Showing Posts For Zyph.8401:
Also you’re using a ton of minion traits and only 1 minion. No well traits and using two wells.
(edited by Zyph.8401)
I like the current way OP’s got it after fixing it with suggestions. I would run a turret build all the kitten time if it were like this.
My ONE gripe is that I really like Box of Nails as it is. Magnet however is terrible no matter what you do with it (aside from making it multi-target). Therefore, I suggest replacing Magnet with Focus Fire.
But this thread has me salivating.
I really hope it turns up/gets re-added, it’s the first armor I’ve actually been excited about the prospect of obtaining.
Maybe that’s why I was confused, as I have a Charr alt and can see my warband buddy hanging out with me on story quests.
Guardian traits are a fustercluck, moreso than any other class, so I’m not surprised.
Nevermind, I think I realised you were talking about PvP far too late.
So they’re more antitheist than atheist.
If Shield #5 and Focus #5 were swapped, everything would be right with the world.
Mojo are you running this build in Orr? I’ve always found that I’m too squishy without a shield and the extra toughness trait. Care to share your traits/stat spread?
Dude, I love the fact that we yell what the shout actually is. That’s one of my favorite things about shouts.
And I always use Retreat when running away.
Try this.
Though if you’re feeling squishy feel free to put more into inventions byt taking from the Tools line.
It’s because the humans and norns are fully geared in plot armor.
Well, the Charr and the Norn are tentative bros.
Humans have to be playable for this game, but I wouldn’t be surprised if after all the dragons are dead and the truce between the humans and charr is broken after the centuries go by and the memory of the bravery of the humans fades away, then the charr will start to dominate.
Oh god the hovering rawhide shoulders…
It’s kind of like, “You really couldn’t spare an extra few vertices to cover this up?”
They don’t really have a fit, I chose Blood for my guardian because of the agressive melee I wanted to do.
As was said earlier, Charr actually fit well for Guardian. Guardians don’t rely on gods for their power, they’re not holy warriors. They use the power of their own convictions, their desire to help others, and their inner strength. They’re zealously virtuous, but with virtues they derived on their own accord, not tied to any god.
The charr see the human gods as enemies to be destroyed. They cost the Charr Ascalon originally. They’re too busy worrying about dragons to do anything about it though.
Yes, because a RANGED immobilize is meant to keep enemies away? That’s obviously all it’s good for. Same with the Mesmer’s Illusionary Leap, right?
A pistol off-hand is most useful for glue shot, I admit, as the flame weapon is just there for looks, but it is a lot better for some engineers. Landing a glue shot directly on another player so you can catch up with your wrench/flamer/mines/whatever is a pretty good application for the ability. Considering the shield stun is so inconsistent and misses a lot, Glue Shot is a pretty good option.
The point is, a ranged AoE immobilize AND slow is great for catching up to someone. While some of the engineer melee builds aren’t nearly as viable right now (Especially Flamer for it’s bugs :/), it doesn’t mean that there aren’t melee engineers that can use glue shot. I like Glue Shot for it’s consistence and it’s range.
The thing is, you can land a Shield Throw and catch up to them very similarly with Shield equipped, too.
Using Magnetic Shield while Immobilized will cause Immobilize to not wear off and you to be stuck in Magnetic Shield pose without actually shielding yourself.
>implying race isn’t about aesthetics and storyline only
I like 30 fire arms…..20 inventions and 20 tools.
Yeah actually, since I made my post about build help I found that going 20 tools would be really cool.
Anyone have any good pistol/shield builds they’ve been using? I’m thinking 20/30/20 Explosives/Firearms/Inventions (Inventions for that shield toughness/cooldown bonus). I’m just having trouble coming up with skills to go with it.
Ever think it fans out to you know, hit more than one target? Fire it at a group with the pistol shot piercing trait and witness the magic.
I’m nearly to Arah and I’ve yet to see any indication that I chose Snow Leopard as my guardian spirit. I thought it influenced which racial elite cost the most, but then I found out that EVERYONE has Snow Leopard as their 30 point racial.
Does your guardian choice manifest itself in other storyline paths? I chose “Honor the Spirits” and “Got in a fight.”
Is it some sort of behind the scenes stat adjustment thing? Or maybe I forgot when it was mentioned?
I swear, any time the word Build is mentioned in a title of ANYTHING it should have [PvE] or [PvP] or [WvW] next to it.
I think Focus #5 and Shield #5 should be switched, personally.
Thematically it’d make more sense too.
My Charrdian is the “fattest” character model. He looks like he has a hard time fitting into chainmail, but that Plated set (the one that looks like rocks) is pretty freaking amazing looking on him.
“Bring me the breastplate stretcher!”
I was hoping this thread would be here.
This has been an issue since day -3 and I’m hoping it’ll get fixed soon. It’s making me not want to play my Charr because it’s so annoying.
Do you even Fresh Prince?
>gap closer
That’s what weapon switching is for, we get mobility with both sword and greatsword
What build are you guys using for grenades? I can’t seem to get them to work for me on land PvE.
This is what I’m using right now.
I got bored of turrets, and the standard flamethrower build (even though it arguably has the best dps) was getting stale for me too. I’ll probably go back to the flamethrower build when I hit 80, but gadgets are fun and are working well for me.