Showing Posts For Velocity.4950:

unable to change password?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


when i enter old password,d new password, confirmed and i press save changes, it goes back to the same screen? and password doesnt change, there is no notifications or anything

magic find or no magic find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


I’m 99.99% sure mf makes no impression on items you get from map completion (I’ve read time and again it also makes no difference on chests)
yes, you get 2x as much of better loot. I was referring to how much loot you get that’s actually worth your time.
I just made a post elsewhere regarding mf and it’s usefulness. I’ll copy/paste it here:

well, here’s the comparison between my mf and pvp gear. you’ll notice my mf isn’t complete yet, and I do leave a tad of mf on my pvp. sometimes it’s too much sacrifice for that last 5%, and too easy to throw in 10% because the rest of it is nice. This is not including omnomnberry bar or any banner boosts, but does include maxed sigil of luck on mf gear.

_ ___________mf___________pvp________pvp-mf_________(pvp/mf-1)*100%
_____________luck sigil____fire sigil
_____________mf runes____divinity rune
for the Average attack I used this formula: (1-Crit%/100) * Attack + (Crit%/100) * Attack * (1.5 + Crit dmg)

Conclusions I see: mf gear provides 98.2% more “items” (better, maybe? iuno, the mechanics are besides the point), while requiring 25.47% more attacks to kill something, and can take only 80.69% as many hits.
As you can tell, my mf is pure glass cannon, while my pvp focuses on adding toughness and more dmg.
From these numbers, I would expect mf to find 232 “items” from killing 100 grubs in the same time as my pvp would find 147 “items” from killing 126 grubs.
sigil of fire would also make an impact, but it depends on mob density, and I have no idea how much damage it deals. I doubt it makes up that difference, though.

So, as far as taking a hit on how well I kill things and a leach on a group: mf absolutely impacts your usefulness. Is it worth it? yes.
Final advice: pvp gear when others depend on you, mf gear in your own time. mix it up if you can’t afford both.

wow this is great information, im glad u answered my questions about mf gear. thanks!

disabled wintersday crafting?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


I believe this has to do with an exploit where people could make them in order to get the snowflake back as well as free ectos when salvaging them immediately afterwards or something. So they temporarily disabled it.

this was only for the level 75 rares, why take away the exotics?

captain's commendations disabled?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


anyone know if they are changes or just temporary disabled due to a bu?

disabled wintersday crafting?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


cannot craft the orichalcum rings or amulets.

magic find or no magic find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


also, for whoever reads this, i am just up for map completion, farming is not my thing, but i do kill mobs on the way.

should i use MF or no MF for map completing?
edit: dungeons as well

captain's commendations disabled?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


no one else noticed this?

captain's commendations disabled?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


the vendor does not work, nor does miyani sell the donations packages

captain's commendations disabled?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


why is it disabled? will it be up soon?

Mystic Forge Snowflake Recipes?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


google is the key.

Booted before i got to loot chest

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


It’s disappointing but it’s not even very good loot really. All I’ve ever gotten is a couple greens :/ Don’t feel too bad!

Anybody gotten anything better?

just a worthless lv 76 shield, only 1g =/

magic find or no magic find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


the difference between mf gear and other is only like 300 total stat points out of like 3000 (this is because you have a LOT of base stat points). sure, this means you are 90% as effective, but if you get 2x as much loot, it’s a fair trade-off.
that said, I still switch to pvp gear in tough situations

u dont get 2x as much loot, u get 2x chance of getting better loot.

someone willing to give up 2 gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Velocity.4950


He’s not going to loose 2g because as you can see no one buys it for even 8g

if you list it, it doesnt mean it’ll be gone instantly.

Since most exotic gear is only worth less than 5-10 silver to a vendor, anything past 15-16 silver is a profit.

Wow, he isn’t going to get 9-something gold out of it, but he is still making close to 160 times the vendor value of it. Quit complaining.

congratulations, u compared an exotic’s worth with the merchant sell price. genius.

Legendary Twilight - 9500g on TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Velocity.4950


its a glitch. you cannot post legendaries on TP.

proof please.

someone willing to give up 2 gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Velocity.4950


who are these people that sell for so much less and leave the rest to lose profit?


Present mobs got... buffed?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


so heres my plan… u lure the dolls into other players or other mobs and let them help u kill the dolls.

How does Aggro work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i do find that the plants in TA target me with their aoe much more often than others.

magic find or no magic find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


I wore MF gear as soon as I was able to get my hands on it. I ran everything with it on for the first month and a half at least. Now, I wear none and get real nice loot, dare I say even better than before? Yep, indeed I do and quite a few guildies/friends have said the same.

So, the impact of MF was not justifiable by us; Of course everyone has different opinions on it.

thanks for the input, i have gotten only a few exotics while wearing my mf set but they are only level 76. from that said, i have never tried a non-MF set, but i have experienced people in my party getting much better items in farming than i do and they only have about 20% magic find while i have 140%.

magic find or no magic find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i currently have a magic find set, but thinking of replacing it because of the extra stats other sets give. i am doing fine with my current set.

so is it more beneficial with MF or a set with more stats?

How to kill Princess dolls?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


u can just grab the gift and run

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i cant say im enjoying this, i get knock down when i try to jump at parts of the puzzle, i think its because of the snowfalkes layers, its annoying when i already suck at jumping puzzles

snowman-building locations?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


is there a map where the locations are? i know there are some in LA, but that it.

Wintersday Mystery Box only from gem store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Velocity.4950


they can drop but literally, its a RARE chance

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


my friend went on vacation for a few weeks, but he attended event and didnt get anything, now hes back and he didnt get his chest?

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


even the people who weren’t online for the event? or only the people who were online for the event?

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i guess i’ll wait a couple of hours and probably be mad cuz Anet prolly forgot about me ):

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i cant help it, im panicking

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


omg everyone got theirs and i didnt get mine yet ):

difference of having a guild and no guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


half the players dont rep the guild. the ones repping never talks. i been in 4 different guilds now and not been happy. i’m in my fourth guild now and planning to move on because the leader is too scared to get people to rep the guild. he is always in vent with his friends (the officers) and rarely talks to anyone else.

i usually ask questions like “who wants to do dungeons?” or “anyone want to party?” no one answers. cool.

Thief killing (F key) in Stealth: Bug or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


lol someone is butt-hurt.

Bag of gold contains no gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


well please explain to me why a gold bar cost less than a gold?

Guild Wars 2 Should Go Free2Play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i cant believe how stupid this idea is.

not being F2P is the sole reason i purchased the game in the first place.

timer for EVERY world boss?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


is there a timer for every world boss, not just the dragons?

if no, why?

how many hours have you wasted on FoTM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i wasted about 8 hours.

4 runs and each time someone dc’s or leaves halfway. then we couldn’t finish. I’ve decided not to touch fractals again. sigh…

does fractals rewards increase with level?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Velocity.4950


the higher the level, the higher the reward? or is it just a self satisfaction thing?

armor with this stat combination?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velocity.4950


light armor with:

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


The AMA provided some interesting answers to a few of my questions about the recent updates. I sure would like to hear something regarding the accounts that were disconnected during the event. We were told to expect something early this week, and it is no longer early this week. I’ve just been routinely updating my ticket.

same here

update on disconnect at karka chest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


yeah i hope we get an equal chance for the goodies for the people who could get the chest. that’s what i would expect since we spent so long and some people just log on 5minutes and gotten the reward.

update on disconnect at karka chest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


Anet said they will post information on it this week, has anyone received a email or anything news on it?

where to get most updated news?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


where can i find the latest new on nerfs, changes, and stuff like that about guild wars 2?

'One time" event game some people 500+ gold

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Velocity.4950


others log on for 5min, get more than i earned since release, i love Anet…

Bah...I don't care anymore...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Velocity.4950


imo, Anet has put more effort in putting in unnecessary details rather than just simple mechanics that will improve the game.

gave up on fractals...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Velocity.4950


so because someone dc’ed, they couldn’t get back. we 4man’ed the whole thing cuz we were halfway through. at the last part where the seal was, we tried at least 5 times, it was a total of 2-3 hours just for the last seal, it was impossible to do it without a 5th person. please fix the bug. if this was intended for dc’ed players not to be able to get back into the instance, well done Anet. i am officially not disappointed with you.

quest from the expansion

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Velocity.4950


the npc is bugged, cannot kill him. will the quest continue on tmrw?

DC in the new dungeon

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Velocity.4950


sigh, i wasted my time too

network disconnect

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Velocity.4950


same here, like wtf. and i dont even know wat people got…

WTH?? disconnected at end of event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i been experiencing some bad internet today,b ut it didn’t disconnect me during the event. at the very last part of the event i was disconnected. when i was disconnected, i was optimistic about re logging before the vent finished cuz progress is slow, but i missed it, WTF? i didnt get anything after spending 45minutes killing the karkas…

Anet need to award those who participated after they log back on, seriously, this just adds to my bad day.

connection problems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


i keep being disconnected from guild wars 2 when clearly i have a healthy connection to my wifi.

it happened about 5 times in the last 2 hours.

In-game GW2 shirt code giveaway

in Community Creations

Posted by: Velocity.4950


contact via email?

Lost over 1k achiement points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velocity.4950


thank you, i was relieved to know its a bug and not intended…