Jade Quarry
Jade Quarry
I want 100 pages also !
Jade Quarry
Hows the roamers on kodash or JS? Lots of ppl running alone or in groups of 5? Or bigger zergs?
Some ppl of Kodash play in 2/3 but group of 5 ppl is hard to find, more in 10/15 pll like for JS…
The “big” guild of JS have gone on VS or other french serv ( LNM/BL… ) so except 2 guild ( BSF/DEX and maybe PHX) which aligns 20/25 ppl, all the rest is PU group/zerg/wahtever.
Jade Quarry
Viz is your high end game but it’s too hard, need to be nerfed…
It’s like a last stand with unlimited waves of VS mobs … amazing..
Jade Quarry
So SFR ppl are you ready to play vs a serv having no organisation, no guild of more than 20 ppl and only a good amount ppl which allows him to stay in D2 ? And vs a good german serv, maybe a little to opportunistic ? And worst of all, almost no ppl on JS and Kodash to make good drama
Jade Quarry
100 page are very easy :
VS is the proof, since the launch, of apologia to mediocrity what GW2 WvW is.
Jade Quarry
And still no new about Relic
Jade Quarry
Except that there are a lot of people who like it…
I like it to when i’m on a AC vs Elona or Kodash rush ofc.. , generally when a class it OP, ppl playing this class say this is not the case
5 pll able to counter 80 easily with a little assist, more Zerg and a prime time totally static… woot… but effectively if you past the night on a AC there is no problem, only more bag..
Jade Quarry
WvW is a living, breathing game type and any changes we make have numerous consequences that don’t become fully visible until everyone starts interacting with them and devising new strategies.
I hope this is a joke ? You try nothing on Alpha serv ? Or the ppl on Alpha serv are unable to assist with some AC ?….
Everyone see the epic fail of AC only by reading the changelog.. don’t try to tell us it was unpredictable….
Jade Quarry
Is there a way to make incentive not to zerg up?
It’s not like if patch per patch Anet make everything for promote zerg…
Jade Quarry
Once again, more reason to zerg…
Jade Quarry
Its designed to kill your zerg, make things defensible against zergs.
Nop, this, with : no more focus against treb, 30sec for a tag.. well.. welcome to the “static” prime time, with only golem zerg for trying to take a t3. Awesome ! More zerg plz !
Jade Quarry
I want reroll ArrowCarts kitten !!
Jade Quarry
It’s really funny to see the difference in perception of what happen in WvW…
Well, big new, it’s the same view for everyone…everyone think is serv is the best, all serv think the 2 other are runingbag, onlyzerg, have not is place in T1/2/3/4/..
JS think Kodash and Elona are only good to zerg and run in there keep if it’s not 3vs1.. Kodash think the same and Elona to… For the nighcapping.. well it’s alway funny to see ppl crying about, but when their server win because of NC, this ppl disappear, because it’s “normal” when NC is with them.
For our Desolation Friend, don’t worry, you will not see JS in T1, we lost to many guild in this last week and we don’t have the coverage to go and stay in T1. T1 is, additional, the most uninteresting tier for play ( but for the Drama.. <3 ).
Jade Quarry
Cmon ELONA, push, just 10 points more!
be useful for once
I hope Deso is not in a monozerg like Elona this last week
Jade Quarry
but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about
Chocolates medals, here we go again…
Jade Quarry
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
You fail to destroy VZ by outside, so you try by inside now ? well played it’s the best way
Jade Quarry
Thank you to make your job ! It’s change nothing to all the WvW fail, but it’s appreciable…
Now we need the same on french forum section…
Jade Quarry
Because WvW is the best way to make drama <3
Jade Quarry
WvW LD is useless until we don’t have real time update of score .
Jade Quarry
Atm WvW leaderboard is a joke, MoS LD ( Despite all those imperfections ofc ) stay far more interesting and complete. LD should have here since the launch.. For a interesting LD we need, at least, a real time update of the score ( all the 15 minutes ), Otherwise if it’s for make 1 update 1 time per week at the new matchup.. well it’s useless.
Jade Quarry
The funny thing is, Anet don’t allow to see ennemy name because it’s a mass war, individual are nothing vs the collective and some other BS like this .. but make the personal title of each ppl apparent…
If you thing we can’t know the name of our ennemy, why we can know their title individually ?
Jade Quarry
RP? RvE? please use Guild Wars 2 terms if you want to be understood.
Realm Point / Realm vs Environment , it’s so difficult ?
Jade Quarry
RP are to high for RvE objectif, more zerg inc ..
If you tag a supply at 5 or 50, each ppl for earn the same RP, same for a guy you zerg… …
Anet need to decrease the RP earn for a supply, kill…. according to the number of people trying to take or killing the target.
Jade Quarry
Culling is choice that dev make to use, with this patch they only remove a feature they make. It’s great to fight without and see all enemy ( well, the basis in a fighting game.. ) but this should not hide that for a focused WvW patch, there is almost nothing : Change 1 UI, remove a feature, add rp and it’s all. Not even 1/10 of the patch note, for a focused WvW patch. well..
But yes, even if the patch is a joke, WvW is very more interesting.
Jade Quarry
Too many realm xp for RvE.. 75 for a harpy.. are you serious bro ?!?
Jade Quarry
According to plan, this WvW focus path is a big joke :/
Jade Quarry
I really like the ranks / abilities. Why? Because it gives you more reason to play, which is exactly what WvW needed imo.
This is “decoration”, it’s nothing. WvW have real problem, AoE limited to 5ppl, fail to gamedesign which encourages zerg, small map, waiting 2h to inc in WvW, queue still broken 8 month after the release because “dev are busy to other things” and so many other thing. One new armor change nothing of this.
Jade Quarry
The patches are coming once a month, for the time frame I’d say it’s pretty big. In some subscription games I’ve played you’d be lucky to get a patch which did more than bug fixes every 6 months.
Some people are just never happy. Would you rather they patched every 3 months but it appeared to have 3x more content per patch?
The problem is not what Anet make is this patch ( well, yes it is in fact, but for other reason.. ) but how Anet make is comm for these patch, aka “Awesome”, “more content in this patch that in a extension/the 6 last month patch” and many other superlative for … for what in fact ? almost nothing.. Living story ? repair 75 banner ? Wtf ?
Jade Quarry
I believe that this great wvw patch is only the beginning of what is to come. So hold your horses and give anet some room
Initially this patch was planned for December… he was repels each month, with each time, less contents. So yes, i am not optimistic about this patch and what will happened next…
Horrid grammar mistakes ^^
Regrettably yes trying to learn english with gameforum is a big mistake xD
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
World Ranks is a joke, like this “awesome” WvW patch, none of actual big problem of WvW is concern by the patch…
Jade Quarry
Ladies and gentlemen of Europe’s Tier 1, are you prepared for next Tuesday ?
The “massive wvw patch” of this month is a joke, do not expect great things.
But i hope you ready for a name battle like in Aion ? xD
Jade Quarry
So Sfr, you’r ready for some VS reinforcement ?
Jade Quarry
Jade Sea has almost an as good coverage as Vizunah and they are a lot more agressive (that mean they don t wait off peak to attack “AND” fight in open field), but they will give up quickly the matchup if they get crushed during the week end reset.
Nop, our coverage isn’t like VS coverage, we are more like Kodash atm.
For the “give up quickly the matchup if they get crushed during the week end reset” sorry but it’s bullkitten. We don’’t care about the ladder, we try to make good fight it’s all, we don’t make night or morning operation like VS or other. If we have 50k advantage/disadvantage at the end of weekend, well, who care, it change nothing for the remainder of the week.
Atm JS have nothing to do in T1, we are a little “weak” for this, in few week maybe..
But I hope we can fight deso soon. ( and make many drama ofc ! )
Jade Quarry
Jade Quarry
@Dyno: do not mean JS and VS will ally hahaha this is kittening hilarious, i know it more than anyone because when i launched the alliance of Arbo/Vizu to counter RUIN all i had was a kittening bunch of crazy “gaulois” (google it) hitting and trashing each other, jesus they made me crazy.
Oh come on, it’s was a very funny drama
I’m ready to make a new alliance btw VS and JS if after the first betrayal we can get the same drama that last time with AS/VS !
Jade Quarry
Maybe we will transfer to JS for real and help them come into t1 for viz… If it did end up with viz and js with sfr it would be funny seeing internal drama then pugs and many guilds shifting to JS. Also if deso went to t2 they could dominate on + points then come back for viz or JS.
Helping JS to jump in T1 is useless i think, VS will crush T2 and come back in T1 the week after. I don’t think atm JS can hold vs Deso/Sfr and secure score to prevent the return of VS.
Yep moving in with lnm and soul reapers my new best friends <3
Yeah, need to cheated LNM with RG !
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
At least when you do such bulkitten try to use a secret forums
A secret forums, no less..
Tell your friend to come on JoL and make drama
Jade Quarry
I see this on PeVePe for the Operation Bohica
VZ Players are already starting to move to Jade Sea.
Could you stop with this bullkitten… They is no move form VS to JS kitten . Elona make a very surprising underperformance yes, but it’s all, go read german forum (they got a lot of post that talks about this ) before post this kind of bullkitten.
Jade Quarry
Is MN (Main noire) in GC ?
Jade Quarry
4 guilds left Piken Square for SFR [RG], [sIN], [ECL] and [BOON]
Officially maybe, but when “big” guild move, you have always many ppl following them.
Vizu doing poorly? Jade Sea suddenly doing amazing? MoS site down?
Conspiracy theories! Lets go!
Well, if you see some guild of GC on JS, I send 10po to each member of Iron. ( excluding reroll ofc ! )
Jade Quarry
Mighty Ice Arrow…
Are you seriously saying that you take info of Gw2guilds for relevant ?
GW2Guilds, despite good idea, was erroneous since the day of GW2 release…
Jade Quarry
Pugs exodus from Viz to JS started.
This is not the case.
It’s not the first time that VS is beaten in 6 mouths, but they never down in T2, so there is no reason to make migration.
And honestly I cant wait for JS and VZ in t1 they will double team all the time will be so much fun and loot
I need to remember you what happened the last time where 2 french serv ( aka VS and AS ) try to make an alliance ?
Anyway, seeing some SFR here complain about Zerg is really funny….
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
I hope more drama for the new week <3
Jade Quarry
Expects nothing, you will not be disappointed.
Jade Quarry
Why : because we want to stay the most neutral possible, because we have sense of justice, because we want to do this epic fight, even if they decide to focus us.
What kind of ppl do you think convince with that ?
Jade Quarry
The problem is not the content in itself.
Problem is; Anet say thing like “February and March patch is like 1 extension”, or “Big McM patch” and in fact is nothing like this.
It’s like “no more culling, but with option..” so what ? no more culling yes, but some option to"customize" culling because nobody can manage this without mass lag or other good thing like this … what a f* joke.
So Big WvW patch is what, no more culling(lol) and WvW rank ? and it’s all ? this is the “big” “focused” whatever content… nothing about all the real problem of WvW..
I hope i’m wrong ofc, I have serious doubt on this “focus WvW patch” …
Jade Quarry
So the “big mcm patch”, it’s only about culling and mcm rank… What a joke again !
Jade Quarry
In Warhammer, frenchies were the biggest Zerglings.
Nhatows guild never stopped bombin in zerg, even after bombingnerv. I guess meleeassisting was too mainstream :-P.
Soul Reapers I think.Cheers to them. Good times back then!
Ahahaha we zerg sometime, but you’r a little hard
So many fun time on WAR… need the same trip on gw2..
Haha SR biggest zerg ! Too funny. They will be happy to know that LOL !
Well, LNM will be very jealous of us i think xD
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
This + Lock supply for 5min …. Anet make all for more and more zerg…
Jade Quarry