Showing Posts For agentmooncat.5134:

effective Druid WvW/GvG builds/roles?

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I run a Druid in a small man group. If I want to bunker down it provides a ton of healing and ok condi clear. The glyphs are really stron and the more u play the class the more you will discover some of the OP aspects of it. I also play a Crusader/Celestial build that is a nice back line player.

Some of the pros are- glyphs are strong- healing glyph is a nice bonuse to team mates even without healing power. The elite glyph, if used right, can do a lot of damage even with out a dps build. Celestial form provides decent group utility that gives the ranger some options. Root after CC is amazing.

Cons- stability options suck- healing seeds require u to wait for a delay (tho, in Zerg fights would probably be fine) and pets are still stupid (tho, much better now).

I don’t know if I have any thing great up on my YouTube page but if you google lymbo moonsea, you can watch what I have been messing around with. If u have any questions, it’s easier for me to answer them there (don’t come here too much).

Dragonhunter is a joke...

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I don’t read these forums much (only to see if anyone has tested anything new) but I have been pretty happy with the DH. I’m a WvW player and DH is truly the only profession that worries me. I played guard since launch and the DH really has provided me everything that I felt I was missing and kept it in line with what the guardian does best. Could be just me but if anet made any major changes to DH I would be kittened.

Wvw vids- the last 10ish are dragon Hunter and Druid

Feedback - 400 Hero Points per Elite spec

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I know the dead horse has been kicked, but a lot of use small man wvw teams have been saying the same thing. The stupid zerging around is not fun and you (anet) said play how you want. Now we actually play the game in a way that requires you to use all the really great game mechanics to win against many times our number. Every little detail about our setups and builds are pushed to the limits when 5 people try to kill 20. It’s a very enjoyable way to play but in doing so you don’t get the same wvw ranks as the average player. I have been playing since launch and I’m not even rank 900. To make matters worse I play a defensive guardian and it’s the only profession that has any thing close to get the new specs. To add insult to injury the DH will probably not be ideal for our play style. I know the game has to cater to the mass Zerg loving casual player but there has to be some way for us to open new content without making use the red headed step child… Again…. just wanted to throw in since I see other small man teams saying the same thing we have in our TS.

Help Needed! Good All-Around Guardian Build?

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I have been running a support guard in a 5 man since close to launch, and I’m not having a lot of luck with the patch. The dps is so high that if I don’t have an invuln up before I engage a larger group, it’s pretty much a death sentence. The trait change puts clerics builds in a tough predicament with hit points so it looks like I’m going nomads until I figure out where the spike dps is coming from.

For now I’m trying to deal with condi first since it seems like to most buffed. Trooper ruins-pure of voice and the resolve trait. I’m playing with the shout heal but I’m
Not sure if it’s bang for the buck is worth it. I have a feeling resistance will be come the new must-have for support oriented players, but we will see. Before a good guardian could support a 5 man in wvw while taking on 10-20 people, but I feel like that may be over and other players will have to pick up some slack…. Maybe?

Why not 1 up 1 down

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Playing in bronze during season and now playing on CD- I have no doubt there are about 12 servers that could adequately challenge each other. The match ups might not always be close but parity in the guilds fighting each other does exist.

Anyways- it was just a thought- I have been playing wvw since launch’ish and it needs a good kick in the but. I know a lot of people log in just to see if the match ups changed and just log out when it hasn’t :/

Why not 1 up 1 down

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


But then they get new competition – I get it- the upper teir Zerg servers want to only have large numbers to fight- but all that would happen in the upper two tiers is that you would half to wait every other week to get the same server you just had. The rest of us- who would like to see other severs- would get that more regularly. I’m sure some in DB are glad to see t2 again? I don’t know – all I know is seeing the same people week in and week out is pretty boring :/

Why not 1 up 1 down

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I did and it was ok but why not just open the whole thing up to 1 up 1 down. Have been stuck with the same match up for weeks and it’s lame :/

Why not 1 up 1 down

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


The winner moves up and the loser moves down- would give incentive to win AND keep the matches fresh. This getting the same servers over and over is beyond lame :/

I hate to say it but the game is wearing my patients thin great game mechanics but incredibly lame game modes


Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


We do ok on CD – have to fight the occasional Zerg but they are everywhere. We spend most of our time fighting pug zergs with the occasional decent group. I would say go mid silver. Stay away from bronze- too many empty maps :/

Help for more group support + sustain

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


A few pointers- pure of voice > every other choice there with shouts. Instead of that last choice in the last line, run the trait that gives stability with virtue of courage and use renewed focus as your elite – you can burst all your virtues and use your elite and it will reset the virtues. That with trooper and you should have no problem in suport sustain…

If you REALLY want to provide better support talk the ranger into playing another class

Help for more group support + sustain

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


You should use trooper runes and shouts unless your party just dosnt need the extra condi removal. If it doesn’t then maybe water or monk. If you’re in full clerics then you don’t need healing runes, you can burst heal 10k in a matter of 15ish seconds any more than that then your group needs to learn to dodge. If you need extra healing output then try the new benevolence sigil.

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I see the problem here, you are complaining about solo play in a team based setting, get a group, get some aoe cleanses, stop being bad, play wvw as wvw, not 1v1 roaming stupidity, go play in obsidian sanctum if you dont want to help your server.

This – even if you want to solo there is only one class that is difficult to deal with in regards to condi and that class has crap for stability- the rest is L2dodge or just play as a team. Guardians make condi trivial as long as the other players around you aren’t bad players.

Current State of Game: Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Yeah- some of the changes that they have us are just dumb and I still can’t justify using the strength line :/ I don’t mind too much though- if I feel like doing somthing else I just change classes- however, the new condi meta isn’t to bad in WvW right now- I have played against some really nasty burn builds since the last update.

Current State of Game: Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Does AH still get play? Is there an updated version? Some of my traits have seemed to move.

In WvW? I like to use it sometimes, depending on the group setup and how we are playing- I like the 0-5-30-30-5 GS/ sword shield set up.

Current State of Game: Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I was speaking for WvW – competition has become ez-mode with the influx of new players and most of the (good) old players leaving the game. Just a suggestion for new players who want to step away from the Zerg and enjoy a skilled game. I don’t think I have done a dungeon in a year and a half so I can’t speak to those builds but WvW… Its been ez-mode for the most part of the last year and a lot of it’s been because everyone is hoping their opponent melts before they can counter. So if your new and want to be more competitive than not I would suggest someone play a support guard.

Current State of Game: Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I feel Like people are getting away from support guards in the new meta, which is unfortunate. In the big blob game it really dosnt matter much but of you want to roam with a group of friends a full support guard can make all the difference. So, if you’re new and have a group of friends who want to break away from the blob make one person in your group support guard. Will take you far and the guard will find the healing support very challenging granted – it takes effort but when you master it there is nothing better than playing the support guard while you and your team rips up pug zergs

Small man roaming looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Play against we have been playing with some really great players for a long time and often wished we were on opposite servers to play against them- this time we are not looking to join with great players but to play against them- GW2 has lost a ton of really great players because anet refuses to give us what we need to make the game viable for our type of play style so it’s getting harder to find consistent talent to play against. We r some of the few hold outs trying to play the >10 man game so we are looking for a server that plays against talent not necessarily with. Looks like most of the guys are leaning CD- hope to see some of you guys on the field soon

Small man roaming looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


This is good info guys- thanks.

Small man roaming looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I know FA and MAG have good roamers – it’s why I was thinking HOD- we would more times than not have the chance to play y’all’s small teams. Have been on FC during the seasons and we spent way to many nights running around empty maps.

Small man roaming looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Hello- I’m in a 5-7 man roaming guild who is looking for a new server. We are considering CD but may also consider HOD or other top T3 servers. I wanted to post to see if anyone had intel on the small man scene in uper teirs. We have been told that kitten is where it’s at but we are hoping to avoid those types of blobfests- any advice on a die hard group of players looking for small team competition? We are NA PST/CST prime looking to get out of the lower tiers…

Any info would be greatly appreciated

[PvX] Thieves need a nerf

in Profession Balance

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Most of this discussion seems to be centered around spvp, and to that I can’t comment because I haven’t played any since the changes. Since the changes to burst I feel like the support role has been given a viable role in WvW. I run with a very well rounded group of 4-7 and transitioned my guard to a more support role for the group and I feel it has paid out. I run the old 0-0-2-6-6 with trooper runes with all shouts. I don’t do a lot of dmg but my support frees up my team mates to add more dmg to their build instead of something defensive. It’s not just stand and heal- u have to know your team to know where best to do what, but I can burst 10k heals (resolve/staff 4 dodges and shield burst is a few I use in an emergency) plus protection/regen/agis and condi clear, all paired with smart team play AND your team mates own heals… It’s decently not playing whack a mole with health bars but it is beneficial of played right and is more effective with the changes to burst. Again, no idea if it’s viable in spvp but WvW it works great and as an old mmo healer, I have enjoyed it.

I tried the same with WAR- you can’t be everything support for a group but would make a nice addition to someone doing it on guard or ele…. And I hear ele is ridicules for support with all the changes.

Locking PPT for night capping

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I said it in another post but.. Why not make the point system based on kills? If your on a server with 100 ppl in your play time and your opponents have 5 than you can’t dominate the ppt during that time… Maybe just put one ppt mechanism in each map and make the rest based of kills. Have camps deteriorate when someone isn’t actively capping them and when a camp is lost u lose the ability to upgrade… I know I’m just day dreaming but the current system is far from competitive so it would need a total rework from anet. There is no fixing the current system- it’s broken (as far as competition is considered) the only thing u can do now is log in and hope that you find something fun to do- just don’t expect your efforts to be lasting…

The Nightwatch Issue [Solved]

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I don’t know if this point has been brought up but… If ppt had more to do with killing people then time zones with lopsided population wouldn’t effect outcomes as much. That would also encourage ppl to transfer to servers where they could kill ppl to have a more prominent effect on helping their server…. I know that’s probably to much to ask from anet but it would work- 1point per kill- hold a tower 5 points per kill on that map- would encourage defense and open field combat… I think anyways

(edited by agentmooncat.5134)

Maguuma's [GOAT]

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Lol- he’s actually in a guild I’m also in but he never reps it. I think goat died off (few of them that didn’t leave BP are in a guild with me as well) and I don’t think plok plays much anymore. Oh, and I think he’s back on BP.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


I would like to see links on where Anet said they wanted this for a specific reason. People say “Anet wanted EotM for X or Y reason” and I don’t remember them saying any of that

I read a post once from the dev’s that left me with the impression that the reason they added the map as because they wanted to open the game up to new markets. They anticipated a ton of Chinese players and wanted a way to deal with them (I.e. Endless maps).

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Our night went well- we had 6-10 most of the night(trying to get ppl onto the same map) at first, we ran into a ton of 5-10 man groups as everyone was learning the maps but soon the tags started showing up. I had heard from others from our server that some maps had huge zergs but ours were manageable. It wasn’t uncommon for us to flank a large group and pull of a nice size fight. If ever a Zerg tried to chase Us the map allowed us to out maneuver them and still pull of chunks to kill. I think unless large Zerg guilds pull in their Zerg this cross server matching should discourage large mobs. I realize I’m optimistic but the terrain and ppl hating on commanders really set the ton for some fun battles. Now if you didn’t like the bridges and such I’m sure it would suck but I enjoyed the change up in battle areas. Now- I’m sure it sux to solo- and random one shot cannon fire was lame- but I think once ppl realize that there is no point in zerging the place (no ppt easily killed, pushed of cliff) then hopfully it will be a nice haven for 4-10 man groups…. Optimistic I know :/

20/9 - SoS vs. CD vs. BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Thanks CD and SOS for the fun week in the ruins. Some of the most fun I have had in a long time in this game

Bunker guard (Soul)

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


That explain why BP as more people than usual lately. I was wondering why.

We actually have gotten a lot of new transfers lately. A handful from a lot if different places. It’s been good but we do get a Q on Friday nights… Sometimes up to an hour :/

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Good show BMS and CBA (hope those tags are right) tonight in KBL. Tonight was our weekly ZERG run and we had some good throw downs with you guys at bay and bridge to hills. We were the mob of players running WAR and Soul ( and a few other) tags tonight. Always love getting my inner Zerg on hope we have you some good fights!

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

you’re reight… we didn’t kill near as many up arrows and pugs as you did… touché!

You’re missing the point. The video is showing how you turned tail and ran every time the numbers were evened out, which I may remind you was the comment someone made that started this whole mess.
First fight in particular, there was no pugs on either side. Were you just trying to string us out and flank us or something? I think you guys were far too cautious.

sigh – yes your right – you guys are uber and all we do is run from you… im going to play video games now =P

Don’t think I ever commented on either side’s skill. I just wondered why you didn’t want to fight.

Of course we want to fight, but that does not mean we have to do a pickett’s charge to prove it. Can we all agree that using a tactical retreat while allowing conditions work is just as viable as slugging it out in the mud if your group composition benefits from it?

We have been running together as a group for a little over a week!!!!!! You have been together as a group how long? Thought so.

ok with that in mind, continue your trolling of how horrid we are, I DO enjoy the reading. Just find it so entertaining that people that ADVOCATE small mans will do NOTHING but ridicule others which make for excellent reading.


Styliii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG)

Sure. A simple ’we’re still learning and figuring out our groove’ from the start would’ve worked better than pretending we’re lying and making a callout video.

Good luck with your future group synergy and fights.

You know- I think we tried to say that at the beginning- things like “we do all sorts of stuff so no telling how you may find us?” (I know, not exact quote) but I guess we just figured since u were going to take the time to call is out as tower huggers, that we might just take a night and try to give you a fight. It’s not somthing we do- we left shortly after because we were getting more on and we weren’t going to sit 9 people in front of your spawn and camp 3 bunkers and whatever pugs showed up… That’s just not very fun.

I made the vid for You guys to make a point- we will fight and sometimes we will move- like your solo war said- you play your game we will play ours. I originally had a bunch of vid of us taking turns stomping eachother (all my vids show me getting stomped) but of the sake of time I just figured I would get the best part, the little bit at spawn. Just as a note on general statements. To that point I had only seen SPLT tags in with the zergs or at spawn waiting for more (like we did that night and in your vid) but I know better. You guys have skill and that’s great- but I don’t think your going to earn any respect on this side by tossing out general statements on the forums. I think PAXA showed us all how annoying that is. Anyways, the conversation is getting stale and the trolls are gathering. Like always hope we catch up on the field

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

Seriously? That’s the best you’ve got vs. ZERG? Well, you guys fought the unorganized uplevels at the front very effectively, but that is certainly not “zerging the zerg” when you’re staying within feet of your invulnerability zone, that we know better than to get into. [Os] is a guild we recognize and make sure we’re ready for, but try finding some footage of you actually fighting us if you want to call us out…

The only thing from ZERG getting pwnd in that video was my gin.

Look again. There were 6 people rushing around 12+ well out of our spawn in the second clip.

In first clip, that’s just sad.

I can go find more for you if you wish… I have PLENTY of footage.

Say the word and I’ll bust out a second video to reply to yours with. So everyone who watches your video will then immediately see you and your backs high-tailing it away.

We have been running together as a group for a little over a week!!!!!! You have been together as a group how long? Thought so.

ok with that in mind, continue your trolling of how horrid we are, I DO enjoy the reading. Just find it so entertaining that people that ADVOCATE small mans will do NOTHING but ridicule others which make for excellent reading.


Styliii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG)

I find it entertaining that people advocate killing small mans (Or in your case, running from them) with 15 man zergs.

Maybe try becoming well-played before making videos that call out people you just admitted are more experienced and better group players than yourselves.

This is even better reading for everyone else and your youtube watchers since all of them will be compelled to look at the comments and go to my video featuring your zerg running from our small man.

Outplayed in game.

Outplayed on forums.

You sir- are a master at life. I will do what I can to match your uberness in game

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

you’re reight… we didn’t kill near as many up arrows and pugs as you did… touché!

You’re missing the point. The video is showing how you turned tail and ran every time the numbers were evened out, which I may remind you was the comment someone made that started this whole mess.
First fight in particular, there was no pugs on either side. Were you just trying to string us out and flank us or something? I think you guys were far too cautious.

sigh – yes your right – you guys are uber and all we do is run from you… im going to play video games now =P

Don’t think I ever commented on either side’s skill. I just wondered why you didn’t want to fight.

Running with soul and the Zerg breaker tonight- come join in kain BL- 500 ppl dieing in massive lag

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

you’re reight… we didn’t kill near as many up arrows and pugs as you did… touché!

You’re missing the point. The video is showing how you turned tail and ran every time the numbers were evened out, which I may remind you was the comment someone made that started this whole mess.
First fight in particular, there was no pugs on either side. Were you just trying to string us out and flank us or something? I think you guys were far too cautious.

sigh – yes your right – you guys are uber and all we do is run from you… im going to play video games now =P

Don’t think I ever commented on either side’s skill. I just wondered why you didn’t want to fight.

It’s stylii – he beats us

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

First fight: I was solo skirting in and out of my zerg trying to make plays, was kind of fun til I dove too deep.

Second fight: had a 3 man + randoms, was a good fight for a while but alas randoms can only take you so far.

Third fight: Clear 3v5 and we did the best we could until I dove too far trying to help a random that came in near the end again (must remember they’re not worth it!)

I’ll take holding my own 3v5 since all we’ve tried to do was get you to come fight us even when it’s 5v7. I could certainly feel you guys focusing me which was my goal all along, isn’t the game more fun when you actually fight!?

Jokes aside it was pretty good fun, thanks for the fights.

ZERG vs Splt? U mean zerg vs Glaezer with 1 other guy or by himself. Stop sucking up to guilds that are better than u by putting their name in the logo of your movie. Look at that guardian play. He runs around does about 100 different useless things, randomly blows his heal and spams 1. You might as well not even be in the party. Get some good footage b4 u make these stupid videos. People want to see “quality” play when they bother to waste 5 min of their life watching gw2 videos. You guys suck.

Good – then it was 4v3 and we still chased them and all their pugs back to spawn… But judging from the two videos, maybe they like it there? Anyways- u guys have cut into to much of my game playing :p

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

you’re reight… we didn’t kill near as many up arrows and pugs as you did… touché!

You’re missing the point. The video is showing how you turned tail and ran every time the numbers were evened out, which I may remind you was the comment someone made that started this whole mess.
First fight in particular, there was no pugs on either side. Were you just trying to string us out and flank us or something? I think you guys were far too cautious.

sigh – yes your right – you guys are uber and all we do is run from you… im going to play video games now =P

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

you’re reight… we didn’t kill near as many up arrows and pugs as you did… touché!

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Ex-AR here…. always good seeing BP again.

Been fun seeing you guys on the field so far vH a little squishy last night but more than a handful on reset. But something tells Me i shouldn’t expect you guys to always be so squishy when we meet

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Hey there everyone, today i finished up a sequel to my first “The Pineapple Warrior” wvw solo roam video. This one will feature a tank/condi build as opposed to the burst/CC builds in part 1. Has some clips from this matchup and last weeks matchup.
Theres a variaty of tags, but duplicates or multiple fights cant be seen from the tags Moas, HoA, and FBA from Kaineng i believe from the top of my head.

Enjoy (hopefully !)

Awesome vid- I stopped playing my warrior a while ago. My CC build is to easy to counter and my support build is kind of lame with our leg specialist… I hear condition is all the rage with the kids now, maybe I’ll give it a go.

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


So 8 ZERG players tactically kite your 20man grp slowly picking people off and all you can think of is “stop running”. You should be thinking of how bad you guys really are for taking tht long to kill 8 ppl. Stacking up and afraid to push 8? now thts sad. Your guild tag fits you well sir.

LOL All I wanted was to fight! Don’t take yourself so seriously… I will be back online tonight. Maybe people will want to stand and fight instead of run and “kite”. maybe Ill just find Lost and have some fun getting wiped by and old friend or two. We are NOOB, We drink beer and have a good time. Try it you might like it :P

We cheer you for wanting to fight but “MY” standing rule while I’m leading is, "you make anyone that wants to kill us “earn” the kill & you will NOT die unnecessarily unless you have Styliii’s permission"!!! If you have to chase (ZERG) 9/10’s across the map to do so you will have to do it especially with superior numbers such that you had. We enjoyed the fights with you all and this is giving my guys some much needed practice and welcome the fights. I believe we lost 2 or 3 but the rest got away on the NE camp fight. Anyway nice fights and see you out there.

Oh btw, have a cold one on me!!!! ;-P

Styliii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader (Guild Retired)

This is true- he yells at us and won’t let us attack anyone unless he says so. THEN! We are not allowed to go to the bathroom or believe in Santa claus. There is no fun allowed in our guild. He told me if I don’t figure out how to put two shields in my hand that I’m going to be kicked from the guild… There is no fun to be had in ZERG

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Also, Lad Guy hasn’t asked us if we like stuff as much as him. Is he ok?

Lol be nice- he quit playing :p

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

Yes, you got us, our 3 man repeatedly attacked your 5 man. I’m so ashamed… No, but seriously, that’s all we were looking for, I thought those were some fun fights and you guys were too tough of a nut for the 3 of us to crack even though we kept trying.


I like how no one ever wants to count the PUGs lol. Don’t worry I wouldn’t have count then either if the situation was reversed it was pretty funny- we chased that char guard in an out of the NSP Zerg for about 30 mins. At one point 4 of us actually charged into that tower as your Zerg was capping it just to get him! Lol good times guys- hope all involved enjoyed the fight.

I won’t quibble with numbers, you can count the pugs if you like. Again, thought you guys fought well which is what we were expecting/hoping for from ex-noqq. No need to be kitten y.

I wasn’t trying to quibble- I was just messing with ya- if I’m running around with 3 I never consider the Green around me as part of the equation. Lord knows I have been around BP groups with the numbers advantage only to watch the smaller group wipe us lol. It’s why we make people who run with us wear our tag- I typically see green as a nice Rez opportunity for the other side :/ I would like to say- we will give u the 3 pugs and call it 4v5, but hell there’s a good chance it just made it 2v5 :/

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

Yes, you got us, our 3 man repeatedly attacked your 5 man. I’m so ashamed… No, but seriously, that’s all we were looking for, I thought those were some fun fights and you guys were too tough of a nut for the 3 of us to crack even though we kept trying.


I like how no one ever wants to count the PUGs lol. Don’t worry I wouldn’t have count then either if the situation was reversed it was pretty funny- we chased that char guard in an out of the NSP Zerg for about 30 mins. At one point 4 of us actually charged into that tower as your Zerg was capping it just to get him! Lol good times guys- hope all involved enjoyed the fight.

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


ZERG guild,

Why do you constantly run away? In NSP BL the only time I didn’t see you running was when it was 20-4… yet the 4 of us were willing to stand and fight. When the numbers evened you ran. Thankfully Lost was still around to give us a good fight.

I fell like we aren’t making any friends this match-up. That makes me sad – everyone should have at least one internetz friend in their life

All I could think of was “Stop running!!!!”

Lol- that was a fun night last night

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


ZERG guild,

Why do you constantly run away? In NSP BL the only time I didn’t see you running was when it was 20-4… yet the 4 of us were willing to stand and fight. When the numbers evened you ran. Thankfully Lost was still around to give us a good fight.

I fell like we aren’t making any friends this match-up. That makes me sad – everyone should have at least one internetz friend in their life

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


another vH run-in. 6 v 6… good fun =)

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


And why does everyone always say 20!!! 9 of is tonight :p

But we did ZERG you kittens down lol.

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


ZERG guild,

Why do you constantly run away? In NSP BL the only time I didn’t see you running was when it was 20-4… yet the 4 of us were willing to stand and fight. When the numbers evened you ran. Thankfully Lost was still around to give us a good fight.


Videos for everyone in the morning

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Thats the difference Between bp and other servers. Other servers see that as a roamer and let them go fight other smaller opponents. Heck even 1-2 or 1-3 is fair. Bp thinks hyuck let’s chase them all over the map with 20 people.

I can’t believe u chased down my poor quaggon.

Dude, don’t try it lol. 90% of solo roamers we pass by follow us and try to pick off the stragglers. I mean, we don’t like having to kill people that we out number, but how else an I supposed to feel better about myself? AND there were only 5of us.. But your right, if there were 20 of us we would have still chased :} BUT to be fair, if we stopped killing every player that was solo or AFK then we wouldn’t have anyone on NSP to kill

I don’t actually mind. U play your way and I’ll play mine. Is a game after all. Play for fun. Im just saying bps community culture actively inhibits small group play. Top tier thinking. Bottom teir population.

Not really, you just have to be resourceful, and know when not to engage (also known as run).

BTW, not sure what was meant about fighting under our tower, but we likewise have to be resourceful when 20+ are coming after us. But the point is we engage in the kind of small man game that someone said BP does not have. We’re not above pouncing on smaller numbers though, no denying that.

What was meant is that the couple times we’ve seen people running the ZERG tag they are afraid to fight with semi-even numbers and tend to fall back to a tower or run while we nip at their heels. I don’t know how large ZERG is or how many different groups they run but this has been my experience so far. We just like to have good fights and you won’t hear trash talk from [Splt] if you give us one so don’t be afraid of your egos being bruised (this applies to anyone we fight).


I can only assume that there was another group from your or the other server in the area. We do not run from semi-even number fights, and actually prefer larger enemy groups. But at some point I gotta think about my stacks.

Then I can only assume your guild runs a couple different groups and we have not met on the battlefield.

We don’t. We’ll keep an eye out for Splt and see if we can make a better impression next time.

Heh- turns out there’s a reason neither of us remember running from a fair fight with SPLT. Either way- hope to find you guys on the field this week, have enjoyed the match up so far

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: agentmooncat.5134


Thats the difference Between bp and other servers. Other servers see that as a roamer and let them go fight other smaller opponents. Heck even 1-2 or 1-3 is fair. Bp thinks hyuck let’s chase them all over the map with 20 people.

I can’t believe u chased down my poor quaggon.

Dude, don’t try it lol. 90% of solo roamers we pass by follow us and try to pick off the stragglers. I mean, we don’t like having to kill people that we out number, but how else an I supposed to feel better about myself? AND there were only 5of us.. But your right, if there were 20 of us we would have still chased :} BUT to be fair, if we stopped killing every player that was solo or AFK then we wouldn’t have anyone on NSP to kill

I don’t actually mind. U play your way and I’ll play mine. Is a game after all. Play for fun. Im just saying bps community culture actively inhibits small group play. Top tier thinking. Bottom teir population.

Me and a few other actually transferred to DR a few months ago looking for small man fights, but it was just not enough of it to keep me happy about the move. I feel that T5 and T4 give the best possibility of continuous combat with manageable numbers currently. But yes, the Zergs are on the roam, so we got to a point where 8-15 man teams works best for us(prime time). We appreciate our zergs here on BP because it keeps the swarm off of us and it makes keep taking less of a hassle lol. I personally think kain and eBay would be a perfect match for us currently. Enough 5-10 man teams to keep you on your toes and neither really travel 25+ much. Anyways- we still have a week to go- I’m hoping to hit a XOXO/SPLT team soon before the match is over. I appreciate what you guys bring to the game