Showing Posts For anthreas.2839:

Necromancer tutorials

in Necromancer

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Great job. Watched these and made a necro. Was kind of put off necros at first because i was so new to the game and they definitely seemed to be one of the more difficult classes to master. This simplified it for me, thanks.

We cant get into Citadel of Flame on Henge of Denravi? Please Help Devs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Here’s a pic of the guy that’s doing nothing on the bridge, and of Haki Wolfwatcher.


We cant get into Citadel of Flame on Henge of Denravi? Please Help Devs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Heres a pic of all the people trying to jump thru this invisible wall, and 2 on the other side of the invisible wall(Max Everlightt and Dormmm), able to zone in. Also the status of the event in the top right.


(edited by anthreas.2839)

We cant get into Citadel of Flame on Henge of Denravi? Please Help Devs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anthreas.2839


It’s definitely not, I’m standing outside of it as of this post, there is a buggy way where you have to sit and try and jump through the invisible wall that is blocking it that some people are doing, some how pretty easily, which i can’t seem to figure out how to do. The event seems to be broken to resolve this contested Dungeon, as the guy I think is supposed to do something is just standing on the bridge doing nothing with an orange shield above his head. Need help devs. I’m an 80 Thief on Henge of Denravi in the zone Fireheart Rise trying to get into Citadel of Flame which is contested, not sure what other information i can provide.

The NPC Haki Wolfwatcher is also standing outside saying we’ve pushed them back to the gates! It’s a glorious day! (or something like that) like we have completed the event, but the stone walls are still up in front of the Dungeon along with the invisible wall that just teleports you back.

(edited by anthreas.2839)

We cant get into Citadel of Flame on Henge of Denravi? Please Help Devs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anthreas.2839


The dungeon has been contested since last night(that i know of) and nobody can get in, please help. Is a fix in the works? shed some light please

Help me find this Armor

in Thief

Posted by: anthreas.2839


You might try looking into the duelist set with anonymity hood. Looks much like that on a male and very similar to the guy from assasins creed when you have Celestial dye.

Leather Exotic armor looks... Meh...

in Crafting

Posted by: anthreas.2839


I love the look of my guy, there are some nice sets out there through transmuting and such, it is true though that alot of lvl 80 exotics look like crap for medium , but the equivalent to heavy and light is much better looking. the tier 2 human cultural is pretty decent looking as well as a duelist set, and the tier 3 human as well(although ur looking at 119G for the full set, and its not even the best looking imo)

Destroyer Weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Hey, so I’m trying to craft some destroyer weapons and found that you need destroyer lodestones to make them. So my question is where can you find these? I’ve looked all around the web and can’t seem to find any good place to find the cores(to forge into the lodestones) or the lodestones. I’ve heard you can get them from the destroyers in Mount maelstrom, but i farmed some for like an hour with magic find stuff and couldn’t didn’t get one drop. Am i just unlucky or is there more than 1 location that the destroyers are at(there was only like 8 spawns where i was)? Any info will help, please and thank you!

Afraid to play the game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anthreas.2839


I agree. IF they are going to reduce the stuff you get from farming things(which honestly I’m okay with, so whatever), at the very LEAST we should be informed somehow that we will now be getting less loot/xp/items, etc… Otherwise, get rid of it, because bots are still farming no matter how hard you try Anet. The real players seem to be the ones affected, the bots don’t care.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Just completed this. Only issue was the stupid grub’s being bugged(seems to be their loot that is bugged at the moment, and didn’t affect my ability to complete the mission)

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anthreas.2839


I love how this whole hate post doesn’t even mention the uh “Guild Wars” part of it. Have you tried PvP at all? Gotten in a guild and made a very sound sPvP team where you have to get skills to compliment your allies, and actually have to work together? I’m sorry but the competition is just awesome, and I could literally play PvP pretty much forever. Apparently you joined an MMO to play solo, not once did you mention the grouping system, or a guild(this is Guild Wars after all). Nor did you touch on explorable dungeons or crafting, or the actual combat system itself. You just sat and complained about ‘Hearts’ and Dynamic Events. The ONLY thing I agree with you on is the TP. Other than that, just another hate post. Go back to GW1 and please stop saying “The rest of us” “The majority of players” etc… Clear up the forums for people who are actually enjoying the game.

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: anthreas.2839


My thief at 53, Midnight Ice, Plus Red


Names you can never get

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anthreas.2839


You also got to remember you could reserve a character name…. So most of the “good” names were taking before the servers even came up.. lol it sucks I wanted to be Raven, or Riven. Instead I went with Wayward Shorty on my, little as possible, Asuran Warrior, using a greatsword +)

Can't seem to enjoy the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Oh, if you only want to play sPvP, then get used to sucking for a while. It’s just the way of the world. You have to practice at a game to get good at it. I would reccomend not building a glass cannon of any class, instead go healing/vitality/toughness so that you dont getkittenin 2 secs and can actually use some of your abilities, stick WITH your team, until you feel confident enough to go “scout” on your own.

Can't seem to enjoy the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Just keep playin the game. If you’ve only gotten characters to level 2, you really haven’t experienced the game yet. I would strongly reccomend playing a character to at least level 30, before you really try anything else. That helps you get a handle on most of the mechanics of that class, at least the basic ones. When I first played the game I was so lost, and sucked at everything(sPvP, WvWvW, PvE, Crafting(yes i sucked at crafting)) I had no idea what I was doing. So I simply just kept leveling my guy, as i slowly unlocked new skills and stuff, it gave me time to learn what they do and the possible uses for them. Now I tend to own in sPvP(normally 1st or 2nd in points), and in PvE im taking out Veterans a couple levels above me with no issues. I’m still finding a place for myself in WvWvW, I have yet to grasp that content yet. But anyways, bottom line, i would just strongly reccomend sticking to ONE class until you got a grasp on the basics. If you want to play a human but not in their starting zone(so its different), make one, travel to Divinities reach, take the Asuran Portal(purple portal) to Lion’s Arch, then run over to one of the other starting zone portals(I loved the Slyvari starting zone) and start fresh from there. Only traveling back to your area to do your story quests.

I dont use Steal

in Thief

Posted by: anthreas.2839


Use steal. Wtf. You can trait it to stealth you, poison them, give you initiative, and more… Plus free teleport to enemy, and can absolutely destroy people in PvP, like when you steal a warriors whirlwind.