Showing Posts For auratus.9854:
“Honor the spirits” with furs or whatever is totally fine for me. Showing “We dont fear anything”, too. But WHY THE UNDIES must be visible?
(edited by auratus.9854)
So click on your own please…
Lol. Thats it? Check the cultural with string-tanga and that carpet around the legs!
…how do they look like?
Some tit_ties there, some string tanga there…Ye and belly free of course! Where did you get these great armor ideas from? These are supposed to be warriors and guardians, no underwear models!
Lets compare with other races females…
Charr, Asura and Sylvari are dressed differently, but human…
…That leaves the impression for me: As soon as it got female roundings, its needed to show more skin. Please what?!
(edited by auratus.9854)
So come on, we cant wait to see and have more!
Very interesting, thanks!
(Too bad the links dont want to work for me in Opera o_O)
I rather call my [insert Legion name]Warband members… They last 30s….
Yes, I want more, too!
Looks great, nicely done!
Whoever still needs Obsidian Shards and doesnt know it any server managed to do this (Jade Sea obviously did)…
Here, have a look to see where is closed and where is open:
The weapon doesnt fit with your armor. Wrong colors, wrong style…
And only flame gloves ? Should add more flame / blast armor pieces or pick no one at all. Need some work
Good head btw
Its bright, a “sight” on my Charr. But ye, that doesnt rlly fit… Any recommendation?
Look closely, its 3 COF parts: Shoulder, Glove, Shoes. The pants is quest reward from Timberline Falls, the chest is barbarian (I guess). Hidden helmet is 80 exo crafted.
5/10… Charr T3 cultural, the helmet is a crime, looks like a Digimon. I dont get why so many like it. The dark colored legs dont fit to the bright chest in my opinion.
My warrior, armor update. (Dyes are Midnight Ice and Midnight Fire)
Afaik you cant change how your Charr is standing, you can just choose everything around… No hunchback = no Charr it seems for the devs..
May I remind you…
Now I want dancing to cause damage to all mobs in a range of 1200!
1) I agree. Was a nice surprise when I got to fight the “light” and suddenly that Hammer-Norn joins in with a different player, Norn knocks me down, light gets me and there goes one ticket….
I wonder why it popped up so “late” for you guys? I have that since June…
I thought its my SSD cause its over 50% full, also Intel SSD Optimizer didnt help my SSD (Intel SSD 520 Series 120GB)
Poor cat, dont compare cats with Charr…
Theres doubts it works on large cats… (According to german wikipedia-article)
Would be interesting to know that.
But I guess, they would rather get drunken with beer.
Left is my Necro (ye still running around in that…) and right is my Warrior. WHY SO MANY PANTS LOOK LIKE AT LEAST HALF SKIRTS? (And why my warriors tail seems good in that?!)
Hm….how to see that? Have no idea what you mean :X
AC pants? I am AC-traumatized
Arah Mid is really great, a screen to prove it fits snuggly on Charr:
Okay, got something. Can be closed and trashed.
Charr, cause they have the cattlepult.
I’d say 3/10…absolutely not my taste, the gloves dont really fit the rest… But the gears on core somehow fit to engineer.
My warrior:
At “tail not showing correctly”: Arah medium chest! That fits purrfectly, tail support.
And cause of most tails swing “through” the pants, I I got “used” cough to choose pants which DONT look like skirts. Will be difficult as necro…
(edited by auratus.9854)
now I am looking on this way for a guild. I am playing on Desolation, almost every day.
I am looking for a snuggly (=friendly) guild, PvE/dungeons/Fractals very welcome. I dont do PvP and WvW rarely.
If theres anything else you wanna know, just ask. I dont bite.
I wanted to implement my own music in the game. So I put 8 MP3s in the GW2/Music folder, named them Ambient, Battle, BossBattle, City, Crafting, MainMenu, NightTime and Underwater. Too bad the music doesnt change, I still have the default game music.
Help me!
Ye, on Desolation its contested.