Showing Posts For Vencenzo.1246:

What is your Server's Motto?

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


I think Tarnished Coast’s motto should be :
“It’s because these people are pvping /OOC”

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

10/19 Gates of Madness vs Yaks Bend vs Sorrows Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


I yield, time to level my alt.
I like being outnumbered, being in a pinch is the most fun imo.
The line between being in a pinch and impossible has been crossed.

It would shed some light for Yak’s if they knew SoR took 90% of our population 3 weeks ago.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

What is your Server's Motto?

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


SoR, thank you for taking our guilds and zergs.
All that’s left is solos capable of taking down half a army by themselves.

Sorrows Furnace : The few, the honorable, the same 12 people each night.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

10/20 Yak vs GoM vs SF

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


It’ll still be fun, in the way that the level in SC where Kerrigan was taken was fun.
Buckle down and hold the zerg until you fall.

GoM’s population was almost impossible for us last time. Yak’s is completely overwhelming.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Orbs Should Give Stats To Loosing Teams Only

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Winning=more bases=greater dispersion of forces
When we are too outnumbered on night shift, commonly we focus on taking the orb and defending one base. Orbs are working as intended.

To give handicap, a better solution is allowing players with the outmanned buff to carry 30 supply.

On a side note : The only thing stopping small skilled groups from taking down zergs is the speed of which they can combat ressurect.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Borlis Pass v Sorrow's Furnace v Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


1 siege golem + 4 quaggans + 1 hour = borlis’s garrison
That was just 2 of us that took it btw
Epics battles at DB tonight, had a blast.
In the end everyone went to sleep, but I gave you hell on stealthing from cannon to cannon :P and died a honorable death in battle!

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Only thieves solo?

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


The bottom line makes all these theories on Fotm irrelevant.

I assume that a solo is of abnormal skill level, a player of abnormal skill level will match 2-4 regular players regardless of class, but regardless of skill, you will lose to more than 4 because of the speed they can rez each other in combat.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Combat Rezzing Needs to Change

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Only thieves solo?

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Your seeing the illusion of fotm. Let me guess majority were dag/dag heartseekers?
The key to a solo in gw2 is : running your own math / tailoring your own spec.
Majority seems to be replicating and mass producing a “right build”.

I would say so far war and ele are not solo friendly classes. As a thief with a obscure self made build I can say two things:
I’ve been beaten in a 1v1 by a couple of very skilled every class except war/ele.
I build anti fotm thief and can take out 5-6 thieves solo.
The only thing to roflstomp me solo so far was a engi.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Borlis Pass v Sorrow's Furnace v Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Worked way too hard for that keep to have it taken right back, sadface.
Fingers cramping lul, going to sleep now.

-Thief [TFS]

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Who is the best "commander" on your server?

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Sorrows Furnace night crew :
I’ll get back to you with this answer when our population exceeds a 5man party.
What’s left is stubborn soloist who like taking on 5 people at a time.

From my limited experience with day shift, I’d say Juan ignacio. (Sorry if mispell)

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

One picture says more than a thousand words

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Combat rezzing, Concentrate to one thread

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


I see this topic come up more and more recently. The population imbalance antagonizes it, but is not the source of the problem.

The generalized topic :
Larger numbers bypass any other strategy via resurrection speed.

The generalized conclusion :
Changing resurrection mechanics to out of combat would remedy this issue.

Having this topic brought up in multiple thread with multiple topics, isn’t productive to it’s conclusion.

Should the wvw resurrection mechanic be changed to out of combat?

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Help promote more strategic behavior

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Rezzing out of combat would barely effect battles such as you described Scorpio.
It would however, effect mindless head on assaults greatly.

In my scenario : They could have built a treb and cut our supplies. We would have had to leave our defensive structure. They would have likely suffered 0 casualties. The need to develop a plan of attack was unneeded due to combat resurrect+raw numbers.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Why You Should always Zerg in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Could fix this simply by changing the resurrect mechanic to out of combat.
Properly placed ballistas and arrow carts would work out the problem.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Sorrows Furnace Needs You!

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


My sales pitch:

If you transfer to Sorrows Furnace you won’t have to be embarrassed after I solo your raid.

~the gun thief with no helm

But seriously, if you enjoy never ending tower defense maps. You belong on Sorrows Furnace.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

Help promote more strategic behavior

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


Heya anet,

I really love your wvw and I spend more time doing it than I probably should.

Although I love it, i find myself completely unable to turn the tides of battle lately.
I like being outnumbered and pushing myself. I play on a lower pop server during the night. It’s not uncommon for me to be completely by myself out there at certain times.

I don’t have a problem with the numbers. It’s the resurrect mechanic.
No matter how much gold I pump into a base, how many siege weapons I build, or how many people I down solo. They just stand in it and resurrect each other.
They don’t formulate any strategic plan of their own or go around my defensive setup.

For example :
I was at Redlake keep with one other person. We fully upgraded it, built 3 ballistas, 2 arrow carts, and 2 catapults. About 15 people attacked us. They ignored us, built a couple rams (we quickly destroyed) then proceeded to auto attack the door down for the next 25 minutes. We killed some of them more than 15 times and all of them at least 4 times. They stood in a pile and resurrected each other the entire time.

It’s not going to stop me from playing, but it sure be nice if my strategies had more of a impact.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Vencenzo.1246)

Repairing armor in WvW cost way too much!

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


I really like how the economy is integrated into each part of the game and hope wvw repair/loot stays the same.

Currently I profit quite a bit in wvw as long as I stay strategic.
Risk and reward are motivational tools for player to be on their game

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace

WVW imposible due to server transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Vencenzo.1246


I rather enjoy being grossly outnumbered. It’s like a never ending tower defense map. Also lots of bonus karma/exp/mf.

Thief [TFS]
The Fallen Sons
Sorrows Furnace