Showing Posts For Vorkk.4927:

Help me shop please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Thank you all for the info!

Help me shop please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Thank you, Vadeil!

Help me shop please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Thank you for you answer, Behellagh! I can and will get more gems of course (I like my outfits haha) but I didn’t want to miss on something that needs to be obtained right away/makes everything more practical.

Does living story season 2 not come with the game? It kinda sucks if they are selling us DLC’s…unlese I’m misunderstanding of course.

Help me shop please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Hi guys. I’m a returning player. I had an 80 ranger then there was no content and I got bored. Anyways, I’m back.

I got Heart of Thorns and just got my 4000 hrrm gems (I am having a brain fart-the shop money).

I have some stuff unlocked from back when I played but what would you unlock first? I will get cosmetic stuff later.

And yes, I know that I will get the ‘’the game is fully playable without using the shop’’ because it’s always someone’s answer in any game when I ask this. I’m not trying to be rude, I just want to prevent as it’s not what I’m asking but if you feel this way, thank you and I respect your opinion. I really do. It’s just not what I’m looking for.

Also, are there items that you would recommend by profession only? I know that some games have some of these. If so, I will likely be playing light armor professions or medium armor professions. I will also be tradeskilling.

Thank you very much for any answers- your time is very much appreciated it.



Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


’’I do seek to bring attention to my posts, because most of them are about exposing trolls and giving anet ideas for ranger changes. Its not you posting that bugs me, its the fact that you are crying on here and flaming anet and saying how you will never buy their products again, why would any1 at all including anet employes care about that, why would they wanna read that and why would you wanna post it? You are looking for attention, and you want people to follow your lonely kitten to w/e game you are playing or to agree with you and quit. Idc if any1 quits, its the stupidity of the post that gets on my nerve, and I have to tell stupid people where they stand.

Calling the shortbow nerf a lie is stupid, since they are extremely more qualified to tell a bug than you are. Its not even noticeable outside QZ so quit kittening about it. Feel free to post all you want, but when you make posts that lack common sense expect me to call you on it. I mean, Im giving you that attention you crave.’’

You’re here to expose trolls? Wow your life must be pretty boring. Also, you get upset that I say something negative about Anet? You really need to take a Xanax. I’m not looking for attention nor am I looking for people to follow me anywhere. I think that anyone with half a brain knew that they called a nerf an animation fix. They even changed their notes to admit to it after they were caught lying. If you didn’t realize that, well you must of not been paying attention. I guess you were too busy ‘’exposing trolls’’ lol. As for me craving attention, I made my little post explaining my opinion and you are the one who freaked out about it. Oh No’s! Someone said something bad about anet. Fanboi supah powas activate lol. Seriously, it’s my opinion and an opinion is just that. It’s not some super fact. It’s how a person feels. So you trying to tell me that how I feel is wrong and that you’re going to correct me for it is laughable. Get off of your high horse. People are entitled to feel however they want and it doesn’t need to be approved by you, mr self appointed forum royalty.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Dante Dragonhead: @Vorkk

‘’Lol hard not to laugh at you. Why would you even post if you quit, do you crave attention that much? Seriously who quits then cries on the forum? Kids who want others to share their opinion. And what lie are you talking about? I swear if its the shortbow nerf then Im glad you are gone, the nerf isnt even noticeable unless you use QZ and thats called a bug, not a lie. Hopefully this was a purposeful move by anet to act as sort of a black hole that sucks out the stupid people and make them quit to never return. Since you crave that attention Ill give you some, grow up, no1 really cares that you are gone, but if you are gonna bash our game, make sense when doing it.’’

Why would I post if I quit? Because I bought the game and am just as entitled as you are to post. I paid for it. Just because I am playing something else at the moment doesn’t mean that you have the monopoly over this game or these forums. If posts are about attention, then your posts are attention seeking too. That makes no sense. My post was to express my opinion which I’m entitled to. I paid the same money you paid for this game. How is it YOUR game over mine? Are you more deserving of it because you fanboi or are you licking the dev’s feet as they code? i don’t get how it’s YOUR game. Entitled much over something that anyone can own for a mesely 50$?
The lie I’m referring to was calling a nerf an animation fix. Many people mentioned it and were upset with it so don’t act like I’m the only one. So in conclusion, I still own the game. I still have a max’d out ranger with all exotics. I will post when I want and what I want, oh your forum highness.

(edited by Vorkk.4927)

A serious lack of humor...

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


My post was deleted. What a shock. It was no pro-anet/fanboi …I’m sorry Anet. You’re so wonderful! You didn’t lie to us at all and you know how to balance classes like no other. I’m going to buy all your games right now because you’ve made such a positive impact on me and not turn to another company because I’m as faithful to you as you have been to your community :p

A serious lack of humor...

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I meant this is where most of their staff is atm not that a dev should be handling forums or vice versa.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


People were loud and bothering them with actual facts. I’m not even sure if they understood the math that the mathematicians amongst us gave out. Next are going to be mass suspensions from the boards or even then game. Some people already got them. More will come. I’m sure they have a list of the louder people and I’m on it for calling them liars quite often because well…they are! That is most likely going to be their strategy over fixing things. A few suspensions and bans are far easier to do than say ’’sorry’’. Let’s see how long before this message gets deleted. They don’t usually like what I have to say. I guess the truth isn’t fun for them at the moment. It’s better to be off in LA LA magical land where they don’t lie to their customers.

Rhbyn Yew (Ranger Build/Guide)

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


You can’t sticky it but you can add/copy paste your build to the stickied area where it says ’’builds’’

Rhbyn Yew (Ranger Build/Guide)

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Also a sidenote: You may want to add you build to the stickied area up top. At the moment it’s on the front page but these threads move fast. I’m sure if can help a lot of people re-adapt to a new type of ranger. It would be a shame if they missed out on your long/well thought out post.

Rhbyn Yew (Ranger Build/Guide)

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


As a therapist, I can tell you that most people who are educated seek the truth. The rate at which these types of games have become popular amongst the scholars/the Erudite or the educated of this world is astonishing. There are mother with law degrees who are now stay at home moms and play these types of games to relax. It doesn’t make them any less competitive on here than they were in a court… I recently read a very interesting study on the shift of players in MMO’s. Very educated women and retired people (me) make up for a new cohort. Being lied to when they should of known that it would be discovered within minutes is a big slap in the face. I may be playing a game due to not being able to work anymore (cancer and the list goes on) but I’m not a total vegetable. At least not yet!

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Touche. The patch notes are in fact mere opinion. I’ve switched phone companies for being lied to in the past. If I was paying a monthly sub for this, I’d be long gone and so would many others. Not buying gems anymore that’s for sure. That’s like rewarding a child after a tantrum.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


It does, ekn. I think that an appology for lying to it’s customer base is the first step into repairing the broken bridges. They can even make an kitten appology like most companies do: Things got lost in translation and some intern made a mistake and he posted something he wasn’t supposed to post and aliens took over our game for 5 minutes and…well in the end we’re sorry. It wasn’t really our fault as you can see but we’re still sorry. See how great we are? It’s not even our fault and we’re saying we’re sorry.

I’d take it because that would mean they at least acknowledged that something went wrong. For now, I feel like they called me stupid and are getting away with it.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Governor: Then what was the point to do a nerf and try to cover it up with lies, Governor? I don’t get it. How is this supposed to make the bots all angry and go away?

Prev: I agree. There are a ton of people out there with the ‘’you must suck theory’’ and to them I say, I chose the ranger because I enjoyed playing it with the bows. You have fun with your traps and spirits that last .2 seconds in aoe’s or other broken weapons? Great! I don’t want to take your fun away. You deserve to have fun just as any of us do and I hope you’re having a blast. I’m not. I especially don’t like being lied to.

So let's do it "in a constructive way".

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Of course my post was deleted. Speak the truth about Anet and their motives and BOOM goes your post lol. So Sad. Looking for another game atm where hopefully they won’t lie to their customers so don’t worry I won’t be an issue much longer. You can continue Big Brother.

Rhbyn Yew (Ranger Build/Guide)

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


You might of thought it was OP but thanking them for lying to us is a little…well…

Anyways, let’s stick to your build. I’ll give it a try.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


The bots don’t really care about the nerf. They don’t do pvp. They are still there en masse at lvl 10 running in the 70-80 zone all attacking Dolyaks and other weak mobs over and over and… Well you get the point. This move wasn’t done to do with them. If they even wanted to attempt at reaching them, they would of proudly declared: ‘’We are nerfing the ranger’’ and not gone at it by trying to hide, cover up and lie about this nerf.

What class to swap to-Now that ranger Sucks

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


If you look at my previous posts, you will see me and many others laughing at those who claim the ranger is doing quite well when there’s hundreds and hundreds of posts stating that it’s not. I started a war and I can say that it’s skills are superior in every way to the ranger. You can come on here saying the opposite of what hundreds of other people are saying, it doesn’t make it true.

As for hatred and such, I’m a ranger posting on a ranger post about ranger issues. You came here posting that the ranger is doing pretty well when hundreds disagree. Do you think your post would be well received or praised? Let’s face it. You came here because you were looking for negative attention and I fed you.

R.I.P. Ranger Class

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Laef: Doesn’t mean much if the ‘’good classes’’ were noobcakes… This is when you say they were super awesome and where I reply then why didn’t they win and it goes on and on… Your screenshot proves nothing really. You won 1. Good for ya.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


My ranger was only missing it’s legendary at this point but since there has been no update nor have we received any news from Anet, I started a warrior tonight. I will play it until I find another game with another company that may treat its player base a little better.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


After watching the bot train(nude rangers+bears) at queensdale for 20 mins, I finally realized that this nerf is actrually a re-design: There are totally 7 classes and 1 bot class. Then it make perfect sence that bot class deserve a nerf, maybe even harder.

I really hope you’re being sarcastic…

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Ok so you’re full of it and wanted to come on here for attention and to boost your ego. Got it!

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Other than Takatsu’s ranger. Don’t forget he’s more skilled than us all! Ok I’m done commenting. This has derailed so much just had to lol one last time.

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Ok we’re back to you with ’’I’m a more skilled ranger than the rest of you’’. Thanks for the super duper input. We couldn’t appreciate it more. It brought so much to the discussion of our issues. They are all because we suck. We get it. Now go play your awesome ranger.

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Yes I do think that the more we complain, the less they can ignore it. It’s like a petition so to say.

I’m still playing my ranger. I made a 360 adjustment and am working with what I have at the moment ankittenruly hoping for fixes.

Other classes may have issues but I think we all know that ranger/ele/nec are at the top of the list.

Coming here and telling people that they are unskilled is pretty low after they worked hours to get their ranger to how they wanted it to be. I don’t see how these people should have to even adjust to use another set of skills to become viable. They have hundreds of hours played a certain way then that comes crashing down. Some of us chose to make changes and wait while others are rightfully angry. Who are you to say what skill is? They could of been quite skilled playing their SB build and went with the ranger because they enjoyed that build. Having it destroyed after hundreds of playtime hours isn’t fun. Maybe they do not trust that the ranger, if they worked out a new set of skills, wouldn’t get nerfed again!? There are too many questions in the air to simply say ‘’it works down to skills and those who have them stick with the ranger while those who do not should move on’’.

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I was one of the top players in EQ1 for many many years: a game that is far more complex and required much more mechanics than this game. I left due to the game dying in the end. Trust me. I have explored and calculated and I have the skills. Many of us do. The facts remain that many builds that would work even better are broken. There are bugs galore and we were LIED to and taken for fools. If you disagree with that, well what can I say?! Go play the game and let us complain since your messages are clearly not fixing our class or asking for it to be fixed. They are only reinforcing the idea that anyone who complains is a bad player lacking skills and that Anet has a winner with the ranger at the moment. It’s pretty counter-productive. If you’re sop happy, go play the game. I’m spending a lot more time on here lately because I am unhappy. I would rather be happy and playing the game which I plan on doing once they get started on fixing many of our bugs. If you have no issues, I’m not so sure what you’re doing on here other than trying to give yourself an ego boost. Ok you’re so skilled and we’re not. Happy now?

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I love all these players with the ‘’you don’t have the skills’’ bs. I ask them all ‘’well post your full build in the build sections and NONE ever did. I think that 99.99% of you are full of it and like to hear yourself blow air. If you want less QQ and more PEW PEW, post you oh so superior builds in the proper section and most of us will try them and be like OMG these builds r so awesome we don’t need to complain anymore. But nope. You all just love to QQ on here instead.

(edited by Vorkk.4927)

Rangers were bad before the SB nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I agree with Dice Dragon. Narcissism and self importance are not pretty even in video games. A little bit of introspection wouldn’t hurt you.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Bots don’t care. They r killing small stuff like Dolyaks for hours on end with a horde of lvl 10 rangers. There may be 1 other toon in there lvl 70-80 but that’s usually it. They are still getting the same amount of claws and other mats they were selling before this nerf. Their macros work the same. 30 bots vs 1 lil dolyak…most of them are naked. It doesn’t matter at all to them. They don’t even need to make one of the better classes to bot. If you’re going to deal with bots, you need to deal with bots and not making a profession non-viable to those who actually play it and needed strategy to make it work. The bots don’t need strat. Heck they don’t even need to be at the pc more than 5 mins to set up their botting programs and loading up their 40 hacked accounts.

Gameplay footage request: Pet attacking moving targets

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Lol, “they are designed that way” great design, guess i missed that jon peters post.

Was it next to the ‘’Pressing 1 isn’t fun’’ post? I’m looking!

(edited by Vorkk.4927)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Gisei: As a player, I understand that this game has been in development for years. If they didn’t realize these issues, maybe the game wasn’t ready to be released. As for fixing the balance between OP and weak, then why not fix bugs to see if it fixed stuff instead of picking on one of the least viable classes and nerfing an item then LYING about it.

You defenders of companies are just as bad as we are. We may see all negative but you’re blinded by faith.

The Ranged Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


The ranged ranger isn’t super viable atm. Broken traits and weapons, underpowered longbow… Don’t do yourself a disservice. I wish the game was just starting. I would not have picked a ranger as much fun as I wanted to have playing with bows.

The Ranger Profession and Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Do people forget about the damage their pets do?

Ya I do because it’s either dead or not attacking properly. Kthanx

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I agree that bots are an issue. I saw like 30 of them yesterday in a lvl 70-80 zone and there was maybe 1 lvl 70 amongst them. The rest were all 7-11…They were all attacking Dolyaks at the same time. I reported but some people were saying that it was the same people they had reported days ago. Not sure why there isn’t such a thing as sending a GM in game, observing the behavior once it’s been reported multiple times and just banning there and then. If there is doubt, keep watching the player but 30-40 level 10’s in a lvl 70 zone with names like AAAABBBBBCCCC all killing Dolyaks at the same time for hours, it’s pretty obvious to even me and I tend to try to not see these people.

It may be the case that SB + QB damage was too strong

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I really hope you’re right and that fixes are inc soon. A lot of people are jumping ship already and very soon there will only be a handful of us left.

I also like the bow skins. That’s one thing I can give them credit on.

I can agree that the ranger is not 100% dead. A skilled ranger is still able to get things done. You just need to work around or with the bugs atm which is what I’m trying my best to do. I’m using the sword and a warhorn to buff and the torch to dps/ae but I miss my bows. Even the longbow has so many issues and does so little dmg that I don’t use it and it’s too bad because I REALLY enjoy barrage.. However what I enjoy isn’t what’s best dps atm so I have to be smart and play another way. It is upsetting because the reason why I chose the ranger was for both bows. I wanted to have SB as my main and Longbow as my other weapon. I would love to switch back and forth, give them both a different skin… But I am also a bit of a perfectionist. I check my dps and always try to better it. I don’t know how you see the class but I see my ranger as a DPS. We of course have utilities but I mainly see myself as damage. With that said, I don’t get to enjoy the bows like I would. Even for others who would enjoy the GS or…there are so many flaws. Nerfing the one thing that wasn’t so borked was kind of a silly move.

Kodan Shortbow or Axe?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Atm the best weapons seem to be sword/warhorn and sword/torch. Unless they fix any other weapon. These weapons have their own issues mind you. They are not perfect but I am using them and found quite a few people using them since the SB nerf. You may want to get more opinions but it’s what I would do.

It may be the case that SB + QB damage was too strong

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I picked a ranger because they were supposed to be the masters of the bow. We took a 30% nerf to our most reliable weapon. Most of the other weapons have huge issues or just don’t cut it in the dps department. Most of us aren’t crying because they ruined the shortbow. We’re crying because they messed up the most reliable way we had to play and lied to us about what they did to it. They took the least broken item we had and made it worse when there are so many issues. I don’t think it has anything to do with us sucking or not knowing the class. The fact that we played the SB shows we knew the class. We figured out quickly enough that everything else kinda sucked for the class. It still had it’s issues and so did/does the longbow but they used to be somewhat fun at least. Now they have been nerfed. Whatever damage you used to do, wars can do better with a bow. It’s fairly sad. I think that posting such a post when people are asking for fixes and you not grasping that the SB issue was the last draw is quite funny. You say that we do not comprehend how to use the class but it rather seems like it’s you who doesn’t understand what most of us have been saying-not that the SB nerf ruined the class but rather that the class had so many issues that this nerf pretty much collapsed the class or what was left of it.

My ranger is 80 in full exotics and is about 90% done the map. Once he’s done the map, I will make an alt most likely or move onto another game if the devs cannot find fixes for the ranger. After all, who wants to play a game where they do not listen to their players nor do they really grasp how their own game works.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I agree. They didn’t respond. They don’t care. If we all leave, they may well just be happy as it’s going to be less people clogging up the servers. Then they can just eliminate the ranger class all-together.

Post Your Build Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


You’re losing a ton of haste by not having 5 in BM and switching pets.

Sword horn is what I use for buffs then I do sword torch which you should try for the ae. It’s pretty nice.

Pet you can use anything you want really. About playstyle. I use 2 cats as they r the most dps but they do die fast. I switch for bears in dungeons.

(edited by Vorkk.4927)

The Problem is NOT the's everything else

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I agree with you but to DoomBunny and ‘’finally some common sense’‘, this has been said numerous times already. We were FORCED to use the SB because everything else wasn’t viable. The SB was the best we could do. Also, we are angry at the SB because warriors do better than we do on them and they have a ton of other viable weapons. We’re angry that we were LIED to with an animation fix …Yes we’re all sure there was an animation problem lol

So I disagree with the title. The problem is everything inc the shortbow. I’m toughing it our for a while but soon enough, even the most patient of us will quit the ranger. You will see much less people in game and those who are left will be wars, thiefs, mesmers. So Instead of guild wars, they can name it War between thiefs, mesmers and wars. Which one of the 3 will land on top?

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Pedrst: For the nerf, it was INTENTIONAL. They had to admit to it after they were caught lying to us saying it was just an animation fix. JonPeters made ONE message on this thread saying that the nerf was INTENTIONAL because we…Use autoattack too much and this wasn’t ’’fun’’.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Can we at least get a ’’We’re looking into it’’? Trust me. You’re not promising anything that way so you can’t get caught in the ‘’well you told us that..’’ but you’re going to be getting a lot less hate if you tell us that you’ve noticed issues. Just some friendly advice from someone who is a therapist and understands human nature. It’s the smart thing to do. Waiting until you’re sure as per your Anet’s motto is a bit laughable as tons of things are broken. Appeasing people will make them happy and it will not make them go away but you will get a lot less hate.

Why don't most rangers name their pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Because it takes 40 ms to name then and well..that’s not fun!@

Attention Developers

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Ya JonPeters who nerfed us plays a war. So you’re pretty safe to make a war and not expect many nerfs

Post Your Build Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Not gonna turn this into an argument (especially as this is not the forum for it) but atm if you’re using a shortbow, you’re getting screwed because of all the none viable skills (QZ being a big example). Not saying the build I posted is the best but using a SB atm is something you may want to rethink. For the math of it, you know what thread to visit. And yes you can still kill things with SB. However, if you really care about how fast and how efficiently you’re killing, it’s something to rethink.

Post Your Build Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Liru’s build seems like the best solution until they hopefully fix other weapons or SB nerf…

Sweet patch.

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


lol’z. Thankfully. I had a hard time playing the game with their head sizes all wonky!

@JonPeters, What is half of 520ms?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


LOL. You sir or Madam made me laugh our loud for real. TY for that morning humor.

Ranger jokes time

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


How do you tell a ranger does way too much drugs? Read the post above me!