Showing Posts For WhisperedInsanity.3985:

Who plays WvW only?

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


I only log in to WvW and I sell off everything I get in my inventory to prevent me having to go into PvEw. My guild is a WvW guild and the majority of them only log in to WvW as well. We have no raid times or map events, we log in at around the same time every day (8pm est) and play until the last player goes to bed (around 5 am est). Some will farm in PvE for gold to support our upgrade habits while others buy gem cards in order to change them to gold. PvE isn’t anywhere on my list of things I ever want to do. I’ll keep my exotic armor if I have to PvE to get ascended tyvm.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


How about a week where it pings on map whenever any of you’re towers are attacked ?

They already have that…..

I’m thinking that he means the red ping, kinda like Age of Empire flare style so you don’t have to watch the map.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Something needs done with ET and DR.

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


My guild is a fairly small guild and we love to WvW but I’ll admit that ET is really outnumbered here for most of the week and a lot of the time I won’t even bother going to their side because it seems like unnecessary roughness and I know how discouraging it is to have such small numbers and watch all of the objectives that you worked so hard to upgrade disappear. We venture over there on occasion when I get angry that a group took my supply camp or something but really the match-up seems to be more between IoJ and DR.
ET had a decent amount of players out this past reset night and my group of 5 golems was really laughable when we tried to take SM from you guys but it was just one fight out of very few where you guys held the numbers. I have to say that DR REALLY embraced the event in EB with their massive golem zerg that melted doors in less than 10 seconds, it was crazy but DR has the numbers to trade punches with IoJ making the outcome a possible surprise.
The golem event definitely made it a lot worse for you guys though so I see reason to complain, it’s hard to get people into WvW when they log onto a map and get rolled every time they step out of spawn.
And finally, to SQD: I salute your dedication out there, you guys really get work done and show some coordination. See you all out on the battlefield.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Fort Aspenwood: Your guild's future home.

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


My guild really misses the IoJ community and the ppl that we worked with there so we are considering this server for a new home. We’re making some pros and cons lists for the servers that we are considering so all the information that you have passed on is highly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to give me some answers.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Fort Aspenwood: Your guild's future home.

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


Let’s hope this gets answered before 11pm est tonight. Just wondering how your europian and oceanic presence is. You guys have most of the NA guilds that I ran with before so I know the NA time is stacked. I just want to make sure its not going to be a case of logging in to see that enemy night capping has taken place.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

1/4/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


Normally it’s the three servers arguing with eachother on the forums. Seems like it’s goig to be a server fighting itself now….. As for me, I’ve been having a blast in Eternal Battlegrounds. Last night we defended Golanta and succeeded against a group of CD twice our size. You guys took it when we left it assuming it was safe, but it was fun nonetheless. Some fun attacks on Stone Mist as well. FA did a great job on defense last night.
Good luck to those fighting amoungst themselves.Divided you fall. Work that out <3

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


I am posting again on behalf of my brother. His account was terminated for tampering or modifying the game. He didn’t do any of that. He really loves this game and has respect for the creators so he would never do anything like that. He is losing hope that he will get to play this game again. It has been 7 days since he has been terminated.

121218-000724 Under review

This was 3 days ago. Just wondering when we will get a solid reply.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

12/21 - CD | FA | IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


Took us a bit but we got into the swing of things. Holding FA and CD at bay in SM while maintaining a slight offense was difficult but we’re managing. Had fun out there.


Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


Posting on behalf of my brother because he cannot log into the website to post himself. His account was “Terminated for modifying or tampering with the game” on the 17th of December. He submitted is ticket on the 18th. He’s upset because he is missing out on the holiday events as well as connecting with people. He uses Guild Wars as a way to forget about his illness and really wants to get back in game soon. Information is as follows:
Account name: Hentai.7519
Reference #: 121218-000724
Terminated Account: 17Dec2012
Submitted Ticket: 18Dec2012

I love to play this game with my brother so please get it fixed soon. I’ll check back frequently for a follow up on the ticket. Game is great, just wish there weren’t so many account issues.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


We came out swinging in EB today. Of course now that the wintersday patch is available I suppose its safe to assume that IoJ will head to PvE. I’ll still be out there though and hopefully most of the crew I was running with. We were doing great. See you out there.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

JANTHIR Alliance Public Announcement

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


My guild will always be a part of the IoJ community and we have no intention of ever giving up. We support the alliance 100% And are always ready for battle. Though the server’s numbers have not increased, it seems that our coordination has. Even working under the useless outmanned buff, we’re managing to hang in there and put up a fight. We’ve got some amazing guilds starting to surface and it’s awesome to watch our community as life gets breathed back into it.
If you’re looking for a server that will never give up no matter the odds. IoJ is for you. Come join the server and find the guild that is the right fit for you.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Inviting Invaders to group

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


I really enjoyed being able to send the occasional whisper of gg to a fallen enemy. I understand that Anet doesn’t want players to be harrassed from opposing servers but sometimes it’s fun to just say something like “Next time we meet up, I’ll be the one using the finisher.” I think as long as noone complains about it, they won’t nerf this aspect.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

WvW Vs. PvE.

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


I can say that I’m mainly focused on WvW. I spend most of my hours there. However, when a guildie wants help completing their story or with maps and dungeoning, I will occasionally break off and take the guild on a PvE benge to help out. I prefer WvW but look at PvE as necessary for a complete gaming experience. Hope that hellps out some.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~


in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


Gonna throw this out there because there were a LOT of insults tossed at the Icoa guild. I’ve met up with you guys quite a few times in Eternal Battlegrounds and every time I saw that tag I knew that we were in for a battle. Giving you props for your organnization and on how well most of you guys seem to know your classes. We’ve managed to beat you guys a few times but not nearly as much as we would like. Hope to learn more from clashing with you in WvW. See you out there

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Commanders need fixing

in WvW

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


There are a lot of good suggestions. I, for one, think that there should be more needed in order to get the commander tag. ie: amount of time played in WvW and players killed. I’m also kinda leaning toward the tag being per map. There is nothing more annoying to me than having a commander that spends all their time in a borderland coming to EB and fumbling around because they don’t know the map.

The commander tag is really useful in rallying PUGs to launch an attack that would otherwise (in most cases) not happen. Players don’t tend to listen to orders given by other players without the tag. For example, when pangloss is sieged up and you need to get in to claim it back. “Push through them, we have enough to make it through and flip” will be met with everyone remaining at the choke point while you run solo into the midst of a storm.

A lot of things need to be fixed, but most of the things are operator error.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~

Banned for Botting....?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WhisperedInsanity.3985


A member of my guild (also my brother) was banned for botting about an hour ago while I was running with him through his storyline. I talk to him while he’s online gaming ALL the time so I know that he is actually there playing the game. A few times we were actually sitting next to each other. However, it said that he had extensive hours of unattended playtime and gave him the permaban. Just wondering if this has recently happened to anyone else and if so, did you resolve it and how. Real eager to find a way to get my brother back in the game playing with me so if anyone has had experience with this, I would love to read your process.

Murda Inc [QQ]
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~