Does the Beast mastery trait “two handed training” affect staff?
I would love to see an option to show the profession icon next to a players name over its character, not the target area but the actual name floating over the character modell.
Or even have options to show, only icon, name icon, name title icon.. etc.
This would be helpfull in all aspects of the game but majorly in www/spvp and large scale pve events like raids etc.
In PvP, sometimes when doing split deccisions a opponents proffession is important to know fast before using a skill, and with the limits to move around the UI components having a floating icon will really help that.
// Zorion
I think I deleted the bloodstone food without using it for the challange.
Could that have anything to do with the missing chalang mote in meeting the asuras?Ive quit all living world stories on all my characters, deleted all mails and I still cant get it to work.
And the only thing I can think of that I might be missing is that bloodstone food given by the chef.., I never used it and hasnt got it back.
Anyone else?
What? Why would this be connected at all? I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with what you did, and all to do with what Anet did.
Yes how could the bugg on one chalange mote have anything to do with a bug on another challange mote the chapter be4?
Anet clearly stated that they have no idea what is causing the bugg.
They cant even recreate it.
So any abnormilies in Challenge motes/living story email etc etc could probably help the decoding, would you think not?
You do realise that is what a bugg is, a code that when certain criterias are met dosnt work or work differently.
Like, you have 4 characters, doing diff episodes in living world, some have email stgill in inbox some dosnt, some are doing purple stars, some are unlocking it for the first time.
You really cant see how that could be causing any buggs?
I think I deleted the bloodstone food without using it for the challange.
Could that have anything to do with the missing chalang mote in meeting the asuras?
Ive quit all living world stories on all my characters, deleted all mails and I still cant get it to work.
And the only thing I can think of that I might be missing is that bloodstone food given by the chef.., I never used it and hasnt got it back.
Anyone else?
Power does not affect conditions damage.
exampel the necro auto attack…
removedI meant about a bit different thing, not about stacking or duration, but about direct condi damage formula. And if Power not affect on condi damage, why I have a little bit more that damage from 1 or 10 stacks, whatever, of bleeding if I have increased power by 500 for example?
Both are however affected by vulnerability and might…
Yes, it affected by Might, but not affected by vulnerability or any +% dmg nourishments, like Slayer Potions.
There is no “direct condition dmg”
No condition do any “Direct dmg”
They do damage over time, with each calculation being based on whole seconds.
Conditions can then be added as “stacks” or “duration” just like boons.
Stacks ticks each second, 1 stack tick 1 time, 5 stacks ticks 5 times that second, nothing more.
The formula is known and very very easy to test/understand. Power has nothing to do with condition dmg at all.
you take your condition damage and then you know how much each tick is gonna be.
then is just the simple fact of see how many stacks you put on to know how many ticks you will have every second.
The “direct” dmg you see when applying a condition is probably from that skills “direct dmg” part, almost every condition skill has a “direct dmg” part that is done when you hit your target.
This “direct dmg” number will always vary a bit due to weapon power number being a random number between intervals, and maybe you just notice them when you see them being higher.
The “direct dmg” formula is abit tougher to calculate because of the random numbers from the weapon used, and the fact that the targets armor affects it as well, condition dmg ignore armor completely.
If player C comes in with a whoooping 5000 condition dmg and tries to apply 10 stacks of bleed he can not, he can only apply 5 stacks of bleed due to the condioton cap of 25.
So instead of Player C doing his 2925/dps he will only do 1462,5/dps.Are you certain that at 25 stacks you have to wait for the earliest stacks to end before any further are applied.. or does it push the earliest stacks out to make room for the new?
Im not 100% if it replace or is locked.
But going on empirical evidence from big bosses and such, Ive notice that the Bleed cap never stays perma 25stacks it flickers from 23-25ish.
And if New stacks should overwrite old ones odds are that the bleed cap would be perma 25 on big bosses due to players constantly aplying new ones.
But IF an old one needs to end first, then the odds are that there will be moments when the cap will drop belove 25 for a short moment.
Its fast to test, Ill try tonight if someone else isnt faster.
Take 3 con specced players that can aply 25stacks of bleed and 3 power specced players that can aply 25stacks of bleed.
Start with the cond players to aply 25stacks on a dummy, and have it at a constant.
Then have the 3 power ones aply their stacks.
Damage formulas from Wiki
But I believe that the formulas is not quite right. Nobody knows the right ones, except devs. Based on my tests, I can say that Power stat & coefficient of some skills has an effect on damage too.
Power does not affect conditions damage.
Power do affect the direct dmg part of a skill.
exampel the necro auto attack,
Damage: 118 <—— Direct dmg, power stat
Bleeding: 5 s <—— Condition dmg stat
Range: 900
Damage: 118 <—— Direct dmg, power stat
Bleeding: 5 s <—— Condition dmg stat
Range: 900
Damage: 168 <—— Direct dmg, power stat
Poison: 4 s <—— condition dmg
Range: 900
The chain takes 3 sec leaving you having 2 stacks of bleed with 2 sec left on the first stack, and 4 sec poison.
You add 2 bleedstacks more and 1 sec poison extra for every AA chain you do.
Both are however affected by vulnerability and might, so they can do a whooping 50% more dmg than what you are used to.
(edited by Zorion.7504)
if you together stacked 10bleeds equally with the same condition dmg as in your topic that would not be the case.
If you put on 5 stacks of bleed each, then you would have 250 in condition dmg and your friend -170 cond dmg.
Or do you mean you did 5×300/sec ie 1500/dps?
That would mean that you had a condition dmg of 5150! what runes and amulet had you put on?
(edited by Zorion.7504)
When I’m fighting a boss, and I see 25 stacks of bleed, I know for a fact that I did not apply those 25 stacks. Is this in line with what you are stating, Drak?
As I say before bleed stack works the very same way as Vulnerability when ever you land a hit with a physical attack your damage will be base on the amount Vulnerability that had been stack .Bleed works the same way, ever you land a bleed damage attack the damage will be base on the amount of stack and your condition damage
I dont think you acctually understand what you are trying to say =P
No bleed works in no way in the way a vurn does.
Vurn is +1% dmg per stack up to a maximum of 25, ie 25% incressed dmg done, for everyone Not just the one who did it.
So if you have a mob with 25stacks vurnability on them;
Player A normaly does 100dmg now he does 125.
Player B normaly does 50dmg now he does 62.5
Bleed works like this.
Player A with 2000 cond dmg does 100 plus 42.5 dmg per stack of bleed ie 142,5/per sec.
Player B with 1000 cond dmg does 50 plus 42,5 per stack of bleed ie 92,5/per sec.
If player A applies 10 stacks of bleeds it does 1425 dmg a sec
If player B applies 10 stacks of bleeds it does 925 dmg per sec
If player C comes in with a whoooping 5000 condition dmg and tries to apply 10 stacks of bleed he can not, he can only apply 5 stacks of bleed due to the condioton cap of 25.
So instead of Player C doing his 2925/dps he will only do 1462,5/dps.
go to the mist, bring your friend.
one go cond build one go power build.
start fraps, both of you, hit record.
apply poison on a dummy
show us the result for your claim.
My ascanded weapons still does the same damage as your legendaries.
Enjoy them. lol.
wow, whats wrong with people?
what on earth have the stats to do with anything about the legendaries?
think you are mixing this game with some other games =P
Im pretty sure he/she indeed will enjoy the legendaries, and from what I can read into your post, probably more so than you enjoy your ascended items.
I hope the next implement of “legendary” skins are unsellable.
More titles/skins that you cant buy!
Very impressive indeed!
Did you craft them all or bought some?
What was the worst part?
How long did it take from you decided to “have go at it”?
Again awesome dedication!
What if when scarlett died the thing that “possesed” her acctully moved on to Marjory Delaqua!
I am one of thous who like it when characters dies from time to time, so I was abit, meh when she recovered and that lead me to think this.
Lets say the entity that manipulated scarlett, to set him free, has an even more cunning plan.
It needed scarlets knowledge and ambition to set it free but now it might need something else, now it needs souls to feed of.
So It corrupts Marjory Delaqua instead in hope to find a new seat of power.
When scarlett is defeated Marjory Delaqua walks up to her and is blasted away and in the next season we will se her start to corrupt the people around her!
my hopes for a red wedding just got higher.
(edited by Zorion.7504)
switching professions is free and has no cost whatsoever other than not being able to use the other profession’s recipes, but you don’t lose any progress by switching and it does not cost money.
Ideally a character eventually learns all the professions to level 500
Not 100% true, switching back to a profession costs 10 copper/crafting lvl, so if he/she want to swap back to a 400+ proff it will cost atleast 40silver.
So ideally you do not want more then 2 per character, better to spread em out on your toons.
1. target her
2. use a dmg skill (any)
3. dodge the aoe
4. hit F
Did it 1st try, no stability or anything.
Yeah.. I had a friend on Vent last night trying to finish her, he tried for over an hour before logging off in frustration.
I got lucky, a friend and I did it together, I think it took us 15 minutes. We only managed it because he somehow managed to get knocked into the doorway so the next time she tossed her skill, while I was thrown back (yet again) he was unaffected and able to finish her.
how on earth is that even possible, you had to hit her once to do it.., one time with any dmg skill.
or are you talking about the achivment to finish her before she puts the shield up?
but even that I cant really understand could have baffled players so much so it would take them 15min-1hour to do, its 1 dodge =P
or did you just try to run in and hit F every time?
So it IS true then…ArenaNet is forcing me to make an item I never wanted to begin with. Combined with the very poorly written story, this game has become a huge letdown. Thanks for the answers guys, this thread can be closed.
No its not true, you are looking for things to whine about, just be a man/woman and stand by your decision to leave without making up reasons for it.
No. If you have the spinal blades it just allows you to skip the fight against the three watchknights.
This is not true either, it sounds like you can skip the knights to go and fight scarlett.
What we have is 2 different things.
The ending to the Scarlett event chain and the boss fight chain.
The Scarlett Living world event chain you can finish without having to do any boss fights if you have the blade backpack by going to the teleport at the old jumptower.
This lets you watch the ending and get some achievement that concludes this episode of the living world.
Then you have the boss fight.
This is in no way possible to skip if you want the full rewards, boss chests and achivments.
(edited by Zorion.7504)
It is not required.
You can do the whole event kill the boss and watch the cutscen without the backpack.
You can how ever if you have the backpack, revisit the endscen from the portal at the jumping tower.
The other portals oonly brings you to scarletts ship when you have finished the bosses and got all trhee colors on you.
AOE limit is lifted.
AOE limit is lifted.
AOE limit is lifted.
AOE limit is lifted.
Grid system is put into WWW using a VP counter system based on % of present forces in that gridzone. “end of zerging”
The point of PvP is to win.
Why do you need anything else then that?
Thats the whole idea of facing of against another human in anything, to prove your worth, to show everyone that you are better at said task.
So why would you need XP, Gold anything id you play for PvP.
Ok if you play both PvE and PvP and would like them to work in conjunktion with eachother.
sPvP is like playing SC2, you do it to challenge yourself and prove to others that you are way better then them.
Most Brutal-LA Attack,Searing,Cataclysm?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zorion.7504
cough final fantasy 14.., they all lost and the world got destroyed.
So, thats a pretty clear winner IMO.
Its such a mighty ending of a MMO, I still really think they are gonna make it in the end when they trap the dragon with the prayer spell, and poff.., all is lost..,, the look on the knights face.., he cant believe it and.., dead!
(edited by Zorion.7504)
nice, good thing to know =D
So, did I miss something?
At White Crane Terrace, down by the water, there is a building protected by a magic bubble.., who lives there?
Ive always thought the PS time frame was obvious to all, its always been like that, no?
else dynamic events and everything just seems very odd and misplaced.
Ive always thought of the PS as my character remembering his old days, like bilbo and thats why its a nice instanced place in the world.., Im running around doing my day to day businesses and comes upon a place where I go.., hmm this seems familiar, and voila I remember that time =)
But maybe thats just me ^^
missed the memo about the time period now did we?
Personal story is earlier then the time we have now.
See it like your memories, when you play your PS you remember that moment in time.
The living story is current time.
So no, PS is not in any way a hindrance to destroying LA, witch the Devs already stated.
But nice troll try ^^
I got a really hard time understanding what map completion part you mean needs a group.
Sure there are some events on certain maps that are a hassle to complete solo, not many but some, but they are not a requirement for map completion.
Not even the hardest ones in orr really demands a group, its just a challenge to do it alone. And this is perfectly fine by my standards, that the High lvl maps needs some sort of group play or cunning play, since you should have learned the class/skill sets etc etc on the lover lvls.
If anything this just points out one big problem that is growing in gw2, and that is that AP should somehow be tied in player skill or class knowledge wich this topic clearly state is not the case.
You could have 5k AP by just doing dailies/monthlies/jumping puzzles and speed clearing dungeons, nothing that speaks of how good you are at solving a problem or playing your character.
My wife have 100 map completion and the only thing she ever voiced a concern with was Eternal battleground points.
And this is her first MMO, GW2 is very very newbie friendly.
If I missed the point and you meant that you think the map events are to hard to do for a casual player and they demand fully geared experienced groups I have an even harder time understanding you.
Almost every map is about 90% solo friendly scalable events and the last 10% being some cool boss or event chain that needs a group of 5 players.
Again the big exception of all this is the world bosses, or “end game” zones and events.
(edited by Zorion.7504)
Im really trying to understand the reason for adding that gear tier.
There are tooooooons of exotic skins, both for armors and weapons.
And there are… pathetically few ascended skins, and I guess more will be added, but it will probably never reach the amount of exotic skins.
And a question, do runes/sigils work in ascended gear, if not thats just sick, that takes away so much from the game.
So again, what was the reasoning for adding this tier, what was the developers explanation, I had a break when it was added so Ive missed it.
So in short.
Boon Duration is calculated by 1/4th of a second and is not rounded up or down.
Whilst “tick” effects are only activated on full seconds.
So a 12sec might on a 30% boon duration will net you 15.5 not 15.6 sec.
So for players focusing on boon duration its worth while to check up on your available regeneration duration before choosing how much boon duration you want to stack up on.
Have at least 3sec regeneration if you are full 30% and no extra gear, but if you have 6 sec. regeneration make sure you get another 4% boon duration or you lose a whole sec worth of regeneration.
(edited by Zorion.7504)
Are you sure?
Is might calculated by fractions, and in that case is it in decimals?
or is it seconds there as well?
and boon durations only affect boons that you cast, not boons granted to you by others.
I know that things like fear calculates in quarters “1/4” but dmg ticks for the necro only triggers every full second.
So a fear with a 1.75 sec duration would work for 1.75sec but only trigger 1 dmg tick.
So my reasoning was that boons works the same way, might/protection etc etc.
But that means that regeneration and boon duration is really really funky and you could lose allot of potential healing by wasting it on duration instead of healing power.
(edited by Zorion.7504)
How is boon duration ticks calculated?
Lets take regeneration.
That is at 80 130 Healing/sec at 0 healingpower.
If I use a skill that gives me a regeneration boon that lasts for 1 sec that will heal me for 130/sec.
If I get full Healingpower traitline that will give me 300HP.
Then I would be healed for 167.5/sec
If I get full boon duration traitline I will get a 30% boon duration.., but how is that calculated?
Do I get 30% more on my 1 sec regeneration, giving me another 39 health after the first sec.
Or is it lost if it dosnt reach another full sec?
Do I need to reach a full second to be able to get benefits from boon duration?
Now this is good we are getting some scenarios, Im really trying to prevent this thread to end up in the suggestion part of the forums, so more scenarios of what you think would happen and suggestions to counter that etc etc, ie theory crafting.
Good concerns, but I think you are looking at the changes from how players play WWW with current mechanics.
Today, if we are generous in the numbers, maybe 30% play for the pride of the server and VPs 60% plays for karma/xp/whatever and 10% plays ´cause honestly this is what I love, I care not for any changes I will still play www.
So why do people zergs with the current mechanics?
´cause its the easiest route to the highest reward.
The majority(60%) logg in, look for a blue icon and head there knowing that it will take you to the highest rewards of WXP/karma and loot.
If these changes where all put in, where would the most reward for the least effort lie?
If static objects got their rewards shared amongst participants, that wouldnt be it.
So where would those players go and what would they do?
My guess is, orange swords and static objects under attack.
The single commander Icons days would probably be gone, there would be no need to just zerg up for the easiest route to the highest reward, you could just head over towards any crossed sword icon on the map, or! as a small group (no need to go to the blue icon) go and take a supply camp.
What would this mean for the 30% which play for server pride and VPs?
Well, zerging towers and keeps will no longer present an appealing reward for the mobs, so they will not go there, instead they will make sure every supply camp is capped.., always, as soon as a camp is flipped the mobs will head over there for the easiest reward.
So these players would actually get to focus even more on server tactics, looking for enemy zergs, draining supplies and preparing for that big push before the VP tick.
so, your concerns of;
Trebs are firing
“Wall is down! Capture for victory!”
“No! Don’t rush in noobs! The score just ticked, wait another 57 minutes otherwise EnemySever will recaputre!”
Will probably more likely be, the organized guilds WILL take a keep before the tick, and the masses will flood there to defend it, defense yields higher rewards then attack.
2. your guild want even need to say this, let the karma farmers take the easy pickings and you go kill enemies.
3. your worries here are very very good, the reason I wanted to up the reward /player kill was to encourage more roaming, BUT not to make it the best way farming karma/wxp, this needs to be looked in to, maybe just an increasd bonus to player worth at objects, ie kill a player at a camp, get value*10/amount of players involved.
The whole premise to your argument is that people will fight around these objectives, but reality is; killing players is easier then trying to cap a keep of defend. Making the player kills the sought after point tick.
As for my personal view of WvW; Its a giant 3 sided game of chess to me. PvP is part of the game, but not the fun factor. Out playing other players tactics is more fun.
But if player kills is only worth VPs around objectives, why do you not think people would fight around objectives more then now?
So around every objective today we have an event, defend the point.
And the change would add a Kill/VP mechanic that favors the defender.
How would you see it if the VP ticks for the objectives where changed to once/hour but also increased to be worth the same as today, ie 4*value/hour instead of value/0.25hour?
Would that change your opinion on player kill/VPs or is it just a fundamentally wrong mechanic?
Im trying to see what can be done to the www mechaninc that would encourage more defending but also to reward all types of www players.
Some wants to command and play chess, some wants to roam, some wants to zerg and some wants to farm karma.
And I believe that a good system should in fact encourage and reward all type of PvP players.
for the record, I like to roam, I never engage in a fight I see more beneficial for me then my opponent, I want a challenge not a free kill.
I like to lead small groups fighting big groups and I like the tactical part of zone control, ie where are my enemy going and how can I with the recourses at hand screw over their life the most ^^
(edited by Zorion.7504)
This day and age in any type of competitive game, if you offer rewards to killing other players, regardless of any other type of reward available; People will go for the player kills first.
As it stands right now, the rewards for killing p-layers are so nominal, that it frankly isn’t worth it, yet on every server at anytime of day, you can see squads of people just out looking for other players to kill.
I accept PvP in my WvW, but rewarding them in such a substantial way, just creates an environment of griefing. Its bad enough there are no real rewards for winning outside bragging rights. Now to extend those same bragging rights directly to killing players…well Anet might as well remove every structure on the field and just call it SPvP on roids.
I dont understand what you want from WWW if not PvP?
Isn’t the point of WWW to have 3 servers PvP each other to decide who is the most organized?
Shouldn’t PvP then be a factor in the WWW Score?
At present time, defending an object VS a larger force is useless in VP terms, better to lose it and try and reclaim it later.
With VPs on kills a defending server could still come out ahead in a battle in terms of VPs and in such will promote more fighting around objects then today.
If you defend a tower with 10 players VS a force of 50, you will always lose the objective, and you should, So why even defend it? ´cause players wants to PvP.
And with a change to VPs those 10 defending players could actually contribute to the server score by doing what they want to do.
And if player kill VPs only where active on event triggers, then spawn camping or ganking wouldn’t be a problem.
The points for killing players will make every other objective VP worthless. You will be able to kill more players in the hour the you would get for holding a tick. Therefore making spawn camping the best strat to use. Siege set up around every spawn exit just to get those player kills…
Player kill points should never enter WvW. That is a sPvP thing.
But then you are discounting the +1/2/3/5 to kills around objects.
If a server where to be spawned camped by 40 players at your spawn they would get less VPs/kill then the defenders, so the longer they camp you the more VPs you will get ahead of them.
So if you are getting spawned camped, bring your zerg, kill the enemy and get 3 times more VPs/kill then they get for killing you.
If a server would want to spawn camp, it would be better to do it from the nearest tower, and do a mega defense there.., but then the other server could just ignore that tower and reclaim the other objectives and camp those.., ie large scale warfare.
I understand concern about spawncamping, I just dont see how it could in any way benefit the camping side.
Objectives will still be the most important things in WWW, but the change would be that defending your objectives gets more important then claiming them due to the increased VPs/kill you would get.
If something your worries of spawn camping as a the best way to get VPs would only lead to the best way to find the enemy zerg and wipe it ^^
Say that ANet do it like a poster said earlier, VPs for player kills would only be during object events, defending/breakout etc, would that make a difference for the worries of spawn camping?
It would be cool to read some of the reasons from the players against this, Im interested in what scenarios you picture would happen.
what would be the nightmare scenarios?
Completely disagree with kills giving points- I feel like world vs world should be about taking objectives, not an arena death match, also have you considered how easy it would be to abuse?
If you are thinking of abuse in using diff accounts to “farm” VPs that is just a bannable offense and should be easy enough to monitor.
And with normal DR mechanincs I dont think it would be much of a problem.
But I agree, WWW should be about large scale war, ie objectives.., how ever I do not think that current mechanics is the best way to promote that.
These changes will still reward the most fighting around objectives and trying to defend the once you already own.
The only thing this change from the bigger picture, is that its worth to try to defend multiple objectives with smaller forces then to move as one big zerg in PvDoor.
The big zergs job would be to counter the other servers big blobs, and isnt that what many wants, the zergs actually fighting the zergs?
Take a SM battle with all three servers present.
SM in itself is only worth 35VPs every hour with these changes, say the owner has to defend against both servers, they will get alot of VPs from the fighting killing players.
But, so will the other two servers aswell, so VP total will change DURING the fighting, you could see the numbers turn in every encounter.
And it also promotes some nice backstabbing from the two attackers, ´cause why not charge in to first wipe the other attacker, get VPs from them then charge at the SM defenders.
Owning objectives becomes so much more important with these changes, even if it means cutting their VP/hour worth by 75%
Its killing players at the objectives that you own that will be the big thing with these changes, not spawn camping etc etc.
I believe the biggest change we will see if this happened would be just how huge the battles defending your servers towers would be, rather then today, lets just lose it so we can retake it for the karma tick.
And in addition to this add a mechanic that gives VPs on player deaths.
IE, when a player kills another player 1 VP is given to the killers server.Kills should never ever matter in non-competetive open world combat. Why? Because its so kitten easy to abuse, not to mention its completely unfair. Oh look the entire enemy server is outside our spawn location because our server dont have manpower for WvW. Lets give them some extra points for their effort!
Such a change would probably make me stop playing GW2 WvW. It would stop being fun.
This is a very good concern, a mechanic should never reward an already stronger part, how ever I do not believe this mechanic does that.
Let’s take your example.
If your server is out manned to the point of hopelessness there is nothing you can do about it with current mechanics.
If your opponent have decided to claim VPs at a borderland they will stay there during the entire time due to VP ticks every 15 min basically making it so you cant enter the map.
With this change the underdog would have a higher chance of fighting back, if the enemy forces are to strong on one map, go to another and get rewarded for kills, since if you are so out manned already you can’t take objectives any way.
And if static VPs only tick 1 every hour they do not need to camp you spawn, in fact it hurts them more to do so.
They have no reason to be at your map constantly to protect the VP ticks, its enough to have a few scout grps to warn if a bigger zerg is gathering, and their zerg will go and try to claim objectives they dont have on other maps, or fight enemy zergs.
So I believe this system actually helps the underdog more then the spawn camper.
It takes away the need for the server already leading to be at your map protecting VP ticks all the time.
It promotes smaller groups to roam in hunt for other smaller scout groups from the bigger server.
But the biggest change would be that your small server, if owning a tower will earn VPs deffending just that tower against the big zerg, today you dont earn anything for doing so, you will always lose static objectives if your server is out manned, but this change makes it so you can still earn VPs for your server by go down fighting!
(edited by Zorion.7504)
@Mods: Pls do not move this thread to the “suggestion” section.
This is not meant to be suggestions to changes but more a platform for discussion about how certain possible changes might affect WWW game play in general.
The basic idea of WWW is to put 3 servers against each other and by Victory Points decide which server is the strongest/ best organized of the three at the end of the week.
To day VPs is decided every 15min by static objects on the field, camps(5VPs) towers(10VPs) keeps(25VPs) and finally Stone Mist Castle (35VPs).
When these objectives are claimed the victor is also rewarded karma/xp/wxp and money.
Whilst defending said objects also rewards karma/xp/wxp and money each time a defensive event is finished.
These are in a basic way all that matters in WWW, the VPs.
Players might still play WWW for other reasons, fun, karma farming etc etc, but at the end of the week its about the VPs.
So with this in the back of our heads lets discuss what would happen, good or bad if certain changes where put in.
What if the time for VP tick for static objects where changed to every hour instead of every 15 min?
And in addition to this add a mechanic that gives VPs on player deaths.
IE, when a player kills another player 1 VP is given to the killers server.
You could also add another buff to static objects that rewards higher VPs/kills around that object, +1 for camps, +2 for towers, +3 for keeps and +5 for castles.
This would mean that defending a static object will reward your server during the fight and not just reward the owner after the fight.
This opens up a lot of tactical thinking when it comes to trying to claim a keep.., is it worth the risk of rewarding your enemy 150VPs in player deaths or should you try and spread out your forces to attack many keeps/towers at the same time.
It also opens up for roaming players and small scale group play to actually help your server in terms of VPs for your server.
Put in a mechanic that splits the karma/xp/wxp rewards for static objects amongst all participants.
This change I think would also counter the karma trains that goes from object to object just for the karma reward and promote to attack on multiple fronts on the map.
Buff the rewards for killing a player to the same amount as claiming a camp.
Since player kill rewards today are in fact split amongst all involved all this would do is make solo kills more attractable and in such way encourage smaller roaming groups without destroying the point to zerg, zerging should still happen IMO its part of www and some players really enjoy it and it is wrong to take that away from them.
The removal of the AoE cap.
This is one of the biggest things that buggs me in WWW.
There are one good thread discussion the reasoning for aoe cap and I recommend using that thread instead, but it wouldnt be bad to have this change in here as well, due to how it would affect the other changes.
Put in a mechanic that makes it so you have to be out of combat to be able to revive someone from defeated, downed players can still be revived normally.
This would IMO change alot of things in zerg vs zerg fighting.
It basically means that reviving downed players is more important, but also prevents suicide squads to go in and do massive aoe attacks just to die and be revived later and go in again.
So to make zerg vs zerg abit more tactical.
When addressing any of these topics pls write the section number first to make it easier to follow.
This would encouage spawn camping. The last two changes were to discourage it, breakout events and newly spawned players worth little to no wxp. Highly doubt they will add something that runs counter to this.
Aye, I thought of spawn camping as a problem that might be boosted if this was to be put in.
How ever, I do think that the breakout event and DR for player kills will be enough to counter that.
It would be easier for the server being “camped” to gather troops to break out if this was put in then now, since you will be fighting near your border zone, bonus to VPs per enemy death.
And if my favorite change, reviving players can only be made out of combat, where to be put in as well, then spawn camping would indeed be very very hard to do.
The campers will only get 1 VP per kill whilst the defenders might get 3 VPs.
A dead camper needs to respawn at a way point far far away to rejoin the battle whilst the defenders just needs to walk a few meters.
I just love how threads dies in the suggestion part of the forum, whilst had it been left in another part it would have some discussion in it.
Just look at the threads in here.., So here is a suggestion, close the suggestion section and let people post in related forum part.
And no its not just ´cause my topic is bad issue, Ive followed very good threads in www or general part, with much good discussion in them, just to be moved or forced to re wright in here and the thread just pummels to its death.
It would further encourage zerging IMO. Now I do not mind zerging so long as it’s short of the point where skill lag becomes an issue, but with this change there’d be excessive zerging, which would hurt players like myself that do a bit of everything. I roam, cap camps, join zergs and sometimes even run a team oriented setup (crazy huh).
This change would promote zerging simply because you die less if your zergball is bigger than theirs is typically, unless you crash into an organised group with an unorganised one.
Even assuming this goes through though, what counts as a kill? Simply tagging could mean like, 15 guys get credited for one kill meaning a kill is 15 kills on the scoreboard. Stomping would be unfair as the guy that did nothing but wonders in and hits F gets the point. And so on.
you missunderstand what the point is, Victory point, ie the things that decides the 1st 2nd and 3d place in the server wars.
no one benefits from the kill other then your server.
tagging means nothing, death does.
1 player from another server dies, your sides gets a point. If that player was “tagged” by 55 players his death is still worth 1 VP.
Its a server wars mechanic, individuall points dosnt exist. There is no score boards other then 1st, 2ns and 3d place at the end of the week.
If AoE cap is removed it should indeed be removed for both dmg and boons.
This dosnt mean that shadow refugee or the such will be irritatingly annoying again, just make them party buffs.
There are some buff skills that indeed should only work for party members, and if you want to use them on more then 5 players you use combo fields.
1 thief shouldnt be able to stealth 60 players I agree, but 1 offhand pistol thief with any blast finisher should be able to stealth 60 players.
I dont belive that removing aoe cap will be insta OP skills etc etc, somethings will need tweaking into party buffs, but mostly its the zerging that will change.
zerg vs zerg with perma speed/regeneratio/protection and no aoe cap on dmg skills, will make it so fights lasts longer, single combat will probably happen more often, today its never any 1vs1 1vs 3 in a blob crash.
so many theories…
Guys aoes had no cap since few months ago….
And people was happy while nobody asked for aoe cap :|Yes really FEW aoe were OP… to the oint that is a bigger evil the AoE cap than those….
you can find old www vids with players spread on the battlefield, where any of them impacting the game and actually playing.
Nowaday its more ZERGS piloted by commanders….you don t matter that much unless you have specific zerg skills.
this +1
today when you log in to a www map you see 1 cmd.., anything more is just not good tactics with the current mechanincs.
Small grps can still be used to cap camps and scout, but the big ever feeding zerg rolls across the realm like a single cell organism consuming all the joy in the world.
with aoe cap gone, you might log in to see 2 or 4 cmders, all leading diff. fronts and only using /squad for orders for thier zerg and /team for communicating with the other cmders and scouts.., but hey.., we dont live in a perfect world now do we… =P
(edited by Zorion.7504)
It seems as the biggest fears are that zergs Will be destroyed with aoe cap gone.., well would that be a bad thing?
If 10 anything suicide squad could kill a zerg, wouldn’t that just automaticly change how zergs plays?
If a zerg wants to take a keep it would be forced to higher tactics then stack on the door…
In either way I can’t see aoe cap removal as a bad thing for www.
In response to Atherakhia, GW2 classes are different from WoW and as such it will be difficult to compare. I don’t know any classes capable of instantly blowing up people with AoE. Meteor Shower has a 5 second cast time, long cooldown, random meteor impacts and as such is unreliable, moreover it’s easy to avoid. Lava fonts are even easier to avoid. Zergs with almost exclusively squishy mages (which you will say will happen without AoE limit) will get completely destroyed by zergs who actually have a good frontline that can charge in.
Having a lot of elementalists is only useful in sieges, and if they are good enough to keep areas under constant AoE lockdown then going with catapults or trebs would be a good alternative. As soon as they don’t have a wall to hide behind, they won’t be able to stop a good zerg utilizing stuff like mesmer portals to get through choke points like a destroyed wall. They should remove swirling winds’ interaction with siege shots though, because it’s a silly mechanic imho giving elementalists more defensive power than is neccessary.
People shouldn’t be playing in zergballs, they should spread out to counter AoE. No zerg will have enough AoE to make entire battlefields instant death traps. And even they have enough elementalists to put down lots of AoE, those squishy mages are susceptible to direct attack and will fall easily. I think people are greatly exaggerating AoE without a limit, because the only thing that will really notice a difference will be that zergball that stands with more than 5 people in the same spot.
Classes aren’t as different as you seem to think. And lets not forget that eople complain to this day that Elementalists can out tank warriors. And while Meteor Shower has randomized damage, 10 eles casting it and you can count on at least 2 of them hitting you. Lava Font doesn’t have randomized damage and with the staff trait has a fairly large AE impact. And these are the non-suicidal spells.
What about 10 Eles Rain of Lightning into a zerg at 2k damage each? Didn’t know RTL does damage? do you realize that 10 eles flying into a zerg can’t be stopped or killed and that this alone would kill half the classes out there? What about these same eles after they RTL into the zerg using Fire Grab at upwards of 10k damage? Didn’t remember this is a dagger skill which 9 out of 10 eles have? What about mesmer berserkers that hit for insane damage? Shatter clones?
Hell! Ranger longbow isn’t random, hits for about 1k, has an enormous AE, AND snares! Hell with the ele trains, lets get some ranger trains out there!
I’m sorry, but I really don’t think you guys have thought this stuff through.
You keep saying this, But dont you realize that removing aoe cap would insta kill all ellies in your exampels due to retaliation.
Ellies with 9k HP that hit anything from 10+ players Will just insta kill themself.
If removing aoe cap would Do anything för ellies it would be using them för support more, cause glass cannon aoe ellies would never exist Long if the cap got removed.