Showing Posts For Umad.7528:

[dF] Driven by Fury WvW/GvG Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Umad.7528


We are still recruiting. Apply now before the recruitment closes.

We are currently looking for:
1 Guardians
2 Warriors
2 STAFF ele
1 Thief

Whilst this is what we currently require, we will always accept exceptional players

Feel free to whisper/mail me ingame if you have any questions.

- See more at:

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

(edited by Umad.7528)

[dF] Driven by Fury WvW/GvG Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Umad.7528


We are currently looking for:
2 Guardians
1 Necromancer
2 STAFF ele

Whilst this is what we currently require, we will always accept exceptional players

- See more at:

Updated to show what we are currently recruiting.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Baruch Bay and Seafarer's Rest doubleteam

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


It’s a lack of respect to the work and effort Deso players have put on this week’s matchup. THAT’s what it is.

Tanking to silver league and dominating it does show respect?

Gg sfr i love deso tears keep it up!

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Baruch Bay and Seafarer's Rest doubleteam

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Its allowed have fun in the gold league deso thats were you belong:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

[Proposal]: Enforced Player Balance

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


No please, move on.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

EU Silver League Predictions/Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Maybe Grandara has more people online during off hours.
But during prime time I see blobs of 80+ people fighting 20-25 people guilds of Grandara. Because they need so much people to fight against them they can only hold 1 objective.. As soon they go for another objective a 2nd guild of Grandara takes back the first objective.

So quantity isn’t always the reason of winning. If you would be able to fight our guilds with less then 80 and split up a bit more you could get more then 1 objective during prime time.

Please dont start the whole you blob we run guilds thing again. There’s enough guilds on both sides and the blobs are on on every server also on gandara.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

how to report cheaters properly ?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Make sure to blame the server that has these cheaters on it not the player or anet for failing to ban them.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury


in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Its no problem to get that amount of gold in a month playing wvw. And if you really want certain runes it shouldnt be a problem to get them.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Consume Conditions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Umad.7528


2nd best heal in game:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Looking for info on lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


When we raid there are allways a few people that are laggin (rubberbanding, dc’s)the rest of the guild has no issues. The people that are lagging is very random every night its like someone gets picked on. Skill lags only happen when big zerg fight eachother. And the whole map has them.

-far shiverpeaks [EU]

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Best Guild Name?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Twenty centimeters unbuffed[OP] best guild name ever.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

[Video]Thanks For The Memories

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Great video fliyr!

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Dev Team very quiet about AB WxP

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


They are just waiting for this to blow over and everyone forgot about it:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

[dF] Driven by Fury WvW/GvG Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Umad.7528


Still recruiting 2 more guards 1 necro 1 mesmer.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

[dF] Driven by Fury WvW/GvG Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Umad.7528


Still need more guardians apply now!

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

[dF] Driven by Fury WvW/GvG Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Umad.7528


Thnx jesuki!

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

[dF] Driven by Fury WvW/GvG Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Umad.7528


Driven By Fury is recruiting! Here is some information on ourselves, feel free to whisper our contacts in-game for any extra information you may have.

Guild – [dF] – Driven By Fury

Server – EU Far Shiverpeaks
Raid Times – 6/7 Nights per week 7 – 11pm CET

Website –

Contacts – umad.7528, GDavison.9605

About us:

Driven By Fury is a International, English speaking, hardcore WvW guild. Within our short lifespan we have managed to turn a few heads within the WvW scene, we have managed to do this by taking down guilds in open field and in GvG that were presumed better than us.

We have grown beyond our expectations by offering consistent raids every day, recruiting many skilled players from different servers.

Within [dF] we have a core raid group of 20-25 players. We are always looking to add skilled players to our ranks and always strive to improve as a guild.

What we require:

– Skilled and experienced players that know their class in depth.

– Minimum participation in raids, 3 to 4 nights per week.

– If you are online and we are raiding, you must participate.

– Teamspeak 3 installed, along with a mic.

– Communication during the raids.

– Commitment to the guild.

What can you expect from us:

– An eventful WvW experience with experienced players and helpful guild members.

– Consistent and experienced raid leader that commands every night.

– A group of players that strive to improve and become the best WvW orientated guild.

We are currently looking for:
2 Guardians
1 Necromancer
2 STAFF ele

Whilst this is what we currently require, we will always accept exceptional players

- See more at:

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

(edited by Umad.7528)

Treb damage to rams through gates?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Lets just remove all siege so people actually come out of keeps/towers instead of camping them with ac/balista etc.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Do we still suck?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Umad.7528


In wvw necromancer is one of the most important classes to have on your team. A couple of coordinated necro’s can melt zergs pretty easy.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


7k LB shot to the face, gotta love to see them run.

Pics/’tube vid or it never happened.

This was before ascended weapons and armors.

Ik the bow can hit kind of hard but I have a hard time believing this wasnt on a completely glass uplevel class.

You can spec fully into Cavaliers, albeit you wont hit 11k with LB AA then. Opening Strike has 100% crit chance, 10% damage from full endurance, 10% damage when flanking/hitting from behind, 10% Rune of Thief if flanking/hitting from back, +5% damage sigil on LB, together with signets adding 150% and 25% respectively, frost spirit is another 10%. LB trait adds another 5% damage.

By now, you should be able to hit 8-11k on LB AA. Mind you, the video showing such damage was made way way before LB buff. You should hit even a little bit harder now, but not all that much.

I was missing the signet. Thats pretty OP. lol. I dont know any other class thats autoattack can hit that hard. I think you’ve pretty much proven rangers arnt useless. I mean obviously youd have to sacrifice traps and youd be a ranged bot but still. If you have arrows piercing, 2-3 rangers could easily melt a zerg. Its easily more powerful than meteorshower/tornado with that damage.

It’s nowhere near as effective as a meteor shower/tornado combo simple because it’s not aoe, and to get those numbers you would need to be max range with a LB which won’t happen all the time. You will still hit like a truck mind, rapid fire can get pretty high with that.

Yup, Meteor Shower is way stronger then AA + Piercing.
At best you can hit 3-4 people with Piercing, and even then, you prolly wont crit all 3-4 for max DPS.
And no you dont need to be at max range ever since the LB buff, but you have to play backline and if your frontline cannot defend the ranger properly, you will die. Your only “get out of jail card” is Signet of Stone. 6 seconds of invulnerability ,then you are done for. The build itself is ridiculously risky.

Meteor shower tornado has a super long cooldown though, 2 minutes if im correct, while meteor shower has a 30 second. While the bow has no cooldown, its an autoattack, which is why its so OP. If you can really consistently crit 5k and up with the attack if you have all the buffs, I think the bow easily wins. Especially on a melee group that is stacked tightly.

And if you do pew pew auto attack with 5k crits against any guild you will just be the one that gets foccussed first and die in a matter of seconds:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


You can run around with Ranger in a Zerg Fight, I do it on my ranger all the time, Running Signets and what not…However just because the Ranger can do it, doesn’t mean he’s actually good at doing it… There is a reason GvG zerg balls are nothing but Guardians/Warriors/Necro’s and such..

Also people keep bringing up Healing spring, let me be clear, Healing Spring is great and I bloody mean Great for SPvP, but everytime someone mentions it for zerging or gvg, I question if they done it recently, The one thing all Zergs/Guild Groups have in common is forming in a ball and moving, Healing Spring will not be used most of the time because of this. Its great in SPvP because you’re fighting on a point, but when Zerg Balling its not that amazing….

I get it that you’ve never heard of blast finishers ? A healing spring can heal back to full hp a full zerg with them.

So you use your heal to support the group wich leaves you without a heal to safe yourself. An ele can do same thing have it on lower cd and has an extra heal for itself.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Please post a build that shows me what a ranger can do, why it is usefull and why any other class cant do that better. The spirits are useless the pets are useless and pretty much anything else i can think about what a ranger can do some other class will be able to do that better. Nothing personal its just a broken class.
Better immobilize / cripple / chill than other classes. Very resilient build and good damage while staying in the pain train. Ability to pull enemies with axe #4.
You can swap traits and use a LB with piercing arrows / 1500 range with the same build.

This is my current build, it’s very good in wvw but maybe you could enlighten me as to how the class is “broken” instead of trolling ?

Just look at the reply’s you got on this build. Again you wont excel on any job here others can do it better. And thats exactly why i think its a broken class for wvw because atm its just useless.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


In excess they are pretty annoying, but having 1 or 2 running with you can be extremely useful. They can cleave pretty heavily with the greatsword or keep up pulsing cripple with spike trap, muddy ground, or barrage. Not to mention the immobilize on entangle and muddy ground is probably the most annoying situation to be stuck at in game, since they pulse.

everyone just jelous cause rangers got pets

Im not jealous. I got a mini Mr. Sparkles. Its as usefull as a ranger pet.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Ranger is bad, ranger pet sucks, ranger doesnt support, ranger cant damage, ranger cant control, ranger cant eat damage. Only good skill is water field which is your heal (bad, eles give it easier) and entangling roots (long cd, warrior does it with 10x less cd . ). You can always say “you just gotta learn to play ranger”, no its wrong. Ranger will never be viable for <5 man groups, unless they revamp the class and remove their pets and give more powers for the class itself.

Ok let’s see…
I’ll skip the “ranger is bad one”, so let’s start at ranger pet sucks.
Here are the conditions that can be applied by our pets:
Chill, Immobilize, Fear, Poison, Daze, Bleeding, Confusion, Vulnerability, Weakness.
Our pets can also grant:
Regen, Might, Fury, zone condition removal.
Obviously, they also do some dps, even if they die fast. You need to be aware of where your pet is going, you can also keep him by your side to grant buffs / conditions easily if you’re uneasy with it dying too fast. Pets can also heal btw.

Ok, let’s move on to the other points.
Ranger support. Several options here…first, there’s a trait that gives 150 precision to allies. We also have spirits that can grant buffs to people along with other effects (CC).
Warhorn grants swiftness/might/fury (and has a blast finisher). We have a fire field with torch (blasted => might).

Ranger damage. Let’s not talk about zerker build that would die too fast in wvw. Rangers can do good damage with other builds. First we have the trap/condition build. It’s a bit hard to play because of the lack of stability in the build (elite but long CD) but it does crapload of damage. Axe/Torch + Shortbow grants a lot of ways to apply bleeding, burning and poison.
Another good build is the GS/Axe axe signet build i’m using atm in wvw. You do a bit less damage but Maul does around 3k5 dmg when it crits so it’s pretty good still. And this build has very high survivability.
There are obviously many other builds that can do pretty good and consistent damage…the LB can be effective with eagle eye and piercing arrows.

Ranger cant control.
Ok let’s see…Entangle, muddy terrain, spike trap/frost trap. Along with the pets CC and the weapons CC…hmmmm i’m starting to ponder your ability to use logic here. The ranger might be one (if not THE) best class for cripple/chill/immobilizing the enemy. This makes us VERY effective at cutting tails or preventing zergs from entering towers/keeps.

Ranger cant eat damage.
Stability with signet of the wild (8s stability). Immune to attacks with signet of stone.
Block with GS #4. Evade with third hit of GS #3. More armor with signet of stone.
Regen with signet of the wild.
My ranger has only 20k hp but 3k2 armor and he survives just as well as a warrior most of the time.
You can blast/leap your own waterfield.
Imo rangers, while not the best at survivability, can be pretty good at taking damage.

Also, our waterfield is probably the best in the game. Of course we can’t put it down as much as ele but still, it stays there for a long time and can be blasted a lot.

So yeah…next time you want to criticize a class, learn to play it first.

Please post a build that shows me what a ranger can do, why it is usefull and why any other class cant do that better. The spirits are useless the pets are useless and pretty much anything else i can think about what a ranger can do some other class will be able to do that better. Nothing personal its just a broken class.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

commander tag visible to me now?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Tags also cost 250 badges now. That’s new, and a step in the right direction IMO.

interesting. is it just 250 badges, or is there still the 100 gold requirement?

Almost scared me there but its still 100g.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


How many times does it need to be said?






So? Necro’s dont have a ton of aoe? The best aoe they have are wells which have a super long cooldown, and are hard to land. You’re lucky if a melee train sits in them for 3 seconds. Marks are not meant for damage but for utilities, chill, fear, transfer conditions. Again, a lot of their good damage comes from lifeblasting which is single target but also piercing.

Wow just wow.

Its the truth.

Sure if you say so:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


How many times does it need to be said?






So? Necro’s dont have a ton of aoe? The best aoe they have are wells which have a super long cooldown, and are hard to land. You’re lucky if a melee train sits in them for 3 seconds. Marks are not meant for damage but for utilities, chill, fear, transfer conditions. Again, a lot of their good damage comes from lifeblasting which is single target but also piercing.

Wow just wow.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Rangers, why specifically do you hate them.

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


So the ranger fears more and YOU seem to think they can immobalise more. Still i dont see how this helps prove your point rangers are good? Warriors and necro bring other stuff to the fight to that rangers wont be able to?

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Rangers, why specifically do you hate them.

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Every other class does things better.

Actually, that is wrong. No profession comes close to as much Immobilize as rangers, even if the other profession specs for it. And only thief can apply as much poison, as often, as easily. Only the Warrior can match the passive regeneration. Only a guardian can actually bunker as well as a ranger.

Rangers can apply 250% more fear then necromancers are able to.

Even these dubious advantages, aren’t actually true. Warrior can apply more immobilize than a ranger, and Necro can apply far, far more fear.

Ok, just to shut you guys up;
Here is a warrior, with what can be considered to be the most possible stacking of immobilize, using traits. I can find no other method of gaining more immobilize from that warrior. Both in terms of spammable attacks (short CD and whatnot) and the ability to apply it.

Total duration, IF ALL STRIKES HIT IN RAPID SUCCESSION: 21.75seconds

Now, the way immobilize stacks, and the enemy using foods or whatnot MAY change the outcome. However, bottom line is, this is the MAXIMUM duration you can get with a warrior that i can find. At best, you can possibly wring out 3-4 more seconds by fine tuning your gear.

Now for ranger. Using same foods, traitlines and whatnot.

This will probably be the worst ranger build ever, however just to show what you are up against. The “Trappers Expertice” trait grants 1.25 second immobilize when using spike trap. I could possibly double that by taking Potent Traps, but then my spammability of the elite would go down a lot. Entangle applies 14×2.25sec immob pulses.
Entangle alone (if wines are not broken): 31.5seconds

Your warrior can do what better then my ranger? I can apply 19.5seconds immobilize every ~20 or so seconds. More then enough to destroy your warrior. All but TWO of my attacks are AOE.

Now for necromancer;

Necromancer could potentially use “Rune of the Necromancer” to gain +20% fear duration. However necromancers are so slow, that one are more likely to use the Traveler Runes (due to overall usefulness) then to take the necromancer runes.

Total fear duration: 8.75 seconds

Now for ranger;

Now, to explain; Moment of Clarity currently boosts ALL Hard CC applied by rangers. This means that when using Fear attacks on a ranger, you apply 2x the duration. Now stating this on the forums will probably get this bug/oversight nerfed, but i am so sick and tired of you people trying to drag the ranger down that i’ll just make my point perfectly clear.
The Boar pet allows rangers to aquire a RNG drop named “Skull”. Now GW2skills does not show this RNG drop item, but here is a link to the Wiki:
Since WIki does not calculate for my gear, i had to go ingame to find the basic duration (before using trait). With the setup shown in the GW2skills builder (106% condition duration) my Skull Fear lasts for 6.25seconds base, and Moment of Clarity DOUBLES that (for some unknown weird reason that probably will get “fixed”, aka nerfed into the ground, soon)

That means that rangers can apply a total of 18.25s of fear. which infact IS more then 200% of what necromancers can do.
Oh and my wolf, which applies Fear in 600 AOE… its CD is 36 seconds, same as necro CD’s, but much longer fear duration.

So ok, 250 was overkill, it was more like 220%
Edit: If the Necro and Ranger are using Norn characters, they can use “become the Wolf” to apply even more fear. HOWEVER, since the ranger has the trait, that means the ranger get to apply EVEN MORE FEAR.

Anyway. If you want to cry, you can do it now. Rangers are better then others, even when others spec for it. So, yeah, enough said.

So you can fear enemys for a long time. Can u also rip the enemy boons and change them to conditions? can u constantly blind the enemy ? can u do ridiculous damage with all skills on low cd? No you cant, you might fear alot more then the necro but the necro can just melt the enemy zerg when its fear is on cd. So i see no point why anyone would take a ranger instead of a necro. Sorry to say but other people are right. Every other class can do whatever the ranger can do an do it better.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

(edited by Umad.7528)


in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Is it just me or are conditions a little bit too strong in WvW?
What happened?

Tell the warriors in your group to wake up and cleanse that stuff.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

aoe spam on walls

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Just put 3 ac behind the gate/wall and aoe when they push. 20 players is enoug to take them. gg easy lootbags. Np thank me later..

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

(edited by Umad.7528)

20.12.13: FSP vs AM vs GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Could you bring more guild groups next time Fsp? I dont think there were enough on our BL yet.

Sorry border is full cant put more guilds there:’(

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Desolation / Miller's Sound / Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Shout out to Driven by Fury [dF] – You guys are classy, keep it up, thoroughly enjoyed the clashes with you yesterday afternoon, in my opinion, one of the standout guilds from Miller’s Sound. Looking to forward to meeting you again in the future!

Thnx for the fights we really enjoyed it! You will find us on far shiverpeaks now

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Desolation / Miller's Sound / Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Some nice fights on FSP border tonight.
Nice to see guilds running everywhere with reasonable numbers.
EXG, PunK, DFC, XxX and PT.
Go on the same map tomorrow and do it again please.

We went to FSP and didn’t find too much action after first fight so we hopped :/ was not much action at all tonight unfortunatly.

Because i won’t be here tomorrow, a little early end of the matchup for me;
Thanks all for the nice fights this week, after the drastic changes we had in PT the past week we really needed to measure our strength a bit. Special thanks to [dF] for offering us great resistance while we (heavily) outnumbered you guys. Really shows us we got a lot of work to do (and yes, we are cleaning our roster as we speak and getting away from the open blob raids more and more). Obviously thanks to all other enemy guilds and allies too!

Hopefully Anet will make sure the matchup do not allow us to meet the same servers AGAIN soon, so hopefully not seeing u lot next week

Thnx for the fights! Good to hear you are cleaning the roster . Hope next time we meet the numbers will be more equal and we can get some good fights with you again:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Desolation / Miller's Sound / Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Make sure to watch our Christmas stream tonight. We will raid with only upscaled pink-afroed asura guardians. We will also give away 500 gold to celebrate Christmas!

Twitch Stream:

Read more:

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Fort Ranik / Miller's Sound / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Ahah, good try to have more viewer dude !

that was exacly what i was aiming for u caught me

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Fort Ranik / Miller's Sound / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Are you only on your border’s dF ?

Oh, nice countermeasure tonight Oak Da Vite

oh no i ment the border we are playing on;p just check our stream to see wich border we are on

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Fort Ranik / Miller's Sound / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Hey, it will be nice if we can have openfield fight, or structures fights without tons of arrow carts))

Win, lose… it’s not the most important. The most important thing is to have a good time with fun opponents.

See you all on battlefield !

Agreed pls join our border all we see is zone blobs hiding in paper towers with 5 + ac’s
We want some challeging fights!

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Fort Ranik / Miller's Sound / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Yay 9 posts in 2.5 days. Keep it going!

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Fort Ranik / Miller's Sound / Drakkar Lake

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


15 omega rush cbe ? vous avez si peur de nous ?

Have to agree with you on that:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Strategy Should > Zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Umad.7528


Strategy is probably greater than blob, but almost nobody plays on that level of strategy. So blood are still winning.

Not sure how you play in NA but in EU there are enough of guilds able to whipe blobs on there own even if they are outnumbered 2 to 1 or more.

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Who won?
Also wehre can i watch the replay??

[dF] won 5-2. Thnx DFC for the epic fights

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Nevermind Nemesys, all he ever does on forums is kitten about others blobbing. Doesn’t matter what server he’s on or who he’s fighting against, somehow the enemies always blob against him.

Because everyone starts blobbing after we whipe them:) anyway had fun to fight the blobs good practise:)

I’m not going to have a discussion about this, so i will say this and then not respond anymore, since it really doesnt matter in the end. We were around 16-20 on fsp bl (had people in queue so numbers change) and according to what i heard you were 31. Do you really want to fight 16-20 with over 30 people? We both know how such a fight would end. Sometimes we charge into bigger guild groups without second thoughts, and sometimes we don’t feel like being easy loot.

Worth adding is also that our border was looking better and battlemarkers were harder to find. So when a battlemarker pops up, all guilds usually rush that way to check it out. Have fun this week, take care

I understand that you might have less numbers and DFC or AO something (forget the tag) had to join in but what i dont understand when its 2 vs 1 the 3rd had to join in to:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Nevermind Nemesys, all he ever does on forums is kitten about others blobbing. Doesn’t matter what server he’s on or who he’s fighting against, somehow the enemies always blob against him.

Because everyone starts blobbing after we whipe them:) anyway had fun to fight the blobs good practise:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Always good when 3 guilds have to blob up to wipe us

Thank you for all my lovely bags

always good see 30++member guild with 20 pug near them 30(just throwing a random number u can be more)

30+20= 50 mmm even dfc+us dont have the same number rofl,and they comed after u killed more than half of us(20ppl) so who was blobbing who?

PS:ops i forgot to count all the superior AC from the tower,ops forgot too the laugh when chasing 15 of us:/


Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Week 4: Gandara/Miller's Sound/ Underworld

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Gotta say the hand holding between GD and dF today.. ridiculous.

Two big guilds perfectly capable doing stuff on their own. But no – gotta hold hand on EB fighting pug-zergs, with upscaled/pve-achievement-hunters. Thought guilds wanted challenge, that certainly isn’t.

Please tell us where to find this challenge.. we have hard time finding it this week. We even have to go spvp because we get bored after few hours :/

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Week 4: Gandara/Miller's Sound/ Underworld

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


you will not find many of our guilds on Gandara BL or EB because it has the longest queues in primetime.

Most are in enemy BLs.

though they could be taking a bit of a break I know I am a bit since this week is boring for me as a small group roamer.

We looked on different borders to. Only empty maps or massive blob that rage quit after a while. Might as well farm in eb then:D

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Desolation / Millers / Fort Ranik week 2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


I was commanding our open raid event on Desolation Server in Guild Wars 2 on the 25th October. This is a small video of the initial lag fest in FR garrison.

@Sylosis: Dude!? What did u want to show us with this video? You just spam skill 1 all time… You wanna tell us, that u lagged? We all can see, that u never even tried to use another skill. If you tried to use one, it would blink in your skillbar and never get used. You used sometimes ur F1 and every time u used it, it got activated immediatly. So well, I hope you will discover the other skills, because im sure u will have much more fun with them :-)

woow … just wooow.. i think people are just getting to used to skill lag that they dont even try anymore:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Desolation / Millers / Fort Ranik week 2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


Ahah… priceless “Recrut more” or “Use people from SvD”…It’s clearly a noob arcument. Thinkiing all is only about the numbers sticked on the lead with a same tag.

Ahahah kittening funny. You’re clearly noobs.If yiu want a figjt, go 12v12, xwith your own players. Nothing else.

12 vs 12 is lame just keep blobbing. I like how u need the whole zone to kill 25 of us and still 60% of the zone blob dies when u fight against us. Also like how we are recording every night and can make lovely video about it

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury

Desolation / Millers / Fort Ranik week 2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Umad.7528


they cant GvG us 20vs20 they got only 12 ppl

They can use people from svd guild. They are holding hands all the time so wont be problem cause they allways play with eachother:) one of them might as well change tag so its 1 guild:)

Leader of
[dF]Driven by Fury