Team Dolyak [KH]
Team Dolyak [KH]
The Yak Parade is coming It will be in SoR BL at 8PM Server Time. Expect us!
Team Dolyak [KH]
Appledainty I am officially calling you and [Doly] out!
I do not care about the score. I do not care about ppt.
What I DO care about is a Dolyak parade this thursday around 8’ish server time!
All servers, no BS, just a bit of fun and yaks.
I think this match up would be better for it.
Thank you,
A kind soul from SoR.
My response.<3
Team Dolyak [KH]
My brethren of the coast, please remember to guard our precious Dolyaks.
And remember, the enemu dolyaks have the scaleyhoof and need to be put down for their own good and to prevent the spread of this horrible bovine disease.
Team Dolyak [KH]
It is time again for another exciting score update with…As the Yak Runs! Now live from Blackgate.
It had been a long day of pillaging across the coast, but despite his physical exhaustion, Peta was feeling agitated. He knew what needed to be done, but that didn’t make it any easier to act. He looked out across the sea and took one last deep breath of sea air before turning away and heading back inland.
Several hours later, Peta cautiously walked into the Wolf Den. Unlike the raucous bar that the [KH] clan lived in, the wolf den seemed a place of calm. Members of the [GoF] clan were gathered around tables and warm fires discussing the ongoing Mistwar.
Phoenix gazed out across the smoky lodge and was surprised to see a familiar sylvari slumped in a chair. Despite his clever disguise of a pair of aviator glasses, purple hair dye, and a sleeveless hoodie, Phoenix knew it was Peta sitting there.
Peta watched Phoenix approach with his trademark stoicism, perhaps thinking that the commander would not see him if he sat still.
“Peta!” Phoenix cried, “I’m so glad you’re here!” and he looked around expectantly, clapping his hands. “So where’s that hottie Ellehnia?”
Peta resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead shrugged his shoulders non-commitally.
“She’s…not here?” the tone of disappointment in Phoenix’s voice was apparent. “But she’s coming over right? I mean…if you’re here…”
Peta shrugged again. He suspected Elle would follow him, but he wasn’t going to force her to and try to convince her. He knew her well enough to know that she makes her own choices.
Phoenix snorted in irritation at the mute sylvari’s obstinance. “Well if you’re not going to do anything about it, then I will! She just broke up with Tryce” Phoenix pondered this for a moment “…I bet she’d totally be into me!”
Peta stared at Phoenix for a moment, then burst into wild laughter, slapping his hand against his thigh. When Phoenix, clearly irritated, snorted and stomped away, Peta only laughed harder. Everything was going just as he hoped it would, although not exactly how he expected. He wanted Ellie to come to Blackgate so she could make up with Tryce, but this was possibly even better. He wouldn’t have to convince her himself; Phoenix would do it for him.
Team Dolyak [KH]
A message from your friendly neighborhood Team Dolyak
Team Dolyak [KH]
Team Dolyak has a special message for all of its BG WvW compatriots (and anyone else who plays wvw as well, really)…
Thank you for welcoming us!
Team Dolyak [KH]
we were actually highly disappointed. we were hoping for a huge massa-…….zergfest, but only a few showed up. we didn’t even attack 1st, KN started attacking and so we just joined in
As far as I know, there weren’t any Kaineng there for the parade. You came from the east side, all the DOLYs were on the west end. If you attacked Kaineng they may have just been randoms.
And sorry to disappoint. You see, I have this thing called ‘the flu’. I moved the parade up so I could pass out sooner.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Thank you to RET and friends for whispering me last night before yak parade.
I told you we had only a few people (4/5) – because I moved the parade up from its normal time without notice (everyone else was doing other events). Bringing a whole zerg to take us out was pretty funny. And if you think I was naive enough to believe that you weren’t going to troll us, you’re wrong. I told you where we were because I knew exactly what you would do and my dear, I just don’t give a kitten If getting wiped in a game bothered me I wouldn’t have charged into your spawn shortly thereafter in dolyak form.
I’m glad some people stayed to duel after wiping us. Thank you for being awesome.
Perhaps you saw some yaks/mooses standing outside your spawn later. That was us. Several FA’s saw us, stopped and stared, and kept going. Thank you for not murdering us. Someone also bowed to a yak that charged into the spawn. Thank you to this person as well.
Team Dolyak [KH]
So like Hammer Warrior Vs Hammer Warrior? Because that may be the longest fight ever……
Do you want to duel?
Who are you? Guild? in game name? Server?
Privictus – TC
I’m prettier than you. And I will always be prettier than you.
You may be prettier, but I will always have Tryce!
Team Dolyak [KH]
@Jayne, Well said, but I would go further. Players shouldn’t be reading other servers forums. If you feel the need to read other servers forums then its time to re-evaluate why you play this game and perhaps if you’re spending too much time on it. If you wanna say a friendly hello you can do it on the official forums, but let people have their own space and save yourself some time for more important things.
Just wanted to clarify that I had no idea about the FA forums’ existence until one of the mods for the FA forum informed me of the planned yak attack. I don’t actually read the forums. I hardly read our own TC forums now that I’m working monster overtime. Apparently the parade has fans on FA. :x People from TC who do track the FA forums told me as well, so yeah there are people on TC who read the enemu forums, but it was a mysterious moderator who whispered me first.
Team Dolyak [KH]
you are aware that stawker is not in bt or pd right?
I don’t think either of those guilds planned on trolling the parade by joining the guild, although they are the ones that killed that tier 3 parade and I’m sure would have loved to kill the parade again.
Sorry :c Deleted my post because I realized making a post would be useless and just feed trolls. I have no idea what guild Stawker was in (edit: apparently he is GL of RET according to his forum title?) Here are some screencaps. Perhaps the PD and BT people who posted that they would be there/try to be there are not leaders from those guilds. According to their titles in the forums it would seem most of them are Guild Leaders or Officers.
but that could be untrue. I wouldn’t really know.
yea your original post made it seem like there was some espionage being done by bt and pd to infiltrate your super exclusive public guild to tear the parade apart from the inside.
that screenshot seems more reasonable with pretty much everyone expressing interest in killing the parade; exactly the appropriate fa response to learning of a dolyak parade! :P
also i find it strange that you read and catalog other server’s forums, do you participate in the community as well? or just lurk?
Oh, they did join my public guild which is no longer public. They showed me the light
The posts are a response to he-who-must-not-be-named-for-infraction-reason’s ‘Trojan Horse’ plan to join DOLY, then troll the parade from the inside. He invited many of his friends after he got in. They trolled us in the guild chat as well as killing us. Perhaps none of them were PD or BT after all, but I would suspect some of them might have been since they were going to come to the parade to kill us.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Wat? You made enough money strictly via WvW to get your legendary? That’s insane! Teach me! How did you get all those t6 mats?
Grats btw!
Thanks I wouldn’t say strictly. I was about 75% done with it before I started playing WvW. Then I stopped my hardcore farming ways, decided PVE was evil, and played mostly WvW. Which is why it took me since October last year to finish my legendary, lol
I had pretty much everything except completion (mostly WvW completion), some TA tokens, the bloodstone shard, obsidian shards, and the gift of battle before I went into WvW. Most of that is just karma, exp, or badges. Last night I used killstreak boosters in the lake in FABL and TCBL to farm krait (and random enemies) until I had my last two skill points.
Now I can go back to my yak routes and sentry duties.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Dear FA and KA:
Thank you for helping me achieve my Kudzu. It will now be easier for you to figure out which pirate ranger walking a dolyak is me, just in case you want to wave before you kill me. There will probably be flowers everywhere. Fluffyhooves loves being showered with flower petals as we prance down the supply routes together.
<3 Ellie and Fluffyhooves
Team Dolyak [KH]
I nominate Quenta as our celebrity endorsement
If we’re going to do celebrities from our own servers, I want to elect Commander Jadon and from Kaineng, Jarvan.
Miss you Jarvan! <3
Team Dolyak [KH]
So much heartache in this thread!
Team Dolyak [KH]
You got transfers from CD.
Two guilds: KH (about 30 dedicated WvW players) and LW (not sure their exact size, but they were definitely smaller than KH when we were all on CD. All the rest of the CD guilds went mostly to Kaineng and Blackgate I believe.
KH was recruited by TC to try and replace a couple of guilds that transferred off TC the week before.
LW is on Blackgate with LaZy and GoF (also from CD), not TC. XD There is a whole soap opera about it called “As the Yak Runs”
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
KH/DOLY will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day keg brawl. Once I sort the details with Typhor, anyone who wants to attend will be welcome.
I would also consider doing a yak parade in PVE
Team Dolyak [KH]
SoR – Vince McMahon?
Team Dolyak [KH]
Dear Blackgate Bad Boys:
I miss you already.
<3 Ellie & Fluffyhooves
Team Dolyak [KH]
I am excited to see the rams. Also, bulls, dolyaks, plush griffons, sparks, and whatever else shows up for the yak parade on Thursday.
Team Dolyak [KH]
I think the world you are looking for, Evalana, is “fun”. That is what Dragonbrand has become.
Team Dolyak [KH]
pfff. forget Team Jacob and Team Edward. It’s all about Team Peta or Team Tryce
Team Dolyak [KH]
Dear people who got killed trying to parade with us.
We are very sorry this happened to you It was unintentional. There were some non-initated pugs with us who didn’t realize what was going on. I shall send you strawberry ghosts as an apology. They make an excellent addition to your ruminant tonic.
I will be posting a video shortly and you can see our outrage of your murder.
Team Dolyak [KH]
The Dolyak Parade is in Ten Minutes in BGBL Join us for the celebration of Dolyaks and BG’s ascent to Tier 1!
Team Dolyak [KH]
We will all be under the same digital stars. And I dunno…do TC girls like dudes in golem suits? We like golems don’t we?
Team Dolyak [KH]
Never let go, Kevin. Never let go. </titanic>
Team Dolyak [KH]
D: Does that mean Maguuma will bring more yaks to the yak parade than we will? LET IT NOT BE SO.
Team Dolyak [KH]
That’s right, Ronin. Everyone knows us beach bunny pirate girls are the best. For the coast!
Team Dolyak [KH]
I want to RP with HB <3
Team Dolyak [KH]
We are very aware of everything going on in Bay
You referring to our very own dolyak parade?
YES My ultimate plan is working.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Awesome Dolyak Parade this week everyone I got a great video. We decided a three way battle at the end would be fun. Those who were left from TC suicided themselves into the BG spawn so that the sacrifice to Bloody Beard the dolyak god would be complete.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Auburn gets it. Thank you. One more reason of many why I have a man crush on [PiNK].
I have a crush on PiNK too <3 Hi Jadon! Hi Handin! Hi Deyja! (Shhh. Don’t tell Tryce.)
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
Now it’s time for another excited score update with…As the Yak Runs!
Peta is doing his best to distract Ellie from her grief with games of Miniature Present-Laden Dolyak Brawl, and she seems to be feeling better. Even though he always wins. kitten you Peta and your tiny crown! :P)
Meanwhile in Blackgate, Tryce is feeling even more confused. Apparently, as he heard it from his guildies down the grape vine, he had done something rather naughty with Sophie and got caught at it. But he doesn’t remember that, and a stud like him would definitely remember messing around with a babe like Sophie.
At least that horrible bout of scaleyhoof finally went away. When did humans start getting scaleyhoof anyway? Sophie’s explanation of dolyak-to-human scaleyhoof contamination didn’t really make a lot of sense to him, but his specialty is not infectious disease – but battle! He feels lucky to be alive, but miserable seeing Ellie running around the north camp of TCBL with that stupid plant boy. Especially since Peta keeps spotting him and kicking his kitten Can’t a man spy on his girlfriend in peace? He’s seriously considering becoming a thief. But if he did that then Ellie would definitely hate him. He rubs his temple a little; this complicated stuff makes his head hurt.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Dear [CO] (I think) Thief whom I killed on the northern supply route going to NE tower in TCBL.
I do not know how I killed you, for I am a ranger and that is highly unnatural. I thought perhaps you were a baby lowbie thief, and I got lucky, but when I looked I saw you were fully leveled. Killing you and saving my yak is perhaps my greatest guild wars 2 accomplishment ever, although I am still not sure how I rallied.
Next time we meet I am sure you will stake me to the ground, though. Keep on fighting
Team Dolyak [KH]
Just wanted to let people know the yak parade was not originally my idea XD Someone on TC came up with it when I was still on Crystal Desert. Buuuut I did keep it going. The dolyak is my cause!
Team Dolyak [KH]
Time for another score update with…As the Yak Runs!
It’s time for the weekly herd migration and the yak paraders have begun to gather. Despite the pain in her heart, Ellie is keeping her head up. She’s a strong pirate woman who doesn’t need no man. Even on Valentine’s Day.
“Valentine’s Day is whack. People hate that fake bullkitten” Charzilla says as he pulls on his boxing gloves for a bout with Sardonicus.
“Yeah. Parades are way more fun. Don’t feel bad, Sis.” Sardonicus pats her shoulder before squaring up to face Charzilla.
“I’m fine. Really!” Ellie replied. She sounds fine enough, but the lie tastes sour in her mouth.
Tryce’s head is still throbbing as he makes his way through the orchard to the parade meeting ground with the Blackgate parade group. He’s not sure what happened the night before, but since he woke up naked on the floor covered in vomit, he guesses it must have been a bad night.
Worse yet, he didn’t get Ellie a Valentine’s Day gift. That momentary feeling of panic passes quickly, though. He’s sure something brilliant will occur to him at just the right moment. He’s never failed before, and he’s not about to fail now.
Tryce approaches the knot of yak team members gathered around their leader, brimful of confidence. “Hey Babycakes! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Ellie freezes at the sound of his voice, her shoulders tensing immediately and fingers twitching with the urge to grip an arrow. Yue and Hectoncheir move in closer around her, frowning disapprovingly at the Blackgate bad boy.
“Well, well…look what the tide washed up,” says Hectoncheir with mock joviality.
Yue threads her arm through Ellehnia’s and points cheerfully at an approaching group of Kaineng. “Look, Ellebelle, it’s Jarvan! Why don’t we move on out? Handin is leading today, isn’t he?”
Tryce stares at Yue, bewildered by the team’s bizarre attitude toward him. They had always been friends. “Don’t be silly, Yue. I’m leading the parade like always.” Tryce’s confident smile fades int eh face of the yak team’s withering stares. “I’m the official dolyak commander…after all…”
“Not anymore,” Peta says as he strides over to them, his new commander tag flashing, a bouquet of roses in hand. “I’m leading this parade from now on.”
Ellie snaps out of her despondency at hearing the voice of her most stalwart companion.
“Oh, Peta” she sighs with relief and joy before throwing her arms around Peta’s neck. He slides an arm around her waist and allows the corners of his lips to turn upward into a small smile of triumph.
Team Dolyak [KH]
The parade is at 10PM EST ie 7PM Server Time. We will be meeting behind the south camp of BGBL in the dueling spot/parade gathering ground to the west of the mill a half hour beforehand. Please bring tonics with you if possible to cut down on sending tonics out by mail. You can get free tonics from the guild bank on either BG or TC – KN doesn’t have a finished one yet from what I understand. also, please come in town clothes and stow all pets to avoid auto-attacking.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Happy Valentine’s Day BG and KN!
Team Dolyak [KH]
Time for another score update with…As the Yak Runs!
It’s the day before Valentine’s day and Tryce has no idea what to do. Ellie has been drunk and murderous for a week. He tried to visit her the night before and the sting of her slap when he tried to make a move on her still made his face itch. And who was that creepy guy staring in her bedroom window? Why would such a (usually) sweet girl live in such a shady place?
He didn’t like that Peta guy, and wanted nothing more than to crush him, but Tryce is starting to think it was better when he was around. If only because Peta made him look better by comparison.
Tryce was sitting in the bar where Ellie lived, hoping to get some advice from her friends and family, but all they seemed to know about her is that she’s independently wealthy, generous to a fault and really likes Dolyaks (and has way too much time on her hands). He already got her a keep. What could you get the girl who has everything for Valentine’s Day? And more importantly, what could he get her that would make her forget her murderous rampage and hop into bed with him again?
Some time later a be-pigtailed buxom blonde took the seat next to Tryce at the bar. Another commander from Blackgate whom he had worked closely with in the mist war – Sophie.
“What are you doing here all alone, Tryce? Where’s your Ellie?”
Tryce sighs slightly and looks out across the bar. He doesn’t know how to answer her.
A few hours later, Ellie comes stumping into the bar covered in sweat and blood, lootbags full of ill gotten gain. She’s finally worked out all her anger and has a smile on her face. Tomorrow is going to be a good day. There’s going to be a yak parade on Valentine’s Day, Tryce will be the parade leader (what could be more perfect?), and she got a letter from Peta. She tapped the breast pocket of her jacket where the letter was and felt relaxed; he was not angry with her, and he was coming home soon.
As Ellie passes the guest room on her way upstairs, she hears a familiar pair of voices. She stops in her tracks, and can’t help but move toward the half-opened guest room door. She peers inside and who does she see but Tryce in the arms of another woman!
Ellie kicks the door of the guest room open much to the surprise of the blonde vixen and the rather dazed looking Tryce.
“Oh, you kitten. I know I wasn’t in the mood yesterday, but what the hell?!” Ellie seethes. She always thought that the commander tag would eventually go to Tryce’s head, but she didn’t think he would go for fangirl bimbos – with pigtails! And devil horns for Bloody Beard’s sake! “You think being in the hundred gold club makes you so kitten important, do you?”
Sophie feigns innocence rather unconvincingly as the look of victory in her eyes is too strong to mask. This is vengeance for all the coastal girls who try to steal blackgate boys. “Sorry, Ellie. Is this…your...boyfriend?”
“Happy kittening Valentine’s Day,” Ellie hisses at the two enemy commanders, then turns on her heel and marches out of the room.
Tryce’s head is spinning, his vision swirling with confusing imagery. He can hear Ellehnia but he can’t seem to form words himself; it feels like his mouth is full of cotton balls. His eyes roll into the back of his head and he falls off the chair he was sitting in and onto the floor, but Ellie doesn’t even look back to see him fall.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day edition of As the Yak Runs
Also, the parade will be at 10PM EST in BG BL. We will gather in the dueling spot behind the south camp. If you are in Blackgate please contact Sir Tryce or Sophie Sureshot for DOLY info and tonics. If you are in TC please contact Miniplague, Ellehnia or Yue Riversong. If you are in Kaineng, please contact Jarvan
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
I for one look forward to a Valentine Yak Parade while wielding the Rose Bouquet and tossing petals everywhere as yaks prance in search of love.
Yes. There must be lots of video. It shall be glorious.
Also, lol your signature. XD <3 you both.
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
And now another exciting score update with…As the Yak Runs!
It’s been days since Peta’s sudden departure to Vigil Command school and Ellie is refusing point blank to walk any dolyaks until her returns, much to the chagrin of her Commander, Bruce Willis Maulbrak who doesn’t understand love, but only murder. Although, for some reason he hovers outside of Ellehnia’s bedroom window for hours at a time. No one is really sure why, unless he is using her home as a base of operations for his dealing of questionable consumables. Ellie did once find him trying to smuggle consumables on her precious dolyaks.
Instead of spending her time walking yaks, Ellie has instead been taking out her frustration and anger on poor lowbies and noobs by trolling the mistwar with her Charr brothers. She’s even been ignoring Tryce in favor of her newfound bloodsport. Seeing her bizarre behavior the rest of the yak team drew straws to decide who would confront their usually stable and fearless leader. Fortunately (or unfortunately) it fell upon Yue, the most level headed of the team, to have a heart to heart with Elle.
Yue sighed as she entered the Maiden’s Whisper to find Ellehnia already good and drunk. Ellie was brooding near barrels of wine, which were growing emptier and emptier the longer she stood by them. None of the patrons said anything to her, but they kept glancing at her worriedly. It was only hours earlier that Elle and her three brothers had trashed the bar during one of their all too frequent costume brawls.
“Elle, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Whyyyyy nawt?” Ellehnia snorts as she takes another swig from her tankard. Despite her size, she’s capable of holding more alcohol than any of her brothers – although Kushaboss seems to keep up with her pretty well.
“You have a sacred duty to defend the dolyaks. You are the emissary of the yak god, the queen of the supply route. Without you, we will never upgrade All the Things.”
“Pffffft. You don’t need me.” Ellie replied glaring into the dregs of her empty tankard. There were tears in the corners of her eyes, and Yue knew that what she really meant to say was “Peta doesn’t need me” – and she also knew that wasn’t true. If anything, they all needed each other. They’re a team. That’s how teams work.
“He’ll be back in a week, and then he’ll be able to command armies of yak walkers. Isn’t that something you always wanted?”
Despite her drunkenness Ellie seems to see the sense in Yue’s words. “I guessh… but ganking is fun… It’sh good to hash a break shometimesh.”
“That’s right, it’s vacation time gurrrrrl!” Kushaboss came roaring up to the two yak walkers and threw his arm around Yue, who eyed him with mild dislike.
“I’m a BANANA!” he exclaimed with great gusto, before dancing about in his newly dyed all-yellow chef outfit. Yue may not have been amused, but Ellie smiles and giggles a little at the bizarre display. “Come on little sis, let’s go gank some fools!”
Meanwhile, in Vigil Command School, Peta has made a new friend: Feredir. Feredir and Peta quickly became close in the intense environment of command school and have hardly been seen outside of each other’s company. Has Peta replaced Ellie with a new ranger best friend – and a Sylvari one at that? One whose family won’t mock him for looking how he looks and being who he is? How is Tryce taking being ignored by a girl he just took a keep for? Find out more in the next installment of…As the Yak Runs!
BONUS: Horrible girly manga cover with As the Yak Runs characters. +comic sans for added eyebleeds.
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
No scoreupdate with As the Yak Runs tonight. But, Tryce and I are working on a song/yak parade video with footage from last week’s parade. Soon all the TC ladies can swoon over his dulcet tones* as much as I do!
*dulcet tones do not provide guarantee of good singing No pressure, babbycakes.
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
Ellie – I want you to know I saw Charzill and Peta last night in BG BL. I skeeweeedd like a school girl who had just seen rockstars. I’m pretty sure I saw Tryce too, I skeewweedd during that one too – as I spit blood during my rather violent death.
looool hilarious. I will let them know. XD They don’t really keep track of the forums.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Tryce walks into the bar having no idea what he’s about to encounter. Not that it would matter if he did know anyway, because his ego awesomeness shields him from most things. Tryce has never once doubted that things will work out for him just how he wants them to – because why wouldn’t they? He’s amazing. Legendary, even.
He strides confidently into the bar, full of swagger, and waves at Ellehnia. He doesn’t even notice the three huge Charr warriors behind her at first. “Hey babycakes, how you doin’?”
“Hey, it’s that guy…I kittening hate that guy! He’s in that LW gang!” Sardonicus glares at the tiny human man who thinks he’s going to woo his sister. Typhor, Charzilla and Sardonicus lean threateningly over the tiny human and roar together.
In what was clearly a moment of temporary madness, Tryce finds himself cowering. He quickly recovers himself, though, and tries to pass this off with a laugh. “Hahaha, your family is great, Ellie. I love your armor colors, Mr. Typhor. You’re wearing a mix of Flame Legion, Primeval and Nightmare sets, right?” He says congenially to Typhor, that carefree smile returning.
Typhor feels torn, but Sardonicus and Charzilla are still growling. This puny human is clearly not good enough to date his daughter…and is clearly from a rival land…but it’s hard for him to disapprove of a man who knows his armor. He almost feels like he’s looking at a lower quality, human, poorly dressed version of himself. Of course, no-one will ever be as amazing as he is, so maybe this Tryce is as close as Ellie can get. And at least he’s not a plant. Nothing kept him awake at night more than the fear that his new armor color choices don’t blend together well – but his second worst fear was that his daughter would end up with that plant-boy. Petac? Petra? What was his name again? “I suppose you are not so bad for a tiny little man…but if you hurt my daughter…”
“We gunna roflstomp you like the little kitten you are!” Charzilla finishes the sentence, laughing maniacally.
Later that night, Ellehnia is relaxing in her room when there’s a gentle knock on the door. It can only be one person – her mother, Lawrence Lawrette. Her brothers and father don’t bother with doors or knocking.
“Is it all right if I come in, sweetheart?” Her mother’s high voice rings sweetly from the doorway.
“Aye…” Ellie was nervous telling her father and brothers about her new boytoy, but it was really her mother’s opinion that matters. Her mother is the sensible one in the family.
“Your father told me you’re seeing a boy from Blackgate.” Lawrette says quietly, mild worry in her eyes.
“Yeah…his name is Tryce.”
Lawrette stares at her daughter for a moment, then her lip quivers and she sobs into her hands. “Why didn’t you tell me? Don’t you trust me? You know that I will always support you no matter what~! Even if you’re dillydallying with one of those [LW] bad boys!”
Ellie sighs and puts an arm around her mother, stroking her long blonde hair. “I’m sorry, Mom…”
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
It’s that time again – time for another exciting score update with As the Yak Runs!
Don’t know what As the Yak Runs is? You can read the past episodes in our old match thread, here:
After spending the whole day searching for Peta, Ellehnia trudges into the bar her family lives above feeling drained and confused.Peta had never missed a yak parade before.Her worried thoughts are interrupted by the roar of her father, Typhor.
“ELLEHNIA! Where have you been? We have heard some very interesting news.” Typhor growls.
Ellie rubs her hands together nervously as her two brothers, Sardonicus and Charzilla come up to their father’s side to add their menacing glares to his. Though, she’s not really sure if they are glaring. She’s always had a hard time with Charr facial expressions.
Her brothers and father have always been overprotective, but she never thought that they would find out about her dalliance with the enemy. Her father is usually too busy changing his armor out and her brothers too busy boxing and trying questionable consumables to notice what she’s up to. But they’re sober now and Tryce was on his way to the bar now to pick her up for a farming party. It was as good a time as ever for them to find out.
“Well…I’m an adult, I can date if I want to…”
The three chars look confused.
“Dating?” Says Sardonicus.
“What motherkittening kitten thinks he can date my sister?!”
“We just wanted to tell you that Peta left for commander school…” Typhor’s voice has softened.
“Wha-Commander school?” Ellehnia feels her heart drop. He would be gone for weeks. They’d never been apart for longer than a few days. Ellehnia might be the leader of the yak team, but Peta is the soul of it. The team is simply not the same when he’s gone, and it hurts her that he didn’t tell her himself that he was leaving. Doesn’t Peta know that she would never leave the coast to walk yaks with Tryce – even if she has secret trysts and farms gold with him? Her bond with her team is stronger than that. As far as she’s concerned, Peta, Petra, Ellie, Mini and Yue will walk yaks together until the end of the mistwar, then retire and open up a farm for retired dolyaks together where the yaks can run free and have their hooves polished and their fur brushed regularly.
“And of course you can date, Princess. As long as he’s a strong, handsome, Charr with good armor in colors that coordinate well with your own.” Typhor says, smiling and patting Ellehnia ‘gently’ on her head, causing her hat to scrunch down over her eyes and her knees to buckle slightly.
“If not, then we crush him.” Charzilla shrugs. Sardonicus nods in agreement.
Ellie steels herself. She’s not willing to lie to her family, even if it’s a lie of omission.
“I’m not dating a Charr. I’m dating a human. His name is Tryce and he lives in Blackgate.”
The three char throw their arms up in surprise and horror.
“He’s coming here to visit me now. I’ll introduce you.” She smiles sweetly at her dumbfounded family and walks to the door.
Team Dolyak [KH]
(edited by appledainty.8127)
That was defiantly a sparta moment for TC when Kain and BG were throwing wave after wave for Bay in KGBL. Some of the most fun I’ve had playing WvW and we just started! Great fight guys and welcome to Tier 2 KG it’s going to be a hell of a week.
My guildies love your toon’s name. Every time we see you we cheer.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Why would you do such a terrible thing to yourself? Ugh. UGH.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Oh mai it looks dirty~
Team Dolyak [KH]
I was expecting us to drop down a tier so I have no idea where to go with As the Yak Runs now. Time to brainstorm. I have to figure out where Peta disappeared to.
Team Dolyak [KH]