Showing Posts For cdsmith.1072:
Go to the Hall of Monuments in GW1 and talk to the guy that switches your view between single character and account. Swap it back and forth. I did that and my achievements came back in GW2.
I also could not log in for a bit in GW1 but it seems to be back on line now.
Same thing happened to me. Got the message and now getting an error when i try and check the HoM Rewards Calculator
If WvW ever gets a full remake can we have a giant Balthazar stride across the maps laying waste to everything? I’d love to see him destroying Stonemist Castle.
(edited by cdsmith.1072)
OMG if Lazarus is actually a human god… It would be sooooooooo cool
That’s also a possibility! Kormir did say she would look after humanity and I’ve been wondering where she’s been. Also look at the Revenant class. Blindfolded just like Kormir.
Lazarus is actually SCARLET BRIAR!! You heared it here first!!11!
Sounds legit.
I came here to post the same thing. Scarlet was a puppeteer. The Scarlet that was killed was not really her. Just a puppet that she controlled.
There is already an 11 point variance on one match up between first and third. That’s 8 hours of holding first place just to catch up. With four and a half days left to play it is already an insurmountable lead. The skirmish system and victory points have solved nothing in the long run.
EDIT: It would be more than 12 hours of holding first place while the current first place was held to last place to catch up. That is because even last place still gets one point.
(edited by cdsmith.1072)
Might not be a hack. I have 3 screens set with surround view. I can hit places with an AC that people with one screen can never reach. Field of view option can also do this sometimes.
Turned out to be the Sophos XG Firewall combined with the update data. The firewall saw a particular portion of the update as a security threat. Attached another router and downloaded the update. After that I reattached the XG and everything works fine.
Three systems on my network did the same thing at the exact same point during the data download.
The game is crashing while trying to do the update. I have checked DirectX and the system and there does not seem to be anything wrong on my end. Last line of the error file is:
Invalid HTTP response from server {InetMsg {char 2}: parsing error, line 1119, last char of {%1D%01}}
Seems like an error on the server side.
Thank you. Never even thought to jump on top of the thing. I can at least access the queue now.
Our Guild Assembly Device is not working. We have items that could be placed in queue and it was working before the April 19th update. Since the update it doesn’t even allow us to interact with it.
Yes, I am the guild leader and I have all permissions.
Mini games still heaping piles of beetle dung
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cdsmith.1072
Mini games are still heaping piles of beetle dung.
The extended times on some of the mini games are still not even close to enough. I cannot progress any farther without changes to the mini games. Not enough mastery points to get the last 2 levels of HoT advancement.
extra coarse sandpaper is still requiring 10 piles of sand
I would like to see some compensation awarded to those of us that busted our backside (and our in game wallets) to get level 400 scribe before the redesign.
The Wiki Event Timer does not seem to be working. I have tried it in the latest I.E., Firefox and Chrome.
New Guild Decorations – Needs work.
The items needed to get guild decorations are account bound. BUT the decorations themselves can only be made by a scribe. I know that my guild does not have the resources to have more than one scribe. Please find a way to make the items needed able to be traded.
I wonder if there might be a way to make them only able to be traded to other guild members.
Having them account bound is just not a good idea. It means you MUST have the scribe find all the pieces needed for the Shatterer Crystals to create the decoration. This leaves guild members with pieces that they can’t use and can’t trade.
100% agree with the OP. Jumping Puzzles are horrid and HoT goes beyond horrid to complete cr*p because of the platforming.
I dunno exactly why; I used to love GW2 as one of my most fav. MMos ever. And I played a lot, so I have good basis to compare. But somehow I simply did not feel the magic when I returned. Just a few impressions.
You’re not the only one…
JUN is correct. It isn’t a megaserver problem it is a player population problem.
Most of my guild is not interested in HoT anymore. It is such a hot mess that the majority of our guild think it was a waste of money.
Let’s put it this way. I’ve been playing Guild Wars since GW1 FIRST Weekend Beta Event. I logged on tonight, got my Halloween dailies, talked with a few guildies and logged off. With all of the other Guild Wars new content I’ve been stuck to my computer for days. Now I just don’t give a kitten anymore. Yes, it’s that bad.
I am a long time Guild Wars player. I have been playing since the first beta events for GW1.
My advice would be wait and see if they fix the god awful junk that is Heart of Thorns. Scaling sucks, mastery sucks, the level gating is horrid.
I am sorry to say that the fun is over. They’ve sucked the life out of what used to be a fun game. Whoever thought up the multi-level maps need to be put out of our misery.
2/10 WAY too much grind and the Super Mario jumping cr@p has to go.
And one more time with NOTHING! ran the entire map with friends. They BOTH got rewards. We all had gold level completion and I AM GETTING NOTHING!!!! Fix this stuff PLEASE! I even used a different character.
(edited by cdsmith.1072)
Still getting ZERO rewards. Getting GOLD level completion on every part of the event I have been a part of and NOTHING!
Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cdsmith.1072
HoT should come with 4 slots, not one! If you are paying as much for the expansion as you did for the original game it should come with a hell of a lot more slots than one!
The idiotic match ups killed Crystal Desert. We’ve had weeks of getting our kittens handed to us and everyone stopped playing WvW. I don’t even recognize any of the commanders anymore. They all left.
You certainly blobbed all over the place enough last week to make me doubt the “… and everyone stopped playing WvW” part.
Yeah we had a blob occasionally last week but we see outnumbered buff more often than we blob.
Yep, we could occasionally get some groups together and there are some people playing. I’d say we have far less than half our previous population in WvW anymore.
The idiotic match ups killed Crystal Desert. We’ve had weeks of getting our kittens handed to us and everyone stopped playing WvW. I don’t even recognize any of the commanders anymore. They all left.
My biggest issue is the vertical integration. I loth and despise being able to fall off things while I’m trying to concentrate on a fight.
Vertical… Hopefully it’s not a massive jumping puzzle.
Yeah this update seems to pretty much be a big steaming pile of….. 3D Super Mario all the way to the magic coins.
Rubber banding – No. Movment was unafected
Skill lag – Yes several seconds at least. I counted one out once and it took a 15 count before the skill activated.
Crystal Desert
Not sure if everyone was experiencing skill lag but several people commented that they were in /say chat and /map chat
Yesterday – Several times in the afternoon server time. Always during zerg clashes. So far the only time I get skill lag is when there are more than 30 people combined in a fight.
This all happened in EB
I posted in another thread about skill lag and that thread seems to have been deleted. It really ticks me off that threads are getting deleted about this issue. It needs to be addressed!
On my Guardian I targeted her then hit:
Judge’s Intervention
“Stand Your Ground!”
And there is the biggest reason I will never play edge of the mists. I HATE!!! floating content with a white hot burning passionate HATRED!!
Ha! Look at Empathy. It beats my whole GW2 mesmer skill bar :P
I cannot even count the large number of melee that I utterly destroyed in GW1 4v4 with my N/Me Spiteful Spirit/Empathy build. The best part would be seeing their healer shout out something like, “Stop Attacking you _!”
They were only given out at the Sealed Deck Tournaments and everyone was throwing them away. I kept mine and when people saw I was collecting them they just gave me the cards they had.
Here is are some links to how the sealed decks worked.
I was going though my stuff because of an up coming move and found these cards. Took me a few seconds to realize what they were but they are the Sealed Deck Tourney Cards.
The event took place at GENCON Indianapolis in 2006. It was my first of many trips to GENCON. My team won 5th place! I collected as many of the cards as I could and believe I have a copy of every card that could have been handed out.
Each team of four people were given a stack of cards and your team could swap cards as you chose. Everyone was allowed to bring a rez signet and a pet so there were a lot of ?/Ranger builds.
The final game my team played we had no self healing skills at all in our packs. I went Stealth Monk as an E/Mo and we did very well until the other team caught on and toasted me. We were so close to winning that match that I believe that we would have gone on to the top four if we had had just one self healing skill in our packet. Even so, it was a blast and we all had a great time.
This thread has proven to me at least that the ban on words has become ridiculous. A person has to say N-Word or obfuscate in some other way just because someone might be offended by the real word.
Honestly, it is ridiculous in the extreme that the same PC bullpuckey is infiltrating a game. The Asura calling a human Bookah is 100% appropriate given the structure of the game and the various races. The very fact that someone might be remotely concerned about a word like Bookah used in a game tells me that people concern themselves with words far too much.
A word only has as much power as you give it over you. That is why most people couldn’t care less what ‘names’ they are called. They laugh and say, “Yeah, whatever” and go on with their day.
JAGD – Just Another Gimmicky Dungeon
I quit Rift over gimmicky dungeons like this new one. Problem was ALL of their dungeons were like this. At least I can just not play this one and do other things that are actually fun.
It isn’t just you, the homepage is totally borked.
Hardcore = Planning life around the game.
Casual = Planning the game around life.
Where is the “like” button. This pretty much sums it up.
I think the OP is correct in his assessment of hardcore mode but I would add a few points here.
With my Ex any time I spent gaming at all was considered a waste of time. I would be harangued about any gaming what so ever. That relationship lasted only a few years.
With my current relationship I made kitten sure she understood that gaming time was my equivalent of her watching Dancing with the Stars, her soap operas, The Bachelor and more. I added up all the time she spent with her entertainment and added up all my time game playing for a week. My game playing came out to far less than her entertainment time.
We do have entertainment that we share, Doctor Who, Iron Chef, and a few others and other activities. I make sure I spend that time with her. Any spur of the moment activity is subject to BOTH of our schedules and current activities. She does not expect me to drop everything on a whim and I do not expect that of her.
Fair? I think I am sick of that word. Fair is going and doing the same thing other people had to do in order to get what they got. It is 100% fair that you would have to go play Guild Wars 1 to get the Hall of Monument skins. That is what those of us with them had to do. If you do not want to put in the effort and still get them then that is 100% UNFAIR. There are other options for you for everything that is in the HoM. If you don’t like them then that is your problem and not an issue of fairness. It is only a matter of where your preferences are and again, not an issue of fairness.
The HoM and its implementation is one of the fairest things you can possibly talk about. Here is a little advise for the OP, Life is not fair. It never will be, ever. The sooner you realize that the happier you will end up being.
Yep you could get an extra laurel today if you completed the Daily after the patch but before server daily reset. Same thing happened on the day they brought out the laurels. I missed that one but got this one.
I don’t buy the keys anymore and I throw away the chests whenever I get them. Just not worth the cost.
I went down to the local BB&B and they said I could only get one per day.
Also, they said if I didn’t want to pay for it, I could do the following:
– empty trashcans 0/5 (0%)
– update price tags 0/10 (0%)
– revive employees 0/5 (0%)
– greet customers 0/25 (0%)
– sweep aisles 0/10 (0%)
Thankfully reviving the employees only requires a trip to the nearby Starbucks.
Annoying pretty much sums that JP up. Unfortunately, there are several more that are just as if not more annoying than that one. The problem I am finding in quite a few areas of GW2 is that there are a lot of annoying things going one. Even after completing the jumping puzzle, event, or whatever, one does not feel a sense of accomplishment just relief that the annoyance is over.
You can see that the puzzle was designed by a developer to be annoying. Maybe they thought it was fun to make a person walk back to the same spot they fell off of 10+ times. All because the jump requires them to be in exactly the right place and then double jump to even have a chance at making it. Then on top of that let’s put a ram that will headbutt you from behind and off the platform to your death. That is another JP to a vista in the Charr lands.
What I see when I see things like that is someone that has way too much love for super mario brothers. This was my biggest worry when they announced that GW2 would have jumping. I knew that some idiot on the dev team would think puzzles like that would be a great idea.