Well we are still recruiting and growing so join if you would like a nice friendly group and help us get a air ship in the guild hall.
We need a air ship
We are Growing slowly and steadily gearing op for every thing from raids, spvp and of course wvw.
How ever we could use more dedicated people.
well beyond unprofessional…lol
have you EVER been in a teamspeak in any sort of a competitive game mode in any game before? everything that went on was pretty much standard everyday chatter.
actually yes i have been in the competitive gaming arena for about 17 years. Played on many many teams and leagues (CAL and CEVO mostly) over the years. I get it’s a game but from Anet’s perspective its a business and i think that this stream should not of been TS “chatter” as u called it. There are times to act professional and the lucky ones that got to run the beta could of done more. Like i said i thought Docgotgame showed that pretty well. Kudos to him.
We where acting professional, but hers the thing. We went in to test this as a WvW team and we will act like a wvw team. There was a ton of chatter because that is how a wvw team operates and it was only that chatty because we lacked people to fight.
We also found bugs, pointed out issues and so on and so fourth.
I can only speak from my view of BG.
All 3 tier 2 servers have shown there metal and would be worthy of picking. They have put op one hell of a fight and there are even gracious in defeat.
The agreement is that TC and JQ will compete in week 9 from reset on Friday till reset on Monday. At that time the current leader in points will be considered the undeclared winner. At that time the loser will take the rest of the week off allowing SoS to finish 2nd. This will result in SoS finishing 3rd overall pushing BG to 4th.
You mean that TC plan to take the time off because you are there is no way you are winning vs JQ.
How can one server be so oblivious.
It doesn’t matter if the 2v1 is justified or not, if BG is indeed more stacked or if they are just infinitely more skilled, or if TC and JQ are both run by horrible dictators mind-controlling two servers full of sheep into doing evil deeds for tournament tickets.
The only thing that matters is that there is nothing wrong with a 2v1. Anet describes it as “cool gameplay”, BG whiners got told. If this makes anyone sad, take a video of yourself crying out a river and send it Anet and see if their stance changes.
The issue is more that you are destroying wvw in the long run. After all this sets a precedence and now we on BG will have to make a “Destroy that server” alliance to keep op with what you guys do.
Also there is no dynamic fights any more JQ will take first TC second and the rest is history because you guys stooped trying. Instead of fighting you sit around and wait.
I mean it is kind of dull. Yeah i get great fights, but the spark and dynamic of the wvw is gone.
It is not longer a epic fight between 3 servers to see whose best instead it is 2 servers win trading and not fighting because TC is okay with being number 2.
I am from BG and i say that it is a bad idea. Yes we would most likely win, but that would be boring. having a 3rd server there is what makes wvw interesting.
TC has also gotten a massive EU guild in that outnumber every thing on BG so right now we do not have the advantage.
Which guild did TC get? At the moment, HB which resides on BG is the largest EU guild that I know of on NA servers ? If an EU guild that is larger than HB just transferred to TC, I think there would be more buzz about it. So far, I have not heard anything. Please let me know which guild it is or I am assuming you are making it up.
Now i know no one remember’s history. The reason BG was slotted to lose season one (among tier 1) was because we lost almost all of our night coverage. We lost RISE and most of MERC to JQ.
I do remember Season 1’s history. BG went undefeated in Season 1 and some can argue they dominated every match. JQ who came in 2nd place still lost by over 50k pts when they went head to head. The only reason why many were tricked into thinking BG was the underdog for Season 1 is due to them losing horribly the few weeks before Season 1 started. It is very similar to what you are seeing now as we get closer to Season 2.
After season 1 we lost ZD and COIN.
BG STILL dominated after losing ZD and COIN. If I recall, they still won every match for more than a month after Season 1 started. BG only appeared “weaker” when EOTM was announced. EOTM signals that Season 2 is approaching since it provides a solution for the queue issue.
Just a word of caution. Tanking for Season 1 may have worked but if people aren’t getting fooled the second time, tanking for Season 2 may backfire on BG.
Well maybe that’s because of all the influx of players BG got after season 1? Not to mention the lower morale from JQ/SoR after a 9 week long match up.
If you check the server status, BG is still full at the moment. In other words, the influx of players they got after Season 1 are still on BG. So, it isn’t an issue of BG not having coverage, but the question of why BG isn’t doing wvw. One possible reason that many people are saying is that BG is currently resting or tanking (however you want to call it) for Season 2.
We are also the biggest PvE server with some of the largest PvE guilds.
Psht i heard that “BG killed JFK to cover up the fact that they got every guild on SoR to play for the fights only”
TC has also gotten a massive EU guild in that outnumber every thing on BG so right now we do not have the advantage.
Which guild did TC get? At the moment, HB which resides on BG is the largest EU guild that I know of on NA servers ? If an EU guild that is larger than HB just transferred to TC, I think there would be more buzz about it. So far, I have not heard anything. Please let me know which guild it is or I am assuming you are making it up.
Now i know no one remember’s history. The reason BG was slotted to lose season one (among tier 1) was because we lost almost all of our night coverage. We lost RISE and most of MERC to JQ.
I do remember Season 1’s history. BG went undefeated in Season 1 and some can argue they dominated every match. JQ who came in 2nd place still lost by over 50k pts when they went head to head. The only reason why many were tricked into thinking BG was the underdog for Season 1 is due to them losing horribly the few weeks before Season 1 started. It is very similar to what you are seeing now as we get closer to Season 2.
After season 1 we lost ZD and COIN.
BG STILL dominated after losing ZD and COIN. If I recall, they still won every match for more than a month after Season 1 started. BG only appeared “weaker” when EOTM was announced. EOTM signals that Season 2 is approaching since it provides a solution for the queue issue.
Just a word of caution. Tanking for Season 1 may have worked but if people aren’t getting fooled the second time, tanking for Season 2 may backfire on BG.
They got KAZO and they also have some ohter smaller EU guild that i can not remember the name of that is not very big, but great at attacking blind spots.
Now for HB i know for fact that they only run 15-20. I know you would think they are more, but as the Guild leader of RK and long time allied from back in warhammer with HB i know there numbers quite well. Now during NA they could be larger, but that is no concern to me as RK is a EU guilds.
It is true BG won season 1 undefeated, but it surprised us as much as it did every one else and we stayed on top because of burn out from ohter servers and a massive influx on new players because we where now number 1.
How ever both TC and JQ have gotten guilds from SOR while we have not so they have gotten stronger and that is good for them.
We are not tanking our score.
We are getting hit hard while not having any TS server so we are with out voice coms while both our competitor servers have gotten reinforced with extra numbers giving them better coverage.
Now back to more “I heard BG did 9/11 to cover for the chem trails in the air”
Actually we don’t have the coverage any more. With SoR splitting up between TC and JQ we have lost the coverage war.
TC has also gotten a massive EU guild in that outnumber every thing on BG so right now we do not have the advantage. Mix that with us taking the brunt of the attacks (not complaining it makes perfect sens), Being with out a TS for about a month because of hacker attacks have left us weaker.
Now i know no one remember’s history. The reason BG was slotted to lose season one (among tier 1) was because we lost almost all of our night coverage. We lost RISE and most of MERC to JQ.
After season 1 we lost ZD and COIN.
So yes we are weaker. We are not tanking any score for any reason we are not SoR.
JQ and TC got stronger so now they are a bigger threat and i welcome it. I would rather lose a hard fight then win a easy one and both servers are fighting us hard.
1 on 1 we could most likely the individual servers, but right now TC and JQ both have a massive interest in keeping us down and i welcome the challenge.
Now back to the irrational BG hate. “psht i heard that BG control’s the media and the devs”
Good. Coming for BG i think it is great the TC is getting more and more EU guilds and now have a chance to fight and maybe even stay tier 1.
PPT is a side benefit of me looking for fights.
The people who say they don’t care about PPT with a straight face are only making excuses for why they are losing. I care enough about my server to try and do my part as a whole.
I want there keeps, i want there land, i want them dead and i want to win. So i get the fights, the PPT and every thing else i want by playing my best and trying to out think and outfight the ohter side.
I really dislike the EOTM map. I find it difficult to stay in it longer than 20 minutes.
I like pvp maps and I like PvE maps… I find the 2 meshed together is an unplayable abomination.
What purpose does the EOTM map serve?
Queues are not an issue anywhere.
We had an EBG map and 3 borderlands maps that aren’t used much.
EOTM pulls people from an already mostly deserted WvW to make it even more deserted. EOTM in itself offers no incentive to do anything for your server. Why are there towers and keeps in EOTM? Why the need to break down gates? Why even have gates? Who cares if the enemy takes everything you own in EOTM, there is zero reward for winning and zero punishment for losing. Taking points gives Wxp, for people who don’t even go into the actual WvW maps. The whole map just seems dumb and unnecessary and did nothing but destroy WvW on a lot of servers.This is pretty much how I feel. I have nobody to fight with. EoTM has broken the only game mode I am here to play. I still understand how some people are excited about EoTM and thats cool. But if the one game mode I am here to play is now empty, what is the point in playing this game anymore? If I have to wait months hoping that Anet will change something I don’t know what I am supposed to do :/ Thrown so many thousands of dollars into gems to buy ascended since its introduction so I could stay on top of the gold game and have all the gear and theory craft new builds and now this. They remove the bulk of the population from the one game mode I enjoy and Im left with nothing to do.
I am on BG and EOTM means i have better fights in WvW. The quality of the Militia that follow me is better, the people i fight are better and i get to do what i want.
It is great.
NONO I do not want random commanders and servers coming into BG.
We have created a strong server pride and a solid fighting force through this last year or so and having randoms come into the server will only ruin that.
They would not have TS access, they would be more trolley because there are no consequences. and so on. IT is a bad idea.
So the rumors are true you did run away to EOTM.
I remember when SoR was a threat. OH well i would rather fight TC any way.
We have a weak time zone where JQ have gotten a lot stronger. That is all
We are warriors and we belong in WvW. PvE and sPvP need not apply.
I wish i had more time to make a better Video for RK, but i was under time constraint and my freaking PC had a massive crash that destroyed all my work so i was stuck scrambling to make my video.
Who cares if there even is a season 2. The first one was a complete flop.
Massive Q’s and ton of boring days for me and my WvW guild and in the end i get a finisher that will be empty with in a month or 3.
All i wanted was a cool finisher and all i got was a limited one.
On my Server many Guilds say that Warriors/Guards/Necros are the only Classes who is viable in Zergfights? Is this so?
Why are then the others not Viable?
I am a commander of a European wvw guild that plays on Black gate and i can tell you for a fact that every class have there uses and the difference between a solid commander and a numbers scrub is how he uses his fighters.
Yes the Warrior/Guardian/Necro combo is potent because what they do is super obvious. The Warrior is and Guard is running into melee and the Necro is dumping marks all over the place. So it is super easy to see there strengths.
Engis, Rangers, Elemtalists, Mesmer’s and Thieves on the ohter hand you don’t notice to the same degree.
The Engi can throw out solid amounts of Conditions, debuffs, DPS while still throwing buffs at there team mates.
The ranger have one of the best water fields, CC and solid DPS.
Mesmer’s are the technical class of the game and can change a fight from a defeat to win by correct uses of portals, vales and there fields.
Elementalists are a mix of field buffs that make every one better around them while throwing out DPS like crazy people. Having on the Demand static, fire or water can change a fight more then any one warrior ever could.
The Thieves have high AoE DPS mix with some nasty shut down CC plus there ability to scout around is almost unmatched by any one. You need something dead then they are the class for you. The reason they are ignore is mostly because 9 out of 10 Thieves you meet at Zerker’s that die when you blow wind at them.
Rarely do EU guilds come to NA, and IRON tucks tail and runs at the first sign of a competitive battle.
You really are clueless child aren’t you.
Iron, if run before 6pm UK time always would be lucky to push 20 people. Against 40+ (generally much more then this) there is next to no chance of success unless you can farm a choke point, which is only possible against idiots.
6pm-8pm Iron is starting to ramp up their forces. this 20 people will eventually reach 30-35 on a good night and carry through for a few hours. However by this time ZD has logged off and their map blob has dispersed and replaced by COIN/HB/RK map blobs. These hand holder guilds are fought constantly whilst IRON has a significant number disadvantage without complaint. Sure we may lose the battle or cut our losses however generally more are killed then lost.
It been hilarious the last couple of nights when IRON and COIN had equal numbers, after one loss COIN would not engage until RK and the rest of the blob arrived. They would literally hide/run until the others near. Yet no complaints, hell it a compliment that they are so scared they need to hand hold.ZD do not fit into EU prime time, they log within 1hr of EU time starting to ramp up. People with family generally come home from work at 5pm, spend time with wife/children and eat dinner and then start to play. Sorry if you lonely and dont get to do that, but we not going to demand people to take time of work or ignore their real life to fight some russian’s that play in an unoccupied time zone.
Sure we may get a 20man group out in future matchups when we got some people back that fit in that slot (and/or want to lead in that slot), BUT said group will not be able to do much in regards to open field fights against the 50+ man blob that ZD will be running at the time… and sitting behind arrowcarts so you can farm said groups is not the IRON playstyle so you wont see it happen.
The ONLY way that ZD will find any competition in NA is if another russian guild comes over to either SoR or JQ (or one the tier 2 servers). Likelyhood of this will be slim.
You would know that even in the EU servers that Russian timezone has always been a key one that gave servers a significant advantage. I faced off against them many times at various levels and it always has been the same.Anyways, that me just back from being out with the family for halloween. Gonna go relax
RK runs 10-15 and sometimes 20 that is all the RK we can pull out on a good day.
The months and months of IRON talking crap on the forums where we where the only ones fighting you, but i guess some resistance and all of sudden the world is ending.
Us in RK have had this kind of odds before and we know how to handle them and if the RK blob is to big for you to handle then maybe you need to do what we did. Change your entire play style.
Hell if was in your shoes i would be stoked. 30-40 members and an entire blob to murder. That sounds like fun to me.
If i can not win i will make a new plan and try again it is the RK way.
(edited by Waage.2047)
Yes JQ most lose for any of us to have a chance, but this is still 1st place we are talking about and we need to win it and the same goes for SoR.
Every one needs this win and so far there is no official “Do not hit the ohter side” at best it is a lesser of two evils kind of thing.
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
Don’t be like that be better. HzH have some fine solo roamers. I have yet to fight them as a guild so i can not say what they are like.
Do not go down to there level.
Trying to rally official forums to a 2 v 1 and you bring up our level lol?
“Going down to there level” is a figure of speech that means that you do not start acting like the person that started the insult. You should be above that and be better then that.
(edited by Waage.2047)
No offense but let me make an offensive statement lol
Is HzH supposed to be good? I’ve never fought one, they always hide in towers.
Don’t be like that be better. HzH have some fine solo roamers. I have yet to fight them as a guild so i can not say what they are like.
Do not go down to there level.
Nothing have gotten said so far. I am only explaining how things work. It is impressive the amount of QQ from both JQ and SoR around this entire topic.
No offense but you re a joke lol
The truth is the truth. JQ is the strongest server right now and only being held down because they are more important to beat then SoR.
Of course that can change.
It is not a 2v1. Not yet any way. This is early weeks attack. When the PvE children finally relax and go back to there spot it will be interesting to see what happens.
(edited by Waage.2047)
Nothing have gotten said so far. I am only explaining how things work. It is impressive the amount of QQ from both JQ and SoR around this entire topic.
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
I can see where you are coming from. That may have been a bad example, however I still would rather 2v1 with JQ, simply because our past experiences 2v1ing with BG has always ended badly.
But then you will take second place. BG is the kingmaker more then any thing because of our weaker numbers and your recruitment.
IF we start felling slighted we can push JQ to win or SoR.
It is up to you to pick if you want to win or not. By attacking us we will only look to making JQ win more easy for them. After all you need us.
Due to the favourable draw that was handed to JQ, I propose that we keep them in 3rd place whenever possible, to try and make the league closer and more interesting
Once the weekdays start, their stacked SEA will kick in
SoR is either lacking the common sense to do so or is blinded by hatred.
We don’t because our past experiences with 2v1ing JQ always results in BG golem rushing our T3 keep while we’re inside JQ’s keep. Happened twice today in BG BL, that’s why we 2v1’d BG garri with JQ(wasn’t a golem rush, but equally annoying).
If you are on a BG borderland you helping to attack us so why should we not take our things back?? The simple fact is that if SoR want’s to win then JQ needs to hit last place at least 1 time and 2 times if possible.
We have no choice, but to respond to you attacking our borderland with force. Same as you would do to us.
That is not all. IF SoR can beat BG and take first week after week they will still be stuck in a situation where BG becomes Kingmaker. IF SoR want’s to win they have to play nice with BG more then BG have to play nice with SoR.
(edited by Waage.2047)
OH and Congrats on the easy match up JQ. You do not even have to try to win. kittenmit Anet.
OHOH and let’s not even get into how EASY a matchup you have.
I don’t believe at all that we’re stronger than BG or SoR. Y’all did get transfers since we played last. This week will tell the truth, I guess. There is 0 guarantee that JQ will win the season. There is a 100% guarantee that we will be beating up lower tier servers for 3 weeks.
If BG was the strongest server before and you can take us out with no help from TC then you are the strongest server now.
SoR might have gotten somewhat stronger also with only BG getting weaker. The simple fact is that on paper right now JQ is the bigger threat.
(edited by Waage.2047)
It will be interesting to see if servers will play smart this round.
Will BG and SoR team up to take out the stronger JQ.
Will we see people play smart…..
My condolences to JQ regulars. It sucks when it swings this heavy to one side.
I love how Ignorant most people are about how screwed up every thing is in tier 1.
If any of the tier 1 servers fall tier 1 will turn into a massive 2 server fight with only one winner who will run out of targets as tier 1 ones again turn into the same kind of waste zone it was the last time JQ got stacked.
Am i really the only one that remember the how it was some 10 months ago. Only this time there is no tier 2 to take the place.
In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.
Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?
If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.
Yeah it is not like there is a massive dead zone where after we have to fix all the damage done so that JQ can get there kitten kicked during NA.
IF it wasen’t for paper keeps on ourside and tier 3 on yours we could do something, but that is now how it is. If we had any SEA we would tear a hole in you, but right now we have a lot of work to do.
We log in and every thing is broken and we need to rebuild it. We show up, but so those yours and while you only have SG that is of any threat it dose not change the fact that it is hard to take tier 3 keeps full of randoms with 15 RK.
SG is a PST prime time guild if there is any SG on during EU it is a select few who have other things to do most times during the time slot and Occasionally are online. If you meant SR then yes they are a god send because they are always helping out where need be and never run from fights.
I could be getting you confused. There is one guild of RK’s size in wvw during EU often enough.
Also you need the change the names of your guilds. You now have SF, SG and SR.
In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.
Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?
If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.
Yeah it is not like there is a massive dead zone where after we have to fix all the damage done so that JQ can get there kitten kicked during NA.
IF it wasen’t for paper keeps on ourside and tier 3 on yours we could do something, but that is now how it is. If we had any SEA we would tear a hole in you, but right now we have a lot of work to do.
We log in and every thing is broken and we need to rebuild it. We show up, but so those yours and while you only have SG that is of any threat it dose not change the fact that it is hard to take tier 3 keeps full of randoms with 15 RK.
Welcome to the last 5 months of being JQ, SEA and NA. Between 10pm server time and 4am server time we’d lose everything. Between 10 am server time and 2-4 pm server time we’d lose everything. We’re powered through it as best we could. Accepted what we couldn’t control and had fun fighting when we were on.
And you are even bigger then we ever was. We could not even get close to this high a tick and we are going into LOW activity part of BG.
IF you can barley get a fight out of us how do you think the S1 will go when you fight even less then us.
This reminds me of the last time we had open server transfers and JQ took number 1 spot with no fight for months on end. Only you are even bigger then that now.
You will win season 1, but what then?? IF i where you i would worry.
(edited by Waage.2047)
In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.
Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?
If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.
Yeah it is not like there is a massive dead zone where after we have to fix all the damage done so that JQ can get there kitten kicked during NA.
IF it wasen’t for paper keeps on ourside and tier 3 on yours we could do something, but that is now how it is. If we had any SEA we would tear a hole in you, but right now we have a lot of work to do.
We log in and every thing is broken and we need to rebuild it. We show up, but so those yours and while you only have SG that is of any threat it dose not change the fact that it is hard to take tier 3 keeps full of randoms with 15 RK.
(edited by Waage.2047)
In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.
It is almsot like if you buy a ton of guilds and get them to fill up one server. Things get really boring…. WHO KNEW!!!.
I was running with Smokee last night he was running tagless the entire night with about 15 people on him around 8 HB.
Counting isnt your strongest side.
God forbid people on BG sometime work together and help one another out….
JQ took PPT lead from NA to EU. Other two servers need to work harder.
Something seems fishy if we can get a high ppt during EU especially when JQ has no large EU guilds when compared to SoR and BGs large EU guilds.
My best guess there’s some tanking going onWe held our wp’s that was basically it. SoR and BG were pushing our stuff but it was our ability to get the easy ppt that kept us in the ppt lead mainly. We were still heavily outnumbered.
No it is because SoR is always attacking us so we do not have time to take your stuff. The SoR, JQ double team last Monday is what have broken most of our keeps.
During EU it is more or less a BG vs the World kind of thing. Yeah SoR will fight JQ if they have to, but they would rather fight BG because we have less upgraded keeps and smaller numbers.
Same with JQ. They would rather fight us then any one else again because we are the easier target during EU.
(edited by Waage.2047)
Well this thread is already the same kind of boring as always.
I love how the blob guilds are already trying to underplay there numbers “No we totally only run with 30-40 guys.”.
Now i know most people don’t understand basics of how the bigger your numbers are the more you can fight with no problem. It is simple really.
There is the intimidation and the training factor. Ignoring how some guilds works and there weaknesses. You can more or less put these numbers under every thing in a Guild vs Fewer or pugs.
10 can kill 10-15
20 can kill 20-30
30 can kill 30-45
40 can kill 40-60
For every 10 you get your strength becomes a lot stronger because of how AoE limits work. You can bomb down the enemy group’s easier because the game right now rewards blob play.
Then there is intimidation factor. When you hit a pug of 60 with an army of 30 at least 10-20 will break and run from the start or wafle about and not do a whole lot.
The more tags with the same name you have the more the others will run.
In ohter words if you have half a borderland worth of troops in your guild. Then any win is never impressive. Come back when you run 10-15 and you keep fighting vs the 40 man blob. That is impressive.
(edited by Waage.2047)
“Some sort of reprimand is definitely in order, even something as severe as firing.”
I am sure there are things happening behind the scenes. They aren’t going to share that with us.
I have to keep asking though. Why does this person losing their job make you (not you but people in the community) feel better about the situation? Does it really bring you satisfaction? Does it instill in you that it will never happen again?
It happened. It shouldn’t have happened. A blanket apology was forged. Not sure what else player are expecting out of this. It make me smile a little when I see someone respond with “I am uninstalling because of this, and I wasn’t even effected personally.”
The damage has been done. Not sure what else players expect at this point. It doesn’t make it ok.
It would be unprofessional and pretty distasteful if Anet did make an official statement about whatever reprimand this employee receives. Information like that is rarely made public, unless the person was in a high-profile position where their removal would be obvious.
I think the only additional response we might see would be some sort of anonymous apology from the employ in question. Letting the community know this person’s identity would likely lead to many more problems. It really doesn’t matter what Anet or this person says at this point, because the damage is done. Any attempts at an apology are most likely to be taken as forced and without meaning.
The best thing to do is let Anet handle this, and just move on.
Best thing to do is let the GvG community keep making them self look bad. No one is coming away looking good from this, but the GvG community is determined to try and look the worst.
(edited by Waage.2047)
Heres is the proof asked for before on the Anet dev attempting to stop a GvG. Please discuss Tier 1 and 2 servers
You need to think about it abit more tbh. WvW was not meant for GvG fights, why anet have an issue with it?
1. You prevent people from getting outnumbered buff, when they might have gotten it, if people were not on the map simply to GvG.
2. It can create skill lag for players who are trying to do WvW on the map.
3. It could create longer queues for people waiting to get on the map at peak times.
Anet are having to create a new map because of map lags, which is mainly down to Anets servers (they used on Guild Wars 1), but the problem is not helped with people doing GvG at peak times. That creates more skill lag, which I’m sure we’re all sick of by now. So just pick a quite map at off peak times to do GvG and everything should be okay. Once Guild Halls are introduced this issue will be solved and they’ll be able to visit eachothers guild halls to GvG.
How can you type what you said in bold after seeing those screenshots?
Because that is not the entire story.
Once again, some nice fight on EU prime
Yeah good fights.
So this is the respect we deserve from you.
How many times have RK stayed as the only guild that came to help you and this is how we find out. This is dark man.
Yeah more content like this would be great
can SOR and BG stack more people for EU-time, we need more fights, kills and baggys. so 100-200 guys more would be great.
I wish i could get some more RK, but right now we are at our biggest with 20 or so out.
Still nice movement i only got 2 fights with you guys today where i lead as our new commander need time to get used to things.
Nice movement and nice counter attacks. It will make EU prime interesting.
How many are your normal amount you bring out in a fight.
(edited by Waage.2047)
I like the new map. It is fun to run around leave a squad to hold a point only to then sweep over the recap teams that come out and get them lovely kills.
I am a huge fan of not having keeps on any border land. Starving the zerg only to take a tower and force them to come to us like slavering beast. Then 1 hour later after we have murdered most of them or they have enough AC’s to push us out is when i have the most fun