Showing Posts Upvoted By Zelanard.5806:

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Unidentified gear, why, oh why? It is a redundant RNG throwback to old style action RPGs that serves no purpose in Guild Wars, just adds to tedium and annoyance. Please remove it from PoF release.

Except it was in Guild Wars since inception.

I like it, personally. Saves space.

Good luck.

80 tomes of knowledge = 1 lvl 80 boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathok.2914


As the title says shouldn’t we get an option to turn 80 tomes of knowledge into 1 lvl 80 boost? This way we won’t have to click about 160 times to lvl up. Maybe add a vendor who trades 80 tomes of knowledge into the boost

Edit: since a lot of people didn’t get what I meant: I didn’t mean that we should get all the items the lvl 80 boost comes with, only the boost itself should be obtainable this way. I like the idea of getting the option to ‘consume all’ even more than this vendor idea. Just stack up as many tomes as you want to use and you are good to go

Toreno #16

(edited by Deathok.2914)

Tequalt weapon set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I have to agree for a token system for Teq and Wurm skins. No one is saying they have to be cheap, could be 1 token per Exotic Dragon Chest/Golden Wurm Chest, then maybe 15 tokens for offhands, 25 for mainhand, 35 for Two hands and armor pieces, along with 1 new crafted token currently used to buy ascended armor/weapons in PvP and fractals.

For example, the same reason there is the Magnetite Shard Vendor in raids was so you can eventually get the skins you want while participating regularly on the not so rare chance the items you want do not drop.


(edited by Haleydawn.3764)

Quality of Life (Asura Axe Animation)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


FWIW, I think this is one of those “personal taste” issues. I like that animation, and it really looks great.

[Suggestion] Make Celestial Gear Celestial

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blumpf.2518


And why do you think so ?
If you have something to add to the topic, please name your reason or there can be no real discussion what should be improved and why or not…

Enough hair, we need better BEARDS!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Havok.6073


It’s been years and years, and we’re still having the same options .
Either the thin lined dandy crap or the full Santa. For the love of Balthazar, give us some more proper BEARDS!

Thank you , please, and all that.


What to do with Dungeons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


That would be a little redundant though, no? We already have moderate-to-challenging content that rewards ascended equipment in fractals and raids. Dungeon rewards are pretty neat, I think they just need to be more visible and/or have some other small, unique incentives.

Dungeoneer should be a part of the regular dailies instead and I’d add some optional treats to the 5g chest. A choice of the extra tokens, obsidian shards or a transmutation charge or something of the sort.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekey.7946


If the leaks are true.

Everyone who saw the leaks should know that they’re real. It would have been way too much work just to troll people and the design of everything fit GW2 precisely – the interface, the design of the 3D models and the like. Plus there’s been a dodgy comment of Mike O’Brien on leaks in the latest AMA. If you read between the lines you’ll know that the leaks were real for sure.

Even if these screenshots were outdated and Anet changed something after they were taken, I don’t think they would scrap an entire developed system that probably took months to create.

(edited by Tekey.7946)

Thanks to the development team

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Welcome to Tyria, and best of luck!

If you find something puzzling, the Wiki (link above, or accessed in-game by typing /Wiki [topic of choice]) is a great resource.

Thanks to the development team

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Storm.6958


I’m fairly new to the guild wars series. So I had decided to purchase the HoT set hoping it would help me find a game I enjoy. I’m almost 40 years old now and haven’t really been able to get into a MMO since Ultima online. This was a shot in the dark with this game. I had heard good things but never bothered to check it out myself until now. I am very glad I did. I have a life outside the game and like a lot of us I found it difficult to balance my life/family with some playing time. I always felt I was playing from behind in almost every other game. With this game I can play a few hours a week and feel like I’ve made some progress. This may sound all very trivial in the big scheme of things but for a person like me it means everything. I find the game has a good flow with lots of things to do. You never find yourself looking for something to do and you get a good sense of satisfaction from completing quests and opening new areas of the map that you can finally traverse. It has been a good experience so far. I know developers can get a hard time on occasion so I thought it might be a good idea to let them know that they have done it right, at least from my view.

Thank you for your efforts and making a very long week at work seem a little shorter and bringing back to joy of gaming to me.

Jumping Puzzles Suck in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


Its all a matter of guess work on what you should try and try and try again. There is no consistency in the height or distance your character can travel. So we never really get to know the limitations to our character. To be able to establish with confidence “I can jump this distance or i can jump this height”. ..You can find yourself jumping to a height destination never possible before and fail at a height destination previously accomplished numerous times in the past. The same goes for distance.

Never thought that i would have to say this to anyone, but
Lern to jump.
I do several jps partly daily (e.g. chalice of tears(CoT)) and i can definetly calculate how far a jump will go. If you can’t calculate that it’s your fault not the fault of the game.
The one single thing that i have to agree with to some degree is the thing with slopes not indicated as save ground in some newer JPs.

The only JPs without proper indication of the pass you should take are CoT and the new one (forgot the name).
Also you CAN utilise class knowledge. There are several JPs where you can use leaps/stability/blocks etc. to get trough some parts easier. There were even record runs for CoT. I personaly did one in 5 mins with all checkpoints, the latest record was 3.5 mins but without all checkpoints i think.
If you need help with some JPs i might help you, but don’t blame the game for something that you can’t do.

Kessex Hills Floating Castle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bridget Morrigan.1752

Bridget Morrigan.1752

Please just don’t make it a raid. Having story content I’ll likely never see is already frustrating enough. Don’t end up making something that people have been waiting for twelve years to see be only available to a few.

PS vs Alacrity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brawson.8260


will post it there. sorry. thanks for the reply.

Chronos and the new 5 stack boon cap.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Honestly, OP, I have only one reason to answer your whole “rant”: to reduce spamming. Personally, as much as I like the fast paced combat system, I can also sympathize why Anet did this. Spamming skills without worrying a single bit about the cool downs is not very fun I would say and with so much alacrity and quickness being shared with your party or allies whether you play raids or open world I sort of think it also contributes to reducing the visual noise that go along with these game modes. Just my two cents

Invisible Shoes! What the?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Fixed, and ya

I understand the purpose of something being rare,

I agree that barefoot isn’t a rare look

Theres a difference between legendary status rare and rare. Right now the Invis stompers are more legendary than legendary. Thats past the point of even being rare.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Razor.9872


“Dear A-net,

I don’t like new content; don’t give new content to me or anyone else."

That is what this sounds like to me.

NSPride <3

Is HoT the future for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


The need for a zerg to pretty much progress and succeed in the overall map. Please note the many topics that say progression is impossible now that said map is empty.

With Bloodstone Fen, you can progress regardless if you’re the only person on the map or if a zerg is killing everything. Failure for events isn’t so brutally punishing. Key areas are not blocked from mapping or exploration if a certain criteria is not met. Certain tools are not required to farm nodes in that map. Multiple groups spread out to complete an event isn’t required in multiple locations. Finding a location isn’t crazy confusing or frustrating. Gaining access to a location doesn’t require a specific skill beyond basic gliding or mushroom hopping. Gaining access to a mastery point doesn’t require a specific mastery unlock. Nothing is locked behind a kitten-near impossible adventure. No adventures . . . period. No gather ‘this amount of ’X’ to progress an event. No waypoint is ever contested because of failure to ‘save it’ or reclaim it from said targets. No waypoint is contested . . . ever.

Just to start. . . .

Being rather new to the game, I’m still getting a feel for some of these differences in design. But I think I can agree that I prefer the BF event structure to the other HoT maps. I enjoy the event cycle in those maps, but it seems overly restrictive. BF is nice in the sense that I can just go there and start playing. I never have to hit LFG and look for a map that’s actually running the events. So, I’m with you there.

On some of the other issues you bring up I disagree. Waypoints are contested in the core game as well. The difference is that you can walk in a straight line to your objective. But if you know your way around, the very “worst” maps (TD!) are actually much quicker to navigate around contested WPs than core maps were. Your issue here has more to do with the fact that you never learned how to get around on these maps (as evidenced by the fact that you find it difficult to get around).

I also disagree with your points on the mastery system. Poison mastery is ONLY required for 100% map completion (and only on half of the maps, as I recall?). I don’t consider that “critical”. You only need map completion for what? Legendaries? Maybe some other collections? Otherwise you only truly “need” bounce mushrooms and updrafts. Everything else is 100% QoL, not critical in any sense of the word.

Thanks for clarifying. To sum up, I like being able to just zone into a map and play without having to look for an instance of the map full of players doing what I want to do. BF is a clear improvement in that sense. And while I didn’t mention it, BF is also a pleasure to navigate.

Where I differ is in my perspective on the mastery system and exploration of HoT maps: I don’t find the mastery system overly restrictive in terms of exploration and I don’t feel the HoT maps are unnecessarily difficult to navigate once you spend the time to learn them (which again, is an aspect of these maps that I very much enjoy!).

My simple wish list.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KWman.3012


1) setting hotkey for “Deposit All Materials”.

Thanks for reading.

Yes, I am a Champion of an Egg.

An alternative to new races.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Eins – Tune racial skills to be competitive with class skills.
Zwei – Add a Racial Lore core mastery that eventually allows all races access to all racial skills. (e.g. reputation skills from GW:EotN)
Drei – Remove class skills as standard utilities, but add a single slot skill for your single racial skill of choice. (to give the Revenant some love)


I like this , A LOT.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

[Suggestion] Places of worship in Kryta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Are we really talking about worship or just respecting a foreign custom? I can see a charr politely kneeling to a human god shrine to get some boon, without feeling any particular worship for the god, just as a human might salute a charr deity if that was the custom.
When in Rome…

Globs of Dark Matter consuming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Salvage them into ectos would be a nice addition. I don’t care what the ecto price is. I always need ectos for dust salvaging and various mystic forge recipes. Plus there’s the skritt lottery if I feel like “wasting” ectos away.

I want this because I have multiple stacks of Dark Matter, lol. Anet, pls. Make me rich.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Globs of Dark Matter consuming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I agree: be nice if there were new sinks for this.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Globs of Dark Matter consuming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Juclesia Elcritian.8410

Juclesia Elcritian.8410

Salvage them into ectos would be a nice addition. I don’t care what the ecto price is. I always need ectos for dust salvaging and various mystic forge recipes. Plus there’s the skritt lottery if I feel like “wasting” ectos away.

Globs of Dark Matter consuming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

The globs of dark matter have stacked up quite alot in my bank by now, and since I don’t plan to make more ascended (got enough sets and I can always change the attributes in the MF), I destroy them quite often. Now could we get a way to make these even the slightest of useful then like bloodstone dust:

- An item like Mawdrey
- Salvage them for luck or something

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Blood Stone Visage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZanchinFissure.7981


I’d like to start buy saying thanks to anet for something that could have been in the gemstore, but made it free instead. My suggestion which is actually more like a complaint though, is the lack of “fluidity” is has for lack of a better word.

The particle effects snap with your character like the original feathered wings did before they added some physics to them to make them look convincing. The visage particles are locked to your toon and don’t trail behind like they probably should. If you rotate your toon left and right you’ll see what I mean, and it looks a bit off.

Edit: I understand that anet probably didn’t want to put lots of developer time into this, but maybe they could add an update for this somewhere in the future.

(edited by ZanchinFissure.7981)

Infinite Tools should be shareable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


After purchasing the Unbreakable Mining/Harvesting/Logging tool set I feel a bit ripped off. I was under the impression you could place them into a shared slot and they could be used infinitely for ALL characters on your account.

Instead the current mechanics force the player to equip them on ONE character.

Since most people in this game use multiply character (I personally have 13) you should be able to use this tools on all characters.

PLEASE: Create a way to place these tool in your shared slots and have them automatically be used without the need to be equipped.

It would be a simple change and would go far in improving the player experience.

Simply create a check which looks for the presence of an infinite tool in the player’s shared slot. If it finds the correct tool then it does not require that character to have a tool equipped when mining, logging, or harvesting.

Buy tools for all characters, copper ones are ok.
Dubble click infinite shared tools in shared slots when u log in and the copper ones when u log out.
Problem solved your welcome.

[Suggestion] Places of worship in Kryta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KestrelGirl.9267


And even cooler if different emotes had different results; e.g. /kneel gives a boon, /threaten turns you into a moa.

Anet, PLEASE make this how Lyssa’s statue works.

[Suggestion] Places of worship in Kryta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


I like this idea (liked your letter version as well). not sure why there aren’t more statues and such of the human gods that give boons, seeing as there are quite a few norn shrines that give boons for kneeling at them, and charr statues that do the same if you salute.

while the boons never last for long, I feel it gives those areas a lot of flavor just from having them and having them across Kryta would have the same positive effect.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |