Showing Posts For bluberblasen.9684: lv 80 for maximal damage
2.look at your traits – + 10 % dmg in fire + 10 % dmg vs burning + 10 % dmg in 600 range + 10 % when health over 90% + 10 % armor + 20 % dmg when enemies under 33 life ..
= enough dmg to be the dmg king or the second
look @ this
dont nerf ele its fine and makes fun
dont nerf engineer its fine and makes fun
dont nerf celestial amulet because u cant call “a balanced” amulet its unbalanced
i have a good solution
buff other amulets a little
REMOVE the " all stat in one amulet kitten "
Make stats: 1/3 amulet 1/3 ring 1/3 accessorie and than remove all celestial stats or make only 1/3 or 2/3 can be celestial.
Now u can Mix your stats = all is fine and no one need celestial or can equip it = all Happy = friede freude Eierkuchen -_-
You guys are kidding right?
How about no nerfs? The reason the profession is strong with Celestial as said is the amount and speed of boon application and sustain.
In terms of the overall game design this is paper armor though, and in the past the Ele was not so strong especially once more active boonstrips were introduced (such as Thief Sword).
The problem isn’t so much the profession or the amulet, but Conquest capture and hold design. Its why bunkers and decaps are meta, as are any builds that are designed for attrition style gameplay and fast movement, rather than burst style assassination.
If you want to fix PvP, and make it more interesting for a wider variety of builds, then you have to have more point generating mechanics. For example, if there were a center point on each map that could be “capped” via damage being done to it, instantly winning the match, then players would build zerk to zerg rush it and win quickly.
Then counters could be built, such as a CC character that would throw up reflects and absorbs, or pushes and pulls to keep teams off the point while the rest of their team kills the other team. With a risk of loss not due to attrition, players would build characters to kill the opposing team, rather than sit on a point.
So as you see, the real problem isn’t the Ele or Celestial’s strengths (and weaknesses), its the poor design of PvP.
i hope the devs read your post!
i dont like to see the ele nerfed in pve/wvw because of the broken pvp..
True! Very True!
Celestial Amulet must be removed from PvP Arena.
It’s the only way to balance PvP in Gw2.
Anet must remove it hope this is sarcasm if not well you know they could nerf a bit the classes that benefit from it too much and buff some builds and classes that barely benefit anything from it.
what this is called ? hmmmm oh yeah Balancing….
Nerf what exactly? A staff celestial uses exactly the same trait set up of a D/D, still nobody complaints about it, why?
I think it’s got to do with the d/d ele 1vs1 capabilities, basically all complaints are based on 1vs1 scenarios..unless you find me a single :" nerf staff " thread.Staff eles uses elemental attunement, somes take elemental shielding and they can stack might just as good, so what’s the difference? tell me.
After all 90% of nerf threads are based on 1vs1 scenarios
So you think the nerfs need to happen specifically to the d/d weaponset. Okay here goes
- Burning speed-no longer an evade, one of their hardest hitting skills on this weaponset should be interruptable barring them having stability or something of the sort.
- Frozen Burst- No longer a blast finisher
- Cone of Cold-Reduced the amount of healing done with this skill
- Drakes Breath- Reduced the burning duration (again.)
- Elemental shielding- Increase the duration to 10s but move it up to master tier. This may affect staff eles but nowhere near as much as d/d eles.
and increase the health to medium.
dont craft cele in pve/wvw
use mix armor, knight, soldier, zerker mix ..
and +1 robertul
Which character/profession would you rather be?
Cele Ele ! Human
Which zone would you choose to call home?
Gendarran Fields <3 old Nebo Village
Ele is best class in PvE and PvP and most needed in WvW because of the waterfields
i like 1 on 1 with pve gear
the one and only reason to play WvW …
… /duel [player name]
i want duel my guildies, i want duel other ele to become better
but..i want a duel " yes/no/later/never" option, for ppl which dont like duels.
ah.. and Zorry for my english
1. Forced to be played if you want daily.
2. Long.
3. Gives no rewards for winning.Is that supposed to be fun?
3. no fun!
and again ..
nerf might from 35 to 25.
nerf cele amulet
dont nerf the ele ..
And we only have one weapon?? wtf?? 2 of the attunements are useless, so the reasoning of having attunements to replace a weapon is BS. You’re basically stuck in fire for damage and water for healing. And that’s not nearly enough to stay alive.
we have more than 1 weapon
We have Dagger, Szepter, Staff and Fokus
No attunements are useless; example; Dagger air autoattack = highest autoattack
Staff earth 2 ( Eruption ) short time blast finisher…
Staff earth 3 ( Magnetic Aura ) reflect projectiles ..( instant cast )
Staff air 4 ( Windborne Speed ) Speed and cleanes crippled, immobilized, and chilled.
Staff air 2 ( Lightning Surge ) AOE Blind…
Staff air 5 ( free dodge and knockdown )
Staff FIRE 4 ( use it for escaping .. )
Bring might for you and your team…
… Might Stacking with staff example: Start in Earth use skill 2 – > change to fire -> use skill 2 -> use arcane healing -> use arcane wave
or example in dual dagger:
Start in Fire -> use Dagger skill 4, change to water -> use skill 3 -> change to earth use skill 4 and skill 5. ( or fire 4-> water3->arcan healing skill-> arcane wave -> earth 4 and earth 5 )
Use Staff for more Speed:
Eath 2 -> air 5 -> air 4 -> arcane healing, arcane wave..
playing ele or playing ele.. ppl have 5000 hours on ele and LEARN more things..
sorry 4 my english ..
nerf might from 35 to 25 …
öhm…. easy
bring back " gw1 " GvG with 8-10 man;
bring back Guild Halls for more " home feelings"
bring back new " glory " and new " ranks " ( Champ title ?) for very good players, not for all!
bring back golden, silver capes for Top 50 players
make NEW Ladder/ Reset ladder every month
bring back classic " tombs / HA " ( 8 vs 8 + ghostly hero ) or 8 vs 8 vs 8..
bring back who won a battle @ hall of heroes
bring new features to the User interface! let us customize the interface…
bring a bank @ hotm
make better balance ( often / more patches ) make hotfixes..
bring (back) same health for every class… 15000 HP for all!
remove this kitten " amulet" system → bring 2 rings, 1 amulet, 2 accessories for more playable builds.
make better rewards.. ( zaishen keys for pvp players ? )
make good pvp players richer than 24/7 pve player.. like gw1
make more esport..
bring back /resign .. dont wasting time if we lose..
bring back /roll
remove 3 point holding maps.. 90% dont like that..
*remove 4 vs 5.. -_-
*remove the " live " observer in hotjoin.. make 20 -30 sec delay
*remove " changing " team in hotjoin → only auto join
*dont lose your team in solo Arena → make it more like old Random Arena in gw1 ..
remove skyhammer!!!!1111111111111
remove spirit watch ( or change it )
Everyone always say L2P. So what’s the counter to celestial comp (celestial eles, engis) ?
bad situations for my ele:
- vs staff bunker ele
- vs good engis
- vs burst gs guard
- vs massive condition pressure
- vs bad positioning
- vs very good axe/shield warrior
i think they can change skyhammer a little..
1. Fixx the Bugs on this map.. ( have 100 screens under the map or in water.. )
2. The " Hammer " do damage OR knockdown .. but not both.
3. glass is indestructible
4. walls to the edges
It’d be really cool if arena-net would actually listen to posts like this. Poor balance patches are the reason this game is struggling to do as well as it could be.
haha u are right.. poor balance patches are the reason.. but
its not celestial ..its
4 VS 5 .. EVERY kittening game !
on europe servers DC .. all the time … when 5 vs 5 .. dc ..
its lagging.. all the time.. ( on EU servers )
its the kittening buff to KI.. LOL Minions LOL Turrets…
its the kitten condition pressure.. no one likes it.. no player skill …
its skyhammer.. LOL
its the only " amulett " ( no rings, ect. )
its the " give ele more base hp " u dont need cele ..
10 other points later.. celestial..
(edited by bluberblasen.9684)
As long as ascended weapons get the same stat + sigil swap as well.
lol its not celestial lol
its the kitten that we have an amulett for all stats..
give us rings, earrings, amulett … ( the same as in pve ) and u can delete celstial.
in pve i dont use celstial because i can mix the stats…
Put the character’s name on it.
If you see X’s Trebuchet Build Site when everyone’s putting down Flame Rams, you’ll know exactly who’s responsible.
Have a report function specifically for this issue, get X reports in Y amount of time, and you get a cooldown period where you can’t deploy siege. You can still build and operate siege normally. You just can’t deploy it.
I like this idea
i like too
I’m a poor player in this game.. but 120 gold is nothing…
I’m a poor player in this game.. but 120 gold is nothing if you farm endlesslyFixed that for you.
are u kidding ?
i play 0-1h a day, i dont farm!
all i do is every day AC path 1 ( ~ 15 minutes ) = 1.5 gold ( ~ with drops and 26 silver reward ~ 2 Gold )
the other 45 Minutes i do WvW or Spvp
1 day = 2 Gold
100 days = 200 Gold
300 days = 600 Gold
…. You see u can have 120 Gold without playing much, without farming…
ahhh. Sorry for my english
I’m a poor player in this game.. but 120 gold is nothing…
Can u make this Gun Account Bond plz !?
Soulbond its useless for me.. i dont play my first charakter…
Thank You for Reading
wvw reset..
the + life after reset is smaller than in the middle of the week
give us
" select yourself " button
from what i know its ele > guard > warrior but warrior brings the best survivability and is easy to play + good support ( banners ect. )
midnight ice is darker than abyss
Take it..
wow 60 gold vs 1350 gems … :/
Hi ( sorry for my bad english )
I have a WvW armor with traveller runes. ( cant salvage it )
how do i get my runes back ?
ty 4 helping
LA may or may not be rebuilt. That is the point of a living world. how the players voted, affected the world. This is the first game to really try this and it was good and bad.
Major/Minor/Minor :
Power/Precision/Boon Duration
I want a new Elite Skill ( sorry for my bad english )
Aura: you gain an aura based on your attunement
1/4 cast time
6 sec duration
25 sec recharge
reduce the recharges of most skills :/
Try kind of my Build
edited no more build sorry
(edited by bluberblasen.9684)
1. Elementalist
2. Ranger
3. Engineer
same code for me code=19:9:18:1618:101
Water V – Cleansing Wave. Moved to Master tier.
Arcane V – Elemental Attunement. Moved to Master tier.
Arcane VI – Renewing Stamina. Moved to Master tier.
plz not!
This are the assurance for most Ele