmer is more guardian than guardian is . . .
[Video of how GF works in Neverwinter]

And now, here I am. Two roles I wanted to fulfill are just a lost dream now. After being humbled and exposed to the truth in this game I don’t expect anything from a class based on its name. I expected my necromancer to be a high melee damage class with the reaper shroud, I expected my elementalist to be a control/damage heavy caster, (I guess elementalist was actually the only class I wasn’t that sad to play. . . but I made it an asura. . . and there can only be CHARR) and I soon learned to not care about the theme of the class, or the way it does damage,
Now all I see are numbers and all I care about is efficiency. So now I’m left with my final attempt to see my dream out. . . I want 1 real buffing class . . .

My eyes are currently on Druid and Chronomancer. . . but I can’t decide.
I like the gameplay with illusions with chronomancer even though they are really clunky to play with. The healing and buffs on druid are far more interesting and most reflect the Devoted Cleric in Neverwinter. . . yet i still look at chronomancer wanting to play it. Some people may say, “Just make both.” but I must only have 3 classes! It’s a strange requirement but I must abide by it or I can’t enjoy the game.
[Video of how DC plays in Neverwinter]

(edited by TheSlothArmada.6709)

GW2s most prestigious costume?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Just for fun I set myself the challenge of putting together GW2’s most prestigious costume – all the rarest, hardest to obtain skins and most expensive dyes together. Surely a thing of glory to behold!

My attempt is below and since a lot has changed since I last tried this in 2014 and I think there’s many more options now I’d love to hear your thoughts and maybe even see some alternate takes on it.

Featured in my attempt is:

  • Celebration Hat (free give-away during the headstart weekend)
  • Glorious Hero’s Shoulderguards (place 1st in a PvP tournament)
  • Perfected Envoy Jerkin (legendary armour)
  • Fire God’s Vambraces (30 Hall of Monuments points)
  • Mistforged Triumphant Hero’s Legguards (1900 WvW rank + purchase earlier versions)
  • Invisible Boots (about 2,000-3,000 gold)
  • Eternity (combine both other legendary greatswords)
  • Warbringer (legendary WvW backpack)

Dyes are Permafrost, Shadow Abyss, Scorched and Bloody Red with a combined price of about 1,550g (and that’s using buy orders).

Yeah, that’s certainly an abomination all right, good work.

But that’s how about 50% of the players actually look like in-game. I’d say 10% wear vanilla gear because they are newer players leaving only 30% or less with anything even remotely fashionable and unique.

Maybe everyone would look good if everything in this game that is worth wearing didn’t cost 100’s or 1000’s of gold

Best PvE Build since nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Condi PS Berserker is best PvE spec for the Warrior. Arms, Tactics, Berserker. Optimal build setup can be found at

Interesting, so berserker gear is pretty much outclassed now?

Sadly, yes…
Now the way to go is Viper, or rabid if you’re really poor XD

Viability of GS in PvE?

in Warrior

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


If you want to fill an actual pure DPS role in a fractal or raid, then GS is a terrible low DPS choice. It can be used as pPS, but cPS just does much better than it in every way. So the problem is: Not only was power overnerfed, but condi was then buffed so much that you basically don’t have a choice anymore if you want to do the max possible DPS for both supportive and offensive builds.

In dungeons, it doesn’t really matter what you play as long as it isn’t terrible
Open world go wild. . .

The conclusion:
Raids/Fractals: Pure DPS role is not viable, you might as well go pPS since the DPS you personally gain doesn’t compare to the DPS you can give to your party, but even then pPS isn’t an optimal choice.

Dungeons: Same thing as fractals/raids

Open World: Have fun lol

Fastest Ways To Level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


I will say lvling in gw2 is faster than other MMOs by far. It just takes lot of thought and work. U won’t realize how easy it is till after your done with your first character. Then you get a better strategy to do it. But since it’s your first. It will take a while. But while it takes a while. Enjoy your time.

I have 3 lv 80 characters

Fastest Ways To Level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Fastest way to level? Play the game the way it was intended and enjoy the journey! (personal story optional)

I guess there is no fast leveling in this game

Fastest Ways To Level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


  • Get a guild with the gilded hollow gh
  • Exit gh through the front door
  • Participate in the Tarir meta event
  • ???
  • Profit

Besides that, dungeons are a good source for exp, too.

Edit: Forgot to add crafting. Look up a guide and max cooking and jeweler. Both are cheap and should give about 7 or 8 levels.

Hm that first one seems very interesting, I’ll have to try that to see if it actually yields high EXP. . .

Edit: Since I was so curious I actually tried doing the tarir meta event on my level 23 guard, and I leveled up a total of 3 times.

(edited by TheSlothArmada.6709)

Fastest Ways To Level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Followed closely by a 4th birthday experience scroll and 40 tomes of knowledge

Do you think somebody asking the fastest way to level is going to have either of those?

Fastest Ways To Level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


My question is simple, I just want to know the fastest way to get from 0 to 80. . .

Human or Norn warrior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSlothArmada.6709


Human or Norn?
Did you mean to say Charr or Charr?