Showing Posts For behrd.5347:

"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


we have no way of getting our gear/gold back right? i bought 20 bucks in gems all gone :/

"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


resolved! thank you for your help guys, my charecters been emptied but atleast hes not deleted!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


Ticket number 120901029070
Your agent restored the wrong account. Ive updated my resolved ticket. Please help

"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


i had a agent reply to my ticket but they restored the wrong account, i returned the account to the origional owner but my account has not been restored i was hacked on 30-31st and i have not been able to play since then. i really just want to freakin play, can i please get some attention it will take an agent 5 minutes to get this fixed for me. please. not demanding. im BEGGING

ticket number 120901-029070

please help gaile im lookin at you bro! halp!
and yes gaile i did update my ticket and follow procedures to get it prioritized. still no help

(edited by behrd.5347)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


Ticket number 120901029070
Your agent restored the erong account. Ive updated my resolved ticket. Please help

Agent restored wrong account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


gaile just a little bump to see if i can get any help with this, thank you again

Say No to priority for hacked accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


so you making a mistake, something that you could have avoided had you done things correctly is more important than someone who had their property stolen? lol ok

Agent restored wrong account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


Please update your ticket to explain what happened. Sorry about the mixup!

I have updated my ticket with what happened i beleive i gave them the serial to the wrong account i corrected the ticket but havent gotten a reply for it. Gailr if you could please pass my ticket number on to one of your service reps i would very much appretiate it. I was very excited to get my account back. Any feedback is great thanks again gaile

Agent restored wrong account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


I have two accounts one of which was hacked. The agent that helped me reatored the account that had no issues on it. I fixed the email i seti t back to the one it should be but i need my hacked account please take a look at the ticket

Ticket # 120901-029070

Thank you.

wrong game code in support ticket, oops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


Bunping for reply from any admin

wrong game code in support ticket, oops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


Please do not keep bumping a thread, it does nothing more than annoy people and is against the code of conduct.

:Edit: And as you can see, you can edit a post

compiled my posts into one thank you for your feedback but please delete your post as it doesnt help me get this problem fixed and its unrelated to the issue of this thread

Top Hat scandal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


EULA, 4, vii : You have no right to a refund related to Gems

incorrect. if its an error such as the OP described they will refund it.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


my thread:

PLEASE READ IT THIS IS A VERY SPECIFIC ISSUE my account email was changed by your agent on the wrong account not the one that was hacked!!!

ticket number 120901-029070

wrong game code in support ticket, oops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


ok ok so i messed up, this whole things been the biggest pain… i got a responce FIANLLY but it turns out i have you guys the wrong serial code! i bought two accounts (the one that was hacked) and one for my friend (this one) turns out in the ticket i putt the WRONG SERIAL in and they switched my friends account over to mine! (CRAP) i need help im going to submit a new ticket with the correct information please help

ticket number 120901-029070

im also changing back my friends email to his origional email because it was set to mine on accident. so that when this is fixed my email is free to used. god this sucks it took me 5-6 days to get this change made but it was done incorrectly (my fault i know) but please help i hope it doesnt take another week to get it fixed correctly! i want my account back

(edited by behrd.5347)

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


wow and i just read on the wiki that they finished all the tickets up to sept 2nd… not mine!

other people getting help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


Blocking Login – Ticket submitted 08/31/2012 – Ticket number 120901-001605

the wiki says you guys have adressed all tickets up to sept 2nd! not mine! i followed the instructions! wheres my help

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


im allready fed up with NCSoft.. honestly. after seeing an agent open my ticket and not even read it…really?

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


I’m so sick of this stupid email bullkitten, they need Live Chat support. Individual tickets could be resolved so much faster.

i wish they would hire a call center to take calls for a week. i worked for a call center for 5 years and we got jobs from game titles all the freakin time asking us to do 100% CS.. took a day to train us then we helped thousands

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


It took four days to get my account back and secure, and from what I’ve seen, I’m expecting to be able to log in around Friday night, Saturday morning.

yea and what sucks is that i had a reply to my NCsoft ticket (not an automatic one i got one today) asking to update my info (serial ect usual stuff) but that information was all in my original ticket! the agent didn’t even read my ticket he just opened it pasted the response and moved on it looks like… im sure 5 mins later he helped someone get their account back

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


We currently do not have an Account Restoration Service. This is definitely something we intend to offer in the future, but with regret we cannot do this at the present time.

As to the matter of an account being “banned” after restoration, I can assure you that if you contact Support, they will help you. The account may have been acted upon because the hacker was doing something wrong – like advertising a gold-selling site – but one you’re back on the account that suspension will be lifted.

thank you for the feedback but with all due respect… im sure we will get unbanned after we get our accounts back… but will that take just as long? its been 6 days for me with not even a response will it take as long to get my account banned which im very afraid it is.. im seriously considering just getting a refund tonight and MAYBE buying a new account, if i did that ide atleast be where i was before i got hacked

other people getting help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


i see other people getting help and replies to their threads but i don’t see literally any response to my hacked account (which you would think is higher priority than someone who bought the wrong item) in the last 6 days, im being patient like you guys ask but its incredibly hard when i see stuff like this….

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


its really hard to be patient after waiting almost a week i believe in you guys

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


any timeframe on when people who posted in here will get help?

My recovered account is banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


gaile is there any way we can make sure that we arent banned right after an account is restored? include it in our request? ide hate for this to happen to me. havent had access to my account since the 30th… my bday

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


thats really disapointing but understandable…at this point i just want my account back so i can play. hopfully i can get my charr back.. naked or not.. im sure my $30 in items/gems is allready gone

what happens after you get your account back

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


hi i already posted my ticket about my hacked account in the correct thread however i had a question about what happens after we finally get our account back. ive seen people say that their characters were stripped down naked.. my question is how do we get that back? can we get our items restored? our money? i had a fair amount of gems im sure is gone now, and i putt some gems into in game money. are we just left with what was left by the hacker? what if our characters were straight up deleted?

any response from GM would be fantastic thank you in advance for all your hard work guys

and one more question: do we have any way of getting information on whoever did this so we can press charges? this is illegal they shouldn’t get away with it. just a curiosity

(edited by behrd.5347)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


this post was merged into this thread right as i posted in it, my ticket info is in the post below thank you for merging

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


using friend account to post this as i dont have access to mine
Ticket numbers: 120901-001605 08/31/12
i had other tickets but i closed them per forum manager request

my account was hacked. ive tried every possible way to get it back i would really love some help on this. havent been able to play in 5 days and i havent heard anything back at all just want to play
i finally got a responce on my Nsoft ticket asking for additional information, even though that information was listed in my origional ticket. i can give you guys any and all info you need to help me get my account back please help

(edited by behrd.5347)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


post was merged. thank you gaile

(edited by behrd.5347)