Showing Posts For cannons.8109:

Where do I play other bad players?

in PvP

Posted by: cannons.8109


I’m relatively new to sPVP and I know I’m bad because I get wrecked in less than 10 seconds by any decent player. Would love to find a safe place where I can get games with only players who have low elo/ranking, so I can learn at my pace and try out new classes and builds. I’ve tried unranked solo queue and also custom games, but there are so many legendary players (with the dragon finishers) everywhere I go. Are there any methods of getting into games with only similarly-skilled (or unskilled as the case may be) players?

What is ANet's Stance On Deadeye?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: cannons.8109


All I see are warriors everywhere queued for the gauntlet farming deadeye. I tried doing the gauntlet for the first time today and got nasty messages from the mob of warriors telling me to leave their arenas. It was like conga lines where they would go in, kill deadeye in 3 seconds and get back in line over and over. After i died on the pirate crew, all 5 of the warriors stood around me and wouldn’t Rez me. I don’t mind the farming, but the attitudes of these people are annoying.

Winner and Champion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: cannons.8109


people generally camp the balloons in Queensdale, since the balloons are close together and it’s a starter zone. just ask on map chat which champs are queued and you can get to the one you want. the balloon events rotate quite quickly there due to the crowds so you should be done in no time.

Braham the Norn

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: cannons.8109


His armor looks like a variation of the Wolf Armor (medium Norn cultural armor). I’ve always wanted that skin on my heavy armor Guardian. Hope they make that available as well. But yeah, that mace….

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: cannons.8109


Who are you people that can spend the entire day writing endless walls of text on this topic?

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: cannons.8109


It’s working out great for me. I’m noticing significant improvements in performance and this is a definite step in the right direction. Keep up the good work, Anet.

Almost 50 MB patch... no notes ? 12/06/12

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cannons.8109


Trying to understand the banns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cannons.8109


Your accounts may have been hacked – you should change your passwords just in case. I agree, the total lack of communication by Anet on this issue is really unfortunate.

Lost Shores: A Cry for Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cannons.8109


Worry increasing.

Dungeons: Make them soloable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: cannons.8109


I kinda agree with OP – except we should be able to hire henchmen to fill out our group like in GW1 instead of soloing.


in Suggestions

Posted by: cannons.8109


This is the only thing I would spend real life money on in GW2. Would also like it if you could have a sexy spouse.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cannons.8109


If someone posts in the middle of a 10,000 response thread and no one reads it, does it make a sound?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cannons.8109


Can’t wait for these. Hopefully they will be usable in WvW since it will encourage people to explore all aspects of the game.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: cannons.8109


You are either the worst Pvp’er in gw2 or just plain stupid =) Sorry but it’s true.. Elementalists are very good in Pvp. Behind the right hands.. clearly not yours. And to claim that thiefs are OP? Not at all. I constantly own thiefs with my mesmer. Yes i am a light armored character like your elementalist but i know how to play my character.

Learn the game , Learn Pvp, Learn builds , Learn Sigils , LEARN!! Before posting ยค"#% like this…

You are an angry little man.