Showing Posts For Wothan.4673:

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Once again, some nice fight on EU prime

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673




Ahaha, Jean de la Fontaine is the last thing I thought read here..

Ne fait pas tromper vous en.

What? Ça ne veut rien dire :/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673



Are you guys new transfers or? Anyways welcome to JQ and to NA servers if you are.
Its great to see fights like this happen in EU time here. I hope that you wont jump on the tagged map zerg karma train party that sometimes occur.

Yes, we are on JQ since few days ( more drama inc !! )
We come from Jade Sea and we play on SEA/EU prime.

Don’t worries about seeing us on the tagged map zerg ( expect for def keep like hills. ), event if it’s the case we don’t play with the zerg. Playing in EU prime time in NA can allow us to switch map without queue so you will cross us everytime like today

JQ seems to have a better EU coverage, but BG have some skilled guild in our prime, so it’s nice to fight them.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Some nice fight vs HB and RK, thx

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Some good fight on EU prime, how sad for the TC Golem on the bridge…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Make WXP boosters purchasable through badges!

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


This is bullkitten…, atm winning XPM is ridiculously easy… XPM should be winnable only when you fight vs other player and when you take tower/keep. No more, no less.

Ppl should not be reward for other think like repair wall or kill mob…
What next ? you will have 500xpm if you log in WvW or if you quit the warcamp ? …

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Aurora Glade vs Gandara vs Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


That fight at AG borderland now!!!!
Thank you TAC, ONS, CNTK & XxX for fighting us at the same time as we were fighting PF, SR, DS, DEX, Ekí and other! Seriosuly, SO nice fights!!!!! Great guys!!! That so was the fight of the day!

Great fight with add form everywhere, need more fight like that <3

Sorry for all the back vs FIRE and co, but we are in understaffed tonight :/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Aurora Glade vs Gandara vs Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Quite unexpected MM. Hope everyone enjoy the fight and the bags.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah / Jade Sea / SFR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


You are very badly placed to talk about (bad)troll, and stupidity still more.

GHO did GvG too, Fureur LNM some too ? and WL did a lot (and won!) of GvG if i’m right. Again, one night Mos + Ely and the Vizunians with them choosed to interrupt the GvG, but it doesn’t mean we all hate this…

So it’s a shame with all these example to take the only one that has not occurred…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Vizunah / Jade Sea / SFR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I’m sure you can talk about something you don’t have a kitten clue…

Ok, so tell my, what is the score in this famous gvg btw Red Guard and WL ? Oh wait….

Taking a example for something that never happened… especially when you know how this event was prepared…. well played, we almost believed it.

This, was far more interesting :

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Vizunah / Jade Sea / SFR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


at this time, no GvG problems…

Because there was no GvG ?

I’m sure you can take a better example that something that has never happened…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Get your own Sacrx

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


My 50€ of GW2 seems to finally found their justification, thx.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

[EU] (19-07) SFR / Elona Reach / Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Thx OSC for the few fight

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

12/7 Piken/Baruch/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


It was a pleasant week, Piken have still some guild of 10/15ppl always fun to fight. I hope we recross soon.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Should Arena Net Release new WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


And plz, don’t make useless mob everywhere in WvW …..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

SFR - Vizu - JadeSea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


You’re not alone in this but you also can’t help it. Our escape is having a normal raiding guild where we can fight 30v60+ and win. That is absolutely awesome. Advise you do the same. Roaming is dying in this game.

Yep i know, we have the same goal, but in different scale

Roaming is kitten GW2 because Anet make too aberration in the gameplay and easier the zerg upgrade after upgrade…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

SFR - Vizu - JadeSea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Mate SFR guilds do not play on EB. It’s purely a PUG (Pick up group) border. If you want anything else go for borders.

We play only on BL normally, but we fail to find all the self proclaimed baglooter of VS/SFR/… and all the guy/guild claiming this kind of thing ( except rg ofc )… so we try to find them on EB… but we fail again ;(

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

SFR - Vizu - JadeSea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Playing on EB and whining about blobs…yeah :P

Whining no, but it’s surprising and disappointing yes, because when you look here, SFR is only composed of small scall and very skilled guild and never try to copycat the evil blob of VS or JS… unfortunately we never see this kind of thing IG in EB or in BL…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

SFR - Vizu - JadeSea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Yesterday PT, EB was a joke… your guy ( VS / SFR ) know other location in this map that our bugged tower ? … Cheer to Mash, the only group in both SFR/VS to play outside of the zerg in this aera..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

SFR - Vizu - JadeSea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Yeah… and SFR is 2nd with JS and VS against you…

I’m sure that Troma have make a new evil alliance against sfr !!

JS, like every one other serv, is opportunistic, but thinking we play with/for VS or any kind of thing like this, is a big joke.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

World First 250k Kills Ultimate Dominator!

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Nice, see you on the next game, once again

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Remove National Servers from Europe Boards ! [WvW]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wothan.4673


all knows that Vizunah Square is first because they have people all day ( 24h /day ) and many of their player are from Canada that is GMT -7 etc ….

All knows ? really ? So tell me, if all knows… tell me the name of one or more Canadian or French Canadian guild on VS ( and don’t kittening tell me CaSu ).

They are almost ( ofc you can find 2/3 french Canadian or New Caledonia lost in the BL ) no ppl outside EU on DE/FR and SP serv.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Remove National Servers from Europe Boards ! [WvW]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wothan.4673



It’s a joke ?

Are you really crying because some ppl in the world speak french/german/spanish and that it is not fair vs the ppl speaking english ?

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

WvWvW: Need ORBs to Return

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Anet isn’t able to fix wvw queue bug in 10 month, what did you srly expect for the orbs….

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah / Deso / Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Yea really ? afcourse u can win against Deso when u are 4x to 1 on the field and its like all the time, but on same numbers u are goners.

Oh come on, at what kind of ppl do you want make believe this…
Stop thinking your serv is full of skilled smallscale guild and zergless because this is not the case..
You have few good guild ( GoW, VII, HoG,.. ) some bad, and many zerg.. like every other serv… no more, no less.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Vizunah / Deso / Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Omg, one more week against the low-skill French=\
+nice farm
-t3 keeps
-there is no challenge


VS and JS are generally pretty weak in fight, but thinking only 1sec that deso is better, it’s a big joke.. try to play against deso sometime, you will be very disappointed..


using free transfert between AS and VS to stay in T1… just to imagine this i’m laughing irl when i remember the vision of things of thoses two servers haha.

I hope our friend have some guild name to give us about these “entire guilds switch btw AS and VS” Hum.. let me guess … LNM/WL !!! No ?

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

PS vs AR vs JS 7/6/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Thank you, JS and AR guys for good action on AR border yesterday, especially t3 hills
I hope we will never meet JS server again. I like AR guys, but JS really weak. Only pugs and one guild stacking whole map blobs.. bla-bla-bla.. boring.

JS have lack of “big” guild, many pu following the first guild with 20/25ppl they see, and with a very bad allocation of these forces on the BL, = to many blob ( very little vs what you can fight in D1… )

Piken is also a disappointment compared to the last time… many blob and your small 10/15ppl) guild seem have disappeared.. :/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

New matchups ARE today - see latest

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Nice new match up !

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Disappointed - New matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


So, thx to Mister “The Blob” Troma I guess.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Yeah new way to earn WR without any fight …. amazing ;/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T1 EU 24/05/2013: Elona/Vizunah/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


curious jade sea has alot of the old arborstone guilds in it?

I think atm VS have more old AS guild ( LNM/Mos/… ) that Jade Sea, some old AS guild on JS move on Fort Ranik…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Thank you Jade Sea for the action during the past weeks/months. I always enjoyed fighting your smaller scale guilds, SR in particular, fare well in T1!

Have fun, good luck and best regards!

Thx ( we hate your thief and mesmer ! )

And ofc thx to all the ppl we enjoy to fight in both Sfr and Kodash.
One of the most interesting match up since the launch.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


So Anet finally find a way to get out VS to the D1, woot !

Anyway, it’s a joke right ? Come on…
You screw your own ladder, nice…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Nice to see Js blob leave T2, have fun with Vizuna. Welcome to Desolation. Ihope for some good guilds fights this week.

Kodash and particularly Sfr are not really the best placed for taunt JS about blob.
Anyway it’s always more easy to see enemy blob rather than its own.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 17/05/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


you are saying that you were not helping kodash? are you serious? Elona is kodash older brother ! we know you, and you know us…

There was no alliance btw Elona and Kodash, many opportunistic move yes ( well like every serv.. ) but no alliance.

Do you really think, if Elona and Kodash was in Alliance, we stay all this time before Kodash… don’t overestimated us.. next week will be very funny to read when many ppl on JS will see their ego takes a hit….

And a post, made by a random, nobody know, even on its own server ( well like 99% of ppl here .. ) saying, “hey maybe we need to make a alliance” don’t mean, there has or will be a alliance btw JS and VS… and it will not be the case…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Thx SD for the few fight

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 17/05/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


(let the french have fun with each other )

Since when playing vs VS is fun ?

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 17/05/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Vizu congratulations to your new alliance.

Vizu gonna lose and immediately after that creating a alliance with Jade?
How pathetic are you really? xD

Be serious 2sec… do you remember what happen last time VS and PA try to make a alliance ? ( what a great drama <3 )

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Sfr speaking about zerg and nightcapping … while you were one of the worst server doing this…

Anyway, it’s always funny to see when a server it’s not the first, crying because "french / canadian / french canadian / hebrew canadian / nightcapping / morning capping / aftermoon capping / pre prime capping / russian zerg / …. but when this same serv become first, it’s only because he is so skilled ( and make 0 nightcapping ofc, it’s bad thing ) vs the 2 other noob serv… Always the same bullkitten since the launch ….

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Plans to address the failing ranking system?

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


They fixed culling.

What fix ? Culling isn’t a bug, it’s a feature intentionally implanted by Anet. They just removed ( with lot of stuff for reduc lag ofc ).. like the Relic.. Nothing which justifies the name of “focused mcm patch” or like the famous “Mars and April patch will be like 2 free extension” etc etc….

Anet is specialist for make pompous title, great ad for nothing… “The living story”… repay 75 sign .. …. Anet comm is a joke.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Plans to address the failing ranking system?

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I don’t want to completely ruin the surprise but you should hear something big from us in the coming weeks about this very topic.

Last time Anet speak about “something big” in WvW, it was for the “awesome” WvW patch … and we all see there was nothing…

Hope this time we will not disappointed… ofc if “big” is only for a new formula..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Well, great match-up, many fight at small scale and some zerg. Really enjoyable.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Thank to all the small group we cross on SFR border tonight, specially NSG.
And Hovi, stop rushing us when we trade kitten !

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Sfr border, not the serv

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Vizunah is waiting you in T1

JS have nothing to do in D1, but unfortunately many want try how fun T1 is .. :/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 10/05/13

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


How about no

You breaks my heart ;(

Just stop night capping and Kodash will beat the hell out of you.

Yes, if only, but unfortunately they do not listen to me, and Kodash deal flabby.

Oh god, already trying to avoid the beat up !
You’re French, ain’t you ?

And the report between them is?

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

T1 EU Vizunah/Desolation/Elona 10/05/13

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Dear Deso,

Could you plz move your a** , I know you take many pleasure to play against VS, and sincerely, we would feel very badly to take your place, and your enjoyment in D1 the next week.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Well kodash doesn’t even try to fight against js or they are just little bit stupid.

Fighting Jade is much more difficult than it may sound. They’re basically a carbon copy of Vizu, just with less people. Great at playing for points, but unless they have vastly superiour numbers they’ll try to avoid open field battles and run like hell to their next tower or keep.

It’s funny to see how each serv saw the other serv in the exact same way…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


can someone of u frenchies tell my why ~50% of your players dance on corpeses of foes that got killed in a 1vs10 fight?

Because they succeeds to kill someone

Jade is relatively “weak” in fight, ofc you have some guild making good stuff.. too little, but many of our good guild have switch on other french serv ..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Funny movie, just too bad most of the fight are vs PU, not difficult to win this condition.
Anyway KoA is one of the best Kodash guild, a little too many maybe.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)