Showing Posts For Vespero.6180:

Special Force Roaming (SFR) is recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Hey Guys,

Im searching for players for my guild, especially for roaming at WvW, but we do also PvP. The guild is completely new and has to grow up until activities will be able to do.
If u are interested to be part of a new guild and having fun at roaming you are the right one here

The guild will be anyways a familiar one, where everyone knows each other. We search for skilled players, u should know your class!

Our guild will have a maximum of 25-30 players. We are at Seafarers Rest

For more informations w/me ingame and we will talk at teamspeak 3

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


They haven’t been added to the game yet. You can START acquiring what you need for the PRECURSOR for the armor. You won’t be able to finish the precursor for the armor until all 3 wings are added (3-6 months) and at that point they MAY add in the rest of the collection for the actual armor. It hasn’t been stated when they will actually add the completed armor into the game.

hmmm time to take a rest and come back in 6 month then

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


there’s nothing in the wardrobe and nothing on the collection

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


i was expecting to see the new “Legendary armor” features coming along with raids, but nothing.

Wasn’t it supposed to be released yesterday?

Berserker's Lightward's BattleStaff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


i also heard about it but after 3 days of airship cargo i fell a little disappointed u.u

Berserker's Lightward's BattleStaff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Where can we find this weapon?

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Disney princess is just THE WORST
it ruined every single trench coat or skirt in the game, trust me, it’s impossible to see your character running around with it.

it’s like “i must slow down or i’ll start to fly”

Even Lineage 2 had not this problem with coats and it’s 8 years old. (maybe more?)

yes ofc i was talking about male armor. i think the problem lies on the human body model not on the armor, if you notice every character has super large booty with a 30cm long waist

Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Disney princess effect, present in mostly every skirt and trench coat


Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


not a surprise that you can see a lot of phalanx armor around, it’s the only one covering everything and showing a little logic.
Probably the best “cosmetic armor” ever made by Anet. and the most sold too


Armor looks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Am i the only one thinking there’s a lack of design or research in the making of armor and outfit? like if they just spend few hours to make them?
I mean, the concept are wonderful, everything proportioned, everything is covered in metal or something, but then the 3D model we get is full of empty spaces between shoulders and harms, in the thighs parts (especially in the metal armor) where you can only see sometimes a skirt or a metal plate texture on your leg…

All the armor that ends with a skirt are made in a horrible way! like if it was a 3D cylinder (glued to your hips) that can’t move, so when you walk it starts to float all around your character and transforming you in a Disney princess or in a 18th century french girl.

Lets make an example, barely no armor has any sort of elbows protection or knees protection —> just a piece of something that starts from your hands and ends before the elbows, leaving all the space from there to the shoulders covered just by a texture.

Shoes in every character (asura and charr apart) are so small i wonder how can my character even stand still without falling by gravity to one side or one other

Most of the boots just cover you shins leaving the knee out
Most of the legs protection (leggings) cover the sides and not the front of your body

And an other problem is this: all this spaces of your body with nothing on makes the whole armor looks incomplete
But i think the worst part is the disney princess effect.


(edited by Vespero.6180)

Dulfy down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


is it just me or dulfy doesn’t load anymore?

Broken Dye Preview

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vespero.6180


same bug here! can’t dye with this issue

Next HoT news?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


just a question, when are we going to see the next class streaming? and any info on which will it be?

Engi ?

How to join "speedrun"?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Smells like a trolling thread, but not quite sure.

Just search for a speedrunning guild like KING, rT, and DnT.

the title was speedrun but i’m actually trying to understand if i can be more than just a “ice bow” user in dungeon compared to the other classes.
and no, it’s not a troll post

How to join "speedrun"?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vespero.6180


i knew that, and it explain a lot on how to use a ranger in dungeon, but it doesn’t explain how could it be more useful than an other class, even if i use LB 5+2 – swap – S/W 4-1 i will never do the dps the others does, i mean, by the time i use Barrage and Rapid fire the boss is usually already dead, even before i use the sword..

The utility “to be used” mentioned by dulfy shows that the only thing the party needs is a spirit.. (and maybe signet of the wild when you use the icebow)

I’m a little concerned to be honest, i can’t see rangers in groups, maybe because now everyone wants 2 eles , 1 place is reserved to guardian and 1 to Phalanx warrior… there’s only 1 slot left and i’m not sure people look for a ranger..

(edited by Vespero.6180)

How to join "speedrun"?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vespero.6180


just a question, i’m back from a 1 year break and everyone around me yells it’s useless in group, no damage, no useful utility, no speedrun…

I leveled a thief to 80 and i’m 75873921 times more useful for the team and i deal more than 20k damage every 2 sec with the number 3 of s/p

What’s the goal for them to take we (rangers) in team? and how can we join?

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I think it’s not good to copy from other games we already know, BUT i think that we could mention Lineage 2 for its Clan Halls.

- Clan Halls in Lineage II is not just a place where all the Clan members can meet and trade and chat, it’s also a place where you can have special buffs, special piece of equip for your mount, reserved access to various location of the map, and a bit of customization for yourself and the Hall itself..


- Clan hall could be an instanced place to avoid any problem related to “space” not like Lineage II where you have just a limited number of accessible halls around the world and only Hardcore clans can own one..

- Like spvp maps, Clan Halls could be located in different places described by different biomes, then, standing on this we could have a Sylvari house in a Jungle-looking biome, a Human looking house in an other biome and a Charr House in a Desert-looking biome

- You could add special teleports or special bonuses for the area where this Halls are located, like a teleport to TA if the Hall is in the south-west area of the map or a bonus like 5% more gold when buying/selling to a Caledon Forest NPC.


- A GUILD HALL IS A GUILD HALL NOT A TOWN HALL, so, in my opinion, placing the normal cities commodities in those halls, would not only be repetitive but also stupid, a Guild Halls need something that you can’t find somewhere else, or people will never find a reason to enter it, let’s be honest, GDR at the moment is barelly dead, i don’t think someone will buy/aquire a clan hall just to have a bank in it….or gather for fun, we (the players) need something more then the things we can find in towns.
Also think: if you place Towns commodities in Clan Halls, then town will become empty..
Well, a guild bank could be okay, but nothing more, invent something new that only guilds can use/do in there.

- To enter the guild halls, the players could use a teleport items like the one you buy to reach the Hall of Monuments

- To enter the guid halls, the players could even talk to an npc located on every city… if the Clan hall is in the sky, why not making an npc near an air Balloon that once mounted will brings you to a loading screen and then the to the hall in the sky?

- A guild Hall should not be thought as a square or rectangular place, with a roof and a door, like my bedroom or your dinning room, i would think at it like if it was a forum (from the Roman Ages), designed to gather a large amount of people in circle and face them each other while talking about important things, or stupid things, nothing changes

SO, use = shape, we should in first place think at what we want to do in this place, and then, think what place could deal with our needs, if rectangular, or circular.. if open air, or close, if flying or landed…

Standing on my thought and what i said, i would organize it this way: an “inside” place and an “outside” place
INSIDE: bank and some npcs, some fancy items that we will probably need or that someone already thought, and maybe something to eat or to do, like challenges and similar stuffs.
OUTSIDE: entrance, dock if it’s a flying land like the EOTM, and the Forums that in my opinion could be one of the most important things. maybe a garden if you feel like some gathering is needed and some place to have some challenges like training dummies and Arena 1vs1 for fun..

i’m gonna place a Draw of it as soon as i have some time

(edited by Vespero.6180)

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Any news!? it’s impossible to play with 2 second delay on every single skill! it was all perfect before the patch!

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Your location – Italy
Time and date of incident (plus time zone) – The last week, more or less since the WvWvW tournament begins. GMT+1
Game World – Seafarer’s Rest
Brief description of what you’re seeing – Ping around 200 or 300 CONSTANTLY with no exception and random disconnection from game session down to character selection screen.
All the other games works fine, ping around 40 or 80(max) and not a single crash-disconnection.
Almost all my friends from Italy (guild and friends) lags and find it impossible to play, some exception tho.
We can see people teleport when they are just walking, dodgerolls sometimes makes 2 times the animation, mobility skills bring you forward and back at the previous point, leap works like s**t (you should really try to leap with 300ms) even acting with other NPCs generates problems—

Looks like 9/9 Feature Patch + GMT+1 is the problem here…

(edited by Vespero.6180)

Lag - EUROPE servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I’m downloading pingplotter now, by the way, we just tried to do the guild missions as every week and it’s really impossible.. my guild just cancelled the weekly pvp tournament because of this lag…
Just try to enter the Edge of the mist or other maps and asks if the other are playing fine, they answered me that it’s the same from 3 days

PS: i’m talking about EU server


Lag - EUROPE servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


As the title says, in the last days we are “almost all” experiencing lag, that makes our skill sparkle but not activate and makes us die in many horrible ways..

I’ve been asking if it was just me (and my group) but i’ve been answered by many many many many others people that things are not okay from some days…
Someone says that servers are busy because of the wvwvw new season but i doubt it’s the reason..

Obviously we already tested our connection and it was perfect (
With someone in my guild we also tried out some other games like Blacklight and Aion and it works perfectly, no lag, no issue, while in the same time, gw2 lags.

SweetFX - How to make it work!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Copy the following files to the bin subdirectory:

d3d9.dll , dxgi.dll and injector.ini

restart game.

Works! thanks man!:) i’m updating the thread now

SweetFX - How to make it work!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I Just wonder WHY did they removed it, they told t was OK

EDIT: Spydor – trying now

SweetFX - How to make it work!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


is it just me or SweetFx doesn’t work anymore after the update?


Copy the following files to the bin subdirectory:

d3d9.dll , dxgi.dll and injector.ini

restart game.

(edited by Vespero.6180)

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


To come back to the topic: It doesn’t make sense to write in here – Those few GW2-White-Knights countering any criticism won’t change this fact.

There’s still no content updates that affect the game, no additions comparable to add-ons, no new pvp-modes, no adjustment to wvw, anything that was known and written down here since beta. No new incentives to start the game except for the confusing LW-Story and the mini-areals, that can be played in around 50 Minuten each. Low quality, low standards, some people here even seem to be satisfied with that extremly low input of arenanet, even defending their work arguing that the ranger update, which was needed since beta-times, has been implemented last week.

You have many reasons to be completly disappointed, but there seems to be a customer-tier, that can be served anything tagged with the name of “Guild Wars” and they are satisfied. Pretty disappointing to me.

Dismissing people who have a different opinion as white knights doesn’t do anything for your arguments. It doesn’t make what you say right or true.

It does, however, break the spirit of the forum. People can disagree with you and still be right. Particularly if they’re offering an opinion.

It makes his opinion right by the way, many ppl here claim they listen to suggestion and they developed something asked by the player… but..

Ranger update was needed since the beta and that’s true, anyone saying it was not, is just a kitten . and this was like releasing a man without a leg.
Many things added were asked by the community but were ALREADY on their “to do list” from the beginning (a list made to kinda complete the half-game they released)
SO. can we really tell this changed was made thanks to community pressure? maybe we forced them to develop faster but they didn’t changed anything for/thanks to us

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Quality is opinion not fact

Quality being an opinion? Are you even serious?

Nice way to see things, when I’ll graduate and start to work I’ll use the cheapest materials on the market to save and fast techniques to treat more patients in less time and thus gain more. When they’ll come back complaining because they’re vomiting pus, losing bone structure fast and getting all sorts of infections, complaining because I did some craplow quality job I’ll answer them quality is an opinion and they’re nuts.

Quality is an opinion. That is to say, saying that a GAME UPDATE, which is what we’re talking about here, is an opinion is pretty much the case.

A lot of people thought the Marionette and the Escape from Lions Arch were quality updates. And then there were people who thought Battle for Lion’s Arch was a quality update, but I didn’t.

People confuse preference for quality too often. If you only like dungeons and PvP then these updates might not seem like quality to you.

But they were quality to me.

Quality standards are made up by looking around for what other companies does, or what has been done… once you get an idea of the quality and quantity of other’s update, you can judge Gw2’s update.

And (sadly) as i already said, quality here is quite lacking.. the story consists on listening for hours at some npc talking alone while standing still, or killing some stupid mobs..
Other games has new story every update you know.. it’s not a gw2’s exclusive… we can easily compare the two things…

Is endgame being developed, or what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


in mmo games characters need PROGRESS – thats most important thing ever
but in gw2 they total ignore this and stop at lvl 80

all other content they have or have addet since release in this game to play after lvl 80 would be called in other games “Filler Content”

and cause someone wrote it^^ – no, story is no content

best in gw2 is the lvling from 1-80 and to equip the character + all traits and after this there is nothing

thats why i have 31 characterslots iwth over 20 lvl 80 chars – playing a characte on lvl 80 in this game is just boring

and to bring some progress in this game they could add:

  • more infusions like this + 1 agony infusions with + 1 power, + 1 condi, + 1 critchance … and so on and let player decide how much work they wanna put in (2x+ 1 infusion gives 1x + 2)
  • the new back item is something alot people has fun to work for so bring with this new armor or weapon skins and add this to content like Liadri

This is exactly the word I was looking for: Progression.
After you reach lvl 80 you have NO PROGRESSION WHATSOEVER. But I don’t think that’s the main problem, if you Didn’t had Progression but had atleast Challenging Replayable Content you could at least balance things out, you weren’t progressing but at least would have been getting a challenge of some kind.
Instead what we have is incredibly boring Dungeons that (even tho the first time you do them they are pretty awesome) are just the same thing over and over and over again. You don’t have let’s say a Housing system that would add something for you to keep searching for (furniture) for example. You don’t have Variety in enemy mechanics they are all pretty much the same: “DODGE NAW OR INSTA DIE!”. And every strategy for everything is always the same strategy for everything else: Either A) ZERG AROUND LIKE IDIOTS or B )STACK AROUND LIKE IDIOTS AND SPAM.
And you require NO SKILL for anything.

Don’t take me like a cruel kitten… but… you should leave the game now before it’s too late :P you know (deep inside your mind) that those things will never change.. but what keeps you ingame is hopes of a new and lucky future that will (probably) never come!

As you said in many of your replies, this game keep ppl interested for few month, then you leave to search something else to play with / to do.. do like us, stop believing and play something else!:)

And if you want, you can just read the forum and log in some times to check the situation

Is endgame being developed, or what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


to make it simple

a game need to be PLAYED not WATCHED like a movie


Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I suspect what you’re really saying, OP, is that the suggested you particularly liked weren’t implemented. There are three possibilies here.

1. Those suggestions are on a list of things to be worked on and Anet is either working on them or plans to.

2. Those suggestions you like are not good or not compatible with the game as envisioned by Anet.

3. Those suggestions are too hard to program, or have other technical issues that aren’t simple to deal with and thus not financially feasible to include in the game.

Pretty much what it is…

Just an example then … A new pvp mode! The one we have right now is nothign new… hold the base.. i think it’s 40 years old as idea.. so i don’t get why not listening to player suggestion and set new modes, even if other games already has it.. they always want to be “innovative” but this will makes the game progress like a turtle.. and lets say.. not everything in this game is so.. “innovative..”

I Still think they are stuck with the Living Story problem… if you need a new dragon you need to reach it with story.
If you need housing you need the story
If you need new Dungeons .. story!
Areas? STORY! (right now)

But as you can see… they can’t put 4 different content in just 1 storyline.. so then this will take forever for the story to cover all the ideas the developer has…

You simply have no patience. You don’t know if an expansion is being worked on or not. Most content we don’t get advanced warning for. I’m pretty sure they are working on new PvP modes from hints they dropped. But it takes time.

Look, they have 350+ developer… the most i suppose is working on LS but we will never know that so let’s stop at this: 350+ people actually works at the game.

If 350 ppl can’t develop a new pvp mode in 2 years, well… (with tons of hint from the community and tons from other games..)

But they didn’t start 2 years ago. They didn’t start working on a new PvP mode before the game came out. This is about feedback. The feedback on the new PvP mode probably took a year before people were realliy pressing for it. So now it’s a year they’re working on it not two. And you know during that time they did observer mode (which people did ask for), they revamped rewards (which people did ask for) and there have been new maps. And custom arenas.

And I suspect they’re working on other stuff as well.

Lets hope then, like always…
The only way to stay happy and quiet in this game and enjoy it is by not looking at other games and what they gives to players every patch ..

Suggestion: First Person Camera

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


First person view has been suggestion since launch, so probably not going to happen anytime soon. Would love to see it though…

this is exatly why i wonder if it’s worth to write suggestion here

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I suspect what you’re really saying, OP, is that the suggested you particularly liked weren’t implemented. There are three possibilies here.

1. Those suggestions are on a list of things to be worked on and Anet is either working on them or plans to.

2. Those suggestions you like are not good or not compatible with the game as envisioned by Anet.

3. Those suggestions are too hard to program, or have other technical issues that aren’t simple to deal with and thus not financially feasible to include in the game.

Pretty much what it is…

Just an example then … A new pvp mode! The one we have right now is nothign new… hold the base.. i think it’s 40 years old as idea.. so i don’t get why not listening to player suggestion and set new modes, even if other games already has it.. they always want to be “innovative” but this will makes the game progress like a turtle.. and lets say.. not everything in this game is so.. “innovative..”

I Still think they are stuck with the Living Story problem… if you need a new dragon you need to reach it with story.
If you need housing you need the story
If you need new Dungeons .. story!
Areas? STORY! (right now)

But as you can see… they can’t put 4 different content in just 1 storyline.. so then this will take forever for the story to cover all the ideas the developer has…

You simply have no patience. You don’t know if an expansion is being worked on or not. Most content we don’t get advanced warning for. I’m pretty sure they are working on new PvP modes from hints they dropped. But it takes time.

Look, they have 350+ developer… the most i suppose is working on LS but we will never know that so let’s stop at this: 350+ people actually works at the game.

If 350 ppl can’t develop a new pvp mode in 2 years, well… (with tons of hint from the community and tons from other games..)

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Guess you mean real content. Haven’t seen it in over 2 years either. No new class around, no new weapon types, no new maps, no new personal story.

With UI improvements you don’t build loyalty. These things had to be finished when releasing the game.

Except for Southsun Cove, Edge of the Mists and Dry Top I suppose?
Oh and not counting S2 of Living Story either, since that is bascially new personal story.

This is not the subject of the thread… by the way.. it’s not personal story, it’s swerver story, and you make it by zerging with 40 players on you left and other 50 on your right… not really personal..

it’s like going to the bathroom with 15 person looking at you.. not so personal

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I suspect what you’re really saying, OP, is that the suggested you particularly liked weren’t implemented. There are three possibilies here.

1. Those suggestions are on a list of things to be worked on and Anet is either working on them or plans to.

2. Those suggestions you like are not good or not compatible with the game as envisioned by Anet.

3. Those suggestions are too hard to program, or have other technical issues that aren’t simple to deal with and thus not financially feasible to include in the game.

Pretty much what it is…

Just an example then … A new pvp mode! The one we have right now is nothign new… hold the base.. i think it’s 40 years old as idea.. so i don’t get why not listening to player suggestion and set new modes, even if other games already has it.. they always want to be “innovative” but this will makes the game progress like a turtle.. and lets say.. not everything in this game is so.. “innovative..”

I Still think they are stuck with the Living Story problem… if you need a new dragon you need to reach it with story.
If you need housing you need the story
If you need new Dungeons .. story!
Areas? STORY! (right now)

But as you can see… they can’t put 4 different content in just 1 storyline.. so then this will take forever for the story to cover all the ideas the developer has…

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I mean, everyday i can read an incredible amount of GOOD suggestion that could really improve the games, like new pvp mode .. ideas for new weapons…
And many complaint about for ex: craftable precursor.. new dungeon or areas…

I’m here from 25/08/2012 and i can see the SAME posts been posted over and over every day from almost 2 years… with hundreds views and hundred likes (does that means OP is not alone and player actually wants this things?)

A counter argument could be that those ideas which appear hundreds of times aren’t very good, and as such are ignored because they aren’t very good.

BUT, the point is… not a single suggestion has ever been implemented ingame, they just go straight in their direction.. am i supposed to think they are not listening? or rather they are listening but they don’t care?

Well other than fractals, ascended gear, the tequatl revamp, Southsun, skill acquisition changes, megaserver, wardrobe, account wallet, account dye, combining pvp and pve wardrobes… and several other’s I’m sure. Maybe it’s more accurate to say that the ideas you like haven’t been implemented.

i honestly dubt that all this things have been implemented thanks to community suggestion! if it was true, than they are paying someone for doing nothing there…they should pay us (since what you mentioned is just everything implemented so far. aside LS)

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


wait wait wait… .i got what you are saying but.. i was talking about “bigger” suggestion… not eye color, UI changes, or aesthetic stuff…

you know what i mean …

Does it makes any sense to write in here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I mean, everyday i can read an incredible amount of GOOD suggestion that could really improve the games, like new pvp mode .. ideas for new weapons…
And many complaint about for ex: craftable precursor.. new dungeon or areas…

I’m here from 25/08/2012 and i can see the SAME posts been posted over and over every day from almost 2 years… with hundreds views and hundred likes (does that means OP is not alone and player actually wants this things?)

BUT, the point is… not a single suggestion has ever been implemented ingame, they just go straight in their direction.. am i supposed to think they are not listening? or rather they are listening but they don’t care?

it’s like if they were stuck with the living story problem and they couldn’t implement anything new without having a story to support this…
By this rhythm we will never see our “random” suggestion been taken seriously

AMD or Intel CPU ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


What’s better between i5-4460 Socket 1150 3,2GHz 6MB and CPU AMD FX-8350 8-Core Vishera 4.0GHz ?
both costs 150€ i have 200€ budget

Computer Improvements

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


ooookay, thanks all for the answer and the attecntion, it’s not the first time i ask this and i always get replied that it’s all about my kitten AMD cpu.. so i think i’ts time for it to be replaced with an intel…
just a last question – which CPU could be good with this game? i don’t want to spend 674028365082$$$ on it XD

Don’t forget that you need an intel supported motherboard as well. You might as well just build/buy a new computer if you are planning on switching CPUs. Which is essentially what you are doing.

At the moment i can’t change the entire computer, and i think i will not play mmos till the end of my days… i just want to close my gaming era with gw2, and i want to be able to play well with it. (that’s why i don’t want to change everything)

I just have 200€ to spend on this piece and that will be the last purchase Hope it will work with my Crosshair IV formula Motherboard.. that seems to work with AMD only… or am i failing in reading the details?

(edited by Vespero.6180)

Computer Improvements

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


ooookay, thanks all for the answer and the attecntion, it’s not the first time i ask this and i always get replied that it’s all about my kitten AMD cpu.. so i think i’ts time for it to be replaced with an intel…
just a last question – which CPU could be good with this game? i don’t want to spend 674028365082$$$ on it XD

Computer Improvements

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I’d say that’s about right for that setup, believe it or not. It also really depends on your Motherboard too. Is the video card in a 16x pci-e slot? What chipset is the motherboard? Are all your drivers up to date? Is your system (inside the case) clean and running cool. One of the worst things that will cause your machine to run slow is the temps are too high.

I can’t answer all your question, but i can tell you that bf4 and many other games run perfectly, i think here it’s a problem of memory (?) because fps goes down when at event and zergs (not even that big…)
atm the game works, but i’d like to improve the performance as far as i have the possibility to i just don’t know what to change to really upgrade it..

Someone tald me that even kitten HardDisk makes the difference, especially in loading screens time and other little things..

Computer Improvements

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Hello guys, i’m wondering which is the most important piece in our pc to run GuildWars 2 in HIGH (not ULTRA) setting with a decent FPS rate.

I’m wondering this because i should have more than enough ram, cpu, and video card potential to run this game at a good quality but sadly for some reason it’s not working well and i’d like to know what should i change first, which is the worst component of that ones listed below.. i’m looking to change just one of them at the moment, so i need your opinion to know which is the most important

OS: Windows 8.1 Pro Professional 64bit
Video Card: AMD Sapphire Radeon HD 6950 Core 800MHz GDDR5 5000MHz (2GB)
RAM: DDR 3 Corsair Dominator 1600MHz (4×2GB) (8GB total)
Hard Disk: Internal HD 7200rpm 64b SATA3
CPU: AMD Phenom II x6 1090T 3200GHz AM3

I’d like to know where could be the problem, in my honest opinion this should be a good
(not new nor the best but “good”) pc for Gw2..

I’m currently running MEDIUM/HIGH settings at 15-35 fps (max) when in town
or in combat, 8fps when in wvw zergs, and 45fps when at rest in peaceful zone (55fps when looking at the sky).


The BIG question for Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180



Are you sure you want to know it? you would be disappointed…
Would you play a game where you don’t enjoy anything anymore, knowing that it will be the same for at least 3 years?

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Can we actually stop calling each other fanboys or complainers ????

It leads nowhere and makes it difficult for the mods to keep everything calm with 5.000 new post about fanboys or complainers every day.

What is true though, there is a huge comunity in GW2 that is ignored since day1.
We have happy pvp, we have happy wvw, we have happy dungeon runners and farmers……..

But there is one group left out.
The mystery and fantasy story loving role gamer. People who doesn’t hunt
for the newest shiny armor, who couldn’t care less about zerker fests.
It’s people who love their character and want to experience a wonderful magic time
with friends or alone.Epic storys to be told, epic fights to be fought and sad defeats to be experienced. people who want something else than constantly pushing button 2.
They want to roam around in shiver peaks and interact with dwarfen ruins or discover anicient continents.

For these people nothing changed since 2012.
All contend so far is meaningless for these people. They don’t want minipets in gem store or incredible ugly armors. They want adventures.

With that said, it is really time to do something for these brave community who are here since GW1 when adventure still ment something.
Cantha is to discover, Palawas dead hordes are waiting to be massacred in Elona…

I understand that Pvp or WvW kids saying… wait a moment i couldn’t care less…
but even if we are a small group we deserve to be heard.
Or at least pretend we are welcome here without being called complainers

finally someone got the point, i was losing my hopes.
Sadly, the new community (or new generation of mmo players) seems to care less than nothing about real content and only care of numbers and letters reported on the patch notes page.

I think that gw2 is totally not the game where we should look for this kind of things.

In the last few patches we saw how they’re trying to make you fell like you are just 1 on a million players. you can do nothing special, and having you instead of another running a dungeon couldn’t change less the result.
That’s just an exemple…

I wonder is something important is under developement on this side or not.
I don’t think somone will cry if the answer is “NO”..

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


that would work if i were an actual player, I’m here looking for evidence, evidence that would prove i’m wrong and that something on this game is actually coming or is under work.
I agree… if something makes you complain, than that’s not funny and that doesn’t deserve to be played. and by fact, we are not playing anymore.

Sadly all what had to be said to produce something good was said. and nothing happened. it’s normal for a person to complain. would you rather turn your back and stuck your head under the ground each time something is not fine? i think that trying to bring their attention here would be a better idea.

I won’t lie. I already told you I was hoping to find someone knowing something about the state of the development, someone able to tell what’s going on and if it’s worth waiting for something good or we better watch out.
but that didn’t happened. sadly, none knows that.

PS: “I have a life outside the game, thank you very much. It is the complainers that don’t seem to have one. Incessant complaining doesn’t get you anywhere but ignored – like the boy who cried wolf. Here in the US we say, ‘People like this would complain with a loaf of bread under each arm’.”

I’m here while working, i have nothing really better to do atm, that’s why i can lose some mins looking for answer… what about you? what brings you here losing time with a whiner?

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Some people would complain no matter what…

I think this is the case here.

Pretty much this.

Here where i live we use to say:
There’s only one thing worst than blindness, and it’s when you don’t want to open your eyes and see yourself.

Here where i play we call this person: fanboy.

Anet could throw you eggs and kitten and you would sit there waiting for it.
and the more someone complain, the more you protect your beloved game.

To be honest, i can say what i said because i’ve been away for over a year, and now, coming back i can see the difference but.. nothing changed… that’s why guild are dying and new players are just a legend.
Probably you got so stuck in that game that you forgot how’s the world outside and how/what other games are doing.

(edited by Vespero.6180)

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


There has been plenty of permanent ‘relevant’ content added for free since the game stopped being a Beta and was released. You just seem to be concentrating on what hasn’t been added and conveniently ignore everything that HAS been.

New Permanent Zone: Southsun Cove
New Permanent World Bosses : Karka Queen & Evolved Jungle Worm
New Permanent Weapons : Multiple weapons including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Armour : Multiple armours including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists
New Permanent Mini-Games : Belchers Bluff, Costume Brawl, Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival
New Permanent Traits : 5 grandmasters per class
New Permanent Skills : 1 new healing per class & 1 healing for any class
New Permanent Pet : Reef Drake
New Permanent Mobs : Karka
New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
New Permanent WvW Features : WvW Mastery Abilities
New Permanent PvP Arenas : Temple of the Silent Storm, Spirit Watch, Skyhammer
New Permanent PvP Features : Reward Tracks
New Permanent Features : Skin Locker

Other stuff I’ve no doubt forgotten to add.

Plus there has been LOADS of temporary content added frequently throughout the last year and a half.

You can complain about nothing new being added all you like, but it’s not actually true.

Kaz, new weapon types means things like “cannon” or something similar (they talked about that) not new SKINS.
New relevant Update means something you remeber and you look for, an exemple is southsun cove: a new map, a new boss. nobody goes there enymore, the only things that makes you remember of its existence is the fact that you farm the champion there. Standing on the much you care of that map, they could have implemented a simple room with a karka queen inside.
New permanent mob, pets, healing skills are just a joke compared to other’s game’s patches. … i mean… come’on, have you ever played something different from gw2? those are not content… that’s just adjustment to the game with some few new moving textures which nobody cares of.

New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists.
okay… that’s okay. it’s even better structured than the other dungeons. it looks like if they were testing a new way to pve but then nothing happened.

New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
What? lol
That’s ANY WAY the same as wvwvw. tell me the difference. they just copy/paste an existing things into a new map.

other stuff are totally irrelevant on your monthly routine
Wanna know why?
Because since 25 Aug 2012 all you can do is still the same.
1-Dungeon (mindless when you have a weapond and an armor, so after 1 week you can stop doing dungeon)
2-WvW (if you don’t like zerg you are out)
3-Spvp (they are somehow working on this but nothing changed yet.)

So tell me. what big changes has been made in your routine?

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


we all know chinese likes to repeat the same things till they vomit… it could be true.
We paid to beta test

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


oh you are right, by the way a point of the situation would be appreciated since in an entire year barely nothings relevan has been done.

Mentioned or not, many players are still here just because they hope that this beta, one day, will have an END. That mentioned things would really help to get out of this situation, but each time someone asks, nobody answer, neither in the AMA (ask me anything) they answered about chanta or any other things related to “new content”
The developer was just sitting there smiling like “i know but i can’t tell” and then nothing happened

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


This whole forum is what you get when you’re unknowingly Beta testing a game for 2 years, and being under the impression that the company is actually listening to player feedback when it’s, in reality, drawing ideas out of a jar at random.


Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


That’s because you pay a subscription to WoW for updates, and you don’t to Anet.

But the problem with GW2 is for people who played the game 2 years ago and left due to boredom/mechanics issues is there really any reason for them to come back today, stay around awhile and end up spending money in the gem store?

No. a lot of Big Guilds are dead.. players left and nobody likes the new incoming niubs
the entire game is dying… and that’s a fact not a “haters” statement
Those who come back, like me, just find their old guild abandoned, for each old big guilds, there’s now a small one made of the old players trying to enjoy a little the game…