Sorry, but I just gotta vent for a while. I’m sure I won’t be as bitter tomorrow but today I just had to quit WvW because I’m finally fed up with the behavior of some guilds.
It’s not that it happened today. I most probably would just have brushed it off. But it happens time and time again. I think it started with a huge influx of new guilds on our sever when the bandwagoning caused by the first tournament happened.
Anyway, I was roaming with a friend of mine and we happened upon a guild. Believe it or not, it can happen. Maps are not infinitely large and it often makes sense to go to the nearest target and capture it. Only a few seconds pass until we are not only rudely told that this is a closed guild raid but also that we should change the map we’re playing on!
I get it. You’re on a guild run. You want to have fun with your buddies. You want to enjoy this game just as I do. You have the right to politely ask me to not follow you around and I’ll happily oblige. But don’t act like the map or the game is yours. Don’t be so kitten impolite. Don’t forget that this is an MMO and other people have just as much right to play it and have fun as you do. Being in a guild doesn’t make you superior. Being in a guild doesn’t give you the right to treat others without any respect at all. Just show some decency and basic respect to your fellow players (which are all humans by the way) and at least try to make this game a place where no one feels totally unwanted.
Like I said above, it really isn’t that it happened today. But it happens at least 3 times a week if I play daily. Although most often not to the extent that I’m told to switch map. I don’t know why some of you feel so entitled and sometimes have the nerve to do things like run into a camp I’m currently taking over, killing all the guards, then run to the next camp (that was next on my “roaming circle” anyway) and then tell me to kitten off if I run into the same direction because I’m ruining your precious guild run. Well, guess what, you’re ruining my precious roamer run.
What I want to say (or ask of you guildies) -I guess- is: Please just be a bit more considerate and don’t make others feel like they’re totally unwelcome in this game.
Don’t jump to the conclusion that someone wants to join you and is out to ruin your guild run just because they are running in the same direction for a camp or two. And if you want people to go somewhere else, remember that you can’t order them to do what you want (you wouldn’t like that either, would you?) but you have the right to ask them in a polite manner.
I’ve been playing WvW for over 3 years now and once loved it dearly (and still do to a certain extent). There was such a great sense of community, of working together against a common enemy and accomplishing things through teamwork. But as things stand now I often feel totally unwelcome up to the point where I don’t feel like playing WvW at all and that’s a kitten shame!