Showing Posts For Zeron.4017:

Looking for a fractal guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zeron.4017


I’m a guardian looking for a dungeon/fractal based guild that uses VOIP. I prefer a laid back atomosphere and willingness to teach others the ropes. My server is Fort Aspenwood, but for fractals servers don’t really matter.

Please send me an ingame mail or whisper if you’re interested, otherwise, good luck in your endeavors!

Your opinion on the best Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017


Obviously, Tilron is the best necromancer.

Which prof have you rerolled to?!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017



Just because you only play PvE, WvW, and dungeons, doesn’t mean everything else doesn’t exist.

I know i’m just nibbling the bait, but eh, whatever. I’ll just play the spongebob route, ride the hook all the way to the top and jump off.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017


Being transformed into a moa bird by a mesmer desummons your minions.

Dagger/Focus % Scepter/Dagger Necro Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017


I love the dagger MH skills, but to be honest they put you too far into the “blast zone” if you will, for my tastes. I much prefer targeted well staff builds if i intend on using wells, for the aoe potential.

Gear Plateu And Stat Combinations That Don't Exist. Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeron.4017


I guess to keep this short and sweet I have noticed 3 types of gear out there – healing/support/dps

It sounds like you want a mix of survivability and dps and to that I say nay!!!! You cannot be a big strong dps class that can ALSO survive big hits.

Each build has to come at a cost or else there is no point to having different stats. Im terribly low DPS but I can out live most people. I use 6 heals on my warrior and utilize almost nothing but CC. Sure I would LOVE to be a viable DPS class at the same time but how OP would that be?

The problem with your theory is that toughness/vitality/power gear already exists(WvW/Vanity gear), so if i wasn’t a necromancer, and say, a warrior, this Gear would make me tougher AND do more damage.

But since i’m a necro, i don’t have equivalency of this gear, so i throw it in the mystic forge with say, 50 fangs, blood, and totems, and get the stat combination i want.

I really don’t see a problem with this. Gear can be absolutely situational, you could even have multiple sets of gear for multiple things. (straight burn/tank/mixture)

Then again, i could be overweighing what stats give on armor in the first place, because when i was in full exotic berserker gear, it really didn’t feel much different killing things than in my masterwork explorer gear.

If you are required to attunment dance to be good...(LONG)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zeron.4017


Of all the casters you could have compared to, you picked a necromancer?

Go to almost every class forum there is, and you might see 20-30% whining and moaning.

The necromancer forum? 70-90% whining and moaning, why? Because the class is absolutely broken. At least you guys can have civil discussions, we’re too busy wallowing in our sorrow and self pity to even bother talking about how to play the class, because no necromancer build really works extremely well all around.

Gear Plateu And Stat Combinations That Don't Exist. Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeron.4017


I don’t agree. There are certain combinations on gear that if they existed every single person would use it

Oh, you mean berserker?

Haha, my thought exactly. I’m willing to bet 80% of players use or intend to use berserker. I mean, the market is pretty clear on that. Vial of powerful blood (for 80 exotic berserker items) costs 20 times as much as all of the other t6 items.

Unless the state of dungeons changes (disregarding WvW) i highly doubt berserker will reign supreme in PvE. Stacking toughness/vit seems to be one of the few viable ways to not get insta gibbed by a stray attack, and you know you can’t dodge 100% of everything.

Necromancer dungeon build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017


As far as i know, stacking vit/toughness for dungeons is definitely a best bet. Most glass cannon builds are being easily one shot right now with the current ridiculous dungeon difficulty, even being able to take two or three hits helps a lot more in the long run for your team, and your wallet.

Gear Plateu And Stat Combinations That Don't Exist. Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeron.4017


At this point, I don’t even know what some stats do, for all i know power could affect condition damage, there just isn’t enough information, and Anet doesn’t even have someone spoonfeed us a tiny bit of math into the wiki so we could make an educated decision about what the stats on our gear actually do, have diminishing returns, or what have you.

Mouseover the stats and it will tell you what they do.

Thanks for being a smartass. But mathematically, some things could effect things in ways we don’t realize. Like another question, Does healing power affect life siphons? the answer may not be as obvious as it seems. It could, or it couldn’t, i haven’t done extensive testing to prove or disprove this.

The whole thing of Power and condition damage is far too vague, one may affect the other, or niether at all and they just so happen to be two different stats, which they don’t need to be if the game is really as simple as you portray it to be.

In my experience with MMOs, nothing is as the tooltip says, and you should realize this. Some things just work differently, even though arenanet told you they worked a certain way on paper, but in practice they might just be different.

As to my main point, some stat combinations simply don’t exist. To name one, Toughness, Vitality, Healing power, anyone? How about toughness, vitality, condition damage?

Why can’t we just tie certain stats to certain crafting items and throw them into the recipes, and allow us to craft gear tailored to the playstyle we so choose?


Bloody hell. Do you realize that you’d have to give players 63 different recipes for the same tier of item in order to have every single stat combination available, right?

As per the 63 different recipes, i can see that being a bit of a stretch, maybe add it in to the mystic forge? could be better than just making it a glorified gambling device.

Probably because the stat set you want would be very OP, I think toughness, vit, cond would become THE set to get for many and would really hurt the precision/power setups some people like to play. Hey, what do I know, I’m no game designer or anything.

OP or not, there is still no reason to not give your players choice. Giving us freedom would allow for a far more wide diversity of builds than are currently available, even if a lot of traits do need a serious overhaul.

(edited by Zeron.4017)

Gear Plateu And Stat Combinations That Don't Exist. Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeron.4017


So, as per Anet’s promise, we can hit the “gear plateu” fairly easily, right? Maybe if you want max armor(the stat). As per specific stat distributions, i think not.

As i whine about this, in come the people saying, “But you can get max armor from crafting and Karma vendors!” And i retort, most of the stat distribution on the craft gear, as well as the karma gear, is not everyone’s cup of tea, and/or not focused.

Show me a craft set with precision, toughness, and condition damage. Oh wait! They don’t exist. And all of the named sets (khilbron, to name one) as far as i know aren’t crafted. So how am i supposed to gain these specific stats you ask? farm for the so called “vanity gear” that is in dungeons that are hard to the point they need a completely different thread to talk about them (i.e. the entire dungeon subforum right now)

As to my main point, some stat combinations simply don’t exist. To name one, Toughness, Vitality, Healing power, anyone? How about toughness, vitality, condition damage?

Why can’t we just tie certain stats to certain crafting items and throw them into the recipes, and allow us to craft gear tailored to the playstyle we so choose?

To be completely honest, i’d rather the GW1 system with just armor and rune, and that’s that. Not having the stats on my armor that i desire in ANY form (i.e. fine quality or otherwise) just saps my will to play, since i know there will never be a stat combo that fits my particular playstyle. Maybe i want to be a little tankier, while also having condition damage?

At this point, I don’t even know what some stats do, for all i know power could affect condition damage, there just isn’t enough information, and Anet doesn’t even have someone spoonfeed us a tiny bit of math into the wiki so we could make an educated decision about what the stats on our gear actually do, have diminishing returns, or what have you.

Anyways, at this point i’m just ranting. Have a nice day gentlemen, if any of you agree, know you’re not alone.

Dungeon builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017


I find it very useful to at least have one ranged set and one melee set of weapons, or just two ranged sets. Since sometimes being in melee range is just not viable, so you pretty much have to range things down.

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeron.4017


So far, aside from abysmal pet AI, minions work fairly well as meat shields in my experience. I can walk around Orr without worry because they usually take most of the hits.

The problem though, is with the minor trait that summons jagged horrors.

Now, according to the wiki, you can have 5 of these active at a time max, sounds good, right? well, it would be nice, if they lived for more than 10 seconds.

Currently, a Horror will not last 10 seconds as it will degenerate and die fairly fast, they literally come up and die instantly every 30 seconds (as per the cd of the trait.) You can’t even tote one from one fight to another, because chances are it’ll die on the way there.

Luckily, turning off voices made my life easier since i didn’t need to constantly hear my character mourn the death of the useless horrors every 30 seconds, but that’s another story entirely.

I wouldn’t even care if every horror only took maybe 3-5 hits to kill, i just want them to at least stick around to do their job as a meat shield instead of die instantly as soon as they come out of the ground. Is that so much to ask for? Currently, this trait is wasting a slot that could be used for at least something marginally useful.