Showing Posts For Vadeil.3924:
Necromancer, I was able to solo HoT story much easier then my ranger. I actually needed to party for the final chapter of HoT on my ranger. The final chapter on my necro took quite A bit of time I only died once because of the rock toss while gliding.
I have a few maxed, and the rest above 400….. well other then scribe that is at 113.
Cooking is a nightmare, jeweler is okay.
The rest is cheap and easy to get to 425 crafting as long as you kept mats. 400-475 is alright you just need to make the time gated stuff every day. As well as getting obsidian shards for blood-stone bricks and such. The only real grind is 475-500.
What is the point of that?
convenience that’s it.
I’m curious about the drop rate of it. I got a key from fully exploring the new map, used the key, and bam, there was a Scenic portal thing. I don’t usually have that kind of luck with BL chests (heck, I got maybe 2 or 3 keys out of 19 alts fully exploring Bloodstone Fen), so it does subjectively feel as if it must be super easy to get at least during this release window.
I opened about 75 and got 9 of them. So I would say about one in ten on average probibly. The extras get replaced with keys.
you could also get the vantage point from the black lions chest update. It gives easy access to the leyline.
There is one in the new black lions chest. There are no services provided but you can glide from the point to the village.
My #1 is Matriarch Brass
Other ones I see myself always going back to are.
Tarnished silver
Electro purple goes well with mawdrey
Electro Blue is the closest thing that I can find to match the holographic dragon wings.
And yeah I usually try to match the weapon skins or backpieces.
The livening story chapters are free if you were active durring it’s release. An example is because you logged on you will have living story season 3 part two unlocked.
cough cat ears are in the works. People datamind them.
As for the finder the oldbies here do not care for them.
My guess would be sometime in November and December.
Okay I am not into wvw. And I only ever do it for an easy daily or when I am crafting a legendary.
My server is tarnished coast. It is considered a competitive server. And it usually has a que. I just cant stop myself from feeling that I am taking a spot from people who live for wvw. I like being on what is considered a nice server. But I also do not use it to much nor am I good a it.
Should I switch or stay? Am I thinking to much about it?
Also this game has a wardrobe system. So most people do end up collecting all the dungeon gear for the looks. This game is really look driven.
OriOri I dont think they will back to the 50s price any time soon. I do not think they need to be expensive. But what I will say they are heavily tied with “end game” things like legendary’s. And if it is really one output changing the market its probibly going to be dealt with eventually. I just hope its not dealt with more ecto sinks other then the rest of the new legendary set.
Anyways I am enjoying the discussion.
Ranger is a really safe class to start with! <- thats a good thing
First I would unlock gliding!
I would suggest to play threw the player story and beat zhaitan. Then play threw the HoT story and get caught up to the current living story. While doing that get as many way points as you can and do the daily’s every day. (pvp daily’s are some what easy.) Exotic gear is good for a vary long time so do not feel rushed to get ascended. keep almost all mid to lower tier leather, ore, cloth, and wood. (you will need allot for crafting ascended) But only craft ascended when you know you will be playing that class allot. I would also stress keeping all ectos, high tier mats, and mystic coin’s. Because you need them if you ever plan to craft a legendary.
I dont think so, once they hit 25 silver or less you probibly should. But thats with the understanding that anet will not nerf it anytime soon. Now if they nerf it soon yeah you should buy…. so it depends on if you think anet will do anything.
Well if its that good its probibly going to be nerfed eventually. I wonder what anet will focus. I am going to guess they will nerf the chests and maybe the amount of map currency they give out.
Maybe I should stop talking about it so much since it will just get merged with that thread.
I was looking at it, just didn’t see anything but arguing do you know what page its on?
Its the lowest it has been in 3 years. It looks like it will continue to go down. I wonder how low it will go.
Same problem, its been like this for around 17 min now.
If the next one only caters to the hardcore NO.
If they make largos a playable race maybe.
I bought HOT with the understanding that raids would be the only thing catering to the “hardcore” minority. The maps were “okay” at launch.. now that the dust has settled and people have moved on its quite annoying at times.
The answers users plaster all over the forums is play with friends. Well I have 5 and they play about once a week for 2 hours. Join a guild… Yeah I tried that and every decent sized guild out there has a tight knit group and the vast majority that they use for mats. So I made a small guild with my 5 friends and we plan on claiming a guild hall before Christmas. And if it is possible to make progress even if it is slow progress on the guild hall I will be fine, but if it is impossible I will be kinda of kittened.
Meta’s like VB are ruined by the LFR users because of an over-site by A-net.
I never see maps that are full and organized running the TD meta.
(I love the AB & DS meta’s though.)
There are serious problems with persecutor crafting. (I’m not talking about cost)
Ect. Ect.
So unless they make some major changes I will be sticking with my NO.
Yes please!!
Yesterday I was trying to run the meta, I was trying to hold the point right next to the raid. could not do it alone. what killed me was the fact there were about 40 people just standing on the side.
Its a little bit bigger.. it just feels bigger because its a pain to get to someplace’s on the map.
What level Mastery’s do you need to fully finish story mode?
I would like to know. It would help me decided what to level next.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vadeil.3924
yep you need 400
I don’t know about anyone else, but its one of the few utility item’s that I would use a Utility Primer on.
That’s good to hear!
What weapons are expected to be ran in fractals and dungeons for both Ele & Mes?
Okay so the first one I was trying to main was Necro but with year of playing the class I noticed that Anet gives no kittens for the class. And So far it looks like it will stay the same in HoTs. Necro – “outclassed in everything that matters”. So I took almost a two year break from the game.
Came back and started playing on my Hunter that is currently in the same state that the Necro is in. I do enjoy opening the world with my hunter so I will keep doing that for the time being.
Im interested in Mes & Ele since they always seem viable/wanted and they look like they will be extremely strong in HoT. The Revenant Looks cool but Im worried they will be Necro / Hunter level.
I enjoy Pve could care less about Pvp
There is no hunter in this game
. That aside ranger is not @ the same state with Necro. Ranger is better but buggy. Ranger play style is being forced to frequent swap mechanic on both weapons and pets, ever since the big trait patch change. Damage and support wise ranger is still roughly the same before the big patch. Perhaps you find it awkward to adapt to the forced fed play style.
I’d recommend you wait until they reveal everything to see what suits you. Atm, only mesmer is being considered as having clear cut upgrade @ HoT. Necro, Ele, and Guardian are in the meh category.
Ele looks 100% better then Necro so far. And unless they make huge changes Necro will still be the bottom of the barrel so I don’t really want to wait around and be disappointed yet again.
Okay so the first one I was trying to main was Necro but with year of playing the class I noticed that Anet gives no kittens for the class. And So far it looks like it will stay the same in HoTs. Necro – “outclassed in everything that matters”. So I took almost a two year break from the game.
Came back and started playing on my Ranger that is currently in the same state that the Necro is in. I do enjoy opening the world with my hunter so I will keep doing that for the time being.
Im interested in Mes & Ele since they always seem viable/wanted and they look like they will be extremely strong in HoT. The Revenant Looks cool but Im worried they will be Necro / Ranger level.
I enjoy Pve could care less about Pvp
(edited by Vadeil.3924)
Necro was gypped again. So nothing new, some what disappointing.
I got it when I used the queensdale portal to Lion’s Arch over flow.