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Don't ragequit/uninstall just yet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


I know a lot of people are upset with some of the changes, but try and understand the reasons from the developer point of view and allow for some things to be readjusted as necessary.

some of the changes that people aren’t liking will possibly be further tweaked with hotfixes, just give it time.

The best you all can do is provide calm and detailed feedback like some have already been doing. It is possible that they had overlooked some things and all of you will do a better job at finding the issues than a small team would be able to.


Anet nerfed my characters into the dirt today by taking away almost all Traits my characters had earned. I am not a good enough Player to reach level 80. That’s right, I am not good enough at this game… but I love parts of GW2 enough that I had kept the game installed so I could return one day.
Well today I log in and my highest character, lvl 51 ELE has four traits out of the over 15 he used to have. FOUR. I was having a hard enough time as it is.

Anet doesn’t want People like me playing their MMO. Without those traits, and the benefits I each of my characters got from them, the game is now beyond my abilities.

These changes were great for the gazillion lvl 80s, but not good for Players that have a hard time with this game. Anet decided whom their preferred customers are and I am not on the list.

Feedback Given. Resigned from Guild. All Characters deleted. Game Uninstalled.

LOL. 4 Traits is equal to an old 20 traits. Each new trait is basically 5 trait points and unlocks one trait slot.

This is completely ignoring the fact that you have no traits anymore before level 30. The sense of progression is gone, the fun of levelling is less. Those players who do not have the time or ability to make it to level 80 will never experience those trait aspects. Nice of you to laugh at those people.

[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078



Due to the changes that the April 2014 Feature Pack update have made to aspects of The Train, the map and article will be updated with the new information included, soon.

Megaserver = success

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Megaservers have been added to the Heart of the Mist and nothing else so far.

Proof that there are ghost accounts on here, created just to say positive comments on things that are new, to assist in making people like them

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


There are only 2 possible explanations for these changes:

1) They are going to make Traits or Boosts For Earning Traits an item(s) in the Cash Shop
2) They are trying to drive people away with the clunky, unfriendly, grind-y new system in order to streamline the network traffic for those that will be left, which will also save them money on the monthly data usage bills

These are the only possible explanations. There aren’t any others.

The new Hero Panel is awful!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


I’m beginning to wonder if they are making things clunky and un-user-friendly, slowing progression (and sense of progression) on purpose, to drive people away, to reduce the server loads and traffic, streamlining it for those who will be left (and it saves them money having to pay for the data usage bills).

It’s the only possible explanation.

Stop complaining please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Really? Don’t post opinions here?

I’m sorry, I was under the impression this was a “Discussion” “Forum”.

I think we’ll be posting our opinions here about the changes just fine, thank you very much.

How dose this new trait system work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


You don’t get any sense of progression and are bored about Traits now unless you are level 30+. Then you only get them slowly, making things more boring.

Wait…. I figured it out. They “nerfed” it so that they can make you buy “Boosters” or Trait points outright. Brilliant move, making things more boring, ArenaNet.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


It’s the crappy new system of allowing you to get traits only after you get to level 30.

and thanks for taking out the sense of progression…

It used to be “one more level! then I get a new power!” but now it’ll just be more boring until level 30, and then still slow as peanuts after that.

And then you wonder why people are doing Trains…..

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


All I can really say right now is ‘’The amount of emptiness added to the game is over 9000’’

It’s a terrible patch, I feel like this game just got ruined for me on so many levels I don’t even want to play it any more.


For me, it was the Trait system “nerf”.
Took away my traits and I can’t possibly get any until I am Level 30. Then, only one every what, 6 levels? Way to turn the game into even more of a grind fest with less sense of progression! No wonder so many people have turned to Champion Farming Runz… Oh wait, you nerfed that too, with longer spawn times on them and less drops. Fantastic!

Are you TRYING to drive people away from the game, to conserve server space or something?

Hi! im new!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


As you’re just starting out, let’s get one thing straight. This is not WoW. There are no Classes, they are called Professions in GW2.

I wonder if this was something done due to Legal reasons? They even call “Buffs”, “Boons” and many other things that seems like they could use the exact same name (‘fantasy names’) but they chose to make it quite different. Interesting.


Get used to running around 24/7 because it keeps you in shape! Notice your toon never gains a pound? Now you know why


[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


This will totally get merged with your duplicate in the other board…

It isn’t a duplicate technically, the other one was worded for and helps the Newer Players (“Players Helping Players”) and this one if for the General Discussion – especially since there are many people here who read often, but never go to the other forum, which typically seems to be the first place Newer Players go. Thanks though, I’m sure it will be ok, but even if they feel they should be merged, that’s ok too

(edited by TheTechnician.1078)

[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Wow an entire page dedicated to Queensdale train. Is this a joke? XD
I also thought Anet was going to try to kill it off somehow.

Meow, I like that pretty Minecraft picture on the right.

lol well, one article so far yes
I too wondered at first why ArenaNet allows the mechanic of these drops (lvl80 if you are 80) on these mobs, but I figured that it doesn’t become ‘one-hit-kill-easy’ (because of the scaling) and it encourages higher levels to help out lower level players (and guildies), so overall it is beneficial to just leave it as is, I suppose

I’m glad you like the pics Enjoy the site!

(edited by TheTechnician.1078)

[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Yes, I hear that many shards do Bandit and Wasp, and while I mention Bandit in the article, I didn’t mark it on the map as I was just getting the ‘main’ ones down (Boar-Troll-Oak-Spider) that it seems every server does for sure (is mine really the only one that doesn’t do Bandit? lol). I’m working on a second map that shows the Alternates (Bandit, Wasp, etc) but haven’t completed it yet.

[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


On SoR, we add the bandit to that list, as well as the wasp fairly frequently. It seems that about every other loop the wasp pops while waiting for the boar, and if you are lucky, you can agro them together and kill them at the same time.

Yes, I hear that many shards do Bandit and Wasp, and while I mention Bandit in the article, I didn’t mark it on the map as I was just getting the ‘main’ ones down (Boar-Troll-Oak-Spider) that it seems every server does ‘for sure’. I’m working on a second map that shows the Alternates (Bandit, Wasp, etc) but haven’t completed it yet.

I gotta get my server to try pull over Wasp/Boar and get them both at the same time too, now

You are missing the Champion Bandit (usually a direct run form the troll, though you can port to Vale for a quick head start or catch up). The Wasp can usually be checked for while the boar pre-event is running.

Your path from the waypoint to spider is also really slow – you can run straight at the spider and just run up the hillside.

I have also formally dubbed the waiting area for the Champion Boar “Baconwatch Hill”. Spread the word!

Helpful info, thanks – Baconwatch Hill it is!

(edited by TheTechnician.1078)

Simple changes to really improve HUD off play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


This game is designed from 3rd person perspective. First person would mean redoing major mechanics in the game. So the answer is probably not.

The HUD system is one of the better ones I have played, in any game. Could it be improved, yes, but what you are asking for is not possible with the current game design.

Although you may be correct that it was designed with 3rd-person in mind (to ‘see’ your character gets customers involved more, associates them with their avatar more deeply), it is not ‘impossible’, nothing is impossible in computer programming

Merely moving the camera down and put it in front of the location of the eyes on the avatar, which is already pre-calculated based on height, placement of the head objects (eyes are their own objects in the game, not just panels), and with the floating-camera-in-front-of-the-head – BOOM, First Person.

I am #1,546,173,045,281 voter by the way of: PUT IN A FIRST PERSON POV OPTION!

Thinking of new computer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


That’s going to be tough, Ramm…

You could build a PC for 400 bucks and it can ‘play’ games, but it won’t be able to do so very smoothly and on any High/Max settings, but it would be fast for browsing the net, email, messaging, etc. heck it might even do video editing ok. It would be able to run GW2, but it won’t get good framerate. I’m sorry I don’t want to burst any bubbles of excitement, but that’s just how games like GW2 and higher quality games are. People making the HD videos on YouTube have spent over $1,000 on their systems, that’s why they can run games smoothly and on high settings.

Max’s link from Maximum PC (do you work for them? I like your mag!) is about $600, but the videocard is a GTX750Ti, which is about ‘half the videocard’ of my now-aging GTX560Ti (I bought a second one to run them in SLI, which has helped a lot since). It’s confusing, but you’ll get used to the GPU companies’ numbering system – if you are going to be moving over to PC-land.

Those two concepts you stated are sort of are at odds with each other:
- “High graphics settings and 30fps”
- “built for about $600”
You sort of have to choose between one or the other. Splurge on this one purchase (pay off the CC over time later) and be ‘set’ for a while, or budget it throwing a low ball and lower your expectations on the graphics and fps. That’s just how the companies make and price their hardware, not me trying to be mean, hehe

Guild Wars 2 sort of lets you off the hook in a way though, as it is only DirectX9-based and isn’t heavy on the GPU demand. My 2 560Ti’s barely use a third of their capacity playing GW2 (~30% GPU usage when metering it) – this game has more of a CPU bottleneck. So, that means you don’t have to break the bank for that $1,000 Titan (NVIDIA) or R9 (AMD/ATi) vidcard, since it won’t matter, as long as this game is going to be your ‘main’ game. (There are lots of recent games that are CPU-limited by the way, but I think over time it will become less so). Just spend a good chunk of your 600 samoleans on the CPU and then ride the budget out on the rest with a smaller mainboard, smaller harddrive, etc. (you don’t even need a case if you really want to push it, but for $40 you can get a box with a power supply, to power everything and then it will help keep things cooler with better airflow and less access to dust as well).

Have fun starting off your journey!

(edited by TheTechnician.1078)

GW2 data usage?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078



Unfortunately I’m on a limited data plan for month, and I get charged $1.50 for each GB over.

I’m wondering how much data is used in GW2, over a few hours of play?

Please help me,

You can estimate how much network traffic the game uses by starting up Task Manager (if you are using Windows) and going to the Networking Tab, then click on the View pulldown menu and Select Columns… Then, put a checkmark next to “Bytes” and it will begin to keep a running tab of how much traffic that adapter is sending through (over the internet, etc).

Play for an hour of what you would normally do in an average gaming session and then go back to Task Manager and see how many GB an hour (or however long you played for) uses up. That should give you a rough estimate of the average traffic that the game produces (don’t do anything else on the system you are measuring with (streaming video, downloading, etc)).

Most MMO games don’t produce that much traffic, they usually only have to communicate location changes (you are here now, you are here now, they are over there, etc), but some can use more than others. Web Browser-based games use even less.

You can also use free utilities (or buy one) that can measure your network traffic, or your ISP may even have a page/form that you can get from them that lets you know your ‘real’ overall network usage.

(edited by TheTechnician.1078)

Human Ranger lvl 4 - leveling up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Hello guys, I have a Human Ranger level 4 and I’ve already did the heart missions to levels 1-6 in Queensdale and I can’t do the heart missions to level 7+ because its hard.
How can I level up from this point? how I should level up basically? just find new maps and doing heart missions? or there are some maps that I should level up there and not “find” by myself?
Can you please help me with this?

And I’m fighting right now with 2 axes that I throw on enemies, I should buy a bow or something? when I will use a bow?

Thanks for helping, Tal

I too found this problem, in all starting areas… Unless you do the Storyline (which gives a lot of XP and I think is the main way they want you to discover the world and learn how to play your character at first) and explore and mess about in the area, there is a ‘gap’ in the levelling process and I always got stuck at a point where, the next area is took hard/high level and there isn’t much left to do in the region portion that is around the same level.

Making my next few characters, I did the Storyline more and did Hearts just on the side, instead of it being the main thing/only thing I was doing, and then I had no problem moving through the other parts of the starting region and on to the next territory.

I hope that helps others out too!

Play while downloading

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


….it struck me as a lot of effort for something that you only really need once. This is one of the (increasingly rare) areas where I think the ANet devs made the right call by not adding in a feature.

I agree with this and think this is why it hasn’t been added/changed, along with a few other reasons, such as ArenaNet’s handling of the files; they are encrypted and compressed as a chunk, versus separate files all over and accessible once installed, like other companies/developers have done (some of them not even compressing or encrypting their files at all).

For the most part though, you will also only ‘want’ this feature the first time you install it, then after that, you can’t even use it – as with any reinstall afterward, your characters have explored the lands and have waypoints that you can jump to – you will really need to have everything ready and at least accessible then. So, they just leave it as is, as ‘legacy’ as it might feel…

Why are MMO characters called "toons?"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


It isn’t so much a case of it being ‘short for cartoon’, as a play on words. The short form of character is ‘char’, and ‘toon’ is in reference to that. A weird sort of rhyming slang if you like.

I believe this explanation to be the most apt.

I also believe that anyone under 30 won’t like the term as much… In a way, it is making light of the whole phenomenon of gaming and avatar representation in a virtual environs. Younger people (under 30) take gaming far more seriously, and for some, it is their only form of interaction with people of their own age and may be their sole current source of sociological growth and experience – so to make light of that – will feel ‘insulting’ to them.

Judging from the responses above of “hating the term” by the ‘younger’ crowd, I believe what I have inferred above to be correct, so far…

[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Just wanted to share a HowTo for the Train in the Queensdale area, useful especially if you are a newer player – perhaps you haven’t done it before and want to know more about it and how to take part in it (I see people asking about it in Chat all the time).
There is a labelled map with arrows that show where to go and the Waypoints used. The article also has suggestions (like running to the Waypoints first, if you don’t have them already) and lightly discusses whether you should even do it or not.
The tutorial can be found here:


[Guide] "The Train" of Queensdale (with Map)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


Just want to share a HowTo for the Train in the Queensdale area, especially for New Players (or players that haven’t done it before and want to know about it and how to take part in it). There is a labelled map with arrows that show where to go and the Waypoints used. The article also has suggestions (like running to the Waypoints first, if you don’t have them already) and lightly discusses whether you should even do it or not. The tutorial can be found here:
