Showing Posts For Zerhoth.1528:

Returning thief

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


So i just came back recently and wanted to know what builds work best for thieves currently. I’ve had my thief since launch so i’ve played d/d backstab, venomshare, p/d,d/p, p/p, cluster bomb, you name it. So throw what you think is your best wvw build at me so i can try some out. Thanks!

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


EoTM has no influence on WvW, so therefore it was NOT a WvW update.

It is WvW, the same servers fighting in an open world PvP style and earn WvW Badges and other rewards.

+ you get supply for winning into your borderlands citadel

Wrong! You don’t fight the same servers you fight any server that is that color with any server that is your color (Yay! Megaserver -.-) so it has no impact on your actual match-up, and the supply you get from winning can very easily be obtained from the camps, towers, or keeps in a BL so that also doesn’t influence the match-up and even when it does it’s very miniscule so as the person you were trying to disprove said eotm is not wvw.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)'s next..?

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


So i highly doubt this will be up long, but due to the cold shoulder we continuously get from the Devs i’m asking you guys that are as fed up as i am where you’re going game-wise as in what game are you gonna play instead of this? I have a few ideas of where i may go but i’d rather hear your opinions. I figured this game could quell me for another 21 days before i leave for the Navy but even that is seeming farfetched each day.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


i’m honestly starting to get really , really bored with this game. Most likely because WvW is my favorite mode and it’s just been bug-after-bug i would ask for some new content that doesn’t suck, but then we’d have another 15 page thread like this as we’re strung along and told “it’s being worked on”
gg wp
next game plz?

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

What started the WvW decline

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


Brief history of my server, Maguuma. So I started on Jade Quarry, then moved to AR and eventually to Mag. When i first came to Mag it was a decent t4-t5 server that could hold its own and had open field fights with siege. Roaming was still a thing too! Then we got more numbers as guilds came to us but nothing substantial yet. We got a decent foothold in t4 and some guilds from one of the servers (Yak’s Bend?) ended up coming over as well. That’s when we sort of saw an influx of guilds and in about a month we shot up to t2. We then bounced between t3 and t2 for quite sometime and then the “wonderful” first season of the tourney rolled around and because of our standings in the past we were in gold league. Well by this point it was back to most of the original maguumans (with exceptions of course) and we were facing servers with 2-3 times our numbers for 9 weeks straight. Now don’t get me wrong, we could hold our own in some instances and we did a bit better in season 2, however this is where i personally saw the decline. Many of my friends transfered, or stopped playing due to their distaste for the blob v blob crap that has arisen. So the decline i would say didn’t happen after an update, but rather once everyone bandwagonned to one server for rewards.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


I’ve gotten the DCs in every part of the game, and like it was said before after being a little persistent it tends to even out. However, it is predominant in EB and i have had the majority of DCs in EB. Half of them have been on my thief too which I purposely stay away from blobs on in order to roam and despite my surroundings being clear i’ll still lag/DC

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

sure thing, let’s give the WvW team more to do when they haven’t even finished the rewards problem.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

missing wardrobe skins...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


Many of the skins i purchased from the gem store in the past (ex: Grenth Hood) are not available in my wardrobe to be used as skins. To me this makes literally no sense and in retrospect makes all the armor purchases from the gem store i made, completely useless…thanks Anet for screwing me again.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Wardrobe Skins.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


So wasn’t sure where to post this but here goes.

I know I’m not alone when it comes to the previous purchases of gem store armors and other aesthetic pieces. Yet, none of these skins are unlocked, however my starting armor skins from day 1 was unlocked. Why can we not have the skins we paid for in the wardrobe to mix and match freely?

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Why does everyone think we're OP?

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


the only build I believe is truly OP would be the 10/0/30/0/30 P/D build with full dire gear.

out of curiosity what utilities/traits did you slot?

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


i would instantly fight to reclaim, Ascalon city was absolutely beautiful in GW1 and the nostalgia would be great.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Looking for WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


I recently came back from a hiatus due to school/work/military repsonsibilities, and would appreciate it if someone could give my lvl 80 thief a new home. I love doing living story, and i’ll pretty much do any part of the game but i prefer WvW. I’ve been in various guilds that will otherwise remain unnamed, and can if needed have references pulled.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Pistol Whip feels good man.

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


mind posting the build? i’m curious now.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma) Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


With the new skelk venom could you say p/d vshare thieves can make a comeback? I’ve been wanting to try it out but i don’t want to spend the gold then have it suck royally. Any thoughts are welcome.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

WvWvW season 1 achievements being buggy

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


i’ve had multiple achievements that haven’t given credit where it was due, but i can easily overlook those because it was mostly guard/sentry kills. However, there is one problem i’ve had that ‘s very frustrating and that is the Mistwrought Chest not opening when i do the BL JPs. Has anyone else had this problem? i can get into the vault and i had both halves of the key, but i didnt get AP credit or loot. I’ve also sent in about five bug reports to Anet but we all know how they don’t give a kitten about one player.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

gear discussion

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


so recently i’ve respecced my thief to P/D main and D/P off and i was wondering what the ideal gear set would be to make this build viable in WvW; currently im in full zerker gear with varying stats on my pistols and daggers.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


altair gazing upon the eternal battlegrounds


All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood/Dragonbrand! Jan-25

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


To that Norn thief on DB that I lured into the godslore zerg, I dun like you. :P

Def need better armor.

Maguuma – how many unwanted transfers did you get?

Think of it this way, before this we queued like two maps map at reset.

And those queues were about 10-20 minutes at most now it took me and [EVOH] about an hour to two hours to get to our home BL and we’re not even all here yet…

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


fight back please


All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


To whoever the thief was that I 1v1ed by the dredge minutes ago I’d like to say great fight and if you could Pm me (Zerhoth) that’d be great because I’m curious of your build and armor.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

(edited by Zerhoth.1528)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


I’d like to address something that I was a “victim” of. As i was running around Greenvale Supply camp in Maguuma Borderlands, i noticed a Devona’s Rest Invader with the guild tag [XIII] and as i approached them they stood still. So being a thief I became the jerk that is encoded in my class (lol) and went for the quick kill. However, as i went to go do the backstab sequence said player shot up into the sky vanishing and reappearing just barely visible on my screen about 1600-2000 meters away (game distance) much like the node hopping hack. Just figured I’d let you all know so you can keep your eyes peeled

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Arah bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


so the WP is uncontested as well as the dungeon entrance but if you port there you are instantly spawn killed by the orrian eyes and risen hands and to top it all off the doors that open for the Karma Merchants are sealed shut…despite the event’s completion.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


yup just happened to my team in a free tourny and cost us the game….is this going to be a regular thing with each patch..?

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)