Showing Posts For Xurse.8267:
Please fix this ANET, this patch is already bad enough for warriors.
After casting whirlwind with axe, any attempt to dodge will cause the character to rubberband back or stay on the same spot. Its an mobility issue, please look into it thank you.
If your trading post show this error message and refuse to load , I have found a solution for you guys that worked for me.
1) Open up internet explorer
2) Open Internet options
3) Go to “Connections” tab, and click on “Lan settings”
4) Unchecked “Use a proxy server” and then restart your game client.
It should fix the problem.
(edited by Xurse.8267)
It has always been a fail skill and doesnt even hit if you cast it point blank.ANET dont have time to fix it for the past two years but they do have time to come up with bandaid patches to nerf our GS and Elite. Btw Leap/bullcharge behave the same way.
(edited by Xurse.8267)
Yeah not gonna rant at all the bad balance you guys put in cause it will trigger an endless discussion, but a point to note is good job breaking the game. However I have a few question for the developer
1)I am curious is GW1 team the same as GW2 team, cause GW1 did a super good job at balancing classes/builds and they have like 3x more skills to balance how did GW2 team do so badly and after launching for 2 years you guys are still nerfing/buffing the same skills over and over again back and forth once anyone QQed about the skill.
2)Do you even have a “FINALIZED” balance version and try working on new skills/weapons. Its two years, we are using the SAME skills , expansion maybe?
Thanks for posting here, they will nerf it next patch.
This current patch has nerf warrior in various aspects but I still welcome it as a whole. However, I am very disappointed with the way the developers try to do things.
1) You promised us savage leap/rush/bullcharge fixed like 2 patches ago and today I still see them working like crap causing us to rush ourselves down the cliff or pass the opponent. If you claim its a latency issue, then you have to change the behavior of the skill instead of neglecting existing bugs but try to introduce new balance patch. I’d appreciate it if you fix them rather than try to give us new stuff like “Jokernaut”.
2) If you want to make F1 burst such a big deal, then you have alot of revamp to work on rather than sitting on your desk and think of weird changes while eating donuts. Mace is literally useless now due to the nature of new adrenaline system, land or miss it is just a joke and deal damage like a wet noodle. How can my sword final thrust, deal more damage than any of the f1 burst I have? We need a Burst revamp.
3)Delivering empty promises like “100% increase to GS burst” but giving us a jerk in the knee in the real patch is not going to help unless your intention is to reduce warrior population and make us reroll ranger to press “4 2 11111”. So how will the 5% nerf to WW/HB be compensated?
If you can fix this three mentioned areas, I will welcome your adrenaline decay, GS damage and signet of rage nerf with a bear hug. Infact, it is what we deserve, MAKE THE SKILL WORK AS INTENDED.
Yep I understand, but with the adrenaline nerf, we might have to use surge but its entirely useless if u cant use it pre engage so meh
Mace was bad, with this in place no body uses it anymore. I mean if they want to nerf adrenaline or make it useful at least make our f1 more fun and less clunky to use.
So we lose adrenaline when OOC, then whats the point of healing surge when we lose all the adrenaline instantly when we use it, does you all even think before designing nerfs.
Guys, i have trouble killing them in spvp, they just heal up way too fast, is there any tips or specific build that is good against them. Pros advice please.
Just try dual wielding sword sword and LB , go condition build.
I have no signet of power equiped, but upon entering WvW, as long as I change map I will get that buff. Please fix it and together with our rush which you promised. <- lol as if they will :P
I seriously don’t mind them nerfing our dmg and stuff, but just give us what they promised for the GS fix will make up for the dmg loss
Anet mentioned they will fix our bull charge and gs kittenting air like 90% of time. Where is the fix i don’t see it
I am seriously okay with the nerf TBH, but please kittening fix bull charge and rush, at least make it hit. Now its gonna be more epic when we use bull charge and just dash past the person without hitting anything, before the patch it was dash past and the person got knocked down and we’re like “DUDE YOU’RE TOO FAR FOR MY HB”. Seriously make it a double cast skill so we can press it once for activation, and press it again upon impact so the AOE beside us will be hit and knock down or dmged.
In this video he has 33% ( from trait ) + 40% (food) + 25% ( rune) , he seldom got snared but still gain regeneration, i assume if its just 2% of condition duration , it will not affect u anymore but still give u the regeneration from dogged march
Hammer does far too much damage for it’s level of control. The auto attack chain hasn’t been touched. ES and SB should be solely for the lengthy stun and knockdown, they do far too much damage as is.
If this nerf is because other classes feel like Warriors are OP. Then buff other classes. Don’t nerf the hammer for Warrior, it isn’t even needed.
That’s called a power creep, and is totally crippling to MMOs.
Theres something call stability, which counter everything a hammer can do.
Thank you all for the input, i figure out that my main problem was lacking of condition removal for warrior and probably my rotation to kill the target was not appropriate =/
I have problems fighting classes like mesmer , thiefs and engineer that focus mainly on kiting you and burning you out with conditions. I have tested numerous build but have yet to find an effective one. Even with swiftness I am constantly out of range, anyone faces this problem and have any tips to improve?
It is simple guys, if you guys dont want they to nerf it lets all quit warriors and move to next class, they will buff it in the next patch since they like to “BALANCE” the class.
The hammer nerfs are just for spvp right? Already a terrible weapon in pve so that didn’t matter.
Talk about a massive nerf to organized wvw groups though. People are just gonna blob more now.Why? what makes the warrior profession so special that it deserves to do as much damage on its CC weapons skills as other professions do on their damage weapon skills?
Try to land a hit on a skilled Mesmer, Engineer or Ranger without a cc and damage weapon. Otherwise you have NO pressure on your opponent. Warrior have no port, no stealth and other gimmik “op” utilities. Only the Hambow-Build is atm viable in t or spvp and this will be nerfed over the top. What comes after that? Quo vadis Warrior?
All the other classes has too much kiting ability to dodge from us, try using a warrior and hit them with your skills when they are doing a good rotation of blind hide and dodge with vigor on, you literally will not hit them if you are somehow not a very talented player, what I meant is literally 0 hit. If we lose our control ability, that leaves us like a dummy target that can barely hit you.
So, lets start:
Strength 5 – Reckless Dodge. Increased Damage by 25% – this is nice boost, but I don’t see lot of use in WvWvW and PvP since of little range
Strength III – Great Fortitude. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%. all so a nice boost but nothing special
Arms IV – Unsuspecting Foe. Moved to Master Tier. This is smart move and really nicely done nerff
Arms VII – Crack Shot. Moved to Adept Tier. This is meeee buff since no one is using rifle in WvWvW or PvP, I would love to see VIII instead in adept
Arms XII – Last Chance. Increased the threshold form 25% to 50%. Reduced the cooldown from 45 seconds to 40seconds. – realy nice buff but I see this more as PvE buff then PvP or WvWvW
Defense 25 – Armored Attack. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 10%. This I like wary much and thank you
Defense XII – Spiked Armor. Reduced the recharge from 15s to 10s. wary nice buff but as someone wrote this should have been like this since start
Tactics 5 – Determined Revival. Now correctly displays the amount of toughness. fix, cool
Tactics 25 – Reviver’s Might. Now applies 3 stacks of Might instead of 1. this is meeee realy a buff but pffff its so small, maybe you could change like this in 25 of Discipline
Discipline II – Thrill of the Kill. Increased Adrenaline gain from 1 to 10. nice buff but from all good things in this trait I don’t see lot of players using this
Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact. As I understand this, your lowering damage and removing adrenaline lowering cost and that is too much or this isn’t a grandmaster tier skill – my suggestion is either lower DMG or remove the adrenaline lowering cost but not bouth
now it gets complicated
Earthshaker. Reduced damage by 20%. man its just too much, I agree this skill needs a nerff but this is too big so I have 2 possible solutions
1. Make damage scale with adrenaline level so 1st stage will be -20% 2nd -10% and 3rd will be same damage as now.
2. And by my opinion better solution is 1st stage will have same damage as now 2nd -10% and 3rd -20% damage this way you would be able to choose if you want to do better damage or more CC, this would be a nerf but fer to both warriors and opponents
Staggering Blow. Reduced damage by 23%. its too much 10-15% would be a fer deal, my opinion 13%
Skull Crack. Increased the cast time from 1/4s to 1/2s. Updated the animation and effects of this skill to be more clear. cast time now is 250 ms and the increase isn’t as you stated 200 ms it is 250 ms and you say no one will notice it. Mate this is double increase in casting time its 100% increase. Really no need for this, you all so wrote you want mace to be more used for CC then before – I don’t see this helping
Combustive Shot – Increased pulse duration to 3s. Increased burn duration per pulse to 3s. Normalized damage per pulse. Updated pulses per tier to 2, 3,and 4 respectively for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3. As I understand your doing this because Combustive Shot is returning spent adrenaline, so why don’t you make all F1 skills not give adrenaline when used2 days ago it was my b-day as warrior so I got lot of time playing warrior if you nerf dmg of hammer skills so hard that weapon wont be used by warriors anymore and I think that would be ashame because thats one of most fun weapons warriors poses
Picture shows 3 abilities. one skill can poses 2, short cast time is less then 1 sec or 1000 ms
Please don’t make of warrior guardian without support
This is so true, and btw please make GS a more viable weapon, its total bullshet as of now. Too much set up in order to hit with HB, and other than that nothing else hurts, maybe whirlwind that doesnt hit half of the time cause the opponent has lag way ahead of you in terms of placement unless u shackle them on the spot.
Dear support staff,
I normally dont post in forum with regards to updates but just read them. I personally felt this nerf gone way too far. I am actually okay with the hammer nerf in terms of damage as I understand that it is OP when I use it myself. What I could not accept is why is mace getting nerf and with regards to all these nerf there isn’t any additional buffs to other areas to open more options for build. I fought several classes 1v1 and I don’t think I am a real bad player but is having a lot of trouble to kill them , like for example for mesmer that illusion, evade and stealth rotation is totally lame and its not getting nerf, you can barely land a burst on them and when u finally stun them they teleport away, meanwhile you are suffering from tons of conditions which means you are pretty much dead unless you run. I think the dev team is too focused on nerfing OP areas due to QQers but neglected the fun of the class itself whereby so many weapon is left unused like rifle, axe and GS(Seriously you expect us to hit stuff with it when 3 out of the 5 skill always fail due to lag). Please give us buff in other areas like u did with guardian when you nerf us.
The only reason you lost to that guardian is because you have lesser healing power to keep up with the fight and died to retaliation. You don’t need that much Soldier gear which you basically spec your entire gear base on that, you have high hp but no upkeep. Its good for dungeon to survive spikes but not for pvp , especially 1v1 you need to have higher armor and dps (from knight gear), and healing power (from trinket).
I personally have tested it myself, the sweet spot is around 900-1k healing power, and u need at least 1 energy sigil for the extra endurance to dodge and heal back. For crit, you need at least 30% with food, so SY shout will bring you to 50% for the DPS you need. Once you have the healing power and endurance, no guardian can outdps you 1v1, it will just end up as a draw game.
So my advice that, you can start off by changing your trinkets to cleric and armor to knight(Or a mixture if you want). Runes is important too, you can read the AH hammer sticky, he basically listed all the possible and effective combination for a guardian. Find your own balance of dmg and armor/hp. My personal sweet spot of armor is always 3k with 15k+ health, crit dmg wise i use ascended rings so will normally be 40-60% . Healing power will be 900 and above. Crit chance will be 25-30% with food. Power will be 2.8k and above. oh and please dont use sanctuary in pvp its a waste of slot , ppl can even melee you near the edge of the barrier which is basically pretty crappy lol.