Showing Posts For Zidane.5297:

Throwing in my Commander tag. [RISE]

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Let’s be clear here,

This gentleman and his guild are new transfers to Blackgate. They are by the very definition of the word bandwagoning to the top server. This gentleman and some of his guildmates in their 2nd week in the match up went on to these forums and started bashing every guild on SoR including our flagship guild TW.

TW took it as a challenge and has stacked into EB all week, a borderland they have never gone to before, just to fight these guys. Now after 4 days of getting what was coming to him he’s running like a coward….

If that’s true then you and TW need to chill the kitten out. It’s a kittening video game

Correct, online pvp oriented video game aka competition. You should take your own advice. Talk trash in a pvp oriented video game expect to be challenged. Difficult concept I know.

Lol at competition in WvW. It’s zerg vs zerg, where most of the time it’s everyone in PVT gear spamming 1.

Throwing in my Commander tag. [RISE]

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Let’s be clear here,

This gentleman and his guild are new transfers to Blackgate. They are by the very definition of the word bandwagoning to the top server. This gentleman and some of his guildmates in their 2nd week in the match up went on to these forums and started bashing every guild on SoR including our flagship guild TW.

TW took it as a challenge and has stacked into EB all week, a borderland they have never gone to before, just to fight these guys. Now after 4 days of getting what was coming to him he’s running like a coward….

If that’s true then you and TW need to chill the kitten out. It’s a kittening video game

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Typical SoR troll trying to create drama saying that a JQ alliance is transferring out. This really ticks me off, SoR does not deserve to be in T1. Terrible kittening community that resorts to stupid kitten like this

SoR deserves to be in T1 due to the fact they still go out and fight hard despite the disadvantages in coverage. Their NA prime is the best in T1.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


BTW, Vizunah Square is the #1 server in the history of GW2. More gold medals and overall medals than JQ.

pretty much most useless troll in thread

+10 forum kitten points

Lol at the saltiness from JQ peeps. Looks like JQ has no heart when things don’t go in their favor.

Hey Vizunah square is number 1 man. Troll harder.

Believe me I am. Reading the bitter tears from some peeps from JQ warms my heart.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


If you guy’s truly wanna know why JQ gave up a 17k lead here it is. JQ as a whole has gotten bored of the repetitive wvw match up that we have now since the match up hasn’t changed much in a long time. (Guest in JQ la and ask this is the answer that you will get) Overall JQ is tired of wvw after weekend hype and a large lead and says lets go do something else that we havn’t been doing for months on end. JQ will continue to slack off until something new is added to wvw but until then have fun bg with first then maybe you guys will feel the same after a bit too.

This x 100.

Quite frankly, the game is boring. JQ is the #1 server in the history of the game. You can’t blame us that we want to take it easy and just relax on our luarrels and play other games. There’s no challenge left in GW2 for JQ as a server, we’ve fought the best and been the best.

You have to understand how hilarious people like you sound, especially after the grief your server gave to TA/HoD about their disbanding.

Exactly. JQ has a lead during the weekend and when the tide starts turning against them, the QQ comes out in full force. If they did not care so much like they claim and wanting to take it easy, then why try so hard during reset and into the weekend?

BTW, Vizunah Square is the #1 server in the history of GW2. More gold medals and overall medals than JQ.

The only QQ I saw was from 2-3 people. It’s all good bro’s, it’s all good.

The passive-aggressive in this post is pretty obvious. GG

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


If you guy’s truly wanna know why JQ gave up a 17k lead here it is. JQ as a whole has gotten bored of the repetitive wvw match up that we have now since the match up hasn’t changed much in a long time. (Guest in JQ la and ask this is the answer that you will get) Overall JQ is tired of wvw after weekend hype and a large lead and says lets go do something else that we havn’t been doing for months on end. JQ will continue to slack off until something new is added to wvw but until then have fun bg with first then maybe you guys will feel the same after a bit too.

This x 100.

Quite frankly, the game is boring. JQ is the #1 server in the history of the game. You can’t blame us that we want to take it easy and just relax on our luarrels and play other games. There’s no challenge left in GW2 for JQ as a server, we’ve fought the best and been the best.

You have to understand how hilarious people like you sound, especially after the grief your server gave to TA/HoD about their disbanding.

Exactly. JQ has a lead during the weekend and when the tide starts turning against them, the QQ comes out in full force. If they did not care so much like they claim and wanting to take it easy, then why try so hard during reset and into the weekend?

BTW, Vizunah Square is the #1 server in the history of GW2. More gold medals and overall medals than JQ.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Let’s be honest, here’s what happened. WM/MEOW/etc transferred to BG and started fighting NA/OC/AZ timezone and got wrecked. Jang and co seeing they couldn’t compete changed their schedules and started logging in en masse for EU TZ which was dead for the other 2 servers.

Whatever may come out of Jang’s mouth, 2 things are clear: 1. WM isn’t in it for the “challenge”. and 2. They don’t have the chops for T1 combat.

WM is nowhere near as big as Choo/TW/Hire/Fire/HzH/EMP. Their zerg consists of 15-20 WM and the rest pugs.

The goal of WvW is to put points on the board and WM does a fine job at that. Waha and co didn’t seem to mind to PvDoor when no one on BG or SoR was on, so I don’t see the problem.

You sound real salty.

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Not going to lie, I’ve grown a tad bit of respect for the older BG players. They don’t gloat nearly as much as the bandwagoner RISE/WM/etc guilds that have flooded into BG. It’s kind of like that rookie who joins a veteran team who’s worked so hard over the years building up and whatever, only to run their mouths after one victory about how they’re the second coming of Michael Jordan’s 1990’s Bulls.

Should probably hush up a bit ;p

Well, they’re probably excited. Can’t blame them really. In the end, excitement is better than boredom and no will to play or be involved, for any of the servers in a match. I think it is fair to cut these guys a bit of slack.

Also, posts like this have a tendency to cause a reaction when things change. Just sayin.

So it takes one post on a forum to rile up BG to start pulling all nighters and putting extra hours in to compete?

You know this for a fact? Nice to make assumptions.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I never said it was cheap, you guys don’t have any RL commitments which allow you to play for 18+ hours straight.

Congrats is in order for your win, but the chest thumping is quite unnecessary.

I don’t know if chest thumping is necessary or not, but it felt good bro. You must have felt the same way when you post this few days ago:

I don’t know, WM just doesn’t seem that good anymore.

Our pugs ran circles around them without a commander a couple times, and then when they hit FOO they simply just melted that much faster.

Not sure if they haven’t gotten all their transfers over or they haven’t changed their tactics yet but the trip away from T1 has just made them worse.

i think you have set a pretty good example for us…don’t you think

I can add insult to injury and post FOO members crying foul when BG won the first time because we “cheated” and had a spy on JQ siege spamming.

How about the ultimate chest thumping? JQ making a thread about an all green WvW map against SoR/SoS and actually believe they didn’t PvDoor and it took a lot of “teamwork” to accomplish.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I never said it was cheap, you guys don’t have any RL commitments which allow you to play for 18+ hours straight.

Congrats is in order for your win, but the chest thumping is quite unnecessary.

this is a new one guys

‘you have no life’ argument.

according to Stei, the pve force are going to make a come back when they are angry about their beloved server getting beat up like this.

what happen to the ‘PvE’ force that suppose to save you?

They relied on FOO to PvD everything when no one was on. Now that we actually have guilds to fill in the timeslot and seige working as intended (ACs), it’s not easy mode for them anymore.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I never said it was cheap, you guys don’t have any RL commitments which allow you to play for 18+ hours straight.

Congrats is in order for your win, but the chest thumping is quite unnecessary.

I do recall someone from JQ posting a screenshot of a WvW map all green against SoR/SoS.

No amount of chest thumping can come close to that and that was you guys. Cry me a river.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Hey JQ!

Score Update:

So now BG is more populated server than JQ? Grats!

Na, it’s that JQ has always been carried by FOO and everyone knows it. Thanks for playing.

4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zidane.5297


If BG wins this match, only thing it proves is that they can play more than us.

Which is fine, we are taking it easy this week anyways.

No it’s because with the AC buff, JQ can’t flip towers/keeps like they used to. Now it actually pays to be on the defensive.

Earlier today on SoR bl at Bluelake, watched a zerg comprised of FOO and FIRE cata our gate down but couldn’t go anywhere near it with three ACs wreaking havoc on them.

The zerg didn’t know what to do and then WM came from Hills and wiped them.

(edited by Zidane.5297)

Apr 26 2013 SOTG changes Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Ok watching it again now so all signets passives will be doubled this goes for all warriors! So so dolyak should yied +180 tougheness. So I wonder what that means for healing signet?

Ok so the dotted march trait that replaces turtle defense will reduced cripple chill and immoblize by 33% and if hit by any of those condition you get regeneration on a cd.

That’s great until you run against a D/P thief with Infiltrator’s Signet + Quick Recovery trait which will give them four initiative every 10 seconds, making a D/P a true perma-stealth class.

If the thief has Signet of Shadows, that’s 50% movement speed right there. Good luck trying to hit him while they are kiting you to death with shortbow.

I don’t think Anet actually thought this through with making all signet’s passives doubled.

The signet passive buff only applies to single stat buff signets, which will apply 2x the stat buff.

Initiative, run speed and so on are not stats. Power, precision, perhaps even condition duration and such are stats as they appear in the hero panel.

Ok that makes sense or otherwise it would be OP. Still, a thief with Assassin’s signet is going to have 180 power and combine it with Bloodlust stacks, a thief is going to hit hard even in a semi-glass cannon build.

Apr 26 2013 SOTG changes Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Ok watching it again now so all signets passives will be doubled this goes for all warriors! So so dolyak should yied +180 tougheness. So I wonder what that means for healing signet?

Ok so the dotted march trait that replaces turtle defense will reduced cripple chill and immoblize by 33% and if hit by any of those condition you get regeneration on a cd.

That’s great until you run against a D/P thief with Infiltrator’s Signet + Quick Recovery trait which will give them four initiative every 10 seconds, making a D/P a true perma-stealth class.

If the thief has Signet of Shadows, that’s 50% movement speed right there. Good luck trying to hit him while they are kiting you to death with shortbow.

I don’t think Anet actually thought this through with making all signet’s passives doubled.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Score update. JQ wins by 60k point domination.

OMG you are the winrar! Congrats!

Going by his post history, that’s all this guy has in life.

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I for one will be more happy in t2 than the map zergball that is t1. And many others in BG feels the same.

Exactly. Take today for an example on SoR BL. SoR had bluewater camp at T3 with a few players from TWL with someone on a ballista as well.

Four of us from oPP and two fellow BG brethren attack and when we were about to take it, a zergball from TSYM and TIME shows up and wipes us.

They got outplayed and needed to call in backup at a T3 camp for six people, even though they had the numbers advantage.

That is one way of looking at it. Another is you were operating in an environment where you should have known that a “zergball” could have showed up at any time. You chose to attempt to take the target anyway (kudos on going for it) and the forces holding it were able to delay you long enough for backup to come in and crush you.

WvW is for most intents and purposes a war simulator and this is pretty much real-life stuff that happens. The only difference is in real-life people don’t get to come onto the forums and post about it afterwards.

For example:

Gen. Lee: “WTF?!?!? Zergballer! 118k men against 64k @TheWinderness! You got no skillz.”

Gen. Grant: “Looser! GTFO”

Gen. Lee: “We will. Better fights in T2 anyway.”

I play WvW to have fun while some of you guys act like it’s a second job. WvW is not a “war simulator”, it’s all about coverage/numbers. In a real war, technology, strategy, and tactics trumps numbers all the time.

Thanks for the history lesson on the Civil War, as your post couldn’t be more condescending.

(edited by Zidane.5297)

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I for one will be more happy in t2 than the map zergball that is t1. And many others in BG feels the same.

Exactly. Take today for an example on SoR BL. SoR had bluewater camp at T3 with a few players from TWL with someone on a ballista as well.

Four of us from oPP and two fellow BG brethren attack and when we were about to take it, a zergball from TSYM and TIME shows up and wipes us.

They got outplayed and needed to call in backup at a T3 camp for six people, even though they had the numbers advantage.

The "wrong way" to play ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I played an elementalist to 30 and I think they are possibly the worst class ever made. They are horribad. They do crap damage and die so fast it’s pathetic in any spec other than earth. It’s just not worth the time to play them. Maybe when I get a programable mouse to teach to play the musical of key presses needed to make them not suck, I’ll play her again.

you wont have an accurate opinion on any class till 80; i hated mesmer till 80; now it (ele and ranger) are my favourites
-also gw2 has a 1 button press= 1 action policy; afaik macros go against that

True but a lot of people use macros though. In WvW, I have seen too many people dodge jumping with perfect timing that makes you wonder if they are using a macro or are just great with the skill.

@Critical Haste -- NO BUFFS?!

in Thief

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Thanks ANet, you definitely haven’t put much thought into nerfing haste.

No buffs whatsoever for critical haste, only 50% dps nerf.

Yay, ANet basically said, we will give every other haste in the game a buff but not thieves cause we hate thieves!

EDIT: Critical haste is a trait which gives 3s of haste on crit (10% chance). Duration was not increased by the standard 1s. Appreciate that ANet, really do…

Why does everyone hate stealth classes so much?

Because they are a bunch of bads. Anet seems to be like Blizzard that if bads cry about a certain class long enough, they will get nerfed to the ground or close to it.

No Ascended Gear Through WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Is it true there is no ascended gear through WvW?

Yes, it’s true.

PATCH ! Harder on Caltrops Than Stealth !

in Thief

Posted by: Zidane.5297


P/D thief got hit hard and was a hard counter to mesmers. Now, not so much…

3/22 JQ-BG-SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


It’s “Zallos Rek” on JQ that is hiding in the map and breaking the doors.

When I was camping by BG’s garrison waiting for the exploiter to come back, I saw a green dot appear at watergate, so I ran towards it and as I was running up the stairs, I saw the names of everything around through the walls (like what sometimes happens, I’m sure you’ve all seen this) and I clearly saw the name “Zallos Rek” in the wall.

The same guy I posted in the Seige thread with youtube links but got infracted for it and post deleted. This is the guy that EMP kicked out right?

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Or someone who is adamant in adhering to the rules of the game. Quite frankly, I’m surprised more people aren’t outraged about this. Why play a game with rules and systems if they are just going to get thrown out the window.

What ever happened to honor on the battlefield.

I have seen quite a number of JQ players exploiting towers by wall jumping but you don’t see me crying about it because it is what it is.

The fact is, PRX was more of a factor than JQ gave them credit for and you guys burned out. You don’t lose a 24k lead all to one troll siege building all day.

You pushed as hard as you can and BG pushed harder, nothing more, nothing less.

(edited by Zidane.5297)

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


You do know you do not have to have a persons back, to backstab, right?

Exactly, some people forget that a sidestab is still the same as a backstab. Just use CnD, dodge roll towards enemy if they are backpedaling (with Fleet Shadow trait giving you extra speed while in stealth) and sidestab.

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Wow that video makes EMP look really stupid, especially at the end when you wipe them and noodles says F this lol. Very surprising since EMP is a very respected guild. I wouldn’t be surprised if noodles gives a public apology for that display of childish antics once he realizes how wrong he was.

An apology for his antics wouldn’t offset the damage he brought upon his guild. If you watch EMP’s GvG with ICoa, you hear they only lost rounds due to outside interference from BG or SoR.

EMP can’t stand losing from the top down.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


I did not imply at all that BG was dominating JQ, lol… like, what?. I was not being near the level of defensive as you are. Really, dude… look at the post you just made. I can hardly even believe it’s coming from someone on an online game haha. You are being embarrassingly serious right now.

If you will take another look at my post which you are quoting, you’ll be able to see just how simple of a statement can get you so riled up. And I’m overly sensitive…? Calm down, bro. You’re really putting emphasis on JQ’s reputation of serious forum raging.

Some people take this game way too serious and I just think to myself probably this is the only thing they are good at, the only thing they have in their lives.

D/P is the new king of SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Try Traits: 10-0-0-30-30

D/D and D/D with Sigil of Geomancer, Sigil of Stamina on both and initiative spam traits

Skills: Caltrops, wall of shadows, optional


  • Dodge EVERY SINGLE ATTACK ( you won’t get hit )
  • Easily spam 20+ AoE bleeds
  • sPvP.. you’d be surprised how easily it is to 3v1 and win (personal record is 5v1 vs 2 theif, warrior, ranger and engi.. but you prob won’t believe me )

That sounds like the cheapest and probably most effective thief build I’ve read. With Withdraw, Sigil of Stamina, bowl of orrian truffle and meat stew, expeditious dodger, vigor on healing, feline grace, and bountiful theft, you’ve become a dodging machine.

With Withdraw + hastened replenishment, quick recovery, quick pockets, kleptomaniac, and preparedness, you will never run out of initiative.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


No one is going to Kaineg…. there all the rumors are put to rest.

Nope. It’s a good source. But hey, there still more time to think about it. They could change their mind.

You sound like Clementine from PRX starting these rumors.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Interesting that there hasn’t been a whole lot of discussion about JQ for the past 2-3 days in this thread, and then suddenly as the gap narrows, a bunch of exploitation and hacking accusations on this page, lol. JQ finishes strong…FACT. May wanna go ahead and adapt to that.

Interesting that you didn’t say a kitten thing for the past 2-3 days until now. You just need some JQ pom poms to complete the trolling.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


As I said today is a unique exception. What exactly that means I don’t know. THe past few days I’ve seen BG field huge zergs during this time period, and for some reason today I just don’t see it (At least on BGBL). Not sure where they are but I know they exist because I’ve seen them before.

You can say that again. Being on BG, I don’t know what’s going on today. BG BL is full and yet we don’t own anything…

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Wow, Anet fix the serious lag on the JQ map. JQ just lost hills because of horrendous skill lag (takes 10 seconds to cast one skill) and the Waypoint timer is off by 30 seconds.

Now the entire map is lagging up. Good time to log off for the night.

Everyone is experiencing lag, not just you.

Lag getting worse

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


The skill lag is unplayable. I just logged off because my heal skill wouldn’t fire even after 5 seconds. Mind you this was on the open field.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


Never thought I would see a server with better coverage and more numbers than I saw JQ with when we hit T1. But kitten BG…

I just logged out just now and we had 440ppt to JQ’s 195 and up by almost 10k. Hopefully, we can keep this up.

Unbearable lag @ SM lately ... and more :)

in WvW

Posted by: Zidane.5297


The lag is so bad sometimes that if I use heartseeker, I don’t go anywhere and just stay in the same spot.