Showing Highly Rated Posts By Weo weo.6378:

Guards too strong vs Thief

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Honestly, fighting a good thief takes 10 min+ simply because they know when to avoid most of our burst+ constantly disengage. Yes, against less experienced thieves, a dps guard would win 9/10 fights because of all the damage negation and retaliation we have/ ability to burst them down quickly. The matches which I see for thief to win against a guard often take a long time.

If anything, I think a thief ultimately has a higher skill creep factor but regardless of that, dps guards still present a challenge for them + the landscape which they fight under is crucial as well. Too many times, all a guard had to do was round a corner when faking to flee and JI into GS combo.

Against shout guards, it’s just going to be a long fight lol. But if it’s a shout guard, expect an angry party close by.

Multiple Class Disorder

New game mode, 1v1/ 3v3 arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Hey all,

After playing through a myriad of mmos, I was very surprised that there wasn’t anything similar to the small skirmishing arenas that most other games had.
Spvp and stronghold is alright, but I’m not exactly a huge fan of capturing and holding points. WvW duels and small scale fights are okay, but that’s not exactly the point of it.

I’m aware that 1v1 servers and guild hall arenas exist, but those are more of a community thing. Again, they don’t have any form of rewards and most guilds I’m in have turned them into custom jump puzzles.

What if this is made into a game mode, with its own reward tracks/ titles/ leaderboards. Basically first to eliminate the other player/ players in a best of 3 rounds with its own ranking and Spvp gear stats? It’d be entertaining to watch and far more straightforward for someone who just wants a fast and fair PVP fix.

Any thoughts?

Multiple Class Disorder

How do you feel about the state of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I was talking to a few legends a couple of days back and one thing they did point out about the last season is that there doesn’t seem to be a prominent guide to teach newer players or willing players on how to properly rotate or position.
From what they said, old elitist attitudes of “l2p” was what sort of stopped it being shown in the first place. From guildies I know from PvX guilds, almost half would automatically be turned off from the game mode like that, they did not buy GW2 to be harrassed or insulted when trying to learn. Saying that they should of done that in Unranked is BS because anyone who has played a competitive game with Ranking would know that there is a vast difference between casual fun and playing to a role.

I personally managed to hit low plat before decaying and I feel as though I could have done much better with some advice, rather than painful trial and error.
I’ve watched Helseth and Sindrener streams but predominantly they teach some rotations on Thief, mes and other roaming roles but I feel that not everyone uses twitch nor is willing to watch the 4 hour videos they place on their channels, nor do they cover other roles like supporting etc.

It’s often frustrating when someone says, “that’s probably where you belong” but for people genuinely trying to improve and climb the ranks, that’s frustrating as hell. It’s like telling entry level beginners that’s where they should stay and not even bother.

I feel as though there simply needs more to be done to the community to appeal to the larger audience much as what was discussed in terms of a spectating mode listed in previous posts.

It’s better than what it’s been in the last 4 seasons but I still see potential for the popularity to be revived.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Shadow Refuge Auto Cast

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

>Lagging out.

I don’t think auto cast would solve your problems there.

Multiple Class Disorder

So... What's up with warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I still don’t see why they’re such a big issue.

They’re even easier to fight against in this patch.

Multiple Class Disorder

Concerned About Rolling Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Okay, hear me out on this one.

Contrary to forum attitude, Thief is still okay to play despite all nerfs and unwarranted change to stealth attacks.

PVE wise, you are still one of the strongest single target bursters out there and you will naturally hit very hard without any form of buffs. What you won’t do is however is effectively provide boons for your team mates outside of stealth, boon strip and fury. If provided boons, you will eat through a boss like a blender.

WvW, perfectly fine, in fact most non thief roamers either laugh at you for being an easy kill or hate your guts for how effective you are at being near untouchable whilst hitting like a truck.

PVP right now, it’s not a pleasant scene for a thief. The amount of DH due to meta basically makes the class very difficult to play, even in +1 situations. It’s a heck lot of fun but, sPVP right now is High risk, mediocre reward.

If you do wanna play this class seriously, just don’t give up at it. Despite the current state of the class and game, there are STILL people whining that thieves are op.

Multiple Class Disorder

Where to practice/learn 1v1 battles

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

This guy gives off a pretty nice breakdown on S/D but keep in mind it’s been heavily nerfed since then. The Sword 2 trick doesn’t work anymore and 1 second cd for stealth attacks makes timing all the more critical.

1v1 arena is really where people go to hone their skirmishing skills or to stroke their own egos, it’s where a lot of elitists/ hardcore pvpers go. It’s not surprising that they’re a little hostile, the drama that comes out of those arenas are fairly entertaining to watch. It’s the saltiest place in the game next to Ranked arenas

Multiple Class Disorder

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

My personal beef is with the current state of Arc Divider.
450 range aoe near instant cast (with innate initial quickness and might) and nice lil modifiers. At this rate you may as well make it unblockable, oh wait, the meta already has.

Make Lessen the range of Arc divider to 300. It’s way too easy to press f1 and procc lvl 3 adrenal regen in group situations. Another thing is to add a bigger tell to it, something like Arcing Slice animation.

AD is currently decapitate without the windup. At least change cast time from .5 sec to .75 like the other primal bursts.

I really think a little more thought should be added into the mechanic rather than lazy HP based damage. Why not do something like range of hit, aka the closer you are to the target, the more divider hits for on top of their hp %. Something like a sweet spot range of 1.1 at under 130 range (autoattack range) and .7 at maximum range.

I personally have no qualms with warrior’s defences or ways of sustain but I think AD is a little over the top in how easy it is to use. I love warrior as a class but this is one bit i reckon is overtuned.

RIP the average player who has over 100 ping who don’t live in duelling servers. I am aware warriors require a decent amount of skill to perform in experienced scenarios.

I’m sure that what I’ve suggested doesn’t ruin the class, just add a bit more of an element which potentially benefits both the class and people against it.

Multiple Class Disorder

New thief

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Pistol pistol for raw damage and self might stacking.
Shortbow for blast finishers

If you ever need to carry a group or kite a boss, P/p is your best bet in the ranged department. If you’re in a good group who knows their stacking and elemental fields, then shortbow all the way.

Multiple Class Disorder

Why do I feel so fragile?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Here’s the thing, Guardian isn’t someone who can passively facetank alot of damage directly like a warrior can. You need to be reactive in terms of your defence, with vigor generation, aegis, blocks and invulnerability.

If you could provide us with a bit more information on your current pvp build as well as playstyle, maybe we could help you out a little more

Multiple Class Disorder

Noob teef, need general Spvp advice

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Several questions really.

1. How do you guys deal with condition damage builds? (most namely, burn guards and condi engineers)
2. In the case where you are forced to fight and win an essential 1v1 (as in the person has seen you and is coming for you on point), what is usually the best way to engage them (especially classes with stealth and huge burst like engineer/ mesmer)?

3. How well does Sword/dagger perform against pistol dagger?

I’m not complaining that thief is essentially a +1 role at the moment, but the inability for an inexperienced player to challenge against the current meta is a bit disheartening.

Multiple Class Disorder

Judges intervention, what happened?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There are constant cases in EB and EOTM where an opponent is right in my face, maybe standing on a small rock or just simply on the roof of airport but… there’s no path to target. Other times enemies are a full level above me on a ramp-like part of the landscape and I can still instantly teleport to them with a surprise burst.

I mean, come on, this skill is so inconsistent at the moment in wvw although it still feels relatively unchanged in sPVP. I know this teleporting isn’t exclusive to guardians but can someone actually look at it?

The current locations where this skill/ blinks seem to bug out consistently are:
roof of airport in EOTM
The ramparts of Azalia’s post in EB
Durios post ramparts
Stairs at Mendons and some sections of the ramparts around SM.

There’s probably more but I’m too lazy to remember all the names. To anyone who knows how these blinks work, is there anyway to suggest a recommendation to fix this?

Multiple Class Disorder

Should Steal be a stunbreaker?

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Honestly, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be.

I’ve been using steal as a pseudo escape tool when other things are CD. Daze from trickery has stopped combo follow ups and saved my kitten a few times but making it break stuns would make steal yet even more useful. It doesn’t seem that OP imo and honestly it would be a nice addition to have.

Multiple Class Disorder

Why do I feel so fragile?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Alright here’s the thing.

As a bunker guardian, you hit like a wet noodle, that is an undisputed fact. Your true worth comes from generating might with the staff/ granting boons and removing conditions with your team for them to be more effective, keeping them alive etc. You’re annoyingly hard to kill on a point with allies but you’re very vulnerable on your own.

Your condition removal there comes from your shouts and the light fields you can generate with the mace. Aegis is again something to be timed and its use comes from experience with virtue of courage. You can’t exactly remove enemy boons with this build unless you trait searing flames in the radiance section.

Guardians main source of damage mitigation in your current build should 1, come from your Shelter, Renewed focus, aegis, and shield of wrath. Keep in mind you have ALOT of vigor generation so active rolling also counts as damage mitigation.

Aegis, is most useful when you can predict a strong burst from an enemy or some kind of disable. It’s also very good at stopping a stun or fear when you’re about to stomp a downed player.

However, as appealing a tank role is for a guardian, sadly it’s just not that viable at the moment against the current metas. If you want good condition removal as a bunker, I recommend placing 2 trait points in virtues and using purging flames instead of running 3 shouts. The firefields would be more beneficial for your team imo, not to mention it reduces condition durations in an area and removes 2 guaranteed.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

A thank you to those who defend

in WvW

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There’s nothing more awesome than defending SM castle when outnumbered with siege weapons against both opposing factions. It’s like those epic last stands or successful battles with the castle lord which make WVW memorable =D

Multiple Class Disorder

Concerned About Rolling Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Daredevil is essential in order to compete with the power creep unfortunately.

You can still technically do one shots :^)

Outside of being a gimmick, I do not recommend this Trait and utility set up. This is purely for deleting bad/ unaware players. The gear set up is fine for a power build. If you don’t have access to marauders yet, just mix n match valkyrie/ zerker. Needs fast fingers and ensure you have 25 bloodlust stacks for maximum effect.

General set up will be like this,

Basilisk venom -> Black powder+ Heartseeker x2 for stealth -> Assassin’s signet for +15% damage procc and 5 might stacks-> Impairing daggers+ heartseeker+steal at the same time (needs to be done under 1.5 seconds in that order)->auto until dead.

Only shadowshot if safe to do so.

If they didn’t die and managed to heal, gtfo.

Your heal can be used both offensively and defensively in this case, either for a extra backstab or breathing space for cooldowns.

Do not spam backstab in stealth, the 1 scd from the recent nerf is equivalent to a 1 second daze if you miss.

For a even more yolo set up, replace shadowstep with infiltrator’s signet and use that as your engage instead of steal. That will give you 10 stacks of might with assassin’s but leave you absolutely no room for error.

EDIT: Dagger+pistol or the shortbow can be swapped out for Dagger+dagger. Just use to your preference.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

some hints for a happy thief player :)

in Thief

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Answering your staff question,

It does less theoretical damage to a single target as to what D/D would. However it has a much safer DPS rotation and cleaves up to 5 which makes it more favorable as an all rounder, not to mention extra evades from weapon skills and endurance generation. D/D really does not allow for many mistakes although it feels far more satisfying to use imo.

I personally prefer to run both Staff+ D/P if in open world solo. The staff effectively cleaves mobs whilst DP allows me to spam blinds to take on veterans with minimal effort and some elites. It provides the utility to stealth hide away when the going gets a bit extreme (Like needing to get past some champs without getting 1 shot). I know SP is the Favored option for trash mobs but this is just a personal preference.

When in a general group, I like to camp on shortbow for additional blasts to benefit the group and only use staff as a damage dealer.

Multiple Class Disorder

(edited by Weo weo.6378)

Coming back to GW2: Is Warrior right for me?

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

You’ve come back to a golden time for warrior my friend. Just fingers crossed the upcoming patch doesn’t nerf the class to the ground.

Condition or power right now are both very strong in PVE and WvW (arguably power is better in the latter for the general wvw playstyles both small scale and zerg, but condition destroys in PVE content.)

In Spvp, it’s a fair mix between carrion longbow+mace shield and your cookie cutting Zerker GS+Axe or mace/ shield. I personally think condition is better but you can make that judgement yourself.

Multiple Class Disorder


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I told myself I wasn’t going to spend money on outfits and cosmetics, 30 transmutation charges, 5 outfits and 4 paint packs later I am now going to attempt tell myself to stop spending gems on cosmetics. I started this game 3 months ago.


Multiple Class Disorder

Dragonhunters NEED to be toned down ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

this is a good meme

Multiple Class Disorder

Randomly losing target lock midcombat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

I’m not sure if this is a common bug or glitch/ setting error as this never happened to me pre-HOT. Hell, I’m not even sure if I can call this a bug.

Currently in the middle of combat, whether it is a 1v1 duel, a zerg fight or just any kind of combat in general, I seem to randomly lose my lock on a specific target which causes me to waste a skill mid rotation or my character leaps/ charges who knows where. This often causes me to either lose a fight, allow a person to escape or just flat out kill me, especially around heights.

Now I deliberately turned off “autotarget when using skill” as it is inflexible at best in pvp situations.

Is there a fix to this or am I simply doing something wrong?

Multiple Class Disorder

Gem Store Sales Worst I've ever seen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Even If bunny ears was made 500-800 a piece, I’d probs buy it lol.
Why not host a poll to determine what the community wants and call it a community sale. Then have your anniversary sale and release each item slowly.

Multiple Class Disorder

Coming back to GW2: Is Warrior right for me?

in Warrior

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Is there a recommended Condi build, or?

I like the idea of the Mace or 1Handed Sword + Shield w/ Longbow?

For which game mode?

Multiple Class Disorder