Showing Posts For Tomasmxmf.9403:
Been running this for a while and having a lot of fun w/ the rotation
Yeah call me nuts but I’ve been running dungeons/fracts/WvW and still doing just fine. People really do find any reason to get upset about playing warrior huh?
2. Warrior is easy to play.
Anything to play is easy, it’s easy to log in, go into sPvp/WvW w/e and play. The amount of warriors I run into out in WvW that I 1v1 that legit can’t hit a simple rotation is insane. I personally think if anything warrior is a bit more difficult to truly be good at because of everything being so obvious coming at you. 1v1ing is even worse because you can get a sense of when a warrior is setting up his business and if you get hit by it? Odds are you ain’t got reactions and at that point, deserve all the dmg that gets dumped on you
We became OP since the day some idiots decide to stand within melee distance and hoped to win.
Shut this thread down and give this man a medal
Am I the only one who doesn’t seem to have a bother w/ hammer warriors anymore? This isn’t a diss to anyone in the thread, I’m just seeing a lot of talk about the hammer but it honestly doesn’t bother me much these days. I hate seeing condi warriors more than anything haha.
Hey look another post in the warrior forum saying how good the class is. Is there not a mod around here? These honestly need to just get cleaned up. It’s the same thing in every single thread —-→ Warrior too good///It beats everything////So facepalm///MOST HEALTH
So shocking that people suck so bad they go out of their way to come into our forum just to complain like it’s gonna fix anything.
So i’m not supposed to acknowledge something I find that might be a little over the top just because I play that class? Sounds like you might just be one of those fotm players…
I’m not really complaining either. I don’t sit around all day thinking about that 17k, and complain how unbalanced the game is. In fact, I thought it was funny. I do believe it is over the top regardless. Reducing the damage and increasing the passive defenses of these types of builds seems appropriate. What other games do you see these kind of ratios, that went aloud and wasnt fixed? Oh and, what happens if you become CCed then he kill shots you? This is why things like this don’t usually exist.
Over 1k hours on my warrior, man that’s one long month <@:)
Would love a two handed axe. Mostly just cause flying around w/ a big kitten axe out in WvW sounds super rad haha.
This as well as two threads w/ the title something like “warrior blah blah need nerf” is what I see the most when I come into the forums. Convinced more non warrior players/mains post in here than warrior players haha.
Except warrior was my first class and pretty much main character ever since a few weeks after launch when I started playing.
So you played it, are knowledge on what they do, yet came into the forums to add another complaining thread. Ok man.
This as well as two threads w/ the title something like “warrior blah blah need nerf” is what I see the most when I come into the forums. Convinced more non warrior players/mains post in here than warrior players haha.
Will read later
Will post now saying
I have 1k hours and I love playing a warrior, god bless
Play the way you enjoy!
This is true, I mean there’s no way that you HAVE to play but playing an extremely high health pool or tanky isn’t exactly that helpful to the team. I personally play the full zerker glass stuff, which I find fun because I’m always rolling, using fast hands, putting out a bunch of DPS, and all that good stuff.
Some things will always be top tier, some things will always be really good no matter how you work it, either adapt to it or just go play something else.
Adapt to Warrior being most played, strongest class in the game or GTFO. That’s a fair ultimatum.
It’s either learn to adapt to it, not play it, or just complain enough so Anet nerfs it. Is that really the state of gaming we’re in? That if we boohoo enough we can get something nerfed to the point where it gets unplayable. That’s one of my biggest problems w/ LoL is the constant changing around of champs and sometimes they make things right and sometimes things get too messed up. I get that the class is good, it could even be OP, but it’s not making or breaking the game. There’s plenty of proof out there that they can be tamed when played vs correctly, so like I said before, adapt or stick to dungeon crawling.
Rebumping for more videos and trait related stuff
I have a question for ppl who possibly look around in other threads-Does every forum have ppl coming into to complain about how OP the class for the forum is? This is just getting ridiculous. I try to post and look around this forum for tips on pve/wvw stuff and end up seeing more than half the threads being about how op the class is. It’s shocking to think ppl complain this much about the warrior. It’s like they’ve never played any sort of other competitive video game ever. Some things will always be top tier, some things will always be really good no matter how you work it, either adapt to it or just go play something else.
They should nerf warrior more. Just chased a warrior for like 10 minutes around with 5 people and he stayed alive, outran us only by using his skills, its kitteng ridiculous
Wut..did he used some kind of aggro shout that forced ur char to chase him? Also 5 ppl chaising one player in WVW..yeah sounds to me like 5 noobs that doesnt know how to play wvw by any means. Do a favor to ur server and stop taking place, someone might be more useful.
Sounds like 6 ppl that didn’t get the memo if a warrior has a lead he’s gonna keep that lead haha
I’ll give you a few easy steps to becoming a great PVE warrior
Step 1-Run full zerker everything w/ 30/25/0/0/15
Step 2-Do lots of damage
Step 3-Learn how to dodge
Step 4-??
Step 5-Have good guard
Step 6-Profit $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Quick Breathing is supposed to remove the strongest damage condition on you, but it overlooks Confusion completely and will not remove it unless it is the absolute last condition to be removed over anything else.
Where do you get that it’s supposed to remove the strongest condition? If they wanted it to be that way they would have programmed it to do so.
Also, almost no one uses Quick Breathing. Even when it removed 2 conditions no one used it (making it even more absurd that they fixed the bug rather than change the skill to stay at 2 conditions). It took a good month+ for people to figure out that it was bugged and even when I posted about it no one believed it or bothered to try it out. In other words: no one cares about warhorn & QB.
Pause, I use quick breathing
To keep it short, the salt, the tears, and the hurt feelings the reason why I’ve mained warrior as long as I have. Long live the warrior <@:)
hahaha I take it you’re new to the game. Say hello to your friendly mesmers, the class that will absolutely kitten you as a warrior
The last few days the spike in like 3-4 mesmers groups I’m running into is unbearable. Makes me want to pull my own teeth out.
I run the Nike DPS build for PVE and the typical sword/warhorn x hammer out in WvW. Sometimes swap it around for longbow/hammer.
Here’s the Nike build
Hope linking this isn’t against the rules
If you spend a little while looking through the forums you’ll see a WvW build or two. Good luck homie.
Since we’re all pals here, how do you think this kinda build works in a small 3-5 roam group as compared to the typical s/wh x hammer type build. I’ve been running the hammer build for a while now, as usual I’m just the beefy cc type guy and we do pretty fine. I’m normally running w/ a necro/ele/or thief combination so I’m not starved for big dmg but I guess I just get kinda tired of just leaping around and knocking people around. Obviously it’s good, just assuming you guys have probably roamed w/ it and yr thoughts on the differences in a small group.
I’ve seen guilds talking about taking breaks for the holidays and stuff. I personally never had this problem, just waited for a rotation where we crushed whatever and hoped we’d have clear maps on keeps and such.
Who’s got a link to a condition build for a roaming warrior in WvW, kinda bored of using this hammer and wanna spice it up, plus I’m lazy. SOS help.
I love playing a warrior
I love playing warrior