Showing Posts For Zunami.8560:

I main Mes, I find fighting Mes easy

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Everybody should find fighting their main easy. Expecially if their FOTM.

Problems with lack of Incentives?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


There is defiantly a huge lack of incentives imo. I would be fine if it was just about cosmetics but even that department is lacking with most of the stuff being either easily obtainable, elusive on the gem store or ridiculously hard to obtain.

I thought the crafting system and reward chests were fun at first but its really just a mess and I can’t help thinking they are trying to overload you with useless gear so you buy bag or bank slots.

It also doesn’t seen like anything has been added that hasn’t been tied to the gem store and you feel more progression logging in everyday than actually playing the game.

What are you rifle engineers doing now?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I switched away from rifle. It seems to me that most players are getting up before i do after overcharged shot.

[Forum Specialist] Specialization Update

in Engineer

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I actually like the flamethrower in PvP though I think you need a really tanky build to get anything out of it.

I paired it with the rune of mercy and just rezzed and stomped players.

I want my hobosack back...

in Engineer

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Honestly, all the back pieces look so crappy.

Grenade Barrage Bug

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Its a bug and technical anything considered overpowered at the moment that is used to its full extent is an exploit.

Considering the Devs already put out a post pointing out numerous things that they consider OP at the moment. Anyone using anything on that page to its full extent is “knowingly” exploiting. Which would probably be the majority of us.

That said, I wouldn’t have known anything about this bug if I didn’t run into a full premade of zerk engineers immobilizing and using the one skill.

That being said, this soon after a major patch, they aren’t going to do anything to ‘exploiters’ or ‘buggers’(lol)……they’re just going to try and fix the bug. I would imagine that lots of people aren’t just using this for pvp and wvw……after watching that youtube video, this would be an incredible farmer spec.

And I want piercing grenade arrows for my ranger….

I was killing very quickly in PvE when the patch first hit and I was thinking to myself “Engineers are way too OP now!” Then I went and played some PvP and realized everybody can kill anyone in two hits anyways…

You know its bad when nobody noticed grenades were doing double damage for so long and I bet a lot of people wouldn’t have noticed at all without Grenade Barrage 1 hitting them.

It is awesome in PvE though!

Grenade Barrage Bug

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Its a bug and technical anything considered overpowered at the moment that is used to its full extent is an exploit.

Considering the Devs already put out a post pointing out numerous things that they consider OP at the moment. Anyone using anything on that page to its full extent is “knowingly” exploiting. Which would probably be the majority of us.

That said, I wouldn’t have known anything about this bug if I didn’t run into a full premade of zerk engineers immobilizing and using the one skill.

List of OP traits/skills

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Necros, warriors thief’s and mesmers say dmg is ok now.

Ya its ok to insta kill someone.

And what is guardian op? Dying like everyone else in seconds. Complaining to guardian burn? I haven’t seen one yet.

You forgot engineer….grenade barrage out stealth says hello. Kill in lesser than 1 sec.

That’s got to be broken! I hope they fix it soon…

Necros have made PvP un-fun

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


The real challenge starts once you down the necro…

Damage is way to high

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Everyone is playing glass cannons, so yes, DPS seems high. If everyone was playing glass-cannons before the patch, it would have felt exactly the same.

Pre-patch everyone was playing tanky builds so they were doing less DPS and you could get away with running berserker stats without instantly dying. The reality is that soldier/cele/rabid tanky builds still destroy berserker builds in 1v1, and the meta will quickly shift back to those builds.

No, not everybody is playing glass cannon. In fact, most people will probably try to find a build similar to the one they were playing pre-patch.

The problem falls with the classes that were already berserker in the previous meta getting an increase in DPS, because all these classes already had better survivability built into them which forced other classes into tanky builds in the first place.

Now what to do with the new players...

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I see new players doing better with Zerker amulets.

Non-zerker builds have to learn to close distance, play defensively, properly utilize their skills, block stomps, secure stomps and decap points.

Zerker sneaks up or hides on a ledge and uses 1 or 2 skills to kill their opponent and then proceeds to burst them down rather then stomping them.

Damage is way to high

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Damagewise it got kind of ridiculous.
Running a tanky amulet or not make sonly minimum difference as it seems. A friend and I tested (though I admit the tests weren´t too excessive) mesmeer burst on engineer with soldiers amulet, cele and marauder. Just the usualy shatter mesmer burst combo, nothing fancy:
1 Shatter and Marauder was downed or very low. On Cele 2k life left and on soldiers 4.5k.
Admittedly, the tests were veeeery rough and not exact at all (because of some defensive traits, runes etc) but tanky amuletts seem to be not as useful as they used to be o.o
Though I take that with a grain of salt, the meta is only 1 day old…

Also…. yup, who sees first, bursts first, wins. Almost every class can now dish out ridiculous burst tah could bfore never be thought of in pvp… (okayokay 100nades engi used to be a thing… used to… I tell ya the burst is back! xD)

And before an engi was able to facetank damage from anything but two above average DPS users and that was even more BS.

If i’d have to put this in numbers:

-Before damage was 3 and defense was 7
-Now damage is 8 and defense is 4
-Now the devs should not nerf the damage to 4 , they should limit it to 6, this to maintain a healthy balance between fun and gameplay

This is just untrue, Cele engi was known to be one of the worst builds for 2v1. It was a 1v1 build and zerker classes still burnt them down fast. Most the people playing engi didn’t even try to kill anyone. They just ran around spamming CC and running away unless it was 1 on 1.

this power creep is boring

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


power is boring? lol…power spec are hands down unrivalled the least passive specs of all…viable or unviable but healing condi and cele specs are the passive aka boring ones….new to pvp?

No, power specs actually require the least skill since they can kill with less skills without worrying about counter play.

Power rangers usually find high ground and pew pew by themselves.

Mesmers will throw out phantoms and decoys and hide. Engaging only when 1 on 1 to do damage and then hide again.

Thieves attack and hide, over and over again… If they can’t win they run away.

Warriors and necromancers. Have Lich and rampage which are ridiculously strong as power spec.

Most power specs have no need stomping opponents as they can kill them just as fast bypassing the need for stability to stomp. They also don’t need to rez allies as they can burn down and kill any opponent trying to down your ally.

When it comes to power spec vs power spec, whoever gets the first hit often wins leaving little counterplay. In fact, there is more counter play when its cele or rapid vs a power spec then one power spec vs another unless its an actual duel and both opponents are aware of each other.

Why don’t all classes run power spec? Because other classes can’t engage and disengage like other classes or just can’t put out the same amount of burst as easily. Making them easy targets for other power classes.

Thoughts on Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I like it! I actually enjoyed it more this time around as there was less running supplies and more Pvping. Sure, you’re fighting NPCs as well but a lot of the time your fighting both players and NPCs at the same time.

What would it take for gw2 to go esports?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560



Creating numbers means getting players into PvP which seems like something they are against. No dueling, not enough PvP modes, forced to que in the mist, 5v5 games make new players feel like they lost the game for everybody, bad point system means even good players being called out in chat, which leads people to leave games early.

Premades getting huge advantages over solo players. With 50% map choice, pre- assembled parties of choice (since there is no leveling), Downed state mechanics give voice chat a HUGE advantage as you can react faster to players being focused, downed or losing points. Close nodes on some maps allow premades with voice chat to maintain a 1v2345 ratio at all times.

Traits need to be reworked as well, people complain about certain build because classes are being pigeonholed into using them. If more variety of builds were used less people would be getting hard countered and a better sense of balance would be created.

Point blank shot

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Honestly, I don’t see the need for everything to have counter play.

A lot of the stuff in this game is too easy to dodge already whether trying to or not and with charges, jumps, stability, blinds, blocks dodges, invisibility and line of sight; I can’t really see a reason for all these skills to have huge animations.

Wildstar has a good setup for counterplay since it relies on skill shots and telegraphs, in GW2 there are already too many counters for everything already.

Not to mention there would be no difference between average and exceptional players if everybody can easily react to visual ques.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


The problem with cele is that it enables meta where every build can do a bit of everything which leads to a fairly stale, sometimes oddly chaotic combat.

It also leaves more specialised classes like like Rangers and Necros that don’t have means of tanking or disengaging in the gutter having to rely on BS proc builds in order to stay remotely viable.

To be honest the meta builds themselves are fairly well balanced between themselves. If conditions were to somehow become more useful I think we would see all 8 profs out in a fairly decent shape.

There really is no reason for rangers to engage themselves with their ranged burst damage but with hunter’s shot, point blank shot and the pet CC, its actually very hard to engage a ranger.

As for Necros, fear and death shroud, at least it works well vs engi since we don’t have stability. Necros tank much better than celestial engi as well once gear shield is done its instant death, lol.

Celestial engi relies mostly on single target CC and close combat making them weak in 1v2.

I’m actually a little shocked that power Necros don’t see a lot of play. From personal experience playing one they seem to be rather strong.

I also have to agree with your point about Rangers. Which only makes me more confused as to why Necros don’t see more play seeing as they have similar playstyle to Rangers and suffer from much the same drawbacks. I suppose they are harder to play.

On a mildly unrelated note, venom share Thieves are the real MVPs.

I tried a necro for a while, was a lot of fun! definitely not as easy as I thought…

Out of HUNDREDS of matches, I fought my first power necro yesterday. Caught me by surprise, they do nasty damage, lol.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Cele engi can’t do absurd damage unless they get right close to the enemy and the only classes that should be getting that close have adequate defense or the ability to disengage.

That’s a no brainer, but any class fighting on point is going to be melted by a celestial ele. Generally it goes like this —> Overcharged shot --> Magnet —> prybar and/or nade spam and it’s a painful experience.

D/D ele and Shoutbow are pretty terrible if not in melee range. Especially shoutbow because most of their damage revolves around the LB firefield and the poison/bleed proc from their sigils. They’re certainly not going to kill anything that doesn’t want to fight them.

Overcharged shot has a short range of 400 and puts you further from the enemy. Its also a given when an engi has a rifle out and is within 400 range of you he is probably going to use it or some other nasty skill. It gets avoided a lot more than people realize and if it is avoided the engi still CCs himself and ends up further from the enemy. It is great for decapping points but is weak for focus fire as you often send the enemy out of the range of other party members.

What’s your point? I said OS helps sustain an engi because it has a short cooldown and has no tell which leads to the person fighting the engi to be on his kitten quite often. Most classes that try to make guesswork of when an engi is going to use OS are just going to end up blowing their dodges and regretting it.

Gear shield is good but most people forget that engi is a medium armor class. Its rare we get a chance to use it again when it comes just off cool down. (at least in spvp, even cele dies quick) It is used most of the time to run away or get in range of your opponent but its lackluster compared to the defensive abilities other classes have that allow you to attack while in use. Condi gets a lot more use out of it though… Cele needs to keep pressure on the enemy.

While the difference between heavy and medium armor is significant it does not play much role on a classes tanking potential. Ele is a light armor class and can tank harder than any heavy armor class when specced correctly.

Engi’s use gear shield multiple times during a single confrontation. You can trait it to have a 15 second CD, that’s insane. Other skills might have similar skills that allow you to attack while in use, but none have a 15 second cooldown. It’s by far the best shield skill. 20% of the time you’re impervious to damage, and the beauty of celestial builds is your conditions can still tic on them while they can’t do anything to you.

I’m not going to pull someone back on the point before a decap. Decap>kill.

That combo might work well on a thief spamming with confusion but its about the equivalent of a cele engi being hit with zerk rapid fire or being jumped by a thief. The minute pry bar is done that person is going to disengage till the confusions gone and they’ll likely to come back with full health. Engi can do things a lot nastier than that though… but don’t be expecting such an easy rotation.

As for gear shield, you can say whatever you want. I play other classes. I know what they have. People complain about overcharged shot, death shroud, unlimited invisibility, rampage, rapid fire at crazy distances, war hammer CC, necros numerous fears, lich form, mesmers teleporting onto ledges while their phantasms kill us… now go read my description of OC and tell me thats OP compared to everything these other classes have, a short range skill that you feel is useful because we can pull after it! With a skill from a toolkit, that is also using up a utility slot!

Should a MMO bother about solo players?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


You got it all wrong. Old MMOs (before the post-wow MMO boom) MMOs were (WoW included) heavily grindy. I mean … it took months to get a single level in EQ. Months of hardcore grind to get level/gear in Lineage 2. Newer MMOs are not as grindy and more rewarding. Whether in single or co-op mode.

And it all makes sense. When all of us were 10-15 year old we could’ve sunk the required time without blinking or regret. Now that we are older we as player seek simpler games. We do search for GAMES. Not grindfests.

From my POV, I’ll never ever play game or content that requires me to organize 40+ man raid or some kitten like that. I just don’t have the time and by now, frankly, I don’t have the nerves for it. I have relatively stressful job, bills to pay, family to see and in all this I have few hours at night of playtime.

I’m actually glad that Gw2 is more open to people like me. And I (and I assume many others like me) search for games that fit into my tight schedule to relief stress.

I may not have thousands of gold or all the available legendaries or <insert something timegated>, but I’m happy with the way things are in Gw2.

I think you read it wrong!

OP is asking for casuals (solo players) to be rewarded better not for the game to become hardcore, lol

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


The problem with cele is that it enables meta where every build can do a bit of everything which leads to a fairly stale, sometimes oddly chaotic combat.

It also leaves more specialised classes like like Rangers and Necros that don’t have means of tanking or disengaging in the gutter having to rely on BS proc builds in order to stay remotely viable.

To be honest the meta builds themselves are fairly well balanced between themselves. If conditions were to somehow become more useful I think we would see all 8 profs out in a fairly decent shape.

There really is no reason for rangers to engage themselves with their ranged burst damage but with hunter’s shot, point blank shot and the pet CC, its actually very hard to engage a ranger.

As for Necros, fear and death shroud, at least it works well vs engi since we don’t have stability. Necros tank much better than celestial engi as well once gear shield is done its instant death, lol.

Celestial engi relies mostly on single target CC and close combat making them weak in 1v2.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Cele ele and engi are a lot easier to kill than a shoutbow that has 27k HP and ridiculous cleansing.


Cele ele is the hardest build to kill. Shoutbow is wrecked by stun heavy compositions and burst damage. Ele’s high protection and stability uptime even make it hard for either of those to stop them. And when all else fails…Lightning Flash and they’re gone.

As for Cele engi, true, they’re a little easier to kill, but in place of that they do absurd damage while still being really hard to kill. Plus Gear Shield and Overcharged shot are ridiculous skills that help them avoid a lot of damage they would otherwise take.

Cele engi can’t do absurd damage unless they get right close to the enemy and the only classes that should be getting that close have adequate defense or the ability to disengage.

Overcharged shot has a short range of 400 and puts you further from the enemy. Its also a given when an engi has a rifle out and is within 400 range of you he is probably going to use it or some other nasty skill. It gets avoided a lot more than people realize and if it is avoided the engi still CCs himself and ends up further from the enemy. It is great for decapping points but is weak for focus fire as you often send the enemy out of the range of other party members.

Gear shield is good but most people forget that engi is a medium armor class. Its rare we get a chance to use it again when it comes just off cool down. (at least in spvp, even cele dies quick) It is used most of the time to run away or get in range of your opponent but its lackluster compared to the defensive abilities other classes have that allow you to attack while in use. Condi gets a lot more use out of it though… Cele needs to keep pressure on the enemy.

Arenanet's Goals for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Nothing’s going to change – they’re understaffed, they’re trying to make one size fits all solutions as usual, and with Blade and Soul coming out I doubt GW2 is getting any extra investment from NCSoft to do ambitious projects like ladders or revamps of the competitive matchmaking system.

Yall need to stop ragging on Arenanet so much and blow up NCSoft’s corporate “Contact Us” emails to show them that people care enough about GW2 and that they’re willing to go to the source, not just yell and scream at the messenger and the understaffed worker bees.

In a HoT interview I seen the interviewer heckling Anet about the lack of updates and content over the years. Anet assured the guy that they haven’t laid any one off and actually increased their staff.

PvP is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Clones and pet AI — visual clutter — this was a very poor design decision when trying to pursue esports with no casting bars.

Ah but was it a poor design in general? Regardless of esports -> No. Contrary to what the OP is whining about, the Mesmer is designed pretty well! The whole purpose of a Mesmer is to confuse, and the clutter of clones/phantasms/illusions most definitely help with that. And if a unique, but very basic design mechanic of a single profession is too much for some people, then maybe this game is just a little too hard for them. They might have an easier time playing a much slower paced game like League of Legends.

Its not the Mesmer as a class that is the problem, it’s that there are too many pets, decoys and phantoms to tab target at times forcing you to have to mouse click your target. Which can be very hard when dealing with lag or 15-20 different minions/pets/decoys covering up player characters.

This leads players to resort to using condition builds and spamming AoE rather than using their skills skilfully while pet and Mesmer classes hide somewhere and everybody else on the team benefits from everybody’s lack of ability to target them.

Then there are also inactive minions/phantoms/turrets/decoys that are just bugged running into walls and doing whatever all over the map, it can get pretty ridiculous at times.

Some of the maps don’t have these issue as its easy to ignore these classes when they’re together and go onto different objectives, while maps like Foefire have their points too close together. I’m starting to see a lot of these builds running together which proves players are capitalizing on this issue.

Downstate damage

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Zerker can kill downed faster than most people can stomp opponents. While condition builds can just apply conditions on the downed and wait him out. Celestial and bunker builds have the hardest time downing opponents.

(edited by Zunami.8560)

PvP is a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


PvP has got issues… I’m not as bothered about mesmers but fighting 3 pet necro builds and a mesmer is a little too much for me!

I just wish Anet would give up on this whole esport thing and give us a ranked mode with a lot more map variety. (not all conquest) Things will NEVER be balanced and the more they try to balance maps the more we end up getting OP class combinations that stick out.

This idea of adding secondary mechanics to conquest also bothers me. I wish they had played some of the scenarios from Warhammer online as they were a lot more fun and added variety to the game.

Why are premades allowed to play in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I think it should be called unranked and FoeFire mode.

I find it extremely hard to play ranked for fun. Premades get a 50% vote on map and realize how much of an advantage coordinated zerging provides on that map.

I’ve also seen a LOT of players drop foefire before the match begins in unranked.

I imagine the reason why premades play unranked is to get away from foefire.

Where is the late game ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Terrible answers here…

Everybody know late game is PvI. You do a couple rounds of spvp, WvW or PvE….

Click on the chest to your right to gain a chest in your inventory…

It containing another 2 chests (containing Potions of PvP and another chest) and a few numerous crafting items and weapons and armor nobody will ever use because its all level 80 and lower than the gear everybody has already…

You click on your potion of PvP which spawn another 2 chests to your right this time! Which spawn more chests in your inventory, which contain more potions of PvP! and more useless junk! PVI! PVI! PVI!

What is all this crap for! Can you solve the mystery Of PVI! Whole game is streamlined to the point where I’m sure this is supposed to be some competitive mini game! I’ve spend hours farming stuff I don’t even know what its for!

We GvG now?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I just played a premade team. One of them said they were practicing for something and they told us to “try hard”.

Of course it was foe fire and they just overwhelmed us with team speak. I couldn’t tell if any of them were good as there wasn’t any fair fights. We started fighting a 2 on 2 at home and a couple seconds in their whole team turned it into a 2v5 which turned into 3v5 just as they were finishing me off.

After that we were on spawn timers and they used voice chat to group on us before we all spawned. Every time I got to a point with one defender at least two more swarmed the point and they never even tried for the lord as that would give us a chance to regroup.

I was thinking to myself that this couldn’t even be considered practice for them as I don’t think they did anything other then zerging.

Maybe instead of creating a soloQ, Anet needs to make a full team que. That way teams could get better and soloQs don’t get farmed for their enjoyment.

(edited by Zunami.8560)

"Long Range Shot"- is this a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Im gonna go on a limb and guess.
One. Your naked or a light armor in zerk
Two. Your opponent. was a 66 longbow build with every available damage multiplier working as well as a good amount of might. (He has 100% endurance. And your being hit from behind=20% damage boost + multiple other damage modifiers)
Three. Your opponent was also complete glass.

What that means is he was running a built fairly similar to the old maul builds that used to be more common. Pop multiple damage modifiers (10% damage from endurance. 10% damage from flanking. 25% from SotW. As well as the signet of the hunt proc all at once) and make sure that one attack hits.

Which means you got wrecked by someone in a literally perfect situation. Im assuming he ganked you. Your probably died at about the same speed you would have if a good thief had ganked you.

That’s not the point. The point is you can do this as a ranger while sitting on the other side of map.

Realisticly it’d only happen in Hot Join zzz.
If a ranger just sit on the other side of map doing his stuffs, he either is a bad ranger, or your team suck and couldn’t force ranger to stand on cap point because all your nodes are being taken by enemies.

I know that recognizing someone is exaggerating from a written text can be difficult, but I imagined this was an easy one.

I don’t need exaggeration. My point is I have a much much easier time playing as an Engi or Warrior, and be successful than playing a power ranger. Almost any competent conditions/ celestial spec can eat my power ranger alive if I make one mistake.

I was pointing out why your reply to mine was irrelevant. That’s great for you, power ranger takes hardly any skill and is nowhere near to being as squishy as thief or zerker ele while having a good amount of cc and longest range in game.

Go try one in tournament, you hot-join heroes. Just go try it and see how successful and easy you can be.

Also no Ele run zerker in PVP. Nice try bro, way to show how new you are.
Now I can safely reply you: L2P.

Nice try, but no.

The pro scene is tiny, it’s not an indication. Only a small handful of people bother with PvP long enough to play at that level, which is an indication enough that something is seriously off with how PvP is designed and balanced.

At entry level it makes absolutely no sense. Few people bother to take the time to understand the clusterkitten that is GW2 PvP as a result of this.

It’s not deep or complex like Dota2, just so badly designed that it only makes sense to a select few hardheaded fools who bother to play it long enough.

If you want to balance anything around Hot-Join, then any build will be OP.
My condition engi is insanely OP in hot-join, and can 1 v 2 most of the time lol.. I really don’t need to use ranger at all.
It’s pointless to argue with blind people.

If you can 2 v 1 with condi engi, quit playing ranger! Conquest is about holding points and most people don’t play condi because it kills slower than berserk and can’t stay on point like celestial. It favors a hit and hide style of fighting but if you can 2v1 with it even if you’re not holding a point, you should be able to win every match!

I find condi builds too situational and don’t work well half the time. Power ranger was the only class/build I could pvp well with right off the bat. They are the ONLY class/build that I feel can be effective enough in a 2v2 without coming close to their opponents. As an engi, nades don’t do reliable enough damage for me to fight from a distance and they are often too hard to land from far away, while pistol doesn’t kill fast enough.

How would you rank the spvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


1. Temple of the Silent Storm
Best mechanic and layout imo

2. Skyhammer
Feels and plays different than all the other maps. I don’t like the fact that you can load traps by the inside of the skyhammer door but I like the fact that its closer than the trebuchet from battle and its feels more avoidable. It doesn’t bother me at all when I get knocked off, I just laugh it off, I play for fun!

3. Battle of Khylo
I like fighting in the streets in this one. Should of been the team deathmatch map, lol
I’m not crazy about the trebuchet being so far away though, feels like if you go for it the other team will get a huge lead in points.

4. Forest of Niflhel
Pretty basic map.

5. Spiritwatch
I like this map but it favors premades significantly.

6. foefire
too open, favors certain classes/builds and the lord mechanic is just a way to end the match early when dominating. When you go for the lord the other team caps all the points and it doesn’t really benefit you that much.

7. Courtyard
I vote for Courtyard all the time but I still hate the map. Its feels like a bad game of red rover. At times it can be fun when groups scatter a bit but most of the time the group with the first kill usually wins and the other team ends up spawn camped.

PvP Metas: Do they make sense?

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


Meta builds are just well thought out builds. They are not necessarily “easy” builds either. If you don’t know why they are using certain traits, sigils and utilities; you will not be able to utilize them properly.

All the traits and utilities used in the “engie” builds for example, are picked for obvious reasons. There is a good chance any experienced player would come out with a similar build without checking the meta.

I always use the meta when I start a class because I don’t have all the traits unlocked and I haven’t gotten familiar enough with all the utilities to use them in a pvp environment yet. It is easier for me to read why these builds are what they are and try to play them as intended while changing aspects of the build to suit my play style once I’ve gotten more familiar with the class.

Article on Ten Ton Hammer About Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Zunami.8560


The reason Phantasm>Turrets, is because turrets are stationary.

All that fun stuff about turrets is pretty much moot because you have to get your enemy to stop moving and stand beside your turrets without killing them. Its also hard to set up, as your turrets will be dead before any enemy gets within their range. Making them only useful as a CC/blast finisher, while in combat, in very specific circumstances. (like blocking a raise/finisher or decaping)

Engineer also doesn’t gain a lot of survivability from tool belt skills, which makes it almost impossible to justify using a turret over a weapon kit or utility skill, yet alone traiting for it. Engineer utility slots are also MUCH more important then other classes. With only one weapon set using more then one turret severely gimps you.

I don’t think anybody thought turrets were OP though, they were just annoying and had too significant of an effect in conquest mode. Mesmers are annoying too but they cant bunker points the same way.

Remove the Courtyard map

in PvP

Posted by: Zunami.8560


I like courtyard, no buffs, its more about your composition and individual skill, and the kitten zerk builds are fun to watch there, they just die everywhere, best map 10/10

i’ve had games with no deaths on my team. loads of clutch saves on teammates. peeling, interrupting stomps, and good use of support skills are so important for success. it’s just one long midfight for the whole game. it forces people to help their teammates in fights which is something most pvp players i see need to work on a lot. all my guildies from the WvW guild i’m in enjoy it deeply.

not to be snarky, but if you think it’s a faceroll zergfest you probaly can’t play all that well.

Lol…I don’t mean disrespect but…engi and war are in your signature, it’s common knowledge that shoutwar and engi holding hands is what you will see the most in PvP..especially courtyard, if by “force people to help their teammates” you mean warriors spamming shout, holding hands with engies, spamming node, supply crate off CD….yeah I can see why you like this map

Engi and warrior are nothing special in Courtyard. Everybody usually stays together and turrets go down quick or just get ignored. Both classes need to be in close range to do decent burst damage and they have poor downed abilities for courtyard. They need to play a support role or else they will drag down their team.

Most of the other classes are almost impossible to kill as they can teleport, mist away or do crazy damage in downed state. Ele can do heavy AoE damage/healing. Necro can run away in death shroud and do killer damage in downed state. Mesmers are almost impossible to keep track of and their illusions make it hard to focus players in such a crowded environment. Rangers can do insane burst damage from a distance and have their pets revive downed people and themselves..ect….ect. I’ll admit that engi and war do work well together but courtyard favors classes that can get away, do heavy burst from a distance and have decent downed abilities as its a lot easier to get a rez in courtyard then any other map.